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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

As the Barnacle would come to a final rest, the poison cloud would lift as well. Flame an Oracle realizing what was going on did not really stop what they were doing immediately, instead Flame would get a few more good gropes in before helping Oracle with her armor. As the only one left with her armor intact, it was quite awkward. Oracle would take a few moments to feel up Foxy . (she should be at 15hp now? and Oracle at 10hp.)

After Foxy would have her body worked over a little bit by Oracle, she would give out a few orders for the girls to take upon themselves in the room they were in. would have little problem climbing the walls to harvest the larder of the barnacled creature they had just defeated. and make short work of the Barnacle, having gutted plenty of creatures in the past she was particularly adept at harvesting the remains. would seem to be able to concentrate finally. Without anyone to distract her or her mate to feel her up she was able to start sorting out what the magical aura was.

Foxy wanting no part of moving down into the watery area behind the door. Instead choosing to relock the door while they simply sat down to rest a bit. Using one of their torches to roast up the meat from the barnacle they would at least be able to eat well while they rested themselves for the room ahead.

(Party action is rest.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Just as Flame finished butchering the remains of the barnacle, Oracle detected magic from inside the refuse the rogue had cast aside. She reached into the disgusting pile, and pulled from it a beautiful mother-of-pearl stone, the size of a human eye. She could feel the magic from it would help her with her spellcasting, and set off to wash it off and store it properly.

Foxy cut loose the stored food, and the half eaten remains of various sea creatures fell to the floor below, but with them came a surprise. A young, tall, powerfully build blonde woman fell from her prison, weak and injured but alive. She was utterly naked, and did little but blink slowly in surprise while her senses returned to her. She looked like one of the warrior women from the barbarian kingdoms to the north, and the slight looseness and pudginess of her belly told the amazons' that she had bore the barnacle's spawn fairly recently. Likely, she was a treasure hunter like themselves. The question remained however, what to do with her? Could she be trusted, and would she relish eating her former captor?

[Interaction time! When you're ready to move on, let me know where you want to go.]

Party Actions:
---Unlock the cell and investigate
---Descend down the ramp into the lower areas
---Go back to the temple entrance

(Foxy 23/23 HP)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle and Flame would work over the barnacle, with Flame basically handing over the useful parts to Oracle. Oracle would be drawn to something within the pile of guts that Flame had cast aside. There was a pearl about the size of a human eye that Flame either overlooked or was so pissed at the barnacle for what it did to her she just was concentrating on carving it up like a christmas turkey. The pearl was enchanted in some way and Oracle would realize that it could help her cast spells were she to use it as a focus of sorts.

Foxy on the other hand would find a surprise of an entirely different nature. As she would start to cut away at the larder, various sea creatures would would fall to the ground below. Half eaten and clearly dead, they were not entirely of much use or value. What came next however was a different story entirely.

A woman with blonde braided hair was found trapped in the larder as well. From the looks of her she could easily be a barbarian of some kind. She was able to blink and moan a little, so it was evident she was still alive. Looking her over she couldnt be more than 20 years old and her belly looked as if she was pregnant quite recently. Foxy would shudder to think that well could have been her as well trapped up in the larder producing some manner of foul offspring.

Oracle would come over immediately and try to bring her back to a conscious state. As the woman were to come to, she would shock herself back to life, as if she were in a coma and had her faculties restored to her by Oracle's healing. Thrashing herself about as she was still in Foxy's embrace it would take a few seconds for her to stand up and realize that there were two women that were just as naked as she were, a still clothed cleric and a squidcat around her. Upon realizing the squidcat were there, the unknown woman would backpedal with a look of visible fear in her eyes.

Oracle would diffuse the situation somewhat by commanding the squidcat to sit and then try to speak to the unknown girl.

My name is Lili, that is Anna, and Lena." As she would first point to herself and then Foxy and Flame in order.

"We freed you from the barnacle that I can only assume trapped you up there. None of us would want to harm you, what is your name?"

The unknown woman seemed to be put at ease by Oracle, as she was fairly good with communication she seemed to soothe this unknown woman with her voice. The unknown woman would reply,

(If her color used for her talking is bad, I can change it just let me know.)

