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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

The girls burst back into the guest house with some force, only to be greeted with a wide-eyed Grifbo and small blue imp playing marbles for what appeared to be... a dildo? The girls had no more laid eyes on the black phallus that it suddenly disappeared, vanished by Grifbo's slight of hand into one of his numerous pockets. The goblin and imp stared guiltily at the girls, who after a few second broke their gaze to look at the nun. The blonde woman was lying on her side, eyes open but unfocused. She did not seem to register the girls coming in, and her sentries apparently had not noticed she had woken. Still, the nun could be quiet dangerous, and merely biding her time for a chance to escape. The girls would need to be careful in how they approached her...

[Arkeia 11/15]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 0/26; 12/13 DEX]
[Karaz 18/25]
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia surveyed the area with a raised eyebrow, covering her chest with her arm. She didn't want to question what the goblin and the imp were up to. It wasn't worth the headache. Instead, she focused on the nun, frowning a little. The mage opted to hang back and let others approach first, though she was prepared to cast spells at a moment's notice. If the nun tried to do something to others that'd be detrimental to their health, she'd retaliate with what magic she could muster.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna frowns, seeing the woman's state, staring and unmoving. Was she awake? Or had her soul moved on during the blast, leaving only a shell of flesh and life behind? It was rare but it did happen at times. Faeyna looked to Arkeia. "You're the most sympathetic to them, you talk to her. I'm a monster, Karaz is aggressive and Alia shares my views on them. So that leaves you."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz came forth, looking at Grifbo. "Did you win that dildo? If yer plannin' on using that on me, you better fuckin' clean it first." she spat. "How's the nun? You left her be, right? Rather, I hope you didn't fuckin' kill her, cuz she's starin' at the fuckin' ceiling."

"If'n you can hear us, we ain't mean you no harm less you mean us harm, nun. In fact, thanks are in order since we saved you." Karaz stated.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Sympathetic?" Arkeia protested sharply, still coughing and tasting vomit from the leftovers of the poison. Despite her incredulous response, however, she looked to the empty eyed nun and walked over next to Karaz. "So, uhhh.... Hi there," she said uncertainty, looking down at the seemingly unresponsive nun. "So.... Errr.... Are you alright then? I know you've had a rough time of it, but you can't just shut down... I mean, ye may 'ave made some mistakes, but yar alright now, ya hear me? Hello?" She snapped her fingers in front of the woman's face, trying to rouse, at least assuming she or Karaz hadn't earned some reaction from her yet.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The nun's face and eyes changed not an iota as she spoke, "What have I done?" he voice came, as though from very far away. She blinked, seemingly registering the girls for the first time. She sat up, staring at her swollen belly, "I'm sorry. I don't remember what I did to you, but it must have been awful. I don't know how you saved me, and thank you for your kindness in making the attempt, but it this may be the cruelest fate of all."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"YOU saved you," Arkeia corrected, "we just helped ye a little. Killed the demon you were tied to, broke a corrupted altar, and generally made it possible for ye to find yer faith again." She quite hesitantly reached out to pat her on the shoulder, trying not to draw attention to the leftovers of her vomit party and the horrid kiss that had induced it.

"So, are you... How long have you, uhhh, been here?" she said after an awkward moment, trying to sound conversational but not making a very good show of it. Sighing, she gathered herself and finally had out with it; "Have you been here long enough to take the second set of oaths?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

The nun nodded her head, barely perceptibly. "I wish I never had. I thought I was doing the right thing, protecting people from monsters." The nun looked up with tears in her eyes. "They aren't monsters. Not when they're just trying to live out here in the wilderness. But I killed them anyway. I was so, so lost... And then Ragana, curse her, she soothed me with kind lies... and then I made all this happen. I don't know why Lady Saale did what she did for me, but I don't know if I can ever serve her again, after dooming all my sisters. After seeing the Night Guard, I don't know if I want to."

The nude nun thrust forward, grabbing Arkeia's hands with heavy, milky tits swaying. "Please, if you're working for the temple, tell them you had to kill me! Let me go in peace, somewhere far, far away. You've no idea what the Night Guard does to women who willingly breed with monsters."
Re: Battle & Breeding

The little blue imp was standing nearby, looking nervous and hopeful. Demons could be tricky, of course, but the imp didn't appear to be staring at the nun in lust, but with honest empathy and adoration.

(Do you want to encourage him?)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Well... I imagine they'd see it that way, but YOU don't have ter think ye did it all willing like," Arkeia responded, squeezing the girl's hands. "It ain't like yer the first young woman seduced by an alternative way 'o life lass, and ye ain't the first girl that some fucker used ter kill a buncha folk that way neither. Lady Saale's a god, and they're a good bit wiser by you or I methinks. If she's willin ter forgive ye yer mistakes enough ter save you from that corruption, then that's good enough for me! Should be good enough for you too!"

