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Dungeon Assault v 1.1 Bugs

Are you willing to help with bugs on the Dungeon Assault v1.1 game? This is my second time trying to go through the game and this is the second game killing bug.

The first one is if you have to go through a door to exit the level. If you save the game after going through a door and reload the save file at a later date, the door is already open and you cannot go through it again. You are stuck on the level. Save 14 is a version of this. (forgotten temple)

The other bug is what I am encountering on Save 13 (granite level that leads to forgotten temple). I go down the stairs to the forgotten temple, clear the level, and I went through the door and I saved the game and the game just freezes. It will not load the next stage.

Can you look at my save file and see what the issue is? I can't seem to get to the dungeon boss.



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Re: Harem Collector

finally got the game working, downloaded a torrent with RPG Maker VX ACE and RTP. Its the full version of ace appartently, i look forward to the game
Re: Dungeon Assault v 1.1 Bugs

Are you willing to help with bugs on the Dungeon Assault v1.1 game?

Huh, I had no idea that the save game thing was so broken. I'm planning on making May "Dungeon Assault Month" and delivering a new version then, but until then I've got to make Harem Collector my priority.

Until then, I'm sorry, but HC is what people are paying me for. I know it's frustrating but I hope you understand.
Re: Dungeon Assault v 1.1 Bugs

Huh, I had no idea that the save game thing was so broken. I'm planning on making May "Dungeon Assault Month" and delivering a new version then, but until then I've got to make Harem Collector my priority.

Until then, I'm sorry, but HC is what people are paying me for. I know it's frustrating but I hope you understand.

Hey it's fine. That your actually going to address the bug on a specific time frame is also good.

I can restart, I'm just trying to get the code is because I'm obsessive-compulsive like that. And to see the ending, if any.

I like HC too and I'm looking forward to the next release. About your development cycle going to two months, there are other adult content authors that release only once a year and the updates for bugs and stuff are sporadic, if they are ever addressed. And in the business world, releasing updates every two months to people who are NOT paying a subscription fee nor have never purchased the game is amazing in my mind.
Re: Harem Collector

hello again and thanks for game, enjoying it so far, i just completed the quest the virgin gynocides and its say quest still incomplete, missing stage description, is this a bug or what am i missing, any help would greatly be appreciated, thanks
Re: Harem Collector

hello again and thanks for game, enjoying it so far, i just completed the quest the virgin gynocides and its say quest still incomplete, missing stage description, is this a bug or what am i missing, any help would greatly be appreciated, thanks

He has a wiki located here:

And in the wiki is a bug report page:

You can add bug reports to this page. Other people have reported problems with that quest. If your bug is not listed, you should add it too.
Re: Harem Collector

Update time!


A bunch of bug fixes, but relatively light on new content.

Also: I had to change the skill and class tables, so if you transfer a save over things are going to be weird. However, there is a demon in your bedroom who will happily change everything and make it all copacetic in case you would prefer that Yamamaya wasn't a paladin or whatever.

Also also: Mega was trolling me. Literally- the upload completion bar started going down at a certain point, and then I said "fuck it".
Re: Harem Collector

There's a blog update about class balance, and I thought I'd throw out a few thoughts. To start with, I really like the way combat is being handled in HC compared to other RPGMaker games. Basically all the fights have a little bit of story connected to them, there are no random encounters providing tedious filler outside of some wandering monsters in select dungeons. And the wandering monsters are optional, you can just walk around them (with the exception of the army camp in Search Party, which was definitely a little annoying toward the end).

However, some characters definitely feel more useful than others. Part of this may be a question of playstyle, but there's at least one area I think it'll be hard to argue with. Out-of-combat healing is fairly inexpensive, and few encounters are taxing enough to be threatening if you heal between them. HC allows you to apply buffs to the party before a boss fight, so if you know what's coming you can tip the odds for the few fights where a dedicated healer might be useful.

First of all, you can have people outside the main party use their skills. Healers outside your combat unit are never at risk of wasting MP on combat spells or getting hit with MP drain. Meline's attack power is kind of underwhelming, but bench her with a prayer book and she turns into a battery of thousands of HP you recharge your fighters off of between encounters. You can have like 3 healers, and though Therese and Felix are better attackers they are still more effective as sacks of extra hit points you drain between fights. Doll is an exception, since her healing is part of another schtick. I can see her utility even if I am personally all about killing the enemy so fast that they cannot do substantial damage.