"My name is Kalna, I am.. or I was a Valkyrie(Paladin). I was defeated by the barnacle. It emitted a poisonous gas that made our whole party go insane and I guess since I was the only female it kept me as a breeder, but killed the rest of my party. They were likely in the room previous to this one as they mostly tried to run away. I can only assume they failed to escape since I do not know who any of you are. I would help you if I could since there is very likely nothing for me to go back to, but I need time to recover and mourn the loss of my family and my hunting party." The memories rushing back into her head did not help things much, but she was still thankful that she was free. Foxy would hand her the shortspear they had found as a gift. Foxy surmised that it might have been her's in the first place, but at least she had some method to defend herself.

Escorting the newly freed Valkyrie back into the room where she could properly rest, Kalna would stop as she saw the scene that was before her. Instantly recognizing a few things about the room, she now knew the fate of the remainder of her party.

"Once I recover, I pledge myself to your service. I have nothing left to go back home to, so if you would have me I will lend you my strength." Was all that Kalna would say.. for now.

With Kalna stabilized, she would not be asked to travel with the trio through the rest of this dungeon. It was far more important that she have the time to properly grieve her loss and recover her will to fight. That being said, The whole group had just gone through a pretty massive battle and they were wanting for food. The torches would provide an ample enough flame, and the defeated barnacle creature would provide the meat. Kalna would be informed by Oracle of what they were eating and it was with a pretty sadistic smirk on her face that she accepted the meat to satiate her hunger from being trapped in the larder for so long.

Once they broke camp as it were, Kalna would stay behind with the shortspear to protect herself from any manner of stray mosnter that may threaten her. Foxy and the rest of the group would move to investigate the cell next.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

It was once a prison, now is was a morgue. Half a dozen ancient skeletons lined the walls, all men by the looks of things. The monsters had better uses for women. Most of them appeared to be captive sailors, but one was dressed in the finery of a merchant lord. Probably held for a ransom that never came, when the temple sunk into the earth. Next to one of the skeletons, something had been scrawled in blood. A foreign language, by the look of things.

The room was heavy with the oppressive blanket of death. Not a scent or a sound, but a weight on the soul that made the girls shiver for reasons that had nothing to do with temperature.

(This is a haunted room; like last time poking the wrong thing might spawn an encounter. Fleeing avoids it altogether.)

Room Actions:
---Get out of there!
---Search the well-dressed skeleton (autosuccess)
---Search the other skeletons (autosuccess)
---Use your Channelers' Bones to Speak with Dead (one use; autosuccess)
---MND+Knowledge DC 13 to read the blood scrawlings.
---MND+Communication DC 15 to open your psychic senses.

Party Actions:
---Descend down the ramp into the lower areas
---Go back to the temple entrance
---Search thoroughly
---Can't rest here. Too creepy. Also full health.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Lol, fleeing? What kind of treasure hunter's are they? Sensible ones, I think not!)

As the trio would enter into the room, they would see the remains of what had to be a prison. Putting all the scenario's inside Flame's head about how she would play bad cop with Oracle aside, they would look about the room and find that there were three things that stood out.

The first was that there was a clothed skeleton among them, a merchant from the looks of things. Second there were 6 skeletons and that meant if they triggered them Oracle was gonna get to do some work on them. The last was the blood scrawled about the room. It was not faded away yet so it may have happened recently.

(hmm what hornet's nest to poke at this time.. choices choices also none of them are any good at MND best I have is +0)

Flame would take the initiative on this room, and she would use the Channeler's Bones to see if Foxy or Oracle (or herself if need be) were able to communicate with whatever spirits of the dead had remained.

Oracle would attempt to open her and having the newly found pearl with her allowed her to focus very well in doing so. Foxy would not act just yet as there was certainly an air about the room that she was not quite sure of.

The squidcat for whatever reason did not seem entirely wanting to enter into this room and would tentatively stay near the doorway. The cat having heightened senses could more clearly interpret what this room meant and would want nothing to do with going inside of it. Though it would still react if something had threatened Oracle even while inside the room.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(lol I forgot to tell you what the pearl did. It's a Magic Stone spell essence, which reduces the HP cost of said spell by 1 permanently)

[Also what three questions do you want to ask the dead in this room. They can't really converse with you, just answer questions.]

