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RPG RPG Maker [Azurezero] Damsel Quest 3 (RE196208)

Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Well I was going to wait till I completely finished the game to post my review, but I think I've played enough to at least post my thoughts and whether or not I agree with the Lewdgamer review.

I'll say right now, I don't think Damsel Quest 3 is that bad as the review suggests. Granted I have a lot of H rpg maker games under my belt, with that means I've played some pretty shitty ones. So maybe my definition of a bad game is a lot more tolerant then theirs. I also got the impression that they've barely played any rpg maker games given they don't seem to recognize the stock assets.

First off lets start with the capture mechanic, the meat of this game if you will.
I think its great, really makes the battles more interesting. Having to keep track of both your HP and MP (or resistance as its called in game) is something I really enjoy. I like it when I need to keep track of something other then the parties HP to survive these battles. Its important for me for H rpg games to have their battles to have some lewd game mechanic, and I think Damsel Quest 3 did satisfy that. I also liked having to rescue your teammates when they get captured, yes its challenging having to manage with less teammates, but thats the point. Sure the scenes upon rescuing them are pretty short but there is lots of variants for different areas so I never saw it as much of a problem.

Next we'll talk story...yeah I kinda agree with the review here on this one. Main story is pretty forgettable, the game feels like it wants to be a comedy and it is for the most part, but when it feels like taking it self seriously, I just wasn't interested enough to really care. The story falls flat for me.

I can also see the lack of direction being a problem for some people. There are times where its not really clear what you need to do next. Thankfully I was never stuck for long and never had to resort to looking up what I need to do. Though to be fair I haven't seen all the endings so maybe I haven't seen the worst of it yet. Even still I can see where some less experienced players could get lost on where to go next.

The errors in combat I can see as well. There were times where there were inconsistencies. Meaning sometimes you can see the enemies health but sometimes you can't, and it was never clear for why that is. I chalk it up to scripting errors since the damage pop ups also mysteriously vanished for me later in the game, and I can't think of a good reason for why that is. Some of the moves are pretty hard to understand what they exactly do. Like what the fuck does Frost do? It applies a status effect sure, but I didn't notice any differences.
A real missed opportunity to have a book in the library explain status effects, but in reality the skill description really should just tell me what frost does exactly.
You might also run into a bug here and there, (keep multiple saves) though so far Azurezero has been pretty good about patching those bugs out. Still better to be safe then sorry.

The art it self is an acquired taste. I've gotten used to it, and I've seen much worse. But I can see why this might be not good enough for some. If this game had better art quality, you'd have a real winner on your hands. Again its not bad, certainly does the job but it could be better.

Other misc things I could nitpick are there seems to be only 1 bounty hunt quest in the whole game. Which seems like a waste to me.
I also thought there were going to be guest party members in the game but it seems that idea was scrapped. (If there is guests in the game and I just haven't gotten to it yet I'm going to feel like a real dumb ass, but I feel like I should of seen of seen it by now so I think its a safe assumption its not in the game.)

Kana from Witch's Dungeon lab (another one of Azurezero's games) shows up somewhere mid game, but she only serves as a in-game advertisement for her game. Which is kinda cute but disappointing she doesn't serve any other purpose. There may be other cameos I missed but Kana is the only one I've ran into so far.

Despite Damsel Quest 3s shortcomings I still feel its worth its asking price. If your on the fence on this one I urge you to check the demo out. Its pretty generous in length for a demo and really shows what your in for, and if I'm not mistaken you can even continue right from where you left off should you decide to upgrade to the full game.

I should state this review is not meant to discredit the LewdGamer review, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm just posting my thoughts to provide a different perspective so to speak. A perspective of a guy whose played all sorts of hentai rpg maker games and then some. Versus the guy who probably doesn't play rpg maker games all that much, if at all.

If rpg maker games aren't your thing, Damsel Quest 3 is not going to change your mind, but if your looking for something similar to The Moral Sword of Asagi and in English then Damsel Quest 3 should scratch that itch for you.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Well I was going to wait till I completely finished the game to post my review, but I think I've played enough to at least post my thoughts and whether or not I agree with the Lewdgamer review.

