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Because when I get bored, I get stupid

Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

Well, now I wouldn't say the worst. I don't know any std's that can be cured with a coat hanger.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

now because I come from a culture which stresses the use of contraception no one I know has done that... people aren't actually willing to self abort with a coat hanger are they? i mean abortions aren't that expensive
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

I wouldn't imagine they are, but I've never looked into it myself.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

You'd be surprised the history of abortions. Making it illegal never stopped or even dropped abortion rate, it just increased the number of unsafe abortions.

Yes, many women self-aborted usually with an item like a coat-hangar which usually resulted in uterine scarring and often death of the mother. America has one of the worst educations on sex and contraception and has therefore gone through many stages of abortion laws and limits on clinics. And what's a shame is there are no defining lines so if somehow abortion is remade into an illegality, we'll lose a great number of our contraceptive methods too, pushing us back to women beating their own stomachs with their hands or inserting devices into their own vaginas. Now, I had made my first comment as a joke, but there's really nothing funny about that, so I won't even try.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

any way lets go back to cup sizes and bad jokes, not abortion because abortion is sort of a weird topic.

men don't get to say anything about it because its not their body and women don't get to say anything about it because there women.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

...so how bout those dolphins?
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

getting back on topic, you got a clean girl crushing on you and she seems game for anything.

pics or it didn't happen (i've run out of imagination juice and have to resort to stupidness)
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

Yeah, exactly what is your stance against it? Far be it from me to call you stupid for not wanting to have sex with a well-endowed woman who wants to have it with you. That's practically the pot calling the kettle black.

But I'd like to have a full understanding of what exactly you believe could go wrong from taking her up on the offer. In the end I'll still say don't compromise yourself and look towards some solution that will save face, but perhaps you're giving yourself flaky reasons just to avoid the situation. Not to be offensive of course, the best of us try to justify our actions without realizing it.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

i don't really think he's planning on turning her down, he just doesn't want a relationship.

i wonder, does tassadar rather she be bigger or smaller?
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

There's little you can catch from her while wearing a condom except crabs, and if she's having sex while she has crabs, then she's a bitch.

So, the solution is, use a rubber, and before you put it in, get out the magnifying glass.

Oh, and also, you can get crabs just from sharing a bed, thought you oughta know.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

My Colorado friend has had an abortion. She's been pregnant twice, the first time she got kicked down a flight of stairs by the father, the second time she took a pill. Which do you think is preferable? Sorry to bring that back up.

I'm not worried about crabs. And you can still get Herpes and HPV, among other STDs while using a condom, especially if it's poorly applied. It just lowers the chances. :/

I only do relationships, hook ups aren't my thing. I've had my eyes on someone else for a while and don't want to get tied down. Whether or not I can say no is another matter, my hormones might take over. We'll see what happens. She'll be here in an hour or so.

I've never really cared, but I guess she could afford to be smaller. She has back problems, and she plans on getting them reduced to C's when she has the money. She is legal btw. Thought I should mention that.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

Just keep the idea that you're looking at someone else firmly in mind. It'll be ten times worse if you tell her that after she's manipulated you by your emotions.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

or plan b, put it in her pooper.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

i think his plan should be determined by his morals, not your chibi. if he really wants this other girl then your right, but if he can swing just a bit of play then all the more fun for him.

if he's real lucky he can convince her to teach him how to please this other woman. kills all birds with one stone... ish.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

I only do relationships, hook ups aren't my thing. I've had my eyes on someone else for a while and don't want to get tied down. Whether or not I can say no is another matter, my hormones might take over. We'll see what happens. She'll be here in an hour or so.

I wasn't forcing my morals on him Nunu =/ I was trying to help him within his.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

sorry i took it the wrong way. and you where right in a certain aspect.

i still think the best outcome is her teaching him how to please a woman.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

i'll stick it in your pooper.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

I study anatomy. I know more than I should about how to please a woman, given my experience. I've been told I'm good, at least.
Re: Because when I get bored, I get stupid

But this way you get to sleep with her and make it clear your interested in someone else. Your actual skill is irrelevant.