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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Ah, ok. Was gonna rest up a bit and then search the room, so here goes.)

Having taken the time to properly rest themselves, and gain a "follower" in the process. The trio would go about trying to properly search the room now that there was hopefully no more surprises left for them.

Foxy would search the bone piles on either side of the room. Flame would try to see if there were any hidden things about the room, her nose for treasure was tingling still. Oracle would again try to sense if there was a magic aura about the room. Now that Oracle was somewhat sated for the time being, she might well be able to concentrate properly. There was certainly a feeling among the group that there was something important to be had in this room, otherwise why would that lizard have gone through such trouble to block it off like this?

(oh, does the "follower" as it were have any abilities aside from the "lust purr"?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(oh, does the "follower" as it were have any abilities aside from the "lust purr"?)

(He grapples on his normal attacks, and has the small AoE lust purr. I'll try to get around to posting the next room before work, but might not get it done.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(No worries, if you can thats great. If not, I get to wait.

The basic plan is to search this room, then if nothing ends up getting opened up passage wise they would go back to the main entry way, and see what was behind the room formerly blocked off by boulders.

Oh the trouble I am gonna cause myself with that squidcat thing.. :) Guess I should try to name it too.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Though it took almost half an hour, the cellar revealed a veritable treasure trove: discarded coins and filth-encrusted jewels, a rune-engraved steel harpoon at first mistaken as a piece of driftwood, and a set of enchanted bones, mixed in with less notable examples.

(You found 450gp worth of treasure, a Kidnapper's Harpoon, and a set of Channelers' Bones)

[The Kidnapper's Harpoon counts as a shortspear, but if it is thrown at a target and hits, the wielder can pull both the target and the spear to herself, instantly rearming and engaging the enemy.]

[Channelers' Bones are a spell 'scroll', and allow the user to cast Speak with Dead without HP cost once. They allow for three questions that must be asked at once.]

Most interesting of all though was the slightly squishy 'stone' wall at the rear of the chamber. Oracle recognized the magic used: a shade, a sort of semi-physical illusion. Oracle might be able to perform a holy ritual to dispel it, but it would be a difficult task, and the other girls already were less than convinced of her ability. If it failed, there would be no choice but to seek the password or another way of dispelling the magic deeper in the dungeon. On the other hand, whatever created this barrier would be quiet powerful, and intelligent. While it almost certainly had a horde, and perhaps could be negotiated with, it might still be more dangerous than the girls were prepared for...

[Oracle can attempt a MND+Communication DC 20 test to dispel the barrier. If you wish, you can write an interesting prayer/ritual and expend an out-of-combat Heroism to gain +6 to the test. You can wait till you see your roll before you decide, as is normal for Heroism.]

(If you choose not to do so now, let me know and I'll move you back to the finished passage.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(lol Oracle is there totally for her looks. Oh and she heals stuff.)

The girls would rest a while to recover after two hard fought battles. Oracle would summon forth some water to clean herself off. Finding some jewels and coins about the room, there were a few items of worth. The rough value about 450 gold from what was found.

A few of the items were still useable. A rune engraved harpoon seemed the most exciting of the lot. Foxy would figure it out and shot it into the back wall. Oracle would focus herself finally and sense a shade guarding that rear wall.

still unable to truly concentrate enough. They would need to find some other way. Though for now the group would simply head back to the starting area and explore the path that Foxy removed the boulders from near their entrance into the temple.

(this diceroller truly hates Oracle, lol)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Have a character of your choice roll MND+Survival, and another roll DEX+Physical :D)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Elated from their finds, the girls began their track back to the other passage. Unfortunately, it appeared as through the time taken searching the cellar had allowed some beast to set up an ambush in response to Flame's loud scouting of the large crack in the marrow's room.