I'll say right now, I don't think Damsel Quest 3 is that bad as the review suggests. Granted I have a lot of H rpg maker games under my belt, with that means I've played some pretty shitty ones. So maybe my definition of a bad game is a lot more tolerant then theirs. I also got the impression that they've barely played any rpg maker games given they don't seem to recognize the stock assets.

First off lets start with the capture mechanic, the meat of this game if you will.
I think its great, really makes the battles more interesting. Having to keep track of both your HP and MP (or resistance as its called in game) is something I really enjoy. I like it when I need to keep track of something other then the parties HP to survive these battles. Its important for me for H rpg games to have their battles to have some lewd game mechanic, and I think Damsel Quest 3 did satisfy that. I also liked having to rescue your teammates when they get captured, yes its challenging having to manage with less teammates, but thats the point. Sure the scenes upon rescuing them are pretty short but there is lots of variants for different areas so I never saw it as much of a problem.

Next we'll talk story...yeah I kinda agree with the review here on this one. Main story is pretty forgettable, the game feels like it wants to be a comedy and it is for the most part, but when it feels like taking it self seriously, I just wasn't interested enough to really care. The story falls flat for me.

I can also see the lack of direction being a problem for some people. There are times where its not really clear what you need to do next. Thankfully I was never stuck for long and never had to resort to looking up what I need to do. Though to be fair I haven't seen all the endings so maybe I haven't seen the worst of it yet. Even still I can see where some less experienced players could get lost on where to go next.

The errors in combat I can see as well. There were times where there were inconsistencies. Meaning sometimes you can see the enemies health but sometimes you can't, and it was never clear for why that is. I chalk it up to scripting errors since the damage pop ups also mysteriously vanished for me later in the game, and I can't think of a good reason for why that is. Some of the moves are pretty hard to understand what they exactly do. Like what the fuck does Frost do? It applies a status effect sure, but I didn't notice any differences.
A real missed opportunity to have a book in the library explain status effects, but in reality the skill description really should just tell me what frost does exactly.
You might also run into a bug here and there, (keep multiple saves) though so far Azurezero has been pretty good about patching those bugs out. Still better to be safe then sorry.

The art it self is an acquired taste. I've gotten used to it, and I've seen much worse. But I can see why this might be not good enough for some. If this game had better art quality, you'd have a real winner on your hands. Again its not bad, certainly does the job but it could be better.

Other misc things I could nitpick are there seems to be only 1 bounty hunt quest in the whole game. Which seems like a waste to me.
I also thought there were going to be guest party members in the game but it seems that idea was scrapped. (If there is guests in the game and I just haven't gotten to it yet I'm going to feel like a real dumb ass, but I feel like I should of seen of seen it by now so I think its a safe assumption its not in the game.)

Kana from Witch's Dungeon lab (another one of Azurezero's games) shows up somewhere mid game, but she only serves as a in-game advertisement for her game. Which is kinda cute but disappointing she doesn't serve any other purpose. There may be other cameos I missed but Kana is the only one I've ran into so far.

Despite Damsel Quest 3s shortcomings I still feel its worth its asking price. If your on the fence on this one I urge you to check the demo out. Its pretty generous in length for a demo and really shows what your in for, and if I'm not mistaken you can even continue right from where you left off should you decide to upgrade to the full game.

I should state this review is not meant to discredit the LewdGamer review, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm just posting my thoughts to provide a different perspective so to speak. A perspective of a guy whose played all sorts of hentai rpg maker games and then some. Versus the guy who probably doesn't play rpg maker games all that much, if at all.

If rpg maker games aren't your thing, Damsel Quest 3 is not going to change your mind, but if your looking for something similar to The Moral Sword of Asagi and in English then Damsel Quest 3 should scratch that itch for you.

thanks very much.

full disclosure, pretty sure casual is one of the people who got a free key for dash years ago during the speedrun the demo competition, but im happy he took the time to review the game.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

I'm working on new events to add to the city with the girls split up. and also adding new areas to the city to facilitate them.
I'm working on the red light district now, because i needed a place to put the strip club required for one of the events

feel free to make suggestions as i currently only have a few limited ideas.

Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

450 sales just now.

hoping to get this update done for the by the next patron cycle, and when i do, the dlsite version will also be updated. (and itch obviously)
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

only one or two more cg to draw before i can publish the update!
I'm tired as hell but for some reason decided to stay awake and draw anyway

its almost 7am now...
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

I just finished one ending (#2) haven't got any other ending yet but these are some thought from me. I stumble on this game with the mindset of I like moral sword asagi and want to play something similar to it so I might do a lot of comparison between your game and asagi.

1. would be nice to have some sort of CG room since a lot of scene are gameover scene and your game allow a lot of save slot it is a pain fish a specific scene out of that sea of save file also there are scene which you can't revisit if you advance further enough (Gigolo become Slaver)

2. a lot of place where it could be polish and add more detail for example different portrait for combat rape between just naked and a slave outfit,reaction when getting harassed and nipple clamp etc. (also saw pic of emi in rope at the first page but not in the game wonder where it's gone?)

3. scene length are generally short especially game over scene but it might be just me.

4. art quality inconsistency this might be just me again but sometime I just feel like some CG quality are noticeably different like between ending 1 and 2 (I crack open rgss to get the picture) or between some big CG and portrait.

5. Really don't like the looped map in the other dimension at the house in the forest that kind of map making it hard to get the reference point

6. Also don't like the logic puzzle and it's combo with time limit too. this is just me complaining with no specific reason.

7. story are barebone but I'm not playing these game for story. Great story are a plus but not a requirement for me(but I really like good sex scene).

That's it for now. I'll try to get other ending.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

I just finished one ending (#2) haven't got any other ending yet but these are some thought from me. I stumble on this game with the mindset of I like moral sword asagi and want to play something similar to it so I might do a lot of comparison between your game and asagi.

1. would be nice to have some sort of CG room since a lot of scene are gameover scene and your game allow a lot of save slot it is a pain fish a specific scene out of that sea of save file also there are scene which you can't revisit if you advance further enough (Gigolo become Slaver)
this might just be what i need to make my update more substantial than 3 small events and one properly written one, started work on the gallery

2. a lot of place where it could be polish and add more detail for example different portrait for combat rape between just naked and a slave outfit,reaction when getting harassed and nipple clamp etc. (also saw pic of emi in rope at the first page but not in the game wonder where it's gone?)
I deemed the rope one not good enough and replaced it with the other.
combined status effect pictures arent possible unfortunately. ahriman had special scripts for the girls taking damage pics but i couldnt figure them out, i also dont have access to the original scripts anymore cause i cancelled the enty subscription

3. scene length are generally short especially game over scene but it might be just me.
It's just how i write, some scenes are longer than others.
4. art quality inconsistency this might be just me again but sometime I just feel like some CG quality are noticeably different like between ending 1 and 2 (I crack open rgss to get the picture) or between some big CG and portrait.
Finally someone points this out. I plan to re-draw the most eggregious examples, like the sex chair scene in the stealth segment
5. Really don't like the looped map in the other dimension at the house in the forest that kind of map making it hard to get the reference point
Ahriman had the dimension map too but i used it in reverse, its one of the sample maps.
6. Also don't like the logic puzzle and it's combo with time limit too. this is just me complaining with no specific reason.
you're free to save scum the segment if you have trouble with it. :3 so running out of time wont happen, some people hated me for the floor cracking segment too.
7. story are barebone but I'm not playing these game for story. Great story are a plus but not a requirement for me(but I really like good sex scene).

That's it for now. I'll try to get other ending.
The plot started out as an excuse to get the girls in to trouble and im glad it managed that. I think if id made a smaller game and stuck to a single dungeon like asagi did then i'd have a better plot in general. though it would still be just as silly. I'm glad all the extra effort i put into building a world didnt go to waste though
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Thx for the reply I hope you continue to fill up this game. I already like the core gameplay system. Looking forward to that CG room.

Ps. Floor cracking is easy for me.just don't run it will give you more time to push move character to different direction since it take more time walking to next crack than running
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Thx for the reply I hope you continue to fill up this game. I already like the core gameplay system. Looking forward to that CG room.

