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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna get's up with a grunt. while she had no special preference for beds, being pallets of straw was basically normal to her. Lizardfolk weren't exactly technologically advanced. But they were good at improvising with what they had.

Once up, she winced, still feeling the burning of the god/desses soulfire. One could not simply call upon her lightly. There was a cost. Still, if it helped Karaz be able to stand once more...

Regardless, she moved over to inspect the woman and her womb, listening at her tummy. Maybe she'd be able to tell what the young's hereditary was to be, and perhaps ensure it'd be born undefined. Not likely to be pure blooded, but who'd want that anyways?
Re: Battle & Breeding

(That's one short with Heroism, Tass, sorry!)

Faeyna was listening to the stirrings in the nun's belly when Arkeia returned looking frustrated. Apparently they would need to find the key to the matriarch's chambers somewhere else in the convent.

As was normal for a the product of a spirit and a mortal, the child growing the nun was almost certainly a hybrid. Certainly, the child would have to grow up with voices of temptation ever in his or her mind, but that was no guarantee that the baby would be as corrupt as his father. Faeyna had heard of her people's cousins, the serpentfolk of the southern deserts, intentionally breeding with corrupted spirits to produce more powerful offspring. Of course, these black elf brood knights seemed to do the same...

(Mamono, do you want to leave Grifbo behind to watch the nun? He's competent enough to make sure that nothing wanders in and takes her while you guys are exploring the convent.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Mmm. Temptation will follow this child but it's not an inherent doom. Given a good upbringing in a tribe and supported, it's shards of perfection can flourish while the defiled nature is filtered out through further breeding. Hopefully this one will not treat her offspring poorly for it's origin...," sighs Faeyna, giving her tummy a kiss and blessing, before standing up.

She took some food out to snack on while she awaited Arkeia's return.
Re: Battle & Breeding

After getting some good rest, Karaz jumped off of the bed, almost knocking over Grifbo in the process. "Grobbi, mind watchin' after balloon belly over here?" she inquired. "Make sure to hide her and yerself if something comes along. And don't ye dare use her to empty yer crotch sack!" she indicated towards his balls. "I'll be takin' care of that, yer patience willing. Aye, grobbi?" she made sure she had his willingness and complete understanding.

Approaching Faeyna, Karaz put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "If'n the child's unwanted, I could certainly look into it. If the spawn grows quickly, then it shall find our company well and good, am I wrong?" she asked, stroking Faeyna's lower area a bit with affection while giving the lizard a friendly hug. "Everything will turn out fine, drak, just you watch!" she assured her, while indirectly letting it be known that Karaz was prepared to deal with whatever 'temptations' the spawn had, provided it would join ranks with Grifbo.

Karaz adjusted her leg a bit, it felt quite healed. "Alright, since we're grounded here until we can wake the fuckin' nun up, and free the other fuckin' nun, shall we explore the area?" she asked, coming up to the door the pirate girl was trying to open, before wordlessly trying to smash it in.

(Not sure if Karaz's bonus to smash all doors in automatically from before still applies. I'll roll for STR anyway if it doesn't. )
Re: Battle & Breeding

If the accommodations of the guest quarters were minimal, they were a golden palace compared to the nuns' cells. 'Cells' were probably the right word too; if not for how obsessively clean the entire building seemed to be, none of it would be out of place in a prison. The nuns' cells were barren, austere, and almost undamaged. It seemed that the battle never reached the tiny stone barracks that the nuns had until recently called home.

Only the senior nuns had private chambers, most of which lay open, and were nearly as empty as the cells themselves. Only the addition of a deck, bookcase, and perhaps a small personal shrine indicated the occupants' higher status. Only the imposing oak-and-iron door of the Mother Superior remained resolutely closed, even in the face of Arkeia's lockpicks.

Searching for anything of value here was probably a waste of time; the nuns were allowed little, and owned even less. Perhaps a diligent search could find an illuminated text or two that the temple would pay for though.

The door to the next set of cells and the library tower was wedged, probably with a makeshift barricade made by some sisters. Perhaps it could be bashed out of the way, but if not, it would take a trek through the vine-infested garden...

