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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

(Someone is pissed lol)

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][115-9=106/125]} {[Stamina:][140-3=137/145]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][56]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Whip": SUCCESS

"Not this time!" Lilith dodges your attack by cracking her whip towards your crotch again, making sure that you know who the mistress it. "If you just bow to me, I won't have to train you and torture you. Those who listen don't get to be tortured." She said with a evil grin as she awaited Aya's next move. The whip had caused the same shivers through Aya's body as before.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

For a brief moment, she saw stars, and this only made her even more mad. Her only reply this time was to lash out again with her other leg, this time at the kneecap of the woman, hoping to at least cripple her some.

Action: Attack!
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106/125]} {[Stamina:][137-10=127/145]}

Status: Free/Nipples Clamped (A Bit Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][56]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Nipple Clamp": SUCCESS

Lilith slipped out of your grasp once more but as you got closer with the grab she pulled out two nipple clamps and clamped them firmly on your nipples which stung a bit but ended up just wearing down your stamina this time, she left the clamps on your nipples as she stepped back with a laugh. "You'll love it when I make you my slave."

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Remove Clamps}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

A blink at the pain, and she simply lost it for right now. This was going too far. She attacked again, only this time she swung upward with an uppercut aimed at the jaw of the other woman.

Action: Attack.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106/125]} {[Stamina:][127-6=121/145]}

Status: Free/Nipples Clamped (A Bit Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][56-27=29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Nipple Clamp": Still Active
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Vibrator": failed

You swung with an uppercut and sent Lilith flying backwards from the impact. You could even hear a bone crack from the impact, however, you feel your stamina lowering some from the fact you still have clamps pinching your nipples. As well as when you got closer you could see Lilith had a vibrator in her hand but she had been hit too hard to react to try to use it on you yet....yet.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Remove Clamps}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

An idea started forming in her mind, and she stopped for the moment, focusing on trying to remove the clamps.

Action: Try to remove clamps.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106/125]} {[Stamina:][121-7=114/145]}

Status: Free/Vibrating (A Bit Winded/Vibrator In Vagina)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Vibrator": success

Aya grabbed the clamps and took them off as easily as she could and successfully as well. The clamps no longer a burden to her. Lilith took the time while you were busy with the clamps to get in close enough and shove the vibrator inside your vagina, its vibrations sending shivers down your body as well as lowering your stamina. She took a step back and dangled a remote around, it was obviously the remote to the vibrator.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Remove Vibrator}
Last edited:
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

((Hehe, it's Aya, not Alexis :p))

Leaving the clamps in one hand, she reached down to remove the vibrator now, a more evil thought crossing her mind.

Action: Remove Vibrator.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

(as stated in my edit >.> doing too many XD)

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106/125]} {[Stamina:][114-7=107/145]}

Status: Free/Vibrating (A Bit Winded/Vibrator In Vagina)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Vibrator": Still Active / Success on Level Increase[vibrator level 2] /Active 2/10 turns

Aya grabbed the vibrator but before she could pull it out Lilith had pressed a button on the remote and increased the power of the vibrator which sent shivers up and down Aya's body which made her release her grip on the vibrator. Her stamina was dropping everytime the vibrator took action to her and lilith was just watching and enjoying tormenting her soon to be submissive if she had to help it. "Enjoying yourself yet hun?"

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Remove Vibrator}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Her only response was to launch a kick at the throat of the woman, ticked now at what was happening.

Action: Attack, Visciously.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106/125]} {[Stamina:][107-23=84/145]}

Status: Free/Vibrating (A Bit Winded/Vibrator In Vagina)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Vibrator": Still Active / Success on Level Increase[vibrator level 3] /Active 3/10 turns

Aya went swining viciously at Lilith but the vicious tendency was most likely the downfall as lilith easily dodged her attack and hit a button on the remote once again, increasing the vibrator even further. The vibrator now starting to work much faster and louder that it was a distraction even to Aya. Her stamina was dropping fast, making it harder to resist the urge the vibrator was causing. Her legs shaking. She feels herself get extremely wet to the point she thought she was about to lose it but she held herself strong and resisted the urge to let go her urges.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Try To Remove Vibrator}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

This wasn't going to end well with this damn thing in her, she had to remove it first, then she would kill this bitch.

Action: Remove Vibrator.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][106-6]=100/125]} {[Stamina:][84-33=51/145]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Whip": success

Aya successfully pulls the vibrator out of her this time but it still takes its affect this turn on her stamina. Angry that she removed the toy that she gave her, Lilith swings her whip around again and cracks it across Aya's chest, stinging her nipples and breasts with the whip. Sending a shockwave of pleasure and pain through Aya's body. "Naughty girl, you're not suppose to move things that I give you unless I say you can."

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}

(you're not very lucky on Lilith's special abilities o_O lol)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She panted slightly in relief even despite the whip hitting her. Now she had what she wanted, and if she WAS going to go down, it wouldn't be without at least one last shot at the bitch.

Keeping the Vibe in her hand, she grinned slightly, and then moved forward, aiming with just the one hand to ram the vibe into the woman's throat.

Action: Attack with the Vibe to her throat, if that isn't possible, then a single midsection punch to the solar plexus.

((Attempting to crush her windpipe by ramming it into her throat, seems like a good idea. We'll see if the demonic dice agree :p))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][100-9]=91/125]} {[Stamina:][51-7=44/145]}

Status: Free (Very Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][29]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Whip": success

Aya goes to ram the vibrator into Lilith's mouth but the whip comes swiftly down on Aya's wrist, making her drop the vibrator and then it whips back between Aya's legs and back up behind her, slapping her both on the front and on the ass. "Stop resisting, you're only making it harder on yourself my dear." She said with a grin. Aya was starting to feel a bit faint on her knees as if she was going to collapse if this kept up.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack}
(You're not having much luck on rolls now. lol)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Another kick to the kneecap.

Action: Attack.

((I didn't right from the start. Already making a second character sheet since this one is pretty well dead.))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][91/125]} {[Stamina:][44/145]}

Status: Free (Very Winded)

Mistress Lilith, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}
Mistress Lilith's Special Ability "Whip": fail

Aya goes swinging a kick towards Lilith's kneecap and with a loud pop, Lilith's leg gave way and she fell down onto her knees, then face. It seemed Aya had given her a crippling blow, literally. Relieved that the dominatrix wasn't moving anymore she could take a breath.
Gained 94 experience!

{Move On} {Wait}
(Actually you know, if you get out of this successfully. The 'wait' command allows you to regenerate hp/stamina. Stamina only makes you pass out, health kills you if you run out. So your low stamina just makes you an easy rape victim. Not a dead character. haha and your luck just turned around :p)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She paused a moment, not sure if the woman would get back up, but after she hadn't for several moments she began to relax. She didn't know if the woman's "pet" was still around, but right now she couldn't afford to move on in her condition. She needed to recover a little bit first.

Action: Wait (and pray to god I regen some)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][91+7=98/125]} {[Stamina:][44+19=63/145]}

Status: Free (Feeling Somewhat Better)

Aya had no special intruders while she waited in the room, allowing herself time to catch her breath but how long that would last was no idea. The dungeon was well known for having tons of friendily visitors.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She stood for a moment longer, debating if she should wait around any longer or not, then decided against it. She felt right around 50% right now, and that would have to be good enough. SHe didn't want to be caught by anyone or anything in this room, not with these damn toys here, especially that vibrator. She briefly considered smashing it to pieces, but thought better of it, and headed for the door.

Action: Move On.