Oracle screams as the psychic vision rips through her mind. Sobbing men being dragged by fish and frogmen from this very prison, and taken to the altar of the great temple where, under a beam of moonlight, their blood called hideous shark-wolf-demons to tear them apart in a grisly ceremony. These men weren't jsut prisoners, they were future sacrifices, and they knew it at their deaths!
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(i always ask the wrong questions for these)

Oracle has a vision, and one that was none too pleasing by the sounds of her screaming. Oracle almost felt the pain of the men as they were dragged off to be sacrificed. A ritual that summoned vile demons. It would seem the skeletons in this room were the lucky ones.

After telling the others what she saw, Oracle would defer to Foxy as to what questions to ask the spirits Flame was about to summon forth. As the spirits would be summoned, Foxy knew her time was short. She needed to think fast and ask the right questions.

The spirits would materialize and Foxy would blurt out the first question.

"What is in the area below?"

The answer would hopefully lead to the next question she would ask.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

A whisper from the thrown bones, and the hint of a ghostly face:

"The caverns where the pirates hide their treasure, and keep their demons."
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

"Demons of what kind?"

Foxy had to be careful here as she almost asked two questions by accident. However she already knew what her last question was going to be.

"Are there any traps we need to be aware of down there?"

Foxy tried to ask the questions that would allow her the best tactical advantage going into what was likely going to be a rough battle. As the spirits answered her final question she would thank them.

Once the seance of sorts was finished, it was time to do a thorough search of this room. Full well expecting that they wete likely to do something that would animate the skeletons in the room. They were treasure hunters aftter all.

(Remind me not to forget to actually take the harem outfit from the chest it was found in if they survive to make their way out of the temple.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

"The sea demons of their dark god. Sharks that walk as wolves! They come in the night to seek their offerings of blood."

A chill ran through the girls. It wouldn't be long till nightfall... (next time you rest/search it will become night, actually!)

The spirits remained silent for the final question. They must not know. At least the there was still enough magic to ask one more question.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy would ask her final question, and the spirits seemed not to respond. Looking to recover quickly enough to blurt something out before the spirits faded away, Foxy came up with this:

"Who or what is their god?"

Still hoping to get what she could out of this, little came to mind as the proper question to be asking. She felt truly as if she were not asking the right questions at all, but it was better than knowing nothing.

Still, the answer would be what it was and the girls would start to search about the room rather thoroughly once it was answered.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

"The devil god of the sea, the dread pirate Arhoth the rapacious, scourge of the coast!" cried out the ghosts as the power of the bones faded away. But the haunting screaming didn't stop as night fell, and an eerie, howling wail issued through the caverns. The spirits were right; the demons were on the prowl.

The scawlings were in a language older than Oracle really knew or understood, and couldn't possibly be a product of the sailor who had wrote them. Nevertheless, she understood that they were a message of hope, of escape from this prison, in exchange for servitude to the beast in the depths, and at the bottom, the spell word that would open the way to the escapee's new master. Oracle's mind turned towards the shade wall in the marrow's larder...

In one of the skeletons, Flame found an old gold tooth, and on the wealth man's long withered corpse, Foxy found a wedding ring, hidden away in a pocket. No sooner has she pocketed the ring, however, that a swirling ghostly force began to fill the skeleton, forming the outline of a fat, narrow eyed man. "Ah, my love, I've returned to you at last!" he cried as he shattered the chains on the wall, gripping Foxy with deathly strength as he began to kiss her, forcing his all-to-solid tongue into her mouth. "Tonight, my love, you will give me a son." he said as he began to toy with the struggling girl's breast.

A ghost! It was difficult beyond belief to destroy them, and turning this creature was probably beyond poor Oracle's skill. Perhaps it could be reasoned with, or tricked, or perhaps Foxy could just go along with it...

[You found 250 gp worth of treasure, bringing your total to 1100/1500 gp]

(Foxy 23/23 HP)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Fatty Ghost; HP 21/21; AC 22; Toughness 20; Cleverness 14; Will 16
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(ouch AC 22.. Well then..)

Oracle seemed have a time of attempting to decipher the blood writings. Though she believed that she now could pass the shade wall previously blocking them. Flame seemed to come across a gold tooth that was likely little more than worth its weight in gold (har har..)

Foxy however would again find a ring. Hidden in the pocket of a corpse, simply touching it would summon forth the spirit of the man who previously inhabited the skeleton. Foxy would be grabbed immediately and the apparition's intent was clear. It was time to have a kid, as the ghost was intent on mating with Foxy right here, right now.

There was one minor problem with this. No man would be allowed to do this to an Amazon. No apparition would be permitted either. No sooner did the spirit reach for Foxy did the group ready their weapons for battle.

