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RPG Maker Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game (Heaven Studios)

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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Don't fear, we're still going at it, we're also going at the guiness world record of most hours awake and moust hours coding in one sitting! :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Don't fear, we're still going at it, we're also going at the guiness world record of most hours awake and moust hours coding in one sitting! :D

haha, well lotsa luck on the world records.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Hey guys, I can't express how much it pains me to deliver this notice, but at this point I just see no other solution...

It's 6:45am of Saturday, we've been working on the final stages of the demo since Wednesday with very, very few hours of sleep, we really believed that if we just powered through the sleep and the actual physical pain, back, neck, it's just, killing us at this point...

For those who don't know, our team consist of me, a real life friend of mine who is a scripter/computer engineer, and our CG artist, me and the scripter work every week day from 2pm until 9:30~11:00pm on the game, so he is standing right next to me right now, we've been sitting here since 2pm yesterday, and even tho we worked HARD not to throw in the towel, for now, we'll have to, my fingers and forearm are in excruciating pain from all the typing, but I still have the final day of the demo all left to type (the demo has the first 7 days of the game), we have to put the images from the conversations in place, choose which expressions the characters use during the conversation, write the dialogue and code it all in, and right now our progress is absolutely minimal because we just stand here, looking to the PC with blanks, asking "what was I doing again?" it's just, heartbreaking, but we have achieved the point of absolute physical and mental rapture, I feel extremely bad, but I need to send him home, and send myself to bed, probably to sleep through half the weekend...

I promise that Monday we will power through the final day to deliver the demo for you guys to enjoy and finally be able to see all our hard work pay off, but as much as we want to do it today, it almost brings tears to my eyes, and I'm so sorry desapoint you, but we just can't, right now...

Again, thank you all so much for all the hype, trust in us and all the support, moral and financially, we promise we will do everything in our power, like we did today, not to let you down again, we will be better.

~ Starke
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

haha, dont kill yerselves, as long as you get the expressions right, take all the time you need since its in the final stretch. we aint goin nowheres...cheers.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Take a rest and chill, nobody is pressuring you specially to the point where your health is at risk, take the weekend off, it will either be a niceeeee christmas present or great new year present, we will enjoy it nonetheless :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Well i think your health is more important than the game. So don't push yourself too hard. Also if you did get it out on time you would not be a good game developer as not ONE game developer nowadays releases on the appointed date. It's not hip or something i guess or it's part of some binary religion thing:rolleyes:

Besides we as a community are still preparing all our posts for AFTER the game is done. you know: the normal stuff. asking for bug fixes, demanding sequels, expansion packs and cheap or free DLC. If you guys work yourself to death then you would deny us all that demanding/begging posting fun. That would be bad.

So yeah do that rest or sleep thing like a lot. We can wait. :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Take it easy. Kinda hard to make six more games if'n you kill yourselves making the first one.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Take it easy guys, you will probably end up with more problems if you try and do all the coding while half asleep :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Hey no rush. Best part about indie devs is that you make your own deadlines. Take your time with it. Better to have quality in your game than some buggy release like triple A games nowadays.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Take it easy guys, you will probably end up with more problems if you try and do all the coding while half asleep :p

This. So much. You'd be surprised what kind of silly bugs you can code when you're almost sleeping.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

This. So much. You'd be surprised what kind of silly bugs you can code when you're almost sleeping.

This is actually WHY we stopped, the pain was there for the last... 3 hours, but while you can power through physical pain, you can't power through your brain just seriously shutting down, there's no redbull or caffeine that can keep you going xD
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Yes get some rest, you are no good to us if you die or lose a few fingers
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

only a few more hours till its monday ~here
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

only a few more hours till its monday ~here

It's already 6pm of Monday here, we're currently working on it (MUCH FRESHER NOW, THANK GOD), shouldn't be much until it's released ;)
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

My body is ready. :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

the wait is fascinating :D
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

cant wait until its release:)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

OMG more wait more wait ................ can't wait LOL this is gonna be big guys :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Rapidly running out of Monday globally! You can do it!

(AFK, going back to my C++ final that's due at midnight)
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