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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Depending on what the succubi are capable of, you might not be taken to the clock tower at all. Emily screwed her opponent into unconsciousness, remember? If the succubi can only carry one person each, then they might have to settle for carrying Joseph and the blond succubus back, and make a second run to grab Iris and Luna. Thereby giving Emily a chance to call in the helicopter and pull an evac.

If, on the other hand, they can make some kind of teleport gate, then yeah, they'll be headed for the clock tower. I doubt Emily could do anything against the combined "might" of two succubi. Do keep in mind that Keylo's probably got something to say about it - and seeing Luna when she wakes up from this experience ought to be... interesting... to watch... from a safe distance...

Heh ;P, you know me all too well DeMatt... Now if only this bloody writer's block would get the **** out of my mind so I can finish this post. ARGH!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's alright if you got writers block dude, just post an action or ask to skip your turn if you can't think of a post to type.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ok class, raise your hand if you think Daisy is going to respond to Ashley in and sensible/mature manner.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Doubtful. Still, was worth a try.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You know what'll show her? If you raped her first.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lulz. I actually kept that in mind as an option.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

At some point, Ashleys probably going to get sick of being treated like snack food. Luckily, that day is not today.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So, what are we going to face? Upon hearing "wave of life" my prediction was "11 grass snakes" but I don't think so anymore. Something new? Whatever they are, I don't think it's going to be fun to try to fight them with just 3 of us... how long until that truck gets here, again?

Also, Jenn isn't going to like the prison, but probably won't end up locked in a cell. Well, unless Mina gets all paranoid at her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So, what are we going to face? Upon hearing "wave of life" my prediction was "11 grass snakes" but I don't think so anymore. Something new? Whatever they are, I don't think it's going to be fun to try to fight them with just 3 of us... how long until that truck gets here, again?
Well, now we know. Eight futa-clones, one each for each of the rescuees. Aw shit. Welp, try and yell at them first? And the truck won't get here until after the battle reaches a conclusion. Guess if they stay mindlessly hostile, we're going to have to drag the rescuees into it... getting dragged down by pairs and trios of futa-clones doesn't sound fun. Given that we're all short on essence and would probably faint the first time we're raped.

Also, Jenn isn't going to like the prison, but probably won't end up locked in a cell. Well, unless Mina gets all paranoid at her.
Melissa'll do her best to keep Mina from getting paranoid. So long as Jenn doesn't make any cracks about "things that might rape her", she should be okay.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow, that's almost silly. Maybe Melissa, Jenn, and Mina can talk there way out of this one, but I kinda doubt it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow, that's almost silly. Maybe Melissa, Jenn, and Mina can talk there way out of this one, but I kinda doubt it.
...I hate to say it, but so do I. Melissa'll try, anyways, for Mina-clone's sake, but unless the "fathers" decide to join the conversation themselves, there'll be blood spilt. Which will make Melissa unhappy, because she'll be thinking of Mina-clone being gunned down like these ones.

The good news is, I think they're too cranky right now to be thinking of something as complex as subterfuge, so if they do get calmed down, it'll be a legitimate calm, and not just "waiting for a better moment".

Though I bet they'll be insanely vulnerable to being commanded should the Goddess approach them, and She might even be able to boss them and use them as "puppets" without actually moving from her mansion. Which in turn would make taking them into the Prison a very dangerous gamble... but if they CAN be talked down, what else will we do with them?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'd like to give in my two cents on the zoo infiltration thread.

Some people have been thinking that Luna and company a going to lose, be captured, and Joseph will be killed. I, in all honesty, think that they are all going to pull through with a living Joseph. Emily just defeated her Succubus. This means she might be able to pick her gun up and kill one of the succubi raping Iris and Luna. Likely she will save Iris, as the two have been best friends ever sense that mission Shiva was killed in. I'm sure while she does this she'll scream " Get the fuck off her!"

I'm sure that the Succubi can be killed by bullets. I mean, they do have magic but they are still made of flesh and bone, I'm sure a bullet or sword could kill one of them when they're focused on something else and not the person holding the gun, ya know?

If what I have said is correct and Emily is able to save Iris before she hits climax then that will leave one Succubus with Emily and Iris to deal with and possibly Joseph. The jerk might of been saving up energy this entire time, waiting for the chance to get just enough energy left to strike and kill one of the bat women when they're not looking.

Well anyways, yeah. That's my two cents.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uhh... Ok? Does that mean that everything I just typed became irrelevant?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Leave Toasts mistyping alone, he probably just overly relies on a spell checker that turns words into other words. He also said "sense," when he meant "since." Doesn't mean his scenario is impossible, though unlikely.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Some people have been thinking that Luna and company a going to lose, be captured, and Joseph will be killed.
"Some people", mostly meaning me. :p
I, in all honesty, think that they are all going to pull through with a living Joseph. Emily just defeated her Succubus. This means she might be able to pick her gun up and kill one of the succubi raping Iris and Luna. Likely she will save Iris, as the two have been best friends ever sense that mission Shiva was killed in. I'm sure while she does this she'll scream " Get the fuck off her!"
It's certainly possible... and given that she'd just overcome the blond succubus's seduction, she's undoubtedly less vulnerable to the others'. But on the turn she takes her shot, whichever one she doesn't kill will still be up and active. And that assumes she makes a kill shot - she can't do a triple shot as they're currently entangled with her teammates.
I'm sure that the Succubi can be killed by bullets. I mean, they do have magic but they are still made of flesh and bone, I'm sure a bullet or sword could kill one of them when they're focused on something else and not the person holding the gun, ya know?
I'm sure they could be killed by a bullet fired by somebody they're focusing on, too. It's just that that bullet wouldn't be fired - they're so seductive, the person would "forget" to pull the trigger.
If what I have said is correct and Emily is able to save Iris before she hits climax then that will leave one Succubus with Emily and Iris to deal with and possibly Joseph. The jerk might of been saving up energy this entire time, waiting for the chance to get just enough energy left to strike and kill one of the bat women when they're not looking.
I hate to be disagreeable, but Joseph was coughing up blood and too weak to stand not ten minutes ago. He's got "amazing regenerative powers", true, but that's a LOT of damage to overcome.


And now on to what I wanted to post. What do you guys think of this:
Melissa yells back, "And did your 'mother' ask your 'fathers' if they wanted to couple, before she grabbed them and assaulted them till they couldn't think of anything else?"​
I don't really want to post it right away, as thetwo really should get a posting in here.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't really want to post it right away, as thetwo really should get a posting in here.

Done, as of a minute before you finished this post. :p


I suppose it all comes down to the next turn. Save Iris before she succumbs to the succubi and it's probably a win - Iris + Emily vs one succubus. If she fails it's probably a loss - Emily vs two succubi.

As for our thread... somehow I don't think 3 PC's are going to be fighting 8 full-power futas alone. Either these were injured by the death of the fake goddess, or the "real" ones will give some aid, or this is a set-piece and right when we're about to lose reinforcements will show up in the form of the truck.

Or we're not supposed to fight at all. Honestly, if things go badly, well... I've always intended Jenn to run in some situations. Unfortunately this doesn't quite look like one yet - she'd need Melissa/Mina to do something that she could consider bringing this upon themselves - but it could still happen. :p