(Would not Oracle be able to cast Cure Lesser Wpunds on this thing to damage it?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Yup, you can heal undead to damage them. It'll just take a while while you wear him down. Maybe you can trick him into going away through RP though, or use a magical item you found (check the list I gave you earlier)

The ghost was immensely strong, and shockingly heavy for a spirit and skeleton. He wrestled Foxy to the ground almost immediately, stripping away what little clothing she had managed to salvage from the destruction wrought by the barnacle, pinning her to the ground under his bulk and kissing her neck, cheeks, and face wetly and repeatedly.

: 1d20+7 19

: 1d6+5 11

(Foxy 12/23 HP; Grappled: -2 to attacks and AC; DEX+Physical DC 16 to escape)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Fatty Ghost; HP 21/21; AC 22; Toughness 20; Cleverness 14; Will 16
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(I have a few ideas, but not quite yet.. A few rounds of futily fight battling might change that..)

Foxy would struggle to get the thing off of her, though it was strangely powerful for a simple apparition. There was clearly some manner of pull the spirit had toward the ring that she found. Having been tackled to the ground, Foxy would do all she could to get the thing off of her, or at least get herself free from its grasp.

this rather unwelcomed advance upon her. Drawing her sword flailing about with her sword in an attempt to repel the ghostyly attacker, she would not be able to hit anything. Flame would get in next and . Finding the sweet spot of the apparition almost by sheer luck. Oracle would cast her Cure Light Wounds spell and destroy the apparition. The squidcat would clean up the mess by batting around a few of the bones as they crumbled to the ground confirming the destruction of the apparition that assaulted Foxy.

(My god I feel sorry that I got the 20 and pretty much fucked up the whole encounter..)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The girls expertly disrupted the ghost, which vanished in a burst of cold blue flame! The howling of the sea demons continued haunting the caverns as the girls set out to their next location.

Party Actions:
---Descend down the ramp into the lower areas.
---Go back to the temple entrance.
---Go back to the shade wall and open it with the password.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Now that things were seemingly settled in the prisoners holding area. Oracle would for 6. Soon after, she would reveal that she believed that she knew the passcode to pass through the shade wall. Being they would enter that area first, they figured it would be the more logical destination. Arriving back in the area where Oracle had mated with the squidcat, she would attempt to dispel the shade wall by using the passcode that was scrawled in blood.

(I guess I could fire off another heal since its free now to bring her back to full hp?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Healing still isn't free unless I'm missing something. The spell essence you found was for the Magic Stone spell.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Ah right, then Oracle should be at 10/12 and Foxy 18/23 going into the shade wall)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The shade wall wavered and faded away as Oracle spoke the eldritch word that opened the way. A long, wet cavern mouth loomed before the girls, disgusting algae and some thick, colorless slime lined the walls as the girls descended. Eventually, they came to a massive, humid chamber, dominated by a underground lake from which stalagmites jutted like teeth. A soft grumbling came from the darkness across the expanse, but it was too far for the girls to see what was there. Gold and gems glinted beneath he still waters of the lake, and among them, a large shadow moved.

I was not expecting new slaves, came a thought that was not theirs; an alien voice echoing in their heads.

It has been nearly one hundred years since I have had a human woman. My slaves simply aren't to the same standard. I think it is time that I personally fathered an heir. Will you submit, or must I destroy your minds first? came the hissing, resonant thoughts once more as a huge, disgusting creature emerged from the water. Some disgusting cross between frog, fish, and octopus, and glistening with slime, the creature spread it's tentacles in a gesture of mocking welcome. Six glowing yellow eyes feasted on the Foxy and Flame's nearly nude bodies as the creature awaited the girls' inevitable decision to fight him.

(Foxy 18/23 HP)
(Flame 20/20 HP)
(Oracle 10/12 HP)

---Aboleth 68/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22

[Fighting in the water is going to be very difficult, and the Aboleth will have all the advantages. The girls suffer -4 to hit and -4 AC while swimming. You'll have to find a way to draw the creature out to have a fighting chance (unless you just crit repeatedly I guess ;))]

[The Aboleth is on the surface of the lake; it will take one action to reach him unless you draw him out. Something is grumbling in the darkness across the lake; it will take 2 actions to reach them.]

(Fighting the bonus boss before the main boss!)