Ps. Floor cracking is easy for me.just don't run it will give you more time to push move character to different direction since it take more time walking to next crack than running

haha must be different for different people then cause i fall on the first crack if i walk

the update will be out on itch.io when I've sent it off to patrons on the 3rd (or sooner if the payment cycle finishes early)
since its 3 days away im still wondering if i can add anything else to make it more substantial...
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Damsel Quest 3 version 1.1 is now available on itch.io. I've also sent it off to dlsite and my patrons.

The gallery has been added. you can access it via the sparkle in the inn(your room).

I've also added the framework for a proper expansion to the game. the girls will now split up when you rest at the inn. normally they'll be downstairs but some events will trigger them to appear elsewhere.

In anticipation of the new events, ive started work on the red light district. currently only containing one event if ren should go alone.

but in future there should be lots more to do.

the girls can now get arrested if theyre are dressed indecently in the city, but theres only one enforcer and fast travel has been added so it should not prevent you reaching anything like the inn or the library.

be sure to comment events youd like to see in the city in future.

I also added a cg to the gust of wind event in lucuria and to ren's library punishment, which is also co-opted if ren is arrested.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Super excited for this! If I didn't have to get up early tomorrow I would so be finding everything new right now. Guess it's something to look forward to for tomorrow.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Super excited for this! If I didn't have to get up early tomorrow I would so be finding everything new right now. Guess it's something to look forward to for tomorrow.

everything new is in the town though :3 wouldnt take long to find

also, now damsel quest has been released. i've been losing patrons. but theyre all down as "financial situation changed"
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

how do you unlock the other routes in the gallery? I did them (those saves you gave me :D ) but can't unlock the gallery that hides the 2 route splits.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

how do you unlock the other routes in the gallery? I did them (those saves you gave me :D ) but can't unlock the gallery that hides the 2 route splits.

did you save when you got the endings? cause if not then the persistant data doesnt carry over.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

500 sales!!!
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Damsel Quest 3 version 1.1 is now available on itch.io. I've also sent it off to dlsite and my patrons.

The gallery has been added. you can access it via the sparkle in the inn(your room).

I've also added the framework for a proper expansion to the game. the girls will now split up when you rest at the inn. normally they'll be downstairs but some events will trigger them to appear elsewhere.

In anticipation of the new events, ive started work on the red light district. currently only containing one event if ren should go alone.

but in future there should be lots more to do.

the girls can now get arrested if theyre are dressed indecently in the city, but theres only one enforcer and fast travel has been added so it should not prevent you reaching anything like the inn or the library.

be sure to comment events youd like to see in the city in future.

I also added a cg to the gust of wind event in lucuria and to ren's library punishment, which is also co-opted if ren is arrested.

Some bugs:

After splitting the girls up at the inn, if you talk to Kiri first, she rejoins the party and both girls disappear, blocking you from re-adding Emi. (Separating again upstairs works as a fix) You can also add Emi multiple times before adding Kiri, but it doesn't actually do anything after the first time.

Some graphics in the gallery don't function properly, and/or don't go away after the scene is complete. (For example, the Memento Captured scenes leave the screen completely white.)
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Some bugs:

After splitting the girls up at the inn, if you talk to Kiri first, she rejoins the party and both girls disappear, blocking you from re-adding Emi. (Separating again upstairs works as a fix) You can also add Emi multiple times before adding Kiri, but it doesn't actually do anything after the first time.

Some graphics in the gallery don't function properly, and/or don't go away after the scene is complete. (For example, the Memento Captured scenes leave the screen completely white.)

i swear i tested every scene. maybe my scripts run events differently to the deployed version somehow, tweaked the kiri and emi events. for some reason they were checking for the wrong thing, but now corrected emi will be added too if she is there and vice versa for kiri, those ones skipped testing cause i patched in a hurry thinking that it would add them even if they werent there

can you provide a list of other events before i re-deploy this?
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Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

I haven't try 1.1 yet but I think I have something that you might want to look at.

The Captured/KO character still can get damaged(if it was the kind that have the portrait on the field(the nuns,Party member)) sometime even though some of your party member get captured(0HP) they can still get damaged from AOE attack. it was not a big problem if it was attack all AOE but having ren random stab 8 time mostly go to the KO character is kind of fruastrating.
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

I haven't try 1.1 yet but I think I have something that you might want to look at.