Second, past a certain point item-based healing is highly affordable. Lo-potions and reagents might not keep up with enemy damage, but you don't care if you are using them between battles. Just be ready to cure whatever status effects your sketchy sausage or whatever causes.

What's the solution? I think that healers should have another reason you'd want to throw them into the main party. Therese used to have a super-effective tanking move, and it's still kind of good. Her damage feels a little underwhelming last I checked, but if she had a few in-combat buff effects or a 4E style attack that also healed, that would be more competitive. Meline's daze status effect on her radiant spells is alright, and she's actually fairly useful against the Lumberhill undead. Felix comes with an item that grants him Magic Missile, and that does ok damage with a chance of enemies losing turns. I actually don't feel bad about using him as a combat unit.

It's easier to pump up the damage of fighters than mages with the gear I've accumulated in the game. But casters can still do cool stuff. I'm still not sure whether Chimei or Larelle is my favorite caster. Larelle is a mage who can tank and deal tiny amounts of damage along with her debuffs, and the concept is pretty cool. But Chimei can stunlock, and that's awesome enough to justify her really cumbersome casting mechanic.
Re: Harem Collector

There's a very early build of Fairy Side out on MWL's blog. People should probably hold off for now if they want to see more than just the skeleton of a hub world.

Most of the bugs are probably pretty obvious to the devs right now, but what stood out to me the most is getting trapped in a wall when I entered the tall northwestern building in town and warping back home when I climbed in.. I think it was "Saskia's" window. I went back a second time, and I didn't warp back so it was probably event coding going awry.

LOL at "I've seen so much on TV that I'm sure I know all I need to deal with humans." Also, may Gork have mercy on my pitiful human retinas after being exposed to fae color coordination. I hope the human wings are a little less garish.

Recommendation: if you have a wall of identical warp-mirrors, give some visual indicator of where they go so you don't have to inspect each individually. The town is in a desert, and the garden is all chaotic, so maybe have a yellow gem over one and a multicolored gem over the other? Then you could have a green gem for forest, a light blue for river, whatever.

All in all, an intriguing start. Looking forward to checking out later versions! :)
Re: Harem Collector

the house that warps you is acually a big event~

What is SUPOSED to happen is you see the youn girl Saskia walking and you follow her. the main character gets the idea to crawl into her room. (thus the vine)

At this point the script warps you back home since that is the flow of events

bu what is SUPOSED to happen is you have a conversation with the girl saskia, (who you may remember from the TV) sh is willingly collared and you get to have your first sex scene(s). and of course your first choice of weather you seduce the girl as a boy, girl or the natural form of the MC.

There's a lot of meat there that needs to be implimented. @_@ So sorry for the confusion!! II have to input a LOT of content before the game even becomes coherent.

Thanks for the comment on the mirrors! I'll add that to my to-do list. The realm of the fae is suposed to be confusing, but that is a delecate balance between being confusing and inacessable!!! It might not be the first thing I update, but it'll be there.

As for the eyesore of a mansion - muahahah!
I'm glad that it got the result I was looking for. as the manor is expanded it will seem very cobbled together, and this design is intentional. since the three sisters just add on a room using chaos magic when they need one (which is why the human secotion of the house is refered to i nthe beginning as an "empty chaos void")
speaking of which, each room will fit each character's desires, so they will be diffrent. =3
Re: Harem Collector

ok the january one is that an update or full updated game
Re: Harem Collector

It's got a bunch of bug fixes and new features!
it's the full game so you'll wanna replay it (rather, using old saves won't work well)
Re: Harem Collector

Grrrrrr. My old RPGMaker curse. The game performs a death freeze when I'm about to fight the boss of the bitch's sixth tit backrooms. Wonderful.

Are lenovo laptops that bad, or am I just unlucky?
Re: Harem Collector

My lenovo is the best laptop I ever had X'D .... eheheh

But not every single computeris created equal so....?
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Re: Harem Collector

Hi. I have been playing this game since last year. And i find it fantastic.
I really like the dialogues which is kept short but effective. The difficulty is balanced, not so hard but still challenging.
And i also like it that the Hero have a (kind of) healthy sex orientation.

I really hope you put more quests in the future updates.
And the quests involving investigation should be more difficult since i feel that the kidnapping case was too short.

14 girls so far (not including Felix and Gorgan) and i can't imagine if you really going for 151.