Sticky pale pink tendrils shot out from the thin crack, swiftly wrapping around Flame's waist, dragging her towards the crack, and the hideous barnacle creature on the other side! The redheaded rogue managed to wriggle free before her abduction could be completed, but noticed a tingling around her midsection. The kidnapping mollusk's acid had burned away the leather armor covering her midriff!

: 1d6+1 5

(Foxy 16/23 HP) [Applied both the rest and Cure Light Wounds]
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

It was plain to see that traversing the crack had just become much harder, so the girls made their way down to the finished passage, so recently released from its blockade of boulders. What met them was a bizarre tableau of both beauty and horror.

The passage opened up into a circular cavern. The remains of a crude portcullis, walls of stacked stone with spear slits, and the calcified remains of several frogmen, fishmen, and their more civilized slaves, most in various stages of pregnancy and some nursing hideous spawn, suggested that this was once a guard chamber, a gate to the rear of the temple. It didn't bode well that they had become trapped in these chambers; it could mean that this was a dead end, or more positively that the guards were simply too injured to removed the blockages themselves. Regardless, the room was deeply creepy, the monstrous faces peering out from translucent white stone gave the place the feeling of a taxidermy, and the amazons couldn't help but jump at every noise, imagining it as some out of sight petrified monster coming to life.

Perhaps it would be prudent to leave in a hurry, but on the other hand, there was clearly some loot to be had here; and the guards appeared to maintain real quarters down here, complete with nice wide beds; musty after a century, but still softer than cavern ground. Ahead another passage snaked into the darkness, while another remained locked behind the portcullis.

Room Actions:
---Get out of here! (All characters have to do this if you want to. 'Creepy' rooms like this might have an ambush or trap if you investigate the wrong thing or take the wrong action, and this action avoids any chance of that if all characters take this action at the cost of any loot or investigation.)
---Search the guards' quarters (autosuccess)
---Search the guards themselves (autosuccess)
---DEX+Subterfuge DC 14 to pick the lock on the chest near the portcullis.
---STR+Athletics DC 13 to lift the portcullis and expose the second passage.
---DEX+Subterfuge DC 10 to scout either the uncovered or portcullis passage, DC 15 to have a chance to ambush anything found.
---MND+Communication DC 12 to decipher the journal calcified to a table.

Party Actions:
---Take the uncovered passage
---Head back somewhere else
---Take the portcullis passage (if opened)
---Search thoroughly
---Rest in the bed(s) (this is a free rest that does not have normal time penalties, though it might trigger room effects is there really are any. You can come back and do this later too)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Having thoroughly searched the room, the girls plus their new ally would move back into the main entry way. Flame would suffer the wrath of being stuck in the small crack in the wall previously as something was certainly aware of her now. Two tendrils would grab hold of her, sqeezing the life from her body and also trying to drag her away through the crack. Flame was able to force herself free, though the acid of the tendrils had burned away the midsection of her leather corset in the process. The burns caused a minor bit of damage to her as well as her armor.

Foxy became rather not interested in seeing what would happen if they could even get through the crack in the first place. It was pretty well designed to be a trap that the monster could get to them while they could not get to the monster. Deciding it was better to finish moving away the boulders and explore that pathway, they would enter into a circular cavern.

What looked like a crudely designed portcullis would await them. A few holes about the makeshift wall for thrusting spears could be seen. As they looked around the area there were calcified remains of aquatic creatures and what looked to be slaves. Most of the ones that were female looked to be pregnant with who knows what.

Since there was really no other way to go, they could simply count their treasures and leave this place or continue exploring. Roughly estimating they had around 850gp worth of treasure, that was just not enough. That would allow them a week at best of the life of luxury that they had accustomed themselves to living when not exploring. There really was not much of a choice to be made here except what each of them would do while in the room.

Flame would almost instantly gravitate toward the treasure chest, getting her lockpicks ready just in case it was not conveniently left open for her. Foxy having found the pearl from before would look at the guards calcified remains to see if anything could be found there. Oracle had taken a liking to a book laying on a table. Having been able to translate the runes encountered when they first arrived, she would hopefully be able to sort through the book and find out something from it.

