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RPG RPG Maker [ B.H.C ] Le dernier saint chevalier (RJ146155)

Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Hope it comes out this time i have waited for more than a year for this game <_>
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

sign me up for this man!!!!!
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Windows 10, the RPG Maker MV of operating systems. :D

Well, I have MV and I don't think it is that bad, but win 10? Its just a compelete disaster
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

any news on the game?
Or has it been postponed yet again?
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

anything new? i just remembered this while watching an anime about a knight and she and heroine here had similarities
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

anything new? i just remembered this while watching an anime about a knight and she and heroine here had similarities

Still nothing, the last time they update their blog was back in February.
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Still nothing, the last time they update their blog was back in February.

... it looks like its dead, does it also smell like its dead ?

(do the creators have a habit of doing shit like that ?)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

... it looks like its dead, does it also smell like its dead ?

(do the creators have a habit of doing shit like that ?)

Who knows, it's their first game on DLSite so I can't tell if there's 'habit' from the creator.

Besides, Princess Sacrifice had longer period between update and that got released so I'd like to keep my hope up, assuming they don't suffer another computer breakdown (which was apparently the cause of their previous delay)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Except that you're wrong too:

The title on the picture is "Le dernier Saint Chevalier". Since "Saint" and "Chevalier" got their first letters in capital, it became a noun.

So it's not a fault, it's like "The last Mohican"

In French, it's acceptable that way and the good translation is, like you said first, "The last Holy Knight".

It kind like all the english play-on-word that we, French people, can't translate in movie or elsewhere.

Mais bon, si j'utilise ma langue maternelle, peu de personne sur ce forum arriveront à me lire, MOUHAHA!

I disagree, "le dernier Saint Chevalier" doesn't work in french.
It could be :
- Le dernier Paladin
- Le dernier Croisé
- Le dernier chevalier béni
- Le dernier chevalier saint (but this one is really weird either way )

Why would the title be translated in french anyway, i didn't get it ?

P.S. Nous sommes partout, il n'existe pas un seul pays ni un seul recoin du web qui ne soit occupé par des français, impossible de nous échapper. ;-)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

There was a couple of time when we talk about the title and the way it should be in french.

Strangely enough, it could be right (or not) depending on what exactly is mean (and so, who the MC is really).
So until we can try the game and found out who she is, we can't really say if the title is wrong.

And yet, I know, it sound wrong in french, but mostly because it seem to use meaning for some words that aren't really used nowaday, and also a phrase contruction that is out of date.

I think it would be best to pray for some news and the release of the game than keep arguing about the good use of french for the title.

@Combustion Man : J'ai vérifier avec des connaissances ayant fait français / littérature pour le titre. En fonction du sens de certain mots... ça peux être valide comme titre ;)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

@Combustion Man : J'ai vérifié avec des connaissances ayant fait français / littérature pour le titre. En fonction du sens de certain mots... ça peux être valide comme titre ;)

Tout est possible si on considère le français du moyen age, le français de la renaissance, le français québecquois, le français en usage en louisianne et le français africain.

Cependant étant français et lettré moi même, l'usage actuel veut que la tournoure soit incorrecte. ;)

Mais j'imagine que le débat a peu d'importance, je voulais juste donner un avis éclairé.

For those who can't read any french, don't worry, you didn't miss much. ;)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Tout est possible si on considère le français du moyen age, le français de la renaissance, le français québecquois, le français en usage en louisianne et le français africain.

Cependant étant français et lettré moi même, l'usage actuel veut que la tournoure soit incorrecte. ;)

Mais j'imagine que le débat a peu d'importance, je voulais juste donner un avis éclairé.

For those who can't read any french, don't worry, you didn't miss much. ;)
Don't forget that it's a Japanese title : they tend to use French/English/German words and sentences, and then butcher the grammar or create utter nonsense :D
The title here isn't so bad, as you actually can understand it :p

So yeah, it's probably Japanese French :p
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Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Tout est possible si on considère le français du moyen age, le français de la renaissance, le français québecquois, le français en usage en louisianne et le français africain.

Cependant étant français et lettré moi même, l'usage actuel veut que la tournoure soit incorrecte. ;)

Mais j'imagine que le débat a peu d'importance, je voulais juste donner un avis éclairé.

For those who can't read any french, don't worry, you didn't miss much. ;)

"Location: Somewhere in Europe"

So I guess we know where in europe.
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Who knows, it's their first game on DLSite so I can't tell if there's 'habit' from the creator.

Besides, Princess Sacrifice had longer period between update and that got released so I'd like to keep my hope up, assuming they don't suffer another computer breakdown (which was apparently the cause of their previous delay)

Well they've had "delays" since fall last year. And i'm at the point where i am just striking it down to pure laziness
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Well they've had "delays" since fall last year. And i'm at the point where i am just striking it down to pure laziness

The guy I was replying to was talking about if the game is 'dead', not delayed/postponed, which have a different connotation entirely.
I don't consider game 'dead' until author comes out to say it or it's not updated with any information in 1year+

And they did show a few more teaser back in February.

If you're on that guy's side and feel the game is dead, then my advice is to just leave. Since it's dead to you whether it comes out it shouldn't matter.
On the other hand, if you WANT the game to still come out, then I don't think speaking of doom n gloom is helping your cause.
(And I fel people who keep mocking the author for delays/bugs but still play the game anyway deserve to get beat up)
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

The guy I was replying to was talking about if the game is 'dead', not delayed/postponed, which have a different connotation entirely.
I don't consider game 'dead' until author comes out to say it or it's not updated with any information in 1year+

And they did show a few more teaser back in February.