She patted the girl on the head soothingly if she could extricate one of her hands, "if'n ye don't wanna go back to the church then I sure as shit ain't about to force yah. Don't think anyone here is really, ain't none of us fans of the sort of work ye lot got up to here, they sent ME to talk to ye after all! But I think yer goddess friend might have some more work she wants you to do, judgin by what we saw earlier. That's all up to you though, only one what can really decide what you're to do with your life is you."

(Someone else decide what to do with the imp.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz, picking her nose while the discussion was going on, would approach the imp from behind, and give him a poke in the direction of the nun with her boot. "Time to make good on the agreement, pixie." she said, making him get it over with.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Uh, miss nun?" the small imp said into the awkward silence that had descended. "Ragana is my mom, and so I know that she's really smart, and also a really cruel and bad person. She knows a lot of nasty tricks to make people do what she wants. That's why she gave you the toy, to trick you."

The imp took a deep breath, gathering his courage before continuing, "She had me watch you for a really long time, and you were always so nice and pretty, it made me really sad when she did all that bad things to you so... I'm running away from her, and you should too, because she'll come after both of us... And I think, uh if you want to, that we should run away together. Cause we're really alike, right? And I'm good at hiding and sneaking and going through the woods and stuff, so we could help each other and uh..." the imp trailed off as the nun stared at him, looking perplexed and turning towards the girls for advice.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz drew a line along her neck and shook her head. She had interests in for number 1 after all.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"I agree with my friend here." Alia approached the rest of the group, at ease now. It seemed the nun was no longer a threat. She was, on the other hand, traumatized pretty badly. "We all make mistakes. Some of them worse than most, perhaps. The important thing is what we're going to do after we realize what was wrong. I can't say I have the same kind of experience as most of the people in this room, being a scholar and all, but I do know one thing. There's no changing the past. What matters is what we do in the present, and maybe how we prepare for the future. But present matters most. Remember your past, learn from it, but don't dwell on it."

"We won't mention you to the church if you don't want us to, or say that you died if you want. Either way, you've got no reason to give up. Your goddess hasn't given up on you, after all." And she made a spectacular show of that faith in her subject, too. Alia could swear she still felt the burns. "Maybe she's got something for you to do. Or maybe she wants you to be free of what happened here. Can't say I have any idea. But at least trying to find out, that seems like a decent thing to do for now, right? You can make this a new beginning. A new dawn, so to speak." The mage sat down on the nearest convenient surface. "By the way... You've mentioned this Ragana. She's a dark elf, I take it?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"I personally think that if your goddess has purpose for you, you should divine that purpose and serve it. Whatever that may be. Mortals are fallible, while we try to recreate the divine, until we do we are just as able to make mistakes. Perhaps she wishes you to see these assassins are going down the wrong path and you are to find a way to reform it. Or not. I do not know your Saale so I leave it to you to find a way to divine your path.," says Faeyna with a shrug.

"But an offer of guidance from your tiny friend may be of help. He is not a bad entity for a Defiled. Perhaps you can help him reach apotheosis, free of his defiled nature as he helps you find what it is you are seeking.," says Faeyna.

She looks to Karaz, raising an eyebrow. "You wouldn't wish his unhappiness would you? There will be others you can get. It's the nature of the harem-tribe for members to have multiple claims. And I'm sure you can find others. Perhaps I could send a letter to one of my kinsmen and you can see if you can measure up enough to dominate a proper lizardfolk. I'm sure you'll both enjoy the attempt."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Yes. You're right. I still need to think about things, but I can't stay here. I'll make a decision soon" the nun said at last.

"Dark elf? Ragana appeared to me as a sun faerie. I thought she was a messenger from Saale, at first. By the time I knew otherwise, and I think I did know, I was so far gone that I didn't want to think about it anymore."

The imp pipes up, "Yeah, my mom is a real elf. She likes to disguise herself to trick people though, since most people don't like real elves."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Ya keep sayin' real elf. Is she or isn't she of the dark variety?" Karaz inquired.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Mom always said they were the real elves, since they used to live the the big castles in the mountains before they got banished by the common forest elves. They have black skin though, so I guess?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Sounds like elves to me. Irksome but usually respectful of the natural. Slightly. Their ridiculous lifespans make them lazy though. Flighty.," grumbles Faeyna.

She shakes her head, "Well. We should proceed to clear the area. But before we continue, there is an acolyte still trapped outside who must be very hungry and scared now. Do you know the password, ma'am? She's sealed in."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Trust me, the black ones are different." Alia sighed, shaking her head. "Not much respect for nature. Or other beings at all, really." The mage grimaced. "You can probably tell from what happened here. Dark Elves are a cruel, spiteful lot who aren't above consorting with demons or doing whatever it takes to get what they want. Expecting one to not be treacherous is foolish, barring some very rare exceptions I believe."