Foxy - Auto success

Foxy would start investigating the guards remains. Almost instantly Flame would pop the treasure chest open, grabbing her mouth as she almost yelled in excitement for how easily she opened the chest. Oracle was yet again completely incompetent as she was being beset upon by tentacles from her "mate" as it were. Making it nigh impossible for her to concentrate enough to read the book.

(prefer to see what happens first before moving on cause.. ya know.. stuff)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Flame cheered as she saw what her effort had bought her: exotic good from the desert lands, thousands of miles away! They must have been plundered by the monstrous pirates who once made offerings at this temple. The quickly pulled out an unbearably sexy harem outfit, made from silky, gauze-like purple cloth. They were probably worth a pretty penny, but on the other hand, they would look really good on one of the other girls. Deeper inside the chest were three blocks of pink incense; another valuable import. Flame was hard pressed to describe what they smelled like, but whatever it was, it made her intensely horny.

[Wearing the Harem Outfit allows the girl to spend an action to perform an Arousal attack, similar to the purr the squidcat used. Unfortunately, this also makes monsters take far more interest in the wearer. This can be worn alongside armor.]

[The incense blocks are effectively Arousal grenades, inflicting the status effect in a fairly wide area. It's smoke though, so any girls fighting any of the monsters hit will be hit as well.]

Foxy spent some time getting over her trepidation about looting the calcified bodies; after all, it would be only too easy to break them. Unfortunately, the guards didn't have much, a mere handful of coins, but eventually Foxy spotted a real prize: a key ring! Though she took as great care as she could, her attempts to remove the keyring ended in horror as the petrified guard's hand snapped off, falling to the ground and shattering with an ominous noise.

The wailing grew to a fever pitch, and disgusting white liquid leaked from every orifice of the guard and slave statues, pooling, and forming into shades of long pent-put love fluid!

[The girls had plenty of time to react to the jizz ghosts incorporating, so they go first.]

(Foxy 16/23 HP)
(Flame 15/20 HP; Aroused - DC 14 MND+Communication to end [-3 AC and saves vs rapist enemies while in effect])
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Vengeful Semen x 8 (HP 4, AC 12, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 18)

[At the moment, all the ghosts are spread out at various points in the room. The spear slits in the walls make it easier for the ghosts to move around the room than it is for the amazons; after the first round, the amazons have to spend an action to move into range of any ghost they aren't fighting. (basically, the ghosts have an easier time keeping them separated)]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Flame popped open the chest in record time. Looking inside there was an outfit from a faraway land. A harem or exotic dancer's outfit by the looks of it. As she pawed around the chest some more, she would find three fairly intact blocks of incense. The legends would tell of a faraway land that had blocks of incense that were used to make everyone insatiably horny from breathing in the odor. Having disturbed the incense, Flame could feel herself already starting to get wet from the effect of inhaling the wafting scent of the incense.

Oracle was able to discern little of value from the book. It was not anything she seemed to be familiar with. It would take her more time to decipher, a commodity she presently did not have. Foxy would try to get a ring loosened off of a calcified hand, and when she did the remains around her started to crumble and 8 spirits that reeked of semen had fromed.

The battle lines seemingly drawn, The girls would move to an attack formation. Foxy, Flame and the squidcat all looked to strike out at the spirits around them. Oracle would try to keep herself in the middle of them all.

(Foxy and Flame attack normally on seperate targets. They also move anout from target to target as neccesary. Oracle and the squidcat stay in the middle with the squidcat after this round staying near and defending Oracle. Oracle uses turn undead this turn on a nearby not already dead spirit if possible, otherwise she would only attack somwthing weakened and not dead.)

