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RPG RPG Maker Loli [BLACK PANDA] ロリクエ2~純白~ (RJ119910)

Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Im stuck right now, I have gone to the ghost city and read the book but now I have no idea where to go now. I have the translate on and it says to talk to the king but nothing happens.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

I have a small problem here :I

Anyone know what went wrong?

Something goofed up your graphics folder. if you still have the rar archive somewhere, drag the graphics folder in it.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

I'd like to clarify something. There are a lot of 3 digit locks and even 7 digit ones. Do they have fixed values or are they random generated? And if fixed, then can someone tell me passcode for castle treasury?
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

I'd like to clarify something. There are a lot of 3 digit locks and even 7 digit ones. Do they have fixed values or are they random generated? And if fixed, then can someone tell me passcode for castle treasury?

I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned somewhere in this thread few times already. You might do a thread search for it. Treasury code isn't random generated, it's fixed.

But to save you the trouble

5428167 - Treasury Door
Gold Chest ->263
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Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

It seems doing a corrupt virgin run is easier than I thought.
Gamble a bunch and watch your corruption skyrocket ^^v
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Alright, my google-fu is only slightly better than my kanji-fu, but it seems the maker pretty much scrapped the game, and gave it a lower priority than two newer projects. Write off as half-assed, half-finished wasted potential, or hold onto hope that he'll pull a Parallel Fantasy and (sort of) deliver in the end?
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Alright, my google-fu is only slightly better than my kanji-fu, but it seems the maker pretty much scrapped the game, and gave it a lower priority than two newer projects. Write off as half-assed, half-finished wasted potential, or hold onto hope that he'll pull a Parallel Fantasy and (sort of) deliver in the end?

Yea and to think people paid for this game and they get a half finished product.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Thats what I feared. Kind of a catch 22 deal with RPGMaker games these days. Its a genre that attracts new blood and "Indie" authors, so they usually need the cash from the early releases to continue in the first place, but theres the constant risk of shit like this happening. Meh.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Thats what I feared. Kind of a catch 22 deal with RPGMaker games these days. Its a genre that attracts new blood and "Indie" authors, so they usually need the cash from the early releases to continue in the first place, but theres the constant risk of shit like this happening. Meh.

It's even worse with Patreon. There's no initiative to continue to work fast on the project because you get a monthly fee regardless of what you deliver and you don't have to deliver anything in the end, you can just stall as much as possible to continue getting the money.

I'm not saying everyone does this, but lets face it, they all stall the game release because they get the money regardless.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

And thats my problems with it in a single sentence. A completion-Bonus style payment system would probably go a long way to preventing that, but be too clunky to work and ,ultimately, that's unappealing to the artist as well.
Worse still: it would force Sites to cooperate (one donation service, one distributor at least), wich gets rather cumbersome as well. But man would it be awesome if 30-50% or so of the money donated to a Patreon acc (over a certain min amount) would be held back until the game is released officially. Sure, they'd get away with releasing the first game as a half finished mess, but then people know what to expect. Impossible to implement, but a guy can dream, right?
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

It's even worse with Patreon. There's no initiative to continue to work fast on the project because you get a monthly fee regardless of what you deliver and you don't have to deliver anything in the end, you can just stall as much as possible to continue getting the money.

I'm not saying everyone does this, but lets face it, they all stall the game release because they get the money regardless.
Eventually people stop paying if it takes too much time. And the author takes a reputation hit for never delivering.
But yeah, something like a finishing bonus is a good idea.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

According to dlsite there seems to be a new version since today. Just stumbled on it by coincidence.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Man... these authors keep releasing new version.
This makes it feel like that they either were shipping an incomplete product initially, or is doing a DLC like approach with their game.

Curious question:
Do you ever need to pay again for a newer version of a game that you bought?
e.g you bought it at v1.00, it's now v2.XX. Or you bought it say 3 years ago, and recently, it got an update and a large content increase.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Würde aber noch warten wer weis was für fixes noch kommen XD
aus 2.00 wirt später bestimt noch was mit 2.10 oder so...^^
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Man... these authors keep releasing new version.
This makes it feel like that they either were shipping an incomplete product initially, or is doing a DLC like approach with their game.

Curious question:
Do you ever need to pay again for a newer version of a game that you bought?
e.g you bought it at v1.00, it's now v2.XX. Or you bought it say 3 years ago, and recently, it got an update and a large content increase.

No, as long as it's from the same account you bought it from. I've downloaded games from the E-Dlsite that I've bought 3-4 years ago recently.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Hate to beg, but can someone who has purchased the game make a torrent of the new version on the famous tracker maybe?
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Man... these authors keep releasing new version.
This makes it feel like that they either were shipping an incomplete product initially, or is doing a DLC like approach with their game.

Curious question:
Do you ever need to pay again for a newer version of a game that you bought?
e.g you bought it at v1.00, it's now v2.XX. Or you bought it say 3 years ago, and recently, it got an update and a large content increase.

I can confirm what foamy (lufia fan? :D ) said. I bought maidensnow eve, which releases a new version every month and can download it without paying again.

Würde aber noch warten wer weis was für fixes noch kommen XD
aus 2.00 wirt später bestimt noch was mit 2.10 oder so...^^

Actually he is right, before someone bothers to torrent it may be wise to wait for the obligatory bugfix version.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

This is a google-ified version of what they put up on their website.
And change of various state specifications (such as poison automatic release)
-Meal relationship, other effects up of buff
Werewolf defeat at the time, there is no Hell - rush of choice
· As of various maps chip missing bug
Why pink slime query generation after losing to Heaven slime
- In simple camp of Teretto I are suddenly attacked by the guards.
You do not fight with the woman entourage also clear after nude
There is a place you do not go, Yami-jo 1F
· Changed the magic reflection on the state of the final boss. It is no longer a full-time characteristics.
And vegetables I have increased the cabbage and purchase of cucumber.
ANOTHER end bug fixes
Skills Quest "key open LEVEL2" defeat after timer to slime as it is
• The red circle of chairs of foliage at Shirookami fortress, and rest after the equipment recovery, freeze
Main scenario clear after the map name does not appear
-Around oasis Titan one of the intrusion to the town area
· Fixed price setting with no equipment
And key in the watchtower upstairs open query timer bug

[Those under consideration]
Skills forget as

The [Not Found bug, which could not be reproduced]
- In true Racheri tower, I would jump the floor
My god, I'm reading this while listening to "Mass Destruction" from the Persona 3 OST. The rap parts actually synch up nicely...

I'm not going to attempt interpreting this, but it seems like they'er actually going to try pulling a Parallel Fantasy with this...
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Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

This site has alot of new and old games if anyone wants to check it out.