Faeyna sniffed the air. Something wasn't quiet right. Even after weeks of sitting empty in the humid air, the air still hung with the faint scent of lonely, needy pussy. Out here at the edge of their 'civilized' world, the nuns had lived without comfort or pleasure; it could be no wonder that the poor pregnant girl was seduced by whomever Ragana was. But that wasn't what caught her attention. Among the swirling female scent was the sharp, musty scent of fresh cum. Something male had pleasured itself in here, and within the past half hour, something Arkeia had missed...

(Don't worry, Tass, it's not a dangerous creature!)

Room Actions:
---Search the junior sisters' cells (autosuccess)
---Search the senior sisters' rooms (MND+Knowledge DC 12 to find valuables)
---Find that scent! (MND+Survival DC 12)
---Bash down the barricade! (STR+Athletics DC 15)
---A hidden switch?! (MND+Subterfuge DC 15)

Party Actions:
---Go on to the northern cells (if the barricade is destroyed)
---Go out to the garden
---Go back to the chapel, guest house, or hermitage
---Search Thoroughly
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia surveyed the cells with a bemused expression. This was why she didn't want to get into religion: such minimalism and deliberate poverty didn't sit well with the mage, who really liked her creature comforts and freedom. Still, perhaps there was something of worth to be found here? Leaving the junior cells for others to go through, she put her mind to searching through the accommodations of higher ranked sisters, her intellect and considerable knowledge allowing her to quickly discern what was valuable and what wasn't.

to search senior sister's rooms, passed.
Re: Battle & Breeding

to find a hidden switch!

Arkeia joined the rest in advancing deeper into the monastery, shooting the door she had failed to unlock a dark scowl briefly before taking a longer look around. The cells in which the nuns had lived earned little interest; she had explored some in similar convents with her crew in the past, and rarely had anything of interest been found. There was the off chance that some of them had something hidden somewhere, or maybe a discarded key would let them into one of the doors they had failed to open, but she doubted it. Instead, she took a look along the walls, smoothing her hand across the stone and carefully examining all of the extruding bits. She might not have the lizardgirl's nose, the dwarf's might, or the mage's magic, but she had her skills and her knowledge when it came to hiding - or finding hidden things in this case.

"Hrm.... And what does this button do?" she asked, having found a stone that sank inwards and pressing it without a second thought.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna blushed at Karaz's handsyness, though chuckles a bit wryly. "You'd make a fine lizardfolk, Karaz. Perhaps you should have a few hatchlings with one of the betas sometime, add your shard to the unity. Not me though.," she smiles, before following along after her.

Seeing the living quarters, Faeyna frowned a bit. While the lizardfolk's homes were spartan and utilitarian, like many aspects of their life and culture, they never felt so cold and devoid of love and care. Her people did most things as a group, communally. This felt like a cage. How awful. No wonder it was such fertile ground for the defilement.

Something was off though. She could smell... Male. Recent. Another goblin or orc perhaps? She hissed and dropped low to the ground, sniffing, starting to try and track the scent.

( Pass)

She followed the scent towards the source, tail swishing as she went.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz stepped up to the cells hidden behind some makeshift barricade. "Alright, ungi, stand back! Time for Dawi to do what she does best!" Karaz announced before delivering a firm chop with her axe.

(Smash= vs. DC15 = Success! Barricade is smashed.)

Karaz smashed through the barricade, grinning in the wake of her destruction.
Re: Battle & Breeding

As Arkeia pressed the stone into the wall, the rough sliding noise of stone on stone echoed through the room. A large chuck of what appeared to be solid cobbled floor lifted itself from the ground, and moved aside to reveal a thing stairway leading down into some dark cellar.

The door and cheap furniture shattered under Karaz' mighty blow, sending fragments into the cells beyond. The smell of rot immediately hit the dwarf's nostrils, and she soon saw why. Four sisters, still in their habits, lay dead at the back of the room. They didn't look like they died fighting. Starvation maybe? Perhaps Faeyna could tell her more when they investigated the north cells in earnest.

No illuminated texts, or ones inlaid with gold leaf, that would make things far too easy, thought Alia as she searched the bookcases. She was about to give up from frustration when she finally stumbled on something worthwhile: a dense tome of thaumaturgical ritual; not something she could use, of course, but any priest would pay highly for such a thing.

