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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C. I like puzzles.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Well with a bit of thinking later.. You figured might aswell pick the purple, red was completely out of the question at this state, even though green could've potentially been something good..

"...P-purple door."

"Purple door it is! Congratsulations, your prize for this show is... The purple tentacle staff! Any spell you have ever succesfully casted can be automaticly casted with this staff any time you wish at instant without any chanting or otherwise focusing much. Think it and it's done! But remember: The staff's lust must be sated after a few casts. Enjoy!"

A staff with withering tentacles going all around it was placed on your hands.. The staff seemed to have an eye aswell on it..


As you were still pondering the staff, you and your plant girl friend were suddenly grapple'd by giant tentacles!


the tentacles flailing you in the air and then tossed you right towards the purple door! The door opened and you found yourself being tossed towards something big and jelly like at high speed!



And then darkness.


You woke up with your plant friend woozing about next to you in a meaty ground with purple glow...


Your egg filled belly was still feeling quite tight and generally distracting with it's wibbly wobbly shenigans.. The plantgirl wasn't too pleased either by her situation and was quite slowly moving about..

You really needed to clear your head a bit.. But all these slithering sounds weren't making you feel too safe.. So you took support from your staff and got up.. Slowly but securely..

So you decided to take a look at the room you were in..

It was meaty walls everywhere.. The ground was meaty.. Bit of purple glow and seemingly some movement on the walls.. Like something was watching you.

The plantgirl was bit scared..

You noticed there was three doors going to different directions..

One door had a square shape on it.
One door had a triangle
and the last one had a octagon.


Well guess with this room being pretty much empty, might aswell pick one door to go through.

A) Take the door with square shape
B) Take the door with triangle shape
C) Take the door with octagon shape
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Square. Informational traffic sign versus "caution" and "stop".

*waits for someone to justify an octagon vote*
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Because...eight sides and...

Just because.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

like Kd would say said. I choice octagon because have 8 sides and 8 is symetric

PS: this dont helped me with this choice, but i feel like this is a little based at a batman 90's episode where he needed to end a laberinth based in a videogame to save someone.
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A: 'cuz if you rotate the 'A', it makes a kind of a 'V' and V-square is alike with Visquausaurus... Which might be a jelly-dinosaur. Yeah: "might".
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Something in your mind made you think that the octagon could be a great choice.. something with bats, mans and stuff like that.

You walked towards the octagon door and slowly opened it..



Purple tentacles rushed out the open door way!
They relentlessly took a grip on you, lifted you up and without any warning immidiatly went to penetrate your sweet holes!


You felt the tentacle prodding and penetrating through your uterus to your already tight and filled womb.. Gently stroking along as it kept sliding in and out..

The tentacles didn't keep at this too long though, you felt them splurt something in your full womb and they then released you..!


You felt bit of rumbling in your womb.. and..
Suddenly your lower expanded some more as the eggs apperenatly grew in size.

"...OOOH.. OOOWH..~"

Your lower body felt bit numb and your cameltoe was iching with pleasure as the eggs rumbled..
Seems they decided to give them a little growth hasten.

the door then vanished.

Your plant friend was quite frightened and had accidently walked towards the square shape door..


Well she was not in luck either here.
The door opened and purple tentacles grapple'd her from behind!
The plant girl tried to struggle but the grip was too strong! The tentacles wrapped around her modest chest and started rubbing her lower naughty bits.

The tentacles forced their way to her same way they did to you..
After a bit of slithering, slippery fucking, they splurted stuff inside her, and the tentacles wrapped on her chest glowed a bit..

The plant girl was released and she fell on her knees, face first to the ground infront of her..


As she slowly got up, her lower belly didn't seem to expand similiar way but her modest chest had grown a few sizes, it wasn't that modest now! But not too busty either.. yet.
Her face was bright red again from embarrasment as she looked at her new chest and touched it a bit..

So, so jiggly..

That door aswell now disappeared..

Maybe you had been overthinking this room here, I mean only three doors and the triangle left..

Well you walked carefully to the triangle and the plantgirl followed..


Indeed this was the correct door.
With the staff in hand you carefully walked through the doorway.

You found yourself in a room that felt pretty.. calm in a way.
There was a good feeling air up here and a small fountain.
The fountain had statue of a beutiful looking woman that had a vase where the water of the fountain was pouring from..
The water looked quite clear, but it had a little sparkle on it. Indeed it seemed to radiate small purple particles from it. little purple stars..

You kinda felt tempted to drink it and the plant girl was looking at it too.. But would it be.. risky? You never know about this stuff.

Regardless as you looked at the room otherwise, there was three more door ways... again.

However they were just straight paths with bit of fog going on. No doors or anything.. Each one had a small sign near them.

First one read "Math"
Second one read "Tech"
Last one was.. empty? This sign had nothing on it.

Well.. Now what?

A) Take a drink from the fountain.
B) Clean yourself with the fountains waters.
C) Leave that fountain alone.
D) Other?

1. Go through the math path
2. Go through the tech path
3. Go through the empty sign path
4. Other?