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RPG RPG Maker [男爵領 / barony sengia] ルゴーム砦の脱出 / Escape from Fort Rugome (RE127061, RJ127061)

You make several great points here. Visibility for the original authors seems to be the key here and I think we'd all agree that anything that results in greater visibility is a good thing. You also commented on time between fan translation and official, in this case you indicated 2.5-3 yrs. The Slave's Sword incident was just that, an incident as, I believe, the fan translation was completed just as Kagura made their official announcement, which resulted in a few...disagreements (yes, I'm paraphrasing here). And yes, our lovely ulmf is not as well known as it should be. Let's be clear though, no one ever said Kagura couldn't nor shouldn't do what they're doing. As you say, it is their right, as fan translations = unofficial and we, as users, have no way of truly knowing what goes on behind the scenes between the original devs/ authors and official translators.

Finally, we have a post from someone within Kagura. Thank you @JackyHF for your post on the translation thread:

As someone who actually works for Kagura: no.

What Kagura does here is take existing fan translations, pay the original translators, pretty them up after extensive beta testing, and then sell them. This process is much more profitable than doing every translation from scratch, and allows reaching a much wider audience via services like Steam in a shorter time span, thus raising awareness and attention to the games that would OTHERWISE be only niche products a couple thousand people at best might know about (i.e. those who frequent websites like ULMF or the various share-sites). This also allows Kagura to raise capital for actual new translations by hired translators, and I and other people have suggested good candidates for translation or at least officially buying the translation, for the sake of getting games properly translated that most fan translators would just never touch because it's either outside their area of interest or expertise (i.e. the original language being too complex, or too much text). Would it be nice if every translation sold was completely new? Perhaps. Is it feasible as a long-term business model for a fairly new company? No, most certainly not. Give it a year or two to pick up speed, then it should work out to get formerly-untranslated games translated at a reasonable frequency.

What sticks out for me here is the fact that the fan translator is compensated by Kagura (if I read that right) and I think that's great. For me, the key here is the recognition; the acknowledgment for the fan translator's work, especially by an official entity.

Any others? Thoughts, comments, etc anyone?
Well, nice to at least have some info about what is going on.
Whatever peoples opinion about what is done is a personal matter.

But it's always better then whatever you can imagine when you have no info.

Personally I would prefer new game to be translated, but it's personal opinion. Having alreay bought the jap game on dlsite and gotten the fan translation, I doubt I'll buy the Kagura version (for money reason).
On the other hand, as said, if it raise both the game(s) and Kagura visibility, then it's a good point for having more translation of H game.
Kagura will have to found the right balance of fan translation perfected and new translation or peoples could lose faith if there too much fan translation taken over.
(and Yes, paying the fan translator is a good move - they got recognition for their work, and it may motivate them to do some more translation. As motivation is one of the most important factor in doing a full fan translation).
Do keep in mind that I am "just" a beta tester/language QCer, I am not in a high position or anything, so I too can only go on the information I am told. That said, my boss Rakushun seems generally a very friendly guy in personal communication and I trust him that he's genuinely interested in building up a base as I described, so we can see more and better translations in the future.
Just a random though, but do you (or someone else), would know why Kagura stop posting on ulmf all of a sudden ?
No more thread announcing release or even some tech support.

Probably like of time or possible trouble with official circle active on a sharing site.. But I'm still curious.

And no worries, unoficial comment is better than nothing to avoid the rumor mill. Although an official comment might be better (might - because I'm not into profesionnal communication or even in (h) dev business so I wouldn't know for certain what is actually best compare to what feel best) ^^
Just a random though, but do you (or someone else), would know why Kagura stop posting on ulmf all of a sudden ?
No more thread announcing release or even some tech support.

Probably like of time or possible trouble with official circle active on a sharing site.. But I'm still curious.

And no worries, unoficial comment is better than nothing to avoid the rumor mill. Although an official comment might be better (might - because I'm not into profesionnal communication or even in (h) dev business so I wouldn't know for certain what is actually best compare to what feel best) ^^
Also I would just like to ask how would you kill the enemies/guards without killing them? I've played this game for a couples years ago and I forgot how xD Trying to go for a subjugation route Sorry for the barrage of questions xD
Also I would just like to ask how would you kill the enemies/guards without killing them? I've played this game for a couples years ago and I forgot how xD Trying to go for a subjugation route Sorry for the barrage of questions xD

You need to seduce them. Some guard can't be seduced, other require a higher sexual experience to seduce.
To seduce guard, just interact with them / let them see you. You should have a prompt where you can try to seduce them (not sure since it's been a while, but I think there a heart above them when you can try to seduce them).
You need to seduce them. Some guard can't be seduced, other require a higher sexual experience to seduce.
To seduce guard, just interact with them / let them see you. You should have a prompt where you can try to seduce them (not sure since it's been a while, but I think there a heart above them when you can try to seduce them).
But Isn't the subjugation route requires no h-scenes? I mean 0 lewdness How about for event battles like in the room with 3 guards they're bullying the man there right? How do i take those soldiers out without killing them?
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You can't take soldier out without killing or seducing them. There only some specific event where you can make some guard move out of their position.

