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Back into it with Breeneerb


Jungle Girl
Jul 14, 2010
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Long-time lurker Breeneerb used to do art. Breeneerb has not produced art in a while, and now wants to pick the digital pen back up. Breeneerb is not as great as many other artists out there, especially those featured on this website, but Breeneerb does art.

Breeneerb wants to art, but can not think of what to art, at the moment. Please give Breeneerb an idea and perhaps a sketch-type thing will result.

That said, Breeneerb is picky. Breeneerb prefers to art things that aren't popular things. No Renamon or Princess Peaches. Got an original character reference picture? Breeneerb is interested in this! That said, please do not mistake Breeneerb for a snob - It's all preferential.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

This could be interesting.
What about the girl in the attached picture (an OC), lying on her back after a good fuck? Maybe with a little bit of cum pouring out of her pussy too?
So, how's that for an idea?


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Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Well, I'm always interested in other people's takes on my characters so here you go, one of my OCs, for you to do as you like. That image is just a compilation of her in various outfits, if you need more references I can either send them your way or if you want you can peruse my Lani Whitehurst or OC tag on my blog.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

You should draw the dickbat from Saints Row 3, studded with nails. A nailbat, that is also a dickbat.

Perhaps have someone employing it in some manner. The obvious and probably most hilarious answer is to have someone beating someone or something else with the naildickbat, but you may alternatively consider the dude with nails in his face from Hellraiser using it as a masturbatory aid, or possibly a surrogate dong, since he probably lopped his own off or something.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Breeneerb accepts your challenge, Sir Oni!

However, Breeneerb had to stop, because this is supposed to be a sketch and wasn't supposed to take more than an hour. Breeneerb wanted to draw a revolver, but remembered, half-way through it, that guns are hard to draw.

Anyway, here is a sketchy, unfinished Lani Whitehurst. Breeneerb figured you have enough happy looking Lani pictures, so she is about to bust a cap in the left buttock of whoever pulled her tail. Breeneerb note: This character is difficult to draw with a serious expression.


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Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

And the character, as posted by barreytor, laying in bed after a fierce bout of carnal activities, looking over and wondering why her pet is dripping viscous fluids onto the floor.

It turns out, the cat was working the streets(aka whoring) in order to pay off her college loans. While the unnamed character felt sympathy for the feline's predicament, she could not tolerate her pet doubling as a hussy. Flyers have been posted throughout the neighborhood and local metro area, seeking a new home for the frisky feline - One which would take her in despite her terrible twilight trysts.


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Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Breeneerb accepts your challenge, Sir Oni!

However, Breeneerb had to stop, because this is supposed to be a sketch and wasn't supposed to take more than an hour. Breeneerb wanted to draw a revolver, but remembered, half-way through it, that guns are hard to draw.

Anyway, here is a sketchy, unfinished Lani Whitehurst. Breeneerb figured you have enough happy looking Lani pictures, so she is about to bust a cap in the left buttock of whoever pulled her tail. Breeneerb note: This character is difficult to draw with a serious expression.

That's looking pretty cool, loving the pissed off expression, I should draw her annoyed more often.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Draw the revolvers while you're at it. Breeneerb is interested in what these pain packin' pistols look like.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

That's a pretty good sketch, I can probably learn a thing or two from it.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Draw the revolvers while you're at it. Breeneerb is interested in what these pain packin' pistols look like.

There's nothing really unique about Lani's revolvers to warrant a sketch drawn focusing on them, not at the moment anyway. an example of what Lani's guns look like. They're pretty standard looking as far as revolvers go, though they would probably more resemble the smaller barrelled version in that image. And yeah, I'm not that good at drawing guns either, which is why they're barely showing in the version of Lani's outfit where she has her guns.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Breeneerb is waiting on more challenges! Hand Breeneerb your character ref picture for the arting!
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Well, if you're looking for more stuff to try out I have a whole host of OCs, though one in particular is , Lani's mother if you're interested in trying her out.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

And if you're looking for more then here's the description of my sword and shield wielding half-dragon knight in that same DG universe.

A rather impressive and somewhat imposing creature Alex stands almost a head taller than the average man. The horns that sprout nearly straight up from her forehead add an additional six inches, and though her scalp has some scaling it's mostly hidden by her short dark hair. Her scales continue down her back and her sides before converging on her smooth reptilian tail which leave her more enticing feminine qualities exposed, and though there is a clean break when venturing out to her limbs more sprout to closely resemble armored bracers for her arms and legs. A layer of powerful muscle lays just underneath her skin, and it gives her warrior's body the look of someone ready to vault into battle at a moment's notice.

But strength is not the only quality that defines her. Her mother was quite the beauty, and Alex has inherited that trait quite well. It flairs in rather striking ways around her chest and her hips, and her human skin feels surprisingly soft even with all the muscle it contains. And that softness has spread to her scales. Though they look rough a simple touch would reveal a certain smoothness that nearly rolls beneath your fingers, and their deep emerald sheen almost perfectly matches the rather vibrant green found in her eyes. Simply looking into them would show the same thing. Power and finesse, strength and beauty, they combined into an almost perfect model of an Amazonian goddess.

As well as azurezero's rendition of her.


And if you want to see her entire sheet for some odd reason here's a link.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Breeneerb finally has a day off of work. Only two submissions, it seems.

Time to find some apt music for this pairing, and put the pen to work!
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Time's up! Breeneerb actually started a different art, but scrapped it due to the rather large assets on both characters making an action-oriented drawing impossible with Breeneerb's skill level.

Anyway, both characters got about an hour's worth in this picture. Despite the urge to continue, Breeneerb will adhere to Breeneerb's hour-only rule. Picture is of Eleanor -Her hair reminds Breeneerb of ice cream - and Unnamed Dragon Hybrid lady - Lots of syllables in that one.


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Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

1. Her name is Alex.

2. Spiffy.
Re: Back into it with Breeneerb

Eleanor looks pretty awesome there.