I am using a shared IP adress and i can't report to the bugs report page.
So i will write it here:
1. Up to some point in the game i can't buy Lovely Flower anymore. I really want to get my relationship with Penelope to love.
2. After the Hero is promoted to Journeyman, i go to Eastfort Guild and it is said that my guild card is lost. I checked the guildhouse back home but nothing happen.
3. There is no horse in eastfort condo.
Re: Harem Collector

Anyone want to hear another crack theory?

We can probably assume that Alina's worrying over what happens to Hero's harem after he's gone is somewhat justified, since she's generally sensible. Now, there are a range of possibilities here depending on what kind of rights slaves have under Middle Kingdom law, but since they are bought and sold as property, we can probably assume they are inherited as property as well. And Hero and Meline seem to have inherited their family business just fine. So who's going to inherit the harem if Hero gets shoved into a lava pit? Meline, probably. She was a willing slave, but not a legally documented one. Unless there's something really complicated going on with the magical mind control collars, once her master dies and she inherits the rest she can just have them remove her collar and enjoy her new position as boss of a miniature adventuring company.

You know, that lends a new dimension to Meline's favored gift. If her brother is gone for good, then someone's gonna have to keep all the women in the manor satisfied. And if that unfortunate day arrives, she is gonna be fucking prepared. If Alina figures out that Meline is her best hope for some insurance against an uncertain future, that would probably make for a pretty hilarious conversation. I'd be really curious how Hero would react to the idea, now that I think of it.

Since secondary slave markets exist, the slaver's guild probably doesn't have the kind of monopoly that would let them snatch everything up when Hero is gone. Even if there wasn't a clear and obvious heir, I imagine debts outstanding and actual government interests would also want something. Still, Hero has built up some pretty noticeable wealth by midgame, and I imagine there's a few people who have laid careful plans for when his estate looks vulnerable. Whoever tipped off the paladins might just be one of them. Perhaps they have plans for getting Meline out of the way too, or perhaps they'd be completely blindsided if she moved to take control.
Re: Harem Collector

Thanks! :)

It's probably all the D&D. Spend long enough scheming over how to give your party an edge or the campaign an interesting challenge and it does something to how you approach other problems. Of course, it's also because I really like your game! Trying to figure this kind of thing out is fun.

In other news, glad to hear that the problem of basically limitless out of combat healing was solved. This should make things more strategically challenging, so the party is more likely to actually use their item stockpile.
Re: Harem Collector

New update, on the blog, about the likelyhood of various monster girls.

Arache, Driders, etc.: I have a theory: Anyone who thinks that spider/girl hybrids are hot were actually born on Antarctica and have never seen an actual spider. Like, god damn. They're literally the single most alien, horrific things ever and some guys want to put their dicks in one, as long as it has tits. I mean, look:
Aranea are monsters in D&D. Basically, they are giant spiders that can shapeshift. And there are totally existing aranea who decided to spend some of their time as . I think that one wore a mask to hide her freaky teeth or something. Still, that probably isn't a "monster girl" in the sense used here, since it's a full monster that assumes human guise.

Overall, though, I don't think I'd want to invite someone into the party if their primary diet was liquefied flesh. Yeck.

Classic Elementals: Elementals were in the "no" zone for awhile. Slyphs and Nereids are covered by the Monster Girl Encyclopedia already, so there's not much to say there except that they can be hot. It's also not hard to think of a sexy fire elemental without it being a salamander or dragon or whatever.

The problem arises because you need the complete set. I want to put a set of classic sexy elementals in Harem Collector. However, the question is how to do a cute earth elemental, without being lazy doing the "plants = earth" thing. Dirt and rocks, however, aren't terribly sexy. Or even feminine.


(scroll down)

... I think RPGmaker includes a fire nymph and an undine, don't remember for sure but there might be an oread or something as well.

Dragons: Dragons will play a large role in Harem Collector, but I don't know how likely they are to show up as sexy girl dragons. If I feel like it, one or two might show up in later installments of the series, but it's not a priority.

If dragons are good at magic, then they can probably just shapeshift, yeah? Maybe some of them assume a humanoid form that is still designed to inspire awe in their kobold servitors. Actually, that might lend itself to a pretty funny plotline. Remember the Norse god Loki? He came up with a Brilliant Plan to sabotage a rival by polymorphing himself and seducing away their magic horse. But then he spent too long in that form, got pregnant, and had to wait until he gave birth to Sleipnir to shift back. If dragons start keeping an eye on the hero, and there's one in the home base, that might explain why it doesn't pwn invaders singlehandedly.

