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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The problem I'm having right now is I want to side with both people, in this case Kayi and RJ...

On the other hand though, I feel this whole thing is quickly blowing out of proportion. I think there are ways to get through this which won't result in Kayi going suicidal with Azure and attempting to kill half the NPCs in the inn and replacing her with a much less interesting character. That and I think Kayi should give RJ a little more leeway, because as far as I know, this is RJ's first eRP/PBP GM attempt, and thus she should be a little more gentle.

I admit, I blow things out of proportion at times, but if you saw the extent of my conversations to try to avoid causing this exact conflict, you'd understand my frustration.

Simply put: Her goals seem to be outside the scope of what RJ wants to allow.

So I'm going to make it easy.

Azure is at a point where she can be "retired" from the game. She can decide to stay at the jail and not return, giving in to becoming a member of that group and never returning to an active role.

I'm going to leave it up to everyone else to decide, starting with RJ.

A- Azure retires. I make a new character, one that's as flat as can be so she won't risk having a personality that conflicts with any NPCs.

B- Azure continues on her current path until it's end, whatever that may be.

C- Azure gets her "miracle" action, as suggested by RJ in our PM conversations, and her inspired trait is Visions, which she immediately uses to figure out why the director is the way she is. Hopefully solving things so Azure can stay in play and not want to destroy the Inn.

Or- Something else. Good luck with that.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Not that my opinion really matters, cause apparently BG's post was far more interesting then mine and generated much more discussion and posting :x
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll vote C just so we can get this over with and get on with the next day. I really don't want to have to bring Fleur into this just to have something to do...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

P.S. I ate all the ice cream
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

D- I am tired of your bitching Kayi! We are all trying to be nice and helping you get your path on this game, but you like to be special for no reason, Azure is fine as a character, you are driving her into a corner by what you want to see happen. Azure wants to know whats happening thats great, I am sure we all would like to know, but she's lacking something and that is proof! She just HAVE to think the director is evil? She just HAS to tell everyone the Inn is fucking evil and every NPC there is a mindless slave bent to the 'evil' director's will? I am tired of your fucking single minded stand point! look at things a different way will ya? Azure being a reporter would ask those questions but she won't act like a little kid crying her eyes out when she doesn't get them! Nor would she just 'decide' somebody is evil cause they are a bitch, she's a logical person character wise now make her act like one!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That's funny, I don't remember giving out estrogen flavored ice cream
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Quick reply to everyone thinking I only want things my way.

I've been trying very hard to avoid causing conflicts at every turn up until this happened. I came up with three different missions (and dropped every one of them when RJ showed he didn't want to run them), tried to talk to my contact (only to get rejected by him and fire him), attempted to go on missions that weren't Azure's at all, just to get along with the Inn (which caused the mission to stall out. Twice.). Got bitched out for firing my contact, and had an extended OOC protest against me because of it that nearly got out of hand (including RJ insisting I should just use my contact at one point). And even to avoid THIS conflict spilling out, I tried to take this request up entirely with RJ in PMs only before I finally let it spill out into the thread here.

If you want to really see a perfect example of why I'm so angry with everything... Look at the "More Survivors?" thread where I asked RJ if Azure's hotel is nearby. He tells me that it's entirely the fuck across town and there's no way she can get near it on this mission.

Then in almost no time after, River wants to go home, and suddenly her home is miraculously right on the way, and she gets an armed escort of three super-twinked girls, plus the three of us, that let her march to her home and she collects all of the little things she wants, while the girls politely offer "Oh, anything that we took we'll gladly return back at the jail!"

So if any of you want to make fun of me for it all... you're not worth my time. So run along now you little (edited out for content). Go play your little "Press A for character depth" games, because this kind of roleplaying seems to be beyond you.

I, for one, prefer any attempts at actually playing characters to "Let's go loot. I shoot the monster. I bring the loot back." for the 50th time of the night.

... And I'm sorry for the rant, I just don't need a bunch of people insulting me for staying in character and not just mindlessly turning into a flat character. If you really want to keep insulting me, I gave you a way to show you don't want me playing character depth. Tell me to retire Azure and make a flat character. Otherwise, STFU.

sorry again. I just needed to vent. stupid pills.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

On the subject of looting runs.
I don't really like them all that much, they're ok I guess.
But in order to keep the inn with supplies we need to go on this runs.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I thought of another option! If Azure really believes the Director is just on a mad spree, and the girls at the jail agree...maybe the jail can become a new hub. Y'know, when girls go out of the inn, they can try to recruit them away from Apple Inn. ^.^
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey Simca... Rin's only been missing for about a day in game time...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I love this game so far, it's unique....naughty...And I will not do anything to compromise it....c_c

Though I do really wish soul draining was an "off" option..or Melanie will never see a pair of handcuffs or be locked up in somebody's room somewhere?

Though it does make sense with her plot....
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Shit she still doesn't get it!
The point is rather simple Kayi.
Logic, you are lacking it.
In real life just cause somebody isn't useful at one point of their life, they won't get dumped. Just cause YOU are not near to where YOU want to be doesn't mean OTHERS can't be near where THEY want to be. I find your character depth sudden and lacking sense. One minute she wants to have a slime pet the other she wants to make a newspaper, you are advancing things by yourself when RJ himself is not ready for such things, and it's ok as long as your plans get on it's way because it keeps your 'character developement' going. I am not trying to insult you but could you make your character developement easier or simple to follow? It doesn't need a whole lot to affect someone's character. Adding trouble to someone's life could turn a cheerful person to a serious that can't take a joke. You are thinking too much into changing Azure herself, not her personality. Hell, Lin was suppose to be insane at 1st but guess what? Now she has a sister to deal with and she can barely last a minute without thinking about her condition. Now would you mind calming down and sticking to one plot point at a time? Or try to think of a way to insert your 'character developement' into RJ's mission instead creating a new mission where it only suits your needs?
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

On that note, yes... Luna knows bondage techniques. And no... she definitely did not rape Fleur in the process of tying her up. *shifty eyes*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I made this game to try to at least make some people happy, please don't ruin my only objective. :(
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Making people happy?
Make me happy by letting me go on the looting run within the next twelve hours.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What BG said... you can also make me happy by making me a character avatar for Fleur :3...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

well I'm glad most people seem to understand that I'm trying my best to NOT force Azure into this kind of negative situation.

Pity that I have no idea what Zero is talking about by now, since it seems like he's trying to make a point.

And RJ, read my little poll. I already said I'm willing to take alternate options to avoid the plot path you've put Azure on.

... Seems a bit odd though that despite a few odd complaints that Azure is trying to make her own plots, the majority of players seem to want her to stay and invite them into these missions.

As I said in my little informal survey. The final choice of what to do with Azure is up to you RJ.