The Captured/KO character still can get damaged(if it was the kind that have the portrait on the field(the nuns,Party member)) sometime even though some of your party member get captured(0HP) they can still get damaged from AOE attack. it was not a big problem if it was attack all AOE but having ren random stab 8 time mostly go to the KO character is kind of fruastrating.

that's just a limitation of the engine. the targets are decided before the attacks go off. I only ever used that skill for if i wanted something to get 3 stacks of poison
Re: Damsel Quest 3 (Released for 10usd on itch.io)

Some bugs I have found so far in the gallery:

1: Emi and Kiri tentacles scenes. Less of a bug and more the fact that once selecting that you want to view the scene, it still prompts you if you want to skip the scene as if you were rescuing them from the woods, which is incredibly annoying, because the default selection is yes, so you can go from "yes I want to view this scene" immediately to "yes I want to skip this scene" if you are hasty with your button presses.

2: Slave Arena game over: Again, not technically a bug, but there is no way to see the bondage images that you get for losing the individual fights before the boss battle, besides going back to a save before them and losing again. I get they are less of a scene and are instead a still image, but it is mildly annoying that they aren't in the gallery.

3: Emi's slime scene turns the screen black at the end, and doesn't revert. You can still control them, but you are completely blind, and can only see again by blindly finding another scene and letting it play out to refresh your screen.

4: The slimegirl game over scene leaves the sounds of repeated penetration going on after you leave the scene, and even after leaving the gallery. I don't think there is actually any way to make it stop besides quitting.

5: The Memento stealth scenes: First off, if you choose captured, and then try to cancel, it will instead play the first time captured scene (I checked, it's the only cancel button I can access that does this). Secondly, after the first time captured scene, the fade to white doesn't leave the screen, leaving you stuck looking at blank whiteness, but still in control of the party. The same goes for the lost patience scene, only the second captured scene actually lets you see again, likely because it fades black not white. There isn't any way to get rid of the white overlay except by quitting as far as I can tell.

6: The Kai Game Over scene leaves the game over images of the party in sluty maid outfits on the screen even after you leave the scene, and it follows you around even if you leave the gallery. You can get rid of it by viewing other scenes though.

7: The defeated Kai behind the Kai game over scene can't be interacted with at all. I assume it's supposed to be the tentacle scene you get for not escaping the dimension in time, but it's not actually viewable. As an experiment I went back to my save at that point in time, got the game over, and went back to the gallery. This did not make it become available.

8: The route 1 ending scene, when played from the gallery, has the Ren who accessed it, presumably clothed and looking in the wrong direction, overlayed on top of the Ren in the bed at the inn. You can still see the naked Ren underneath her, which makes it look rather awkward.

9: Last and most important (for now), there is no way to actually get into the second ending part of the gallery, and as a result no way to get to the third ending gallery. I know that I have the files saved correctly, because I dragged over my saves of just before the end of each path, redid the ending, saved again, and had all three chests appear in my room at the inn. The door opened and I could go through into ending number 1, but the door to 2 opened, but doesn't actually let me in, treating the space it occupied as impassable. This is the biggest bug in the gallery at the moment, because it renders a large chunk unusable. Any bugs within this section of the gallery I can't test yet, as I can't get there.

Bugs not related to the gallery:

1: Testing out the getting caught naked by the enforcer scene, I got everybody naked and went to find the enforcer. The first time, it crashed on the new section of the map saying it couldn't load the map right. Wanting to see if it repeated I tried again, and did get caught by the enforcer. No idea what caused the crash the first time but figured I should report that it did in fact happen. Also, once the spanking scene was over and I was back at the inn, the fade to black screen didn't go away and left the screen black with me in control. Sleeping did get it off the screen, but I had to run around a moment to find the bed. Also, when getting caught with both Emi and Kiri naked, instead of Emi and Kiri both exclaiming that they didn't do it to themselves, Emi exclaims that she didn't do it to herself twice and Kiri doesn't say anything.

2: The solo Ren scene in the red light district has the line, "what you sayin you aint tresspassin on our fine establishment here" repeated after Ren responds to it with the line "...!". Also, once it's over, the image of Ren stuck in the wall says on the screen and not even sleeping will make it go away, so you are essentially forced to quit.
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