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Blackened Country (24FM)

Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 1/36, Mod Summon (Black Bear)

Sarah takes the glowing red stone, and it seems to pulse with a faint dark aura. Looking at the other wolf corpses, they seem to have similar objects located in various places, one per wolf. The bear follows her around as she works to dig the stones from the wolves corpses, its wounds already on the mend since it was a magical being.

(Gain 5x Darkheart and 4 exp.)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

"Eww" Sarah said to herself as she cleans off the last darkheart as best she can and puts it into her bag. " What could be doing this to nature's creatures?" she said softly as she petted her bear.

"I'm exhausted I need to rest.." she said to the bear before laying her head on the bears fur to rest.

(can I keep the summoned bear around while I rest? If I can then I would like to do so please. Oh and 2 to mind and 2 to body is what I'm going to spend the xp on while I rest. Sheet will be updated.)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36

(Nope, the bear disappears if you go to sleep, and you can't have any active spells if you want to regain your energy. Would be funny to have a horde of summoned bears invade the town though.)

Sarah lays down to rest a short distance from the gore filled glade, not wanting to be too close if any scavengers came to feast on the wolves corpses. When she awakens, her summoned bear is gone, but her energy has been fully regained.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarah wakes up slightly alarmed...looking around to make sure her surroundings were safe. She let's out a sigh of relief then gathers her things then heads towards the town as cautious as possible.

(move on towards the town in a stealthy manner )
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Failure.

Sarah proceeds through the woods toward the desecrated human town, her mind preoccupied by thoughts of the corruption that the demons had brought into her world, and how it had warped even the most noble of beasts with its foul touch. It takes a while, perhaps an hour, but eventually she breaks from the cover of the trees to find herself on the edge of the town. Most of the buildings had yet to start truly falling apart yet, and had only windows and doors missing. She wasn't sure exactly which part of the town she had arrived in either.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

She traveled through the forest using her staff as a walking stick, pushing foilage and branches out of her face and way. As she traveled she couldn't keep her mind from wandering back to the demonic wolves and how much they were changed. How aggressive and dangerous they became, twisted by something vile. Sarah semi hoped that it was all a nightmare from her sleep though as she knew that wasn't true. As she breaks from the treeline her lips opened letting out a small unconscious gasp as she got her first glimpse of the town. There was nobody that she could see or hear. It was eerily quiet.

"Poor people..." she said softly as she edged closer to the nearest building. She cautiously hugged the side of the house trying her best to stay out of windows view and using the building itself to shield herself from the views from inner streets. She out an outstretched arm her palm facing upward as she concentrated energies into her palm.

(minor summon a squirrel)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

Casting: Success.

At her magical beckoning, a spiritual presence coagulated in her palm. The spiritual essence quickly formed into a living squirrel, the summoned creature being completely under Sarahs control, just as the bear had been. The town around her remained quiet and empty.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

"Hi you," Sarah says softly with a smile to the squirrel as it materialized in her hand. Sarah petted the squirrel for a short while before setting the squirrel down onto the ground. She looked down at the squirrel as she spoke softy."I need some help from you. Go see if theres anybody in the house. Be careful." she finished her command and stood alert, looking around while waiting for the squirrel.

(send squirrel to scout house cautiously)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

The squirrel chitters excitedly for a moment before bounding into the house, moving quickly and almost silently. It comes back out a minute later, chittering once more, and Sarah clearly understands its message; This house was empty. Disappointing, surely, but there were plenty more houses where that came from, and she wasn't exactly surprised, since this area had probably been searched many times before.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

"Ok come on". Sarah said to the squirrel as she reached down to pick up the squirrel gently. " I might need your help later " Sarah said to the squirrel as she gently placed the squirrel into her pouch. Leaving a slight opening for the squirrel to breath and stick its head out if it wished to. "Hope your comfortable" Sarah says to the squirrel before moving cautiously to the next house. She keeps to the outskirts for now trying to use the buildings themselves as cover.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

The squirrel obediently hops into her pouch and immediately pokes its head out, its gaze darting around randomly as Sarah moves along the edge of the buildings. The next house is equally deserted, at least as far as Sarah can tell from the outside, and the streets are silent and empty as the elf slowly creeps over to the house, and crouches next to a small broken window.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

"This is getting us nowhere" Sarah muttered to the squirrel.

Sarah looks for the door for that dwelling, hoping to examine the insides of the house herself.

(she'll open the door and step in if she can find the door)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

Sarah swiftly finds and enters the house through the back door, and glances around the room. She is in a kitchen, the stone fireplace to her right looking like it hasn't been used for a while. A small wooden door is closed to her left, and set into a wooden wall that ended only a few feet after, suggesting that it was a pantry or some other small room.

Perception: Success.