Dullahan: I don't see the appeal in having sex with a headless girl. So, no. Which is too bad, I can't imagine it would that hard to implement in 3DCG given the number of guro mods

Yeah, I can see that. They're pretty great for comedy, though! I played a dullahan a few years back, and he was always losing his head or hiding bizarre things in his helm.

Ghost: I've said there will be a ghost girl in the game at some point, and that point is soon.

Sweeeet. I hope there are spooky puns involved.

Golem: Depending on what part of "golem" is important to you, there may already be something in the works to satisfy you. There will be "artificially creature girls that you can also fuck" but I don't know about anything more true to the actual golem legend, or the Monster Girl Encyclopedia version.
I've seen some interpretations of the golem myth where the actual mind of the creature is just the magical words that give the body life. So you can swap out bodies by moving the little scrolls or rune tablets between heads. There's also the story of Galatea, though some interpretations have her as basically a normal person after coming to life. But uploading your mind to a war-automaton is more of an NPC boss monster thing. And Galatea's themes don't really mesh well with the kind of story HC has going on.

Lamia, Snake-girls, etc: Even as I was about to say "not likely", Nekochan is standing over my shoulder talking about how awesome Bleu was in the Breath of Fire series. She's nagged me into including stuff before, so I won't say "never".

Yuan-ti are established D&D monsters with a sliding scale of snakiness depending on their caste. They even have a thing where they use humans in their breeding programs, and abduct people to feed them mutagenic potions.

Bleu was awesome. She also spent a lot of time polymorphed to look like a normal human in BoF2, since I seem to be making a note of that.

Like-Like: It might be funny to have this girl, who is just a naked girl with a mouthful of weird teeth and the disturbing shade of pink skin, that just hangs around in a dungeon nomming on shields all day. Maybe she can block a door, and you have to give her a shield to proceed, and if you didn't bring one extra, oops, sorry Therese.
Ha! So it really just eats shields? That's great.

Mimics: The concept of opening a treasure chest with a girl inside and having sex with her amuses me (You received "Sexy Time"!), but that's probably not the same thing.
I think I saw a D&D mimic that disguised itself as a bed once. It came right after the classic room where the floor, walls, and ceiling were all different hostile monsters, so nobody fell for it. I wonder if it was inspired by the bed hands in Phantasmagoria?

There was also a story I read somewhere that had a mimic as a demon of Greed. She was bound to stay in a chest (though she could come most of the way out and hop around), could destroy money to power her magic, and ate gold.

Modrons, Drelb, Thought-Eaters, Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing, etc.: Noah Moshing's recipe for comedy: Take one (1) obscure D&D monster. Turn into cute girl as parody of the whole monster girl encyclopedia thing. Serve while hot.
Owlbear: I promise you there will be an owlbear girl, but only because it'll be funny.

Vampires: Kind of in a weird place right now, actually. MagicWhiteLady and I both want to use vampires in our games, but we've yet to sit down and actually figure out what canon vampirism is. So, yes, it will happen, in what form though? Read and find out.
I think there was a vampire in the last Fairy Side demo I played. But not much was said about the specifics of his powerset. There's a lot of variance in vampire mythology, so I can't say much beyond the fact that mistforms are incredibly abusable and I hope we don't meet one of the flying head-and-guts variety.

Were-[blank]: [Redacted]
If I did an animal-themed sexy monster, I'd probably go with a rakshasa of some kind. Not strictly the D&D variety, since I don't think that kind of nigh-indestructibility would be good on a PC. Then again, a classic D&D rakshasa could make a pretty interesting rival to the hero later on.

If it was just Were-___ in general, I'd go for comedy. A dwarven outcast who turns into a carp or elephant under the light of the full moon!

Yuki-Onna: Very high. Very, very likely to happen. It might not be a legitimate "ghost" but more "cute ice fairy or spirit or something" though.

Nice, I always though the way Yuki-Onna have been adapted into some modern fiction was pretty... cool. I remember Oriental Adventures did a thing where some were nice and others were hostile. They could serve as guides through blizzards or curse you to become so lost that you couldn't find your way out of a closet without help. And in general, ice magic can be used for pretty interesting stuff.

Maybe she can make animate snowmen as minions. Favored gifts might include coal and carrots, haha.