(Does healing undead things work the way i think it does?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

: 1d20+5 10 1d8+4 8 1d20+2 5 1d20+2 21 1d4+3 7 1d4+3 5
(Foxy misses) (Flame misses one and hits with the other for 5 damage)

: 1d20-3 12 (fails)

: 1d20+1 20 (Oracle destroys up to 10 hp worth of undead!)

: 1d20+4 6 1d6+2 6

The horror of the spermy abominations shook the fighters. Foxy found herself unable to land a blow, while Flame's first strike did little more than coat her arm with foul smelling goo. In a panic, her second blow struck home, rendering the lusty ghost into an inert pile of love fluid. Oracle, on the other hand, was reassured by her protector, and unleashed a reserve of divine energy she scarcely knew she had, utterly incinerating two of the revenants in a gout of holy flame. Unfortunately, her 'mate' seemed less than willing to put his mouth on the befouled semen, and instead chose to make a threatening false charge that the approaching spirit would take no head of.

Sensing the wet heat of her pussy, and urged onwards by the cum already coating her arm, several of the surviving spunk specters struck at Flame, intent on passing on their DNA one last time.

The first flung itself across her body, leaving her toned curves sprayed with stinking seed; the foul, virile scent dizzied her, made worse by her insistent arousal. The second took advantage of her distraction, suddenly becoming a sticky white stream aimed right between her tits! The goo flew between her boobs before bursting outward, rending her leather bodice apart and leaving her jugs uncovered save for a coating of old, cold man milk. Flame was barely able to keep her presence of mind sufficiently to guard herself from the final slimy spirit, trying to infiltrate her tight, sexy panties. She managed to slap the seed away, but she was quickly becoming tired, and she couldn't help but dread what horrible thing she might give birth to if these spirits raped her.

(Flame suffers a critical hit for 6 damage and a regular hit for 4!)

: 1d20+2 22 1d4+1 3 1d20+2 19 1d4+1 4

Foxy attacked danced away from the wiffing warrioress, opting to spray her with spooge than risk a close range attack, the foul but fertile gas rendering her dizzy as her companion.

The final spirit leapt into the air in a ejeculate like stream, using the impressive feat of acrobatics to leap over Oracle's defender and attempt to attack her directly. Fortunately for Oracle, the gunk ghost seemed to have overdone the leap, and landed too far behind her to make an effective attack.

: 1d20+2 22 1d20+2 11 1d4+1 4

Worse news yet for the girls as the puddle of cum that Flame had so recently de-animated started to writhe with resurrection as newly leaked seed from the statues joined with it! Perhaps a different strategy was required...

(Foxy 16/23 HP; Dizzy - DC 12 MND+Physical to end [-2 to attack rolls while in effect])
(Flame 5/20 HP; Aroused - DC 14 MND+Communication to end [-3 AC and saves vs rapist enemies while in effect] and Dizzy - DC 12 MND+Physical to end [-2 to attack rolls while in effect; -3 on this save if the Aroused test is failed])
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Vengeful Semen x 5 (HP 4, AC 12, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 18)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy and Flame would set out to attack, though the smell of ages old crotch rot would leave them simply dizzy from having to deal with such a pungent aroma at close range. At least Flame was able to cut up one of them in the initial attack. Oracle decided to not be useless finally, and managed to instantly disappear two of the spectres as she was able to use Turn Undead at a very effective rate.

As the spirits would mount their counterattack, Flame took the worst of it by far. Already being aroused from inhaling the incense previously, the spirits were drawn to here like a moth to a Flame (top kek!). Her top was finished off, her body coated in semen, and her womanhood almost violated. Flame was in pretty bad shape, having her breasts freely on display at this point and coated with semen.

Oracle would need to help her and fast. Hopefully her mate would protect her while she moved to heal Flame. Foxy saw no real choice but to continue trying to hack the things down, even though it looked as if one were about ready to regenerate and attempt to resume the attack.