If you're on that guy's side and feel the game is dead, then my advice is to just leave. Since it's dead to you whether it comes out it shouldn't matter.
On the other hand, if you WANT the game to still come out, then I don't think speaking of doom n gloom is helping your cause.
(And I fel people who keep mocking the author for delays/bugs but still play the game anyway deserve to get beat up)

Teasers? Wasn't it just the the picture of the main character in the same posture from the backside?

That's fair that you don't think it's dead neither do i, but i can understand the dissapointment of that guy. Usually delays are good for games, as it means more development time. But as with everything it needs to be done in an oderly fashion. And not have delays in 300+ days.

For instance would you be a patron to someone and pay monthly *Whatever amount of money, doesn't really matter* for a game which undergoes "delays" for more than a year, and on top of that there are few and very far inbetween updates? Though these two matters are entirely different there's still one thing that's the same. Which is the waiting. that can lead and has undoubtfully lead to people thinking that this is as dead as a game can get.

However as i said before i'm not saying it's dead at all, what i'm pointing towards is it's sorta like Mitsuko X. Where it feels like the updates are so few and far inbetween, that it just ends up in this grey area. Nor am i mocking the creator - at least that's not my intention, as i am very hopeful for this game to come out and definitely NOT get shit-canned. Because from the experience of when i last played the demo it had so much potential. (Imo a spiritual successor to VH, even though VH is still undergoing dev. So it can't really be a succesor but i hope you get my point. Which i too am looking forward to that KatteBan gon' be good.) But i can't shake the feeling of the creator being lazy due to the constant delays, and when there are delays the dev stays silent. Am i to just sit in the corner and pray for it's release and not voice my oppinion about it?
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Teasers? Wasn't it just the the picture of the main character in the same posture from the backside?

That's fair that you don't think it's dead neither do i, but i can understand the dissapointment of that guy. Usually delays are good for games, as it means more development time. But as with everything it needs to be done in an oderly fashion. And not have delays in 300+ days.

For instance would you be a patron to someone and pay monthly *Whatever amount of money, doesn't really matter* for a game which undergoes "delays" for more than a year, and on top of that there are few and very far inbetween updates? Though these two matters are entirely different there's still one thing that's the same. Which is the waiting. that can lead and has undoubtfully lead to people thinking that this is as dead as a game can get.

However as i said before i'm not saying it's dead at all, what i'm pointing towards is it's sorta like Mitsuko X. Where it feels like the updates are so few and far inbetween, that it just ends up in this grey area. Nor am i mocking the creator - at least that's not my intention, as i am very hopeful for this game to come out and definitely NOT get shit-canned. Because from the experience of when i last played the demo it had so much potential. (Imo a spiritual successor to VH, even though VH is still undergoing dev. So it can't really be a succesor but i hope you get my point. Which i too am looking forward to that KatteBan gon' be good.) But i can't shake the feeling of the creator being lazy due to the constant delays, and when there are delays the dev stays silent. Am i to just sit in the corner and pray for it's release and not voice my oppinion about it?

From the back? The February update had 2 parts that I know:
This blog update:
Showing 'poison gas' room and some other story bits.


This update page showing the monster invasion, the pink hair on rescue duty (and saying how many attempts are left) and passive skill (like dangerous day)

As for the delay example: The problem with using patreon as example is that in this particular case we have made 0 investment into the project.
(Also, Urielman just released another demo update...so using Mitsuko as example is kind of a fail there)

I don't think posts like yours asking for update is any problem ('any news recently' <- note that it's inquiry)
But it's post like Keep's (the guy I replied to about dead game) that really should stay in their mind, since it has no real purpose and can only ends up causing disputes.
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

Le dernier Saint Chevalier doesn't make nuch sense unless the Chevalier was Canonized a Saint while still living.

excuse for my almost non-existant french understanding (and english isn't my first language either) but isn't the title "the last saint knight"? what's all the fuss about?

i get that it's oddly phrased like saying "the car of james" instead of "james's car" but it makes full sense...
Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

From the back? The February update had 2 parts that I know:
This blog update:
Showing 'poison gas' room and some other story bits.


This update page showing the monster invasion, the pink hair on rescue duty (and saying how many attempts are left) and passive skill (like dangerous day)

As for the delay example: The problem with using patreon as example is that in this particular case we have made 0 investment into the project.
(Also, Urielman just released another demo update...so using Mitsuko as example is kind of a fail there)

I don't think posts like yours asking for update is any problem ('any news recently' <- note that it's inquiry)
But it's post like Keep's (the guy I replied to about dead game) that really should stay in their mind, since it has no real purpose and can only ends up causing disputes.

Alright those i've missed then, last one i saw was the one i described earlier.

Well the point i was trying to make was the dissapointment. By the time we've sort of invested in just waiting for the game release.

I whole heartedly disagree with Mitsuko X comparison, i know he just updated. And i recently played the new demo, which is why i remembered him because he was close in mind. Even so he still has his prior demo on his blog which is from August last year. So tell me i am wrong when i say that his updates are few and far inbetween. Though he has started streaming his progress we see none of it translated into the game. Which is quite the dissapointment :C Because that is also a game i like very much :C

Well isn't he just venting his dissapointment about the game delays? Though i do agree he might've done it, in a not so constructive way. He still is pretty much just venting the dissapointment.
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Re: Le dernier saint chevalier

excuse for my almost non-existant french understanding (and english isn't my first language either) but isn't the title "the last saint knight"? what's all the fuss about?
Yup, it's exactly that :)

i get that it's oddly phrased like saying "the car of james" instead of "james's car" but it makes full sense...
Don't worry, it's just people entertaining themselves in the thread, because there is no news in a promising game...