[250 gp worth of treasure found!]

Faeyna crept around the corner; she knew where the creature was hiding now. She spun, and was greeted with nothing. Strange; there should have been nowhere to hide in this room. Suspicious, she approached the only possible hiding spot: the small dresser that held what few clothes and personal effects were allowed to the nuns. A tiny, terrified blue face greeted her with shrill shriek. The little imp shook, terrified, clutching the pair of extremely conservative panties it had clearly been sniffing close to his chest. Faeyna could still smell the cum the creature had fired off not long ago on his small clawed hands, and a brief glance at the corner of the cell told her exactly where he did it.

[The imp is about a foot and a half tall, and is of no threat to anybody. Do what you want to it. Once you are done with the imp, vote:]

Party Actions:
---Move on to the northern cells
---Go down into the secret cellar
---Go out to the garden
---Go back to the chapel, guest house, or hermitage
---Search Thoroughly
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Well now! This is fun!" Arkeia said smugly, though she turned to what Karaz had discovered and scowled. "Sad," she muttered, and would glance over at the stairs leading into the cellar briefly before going to examine the room with the bodies. "Such a waste... We'd have never caused anything like this," she muttered to herself, eyeing the starved bodies out of the corner of her vision while she looked carefully over the rest of the room.

"Well, I found a hidden way into a cellar of some sort. I don't think there'll be anything of interest in there," she said to the dwarf, "once the other two are finished looking around, I say we go down there."

(I vote into the secret area. Arkeia will only take a glance around in the North cells, not going in very far, but if everyone wants to go explore that first she'd be willing to do that.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna gave a yelp of shock too when she came upon the imp. She blinked at seeing it then shrugged. "Oh. Hi. Can you tell me what happened here? I'd appreciate it."

Once the other developments were brought to her attention, barring anything the imp said to change her mind... "The food isn't going anywhere. I am very curious about what's down there, so may as well check it out."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"You.. aren't going to eat me?" the imp said suspiciously. "Or beat me? Or threaten me? Or kick me? Or yell at me? Or dangle me out a window? Or pour a bottle of vinegar on me? Or..."the imp continued at a breakneck pace, looking ready to flee at the slightest indication of violence.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz covered her nose, wincing. "Well... Bugger that. Wish I had kept it sealed." she said, backing away. "What'd ya find, drak?" she called out, approaching to find the imp. Her eyes lit up. "Greetings, little creature! Do ya want to die, or join the winning team?" she asked straight out. "Cuz I got a goblin back 'ere who's enjoying the benefits of being my minion! Care to join him?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Karaz, there isn't a need for threats.," growls Faeyna a bit. There was a place for aggression but that was far excessive to the situation. Hopefully she didn't just make it bolt and escape.

She looked back to the imp. "No, we won't hurt you if you don't do anything harmful to us in turn. I just want to know what you know of this place and what happened."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz chuckled. "If'n the little pixie wants to be helpful, then he can get his sad little dick wet! You'll find I don't make threats, drak. Just ultimatums!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"My mom made me watch this place for weeks out in the cold! And then when she said it was time to capture all the pretty nun girls, she made me help. I tried, but then a nun bonked me with a mace, so I pretended I was dead! When I opened my eyes, the orcs were arguing with my mom and her sisters about how many nuns they got each, and then they took them all away."

"When I went back to look for the tunnel my mom sent me through, they had collapsed it behind them! So I decided to stay here instead. I miss the nuns though. I used to like to watch them when they would bathe out in the creek, especially that really cute one who would sneak out at night use the toy my mom gave her. My big brother Amphros the djinn got her though... You should stay away from him, he's really dangerous!"

"And I'm not a pixie!!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz laughed with great amusement. "He's dead, pixie. I offered the chance for him to surrender, and he refused. I struck him down in one blow. Feel like joining me yet?" she blatantly lied.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" began the imp before he suddenly stopped as a thought occurred to him, "Does that mean I can have the cute nun now?" he asked hopefully.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz's grin vanished. "What the fuck does that mean?" she asked. "AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" she growled.