1 Attack critfails (screwed this one up but with those rolls, doesnt matter)

Foxy would shake her head a little and feel a lot better, like she had shaken the cobwebs loose. So much so that her sword struck true cleaving a spirit in half. Flame was able to shake her dizziness though she was certainly still aroused, maybe even more so that Oracle started rubbing her breasts in an attempt to heal her a little.

Even the squidcat would put a little more effort into attacking this time as it would shred through the spirit that had attempted to get on the other side of Oracle. With 3 spirits currently remaining alive, they might just find a way to get these spirits out of their hair, and other parts of the female anatomy.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

[Orokos won't let me log in for some reason, so I'm doing these rolls manually. Hopefully it's short term!]

Foxy struck down the spectre that had so recently slimed her, turning towards the sounds of Flame's desperate battle. She just had time to shout out a warning to Oracle as the reforming spunk spirit tried to attack her form behind; she was only just able to dodge it.

Attack 1 Result: 6 (miss)

Oracle's intervention and healing massage gave Flame the energy required to continue fending off her attackers a little longer, but the three furiously rapacious spirits were unrelenting and soon her energy levels were back were they started. To make matters worse, the cum leaking from the petrified guards was already beginning to resurrect the just-slain spermy horrors.

Attack 2 Result: 12 (hit!) for 4 damage
Attack 3 Result: 3 (critfail!)
Attack 4 Result: 6 (miss)

(Foxy 16/23 HP)
(Flame 5/20 HP; Aroused - DC 14 MND+Communication to end [-3 AC and saves vs rapist enemies while in effect])
(Oracle 11/12 HP)

[All four surviving spirits are clustered around Oracle and Flame; the squidcat will catch up to Oracle during his next turn. Foxy will need to spend an action to reach the other two girls.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(CLW costs 3HP because level 1 yes? Orokos seems to work fine for me, so here goes..)

Foxy having been separated from the group would start smashing the calcified statues that seemed to be feeding into the spirits. There seemed to be little else she could do right now, but that felt like a start. Whatever these spirits were using to draw their power from was what Foxy was hoping to destroy.

With Oracle and Flame near enough to each other that they should be able to keep themselves out of too much trouble. Oracle would again attempt to Turn Undead and Flame would make a last stand of sorts lashing out at the spirits around her. Unfortunately Oracles' pet was not in range to help and would also set about trying to destroy the remains around the room.

(Some rolls done for lels, like Foxy and Squidcat's rolls)

Foxy seemed to do some damage to the statues, but that was about it from the group. As all of the rest seemed to do nothing to help their situation. At least Flame could think straight for a little while before her impending doom would finish her off.

The squidcat seemed to paw about at a few of the calicified things then darted off back toward Oracle. Something scared it probably.

(Lol these rolls are so bad, almost wanna skip to the smut where they all get rekt.. maybe one more turn of futility will finish them off clean anyway.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oh, I thought it was her favored spell! It only costs 1 HP if it is. Actually, yeah, you get all the spells you can cast for free, but get one Favored spell per spell level that costs 2 less HP to cast.)

Foxy's efforts already seemed to be making an impact; the stream of seed pouring from the statues had been stymied significantly, and the spirit's rejuvenation would now take much longer!

Oracle continued to successfully fend off the lustful semen spirit with her mace, even as her turning attempt failed.

: 1d20+2 4 1d4+1 2 (Miss)

Foxy fared worse. Although she was able to recover from her crippling horniness, the swarming seed was too much for her. As she swung left and right keeping two of the spirit away from her, the third launched his gooey gunk down her thong, rending her leather skirt and underwear away just as her brazzier had been. She was stark naked and covered with the stink of semen, and in her exhaustion is was starting to affect her mind, the potent scent flipping primal switches in her mind, starting to turn her into little more than a bitch in heat. Already her pussy was fully engorged and open, and her instincts were already forcing her to spread her legs for the slimy specters surrounding her. Only the tiniest fragment of her will allowed her to stay in the fight, but far, far too much of her brain was already fantasizing about how nice her womb would feel with a baby monster kicking inside her...