Sarah suddenly hears the wood creaking above her, suggesting that something was moving around upstairs. A door ahead of her leads deeper into the house.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarah held her breathe briefly as she heard the noise. Quickly tucking her pack so that it would hang behind her, she gripped her staff with both hands and moved up the stairs to investigate, as silently as possible.

(go upstairs silently)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

Perception: Success.
Stealth: Success.

Sarah silently creeps up the stairs, and begins to hear what sound like moans as she gets farther and farther up the steps. When she reaches the landing at the top, she clearly recognizes the passionate moans of pleasure of two women having knowledge of one another. Surprised, Sarah cautiously approaches the source, which lies behind a partially closed doorway, and peaks inside. Two women are lying on top of a bed (69ing), one with long black silky hair that falls around her head, hiding her face as her head lies between the others spread legs, while the other has bright green hair framing a beautiful face, which was even now being straddled by the other woman. Both of them moaned lewdly and often, and Sarahs suspicion at what they were up to was clearly proven.

Before she can turn to leave, however, the green haired woman throws back her head and issues a primal scream, which startles Sarah into remaining in place. The green haired woman seems to weaken, and lie panting for a moment as the dark haired one rises to a sitting position and issues a cry of delight. "I win! Now, you are mine to do with as I wish for three full days, Fey!" She says, turning to look at the other womans face, who pants for another moment, her face flush, before nodding in apparent surrender, and replies; "I will do as I agreed, demon. Three days, to do as you see fit, but only you and you alone."

Stealth: Failure.

The dark haired woman stands up, and holds her hand near her crotch, and before Sarahs astonished eyes, a penis grows from where her womanhood should be! It stands at eight inches long, and is impressively thick. The Fey woman shifts herself so that she just barely hangs off the edge, her legs raised and spread as her hand darts between them to spread her nether lips invitingly. The dark haired woman, apparently a demon, was about to move forward to penetrate the green haired woman when she suddenly turned, and her red eyes looked directly into Sarahs. "Who are you? Why do you intrude upon us, elf? Would you dare intrude upon a pact between immortals?"
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Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

"Heh, sorry didn't mean to intrude." Sarah could only say with an awkward smile.
Quickly making sure her squirrel is behind her. She grips her staff with both hands in front of her. The tip pointing at them both defensively.

"I'll leave you two to your business then" Sarah said slowly backing out of the doorway. Alternately looking at the fey then the demon. Why would the poor fey strike a deal with a demon in the first place. Serra thought to herself.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

The demoness looks confused, but the green haired woman has a pleading look on her face as Sarah is about to leave. Just before she backs fully out of the door, the Fey woman says; "Please, wait! You can be of great aid to me mortal!"

The demoness turns to scowl at her, and says; "You would try to break from out of our deal? You agreed to it honorably, as did I!" To which the other woman shakes her head, and says; "Yes, but I would renegotiate the deal. If this mortal will wait and listen, I'm sure you would like to hear it. What say you, elf? Will you wait?" The Fey woman wears a begging expression, pleading with Sarah to stay and hear her offer.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarah froze at hearing the fey's words. Her mind trying to decide whether to stay and listen or get the hell out of there. Sarah paused for a moment, her staff still pointed at them as she spoke.

She was there to help people afterall. Be it human or fey if there was a chance she could save somebody she should at least listen right?

"What is it that you'd wish to say?" Sarah decided and said in an even tone.
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarahs Status: HP = 39, P = 49, EP = 36, Minor Summon

The fey woman looks hopefully up at Sarah as she says; "We could alter the deal. If you would join me in my oath, it lessen the time I would spend in the demons clutches. As to the conditions of our wager, we cannot leave this house until the wager is finished, and she could not leave us helpless in a place where we would be helpless to more of her kind or their minions. All that would be required would be that you share in the price of my foolish wager." Then, she turns to the demoness, who is looking at Sarah with unhidden interest, and says; "If she would agree to join me in the bargain, would you agree to lower the time to..... a third of a day?"

At that, the demoness looks at her with a mix of hostility and amusement, and replies; "Eight hours? That's hardly worth it. Still..... For two at once, I suppose that is not unreasonable. What do you say, elf? Will you aid another defender of your realm?" She said, a hint of mockery in her voice.

(Your choices are, as I see them, to accept, decline and walk away, or to kill one, the other, or both. Though, if you can think of something else, feel free to try it.)
Re: Blackened Country (24FM)

Sarah's elven eyes slanted into a distrusting stare, yet they held some sort of compassion to the fey's blight.

"What kind of deal?" Sarah asked with seriousness and caution. She didn't trust either of them fully, but was willing to hear out the wager in hopes of saving the fey. Immortals or not, she was not going to fall so easily into trickery Sarah reminded herself.