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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

well for you, i'd say draw your own :)

i'd still take a look at the program though, just let it sit in your browser for about a half hour then go to the shop and buy up everything you can, they have some really neat stuff
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I'm going to be writing up a sheet pretty soon, I've just been busy with other things today! XD Do we -have- to use a character generator like the one that's been provided? Can we draw our own or even write a description?

I kinda mentioned Dress my Babe was optional, I also said it was VERY important that your avatar is what YOU wanted, so don't listen to me. :rolleyes:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, alright, I can see the Orgasm stat being something used to determine how sensitive they are - I understand that the monsters' goal may not be to satisfy our own fetishes, however I was looking at it from the off-chance that they rub past something a little extra sensitive.

It's all good.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm assuming that we can't change our avatar later in the game, is that right?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Apologies for double-posts, I just don't want it to get overlooked!)

I was planning on making up a nerdy librarian-type character... from skimming over the current players, there seems to be two Inspired and three (or four?) survivors... is that right? XD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

After I have given you your cropped avatar, Inform me that you're ready to play. Once I have every little detail in order, I'll make a thread for your character alone, as that is where you will begin your story.
Medic who runs away in the middle of a battle is a go!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm assuming that we can't change our avatar later in the game, is that right?

Pretty much, I'm going to try and throw lots of common sense at you during gameplay, so the only thing I might let pass is facial reconstruction, which I highly doubt would be available to you, given the circumstances.

I was planning on making up a nerdy librarian-type character... from skimming over the current players, there seems to be two Inspired and three (or four?) survivors... is that right? XD

Survivors can be nerdy as well, the only thing that makes an Inspired different is their connection with a strange force that allows them to channel their soul into raw power.

And don't worry about balence too much, Where an Inspired can only cast so much before loseing her essence, a survivor relys on materials around them to assist them.

Aside from being able to use super powers or not, it also effects the course of your story, Inspired are more likely to encounter strange things due to their rare nature, thus learning more about what the monsters really want. and survivors are more likely to find out what caused them to appear in our world, given they won't be daydreaming about their powers like the Inspired.

But none of that is certain, what truly leads your road in this story, is your choices, even little choices might push where you will go in a big way.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm going to take a bit longer making my character sheet - I'm crafting up a character sheet builder at the same time cause I'm insane like that. That and I'm often horrible with numbers. >_<

Just wanted to make sure you knew what I was up to and not left to believe I skittered off after hassling you with the details.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I am guessing the stories are going up, get to me already!!!!
and I guess I know what you mean, since I forgot to mention my char has C cups drawing a picture would be good, maybe I should try and work on that right now!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Current image is a place-holder for my sheet, if that's okay. ^^; I don't plan on changing the character more than once, but when I get a chance I plan on switching that image out for a self-drawn one. I can create the new 100x100 avatar as well, unless you have special brushes and/or background stuff that needs to be applied to the avatar!

Also, please feel free to take your time with mine. It looks like you've got lots and lots of applicants, so I don't want you to feel overwhelmed by the interest! ^_^" *dances*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's alright, I just need an image of your character's face, or even their whole body. I'll take care of the rest and give you a decently sized avatar, and will also put it in my albums in case you don't have access to it for any reason.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I am guessing the stories are going up, get to me already!!!!
and I guess I know what you mean, since I forgot to mention my char has C cups drawing a picture would be good, maybe I should try and work on that right now!

I need two things to happen; (1) Your character is in order, that includes a picture of your choosing. (2) You contact me, informing me that you're ready to begin. I'll inform you if everything's straight, or if you need to fix something.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Do I REALLY need a picture?
Pictures are so hard to come by and you just can't find a good one that fits what you want... I am picky person...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Use Gelbooru and search for what you think is vaguely right. If you want a person with purple hair, type purple hair into the search box.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Unless you want to be the picture-less lights that flicker off in Jillian's late night, yes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meh, I could probably dig up a pic in Gel. BUT I am a perfectist so I am just gonna try and draw a pic but if RJ won't start anything without a picture I will just dig up something and just it as a temp.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I've never encountered this using of avatars in RP's before! Where's it come from, if I can ask? Do we need to post them with every reply? X3 Will there be little images of the creatures that we're fighting? (god, that'd actually be kind of cool. XDD)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion



*Is happy now*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

BUT DO I NEED IT????????????? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?
And I am ready unless I need that pic