So you can seduce them, kill them or use your hiding skill to sneak past them (but unless you cheat it's quite costly since the only real source of money is prostitution).

As for the subjugation route, are you talking about the hidden boss (lord of the fortress) - hard mode only - killing ? If yes you don't need to stay virgin if I remember correctly.
You can't take soldier out without killing or seducing them. There only some specific event where you can make some guard move out of their position.

So you can seduce them, kill them or use your hiding skill to sneak past them (but unless you cheat it's quite costly since the only real source of money is prostitution).

As for the subjugation route, are you talking about the hidden boss (lord of the fortress) - hard mode only - killing ? If yes you don't need to stay virgin if I remember correctly.
No what I meant is the that ending where you kill no one in your entire playthrough while hiding and killing some soldiers because it will lead to the Assassin's ending This is what I meant

Subjugation Ending
Hard mode: Defeat the earl as thief, or with more than 0 lewdness
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Oh, then you just have to avoid any seducing / lost battle and H event.

So, bassically sneak past every soldier you can, and butcher the rest...

Had to do (like the name say) with the limited resource avaiable...
Oh, then you just have to avoid any seducing / lost battle and H event.

So, bassically sneak past every soldier you can, and butcher the rest...

Had to do (like the name say) with the limited resource avaiable...
Yes But what about the Event battles how do you kill those soldiers in the underground prison without killing them? That's a event battle right? Sorry for the late reply
Er, if it's event battle, either you kill them or avoid strating the event.
I think I don't follow you or what exactly you are asking here -_-

If it's the undead, you need to use oil to burn them after winning the fight.
Er, if it's event battle, either you kill them or avoid strating the event.
I think I don't follow you or what exactly you are asking here -_-

If it's the undead, you need to use oil to burn them after winning the fight.
Hahahaha I'm sorry maybe there's no other choice but to kill them because It did say 0 Lewdness right? This Event.PNG
This is what I'm talking about xD I did say Underground right? This is unavoidable because You have to knock those 3 out but anyways Maybe I do need to kill to get that ending? Or Should I not?
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As far as I remember, yes, you can only kill them or avoid the area. Don't remember if this place is required for the run though.
As far as I remember, yes, you can only kill them or avoid the area. Don't remember if this place is required for the run though.
Oh I see thanks I"ll try your advice then xD Actually you need this place for both the keys and the hole in that prison Can't remember much because It's been awhile since I've touched this game xD
Does anyone know how to get to the gallery (where all the H-Scenes are)? Because I got there once and cannot find it again. I’ve searched literally the entire map but can’t trace my way back.
Does anyone know how to get to the gallery (where all the H-Scenes are)? Because I got there once and cannot find it again. I’ve searched literally the entire map but can’t trace my way back.
Its an item iirc
So, quite the necro here (sorry).

But look like the dev has had a novel about the first game released. Info here :

(and there some hint about futher book release).

Book on sale on KTC, Fanza and dlsite (book side).

Mostly for Japanese reading fan. There some unique illustration, but by the preview, it seem it's not the dev making the art for the book.
So, quite the necro here (sorry).

But look like the dev has had a novel about the first game released. Info here :

(and there some hint about futher book release).

Book on sale on KTC, Fanza and dlsite (book side).

Mostly for Japanese reading fan. There some unique illustration, but by the preview, it seem it's not the dev making the art for the book.

The sample passage is fucking hilarious (pun intended). Machine translated:

Bukkukku! Gopugopupu! Doppudopu!
Dokundokudoku! Bull Bull Bull!
"Hifuunuuukugu! Huh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
No penis can be calmed down by just skipping it once.
It pulsated again and again, and each time it polluted the woman's body both inside and outside.
Aisha's taste was suppressed by the harshness of the spirit, and the suffocation was further shaken off.
The cheeks that were flushed while getting wet with sweat were also overcoated with muddy white, and in the womb, Ein and his subordinates' semen were inseparably mixed.
Not only that, the frustration of a man who did not reach one person was hit by big breasts.
The pain of the nipple that seems to be moist is so comfortable that it makes you want to spoil it.
"Ifuuuu !? Mahya, Atahi, IFuuuuuuuuuu !?"
The desires were hit from all four directions, and the distorted Hoetsu did not stop.
She kept holding the penis while tilting her upper body backwards. With a strong tongue, I lifted the back muscles in my mouth.
While keeping his hips down, he resumed a shameless twist.
The men also gave new excitement to the way they moved as if they were begging for the next.
"Ku ...! Hehehe, the captain said once for each person ..."
"Oh, if you're asked so far, you have to respond !?"
Aisha was picked up again and laid on her back, saying things that were selfish.
"This time I'll put it inside !?"
"Then I'll have you do it by mouth!"
"I just wanted you to pinch it with this big breast."
"U ... ah ... huh ...!?"