: 1d20+2 12 1d4+1 4 1d20+2 10 1d4+1 3 1d20+2 22 1d4+1 4 (Miss, Miss, Critical for 8 damage! 3 point carry over and inflict MND damage! Remember - resting at free rest location or completing dungeons heals stat damage)

(Foxy 16/23 HP)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 1/4 MND!)
(Oracle 11/12 HP)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Heh, much fail on my part then I do not think I even bothered to annotate a favorite spell. So I guess that one would be it, noted. Fortunate then that they are in a room they can properly rest as well.)

Foxy would see Flame about to give in to her desires. Instead of finishing off the statues, she would leave that to Oracle's pet. Attacking the spirits again, maybe she could pick one off. Oracle would heal Flame so that she could get back into the action before being finished off for good if things went horribly wrong. A pretty straightforward approach for the time being as the girls wanted to thin the herd a little before carrying on.


Foxy would rend one spirit while Flame was healed by Oracle again. Apparently Oracle feeling up Flame with her healing hands was enough to get Flame back into the fight as she would slice through another spirit herself. With two spirits remaining, the girls were starting to turn this fight around. The squidcat would do some damage this time as it would turn around and simply paw far more aggressively at the statues knocking one over and shattering it.

It would seem that few if any of the statues were intact at this point, and since Foxy was able to notice a difference when she damaged them initially they would focus on destroying the statues if there were ever a point where there were no spirits able to oppose them.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Orokos started working and now has stopped again for some reason :rolleyes:)

The last dibbles of some issue from the shattered remains of the statues, resurrecting a single seed spirit: hopefully the last one. It immediately leapt for Oracle, ripping open the back of her armor as she groped at Flame's arching udders.

---Attack #1: 16 to hit, 3 damage to Oracle

Flame spent the last of her energy kicking away the assaulting spirits, and soon she was again too exhausted to fight back. The surprisingly solid sperm wrapped it's cold, slimy grip around her ankles as she fell on her plump ass, her toned and tanned legs pulled apart, with her dripping and welcoming pussy on full display as the sticky white spirit grew a cock-like pseudopod, and prepared for penetration and ejaculation all rolled into one!

---Attack #2: 4 to hit, miss!
---Attack #3: Attacks with Villainy! 18 to hit, for 8 damage!

(Foxy 16/23 HP)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 1/4 MND!)
(Oracle 7/12 HP)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The squidcat seeing Oracle get attacked would immediately retaliate. Striking a blow that was non lethal. Oracle would seize the opportunity afforded her and cast turn undead. Foxy would engage a spirit but was unable to land her attack.

(on phone but orokos works for me. No idea how this works out. I think i kill two, but i am not entirely sure. hopefully you can sorr this mess and i can finish this room one way or the other.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oracle Turns two undead)

Oracle's conjured divine grace once more, and the spirit moments away from penetrating Flame's pussy was cast away. The remaining spirits were held back at arms distance by the holy power, stunned and cowering. It hardly took any time at all for Foxy to finish off the last two sexual spectres.

Flame breathed heavily with heat as the remaining haunted cum evaporated away. She was so tired and horny she was barely able to think, and needed something, anything to nurse her needy pussy. Not to mention she needed to find something to re-clothe herself with, unless she wanted every other monster the girls encountered aimed right at her twat. Actually, at them moment that sounded pretty good...

[The turning would hold the remaining spirits at bay long enough that I don't want to bother actually rolling to see if they die, so victory!]

Party Actions:
---Take the uncovered passage
---Head back somewhere else
---Take the portcullis passage (unopened)
---Search thoroughly
---Rest in the bed(s) (this is a free rest that does not have normal time penalties, though it might trigger room effects is there really are any. You can come back and do this later too)