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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh speaking of which, on anyone wondering why Luna commented that Joseph had dipped his hands in blood... apparently from a convo between me and RJ, Joseph is a very... "bad boy", in more ways than one.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Seeing that this boy is a swordsmen Iris is going to instantly take a level of interest. More then likely Iris is going to take a few steps forward and ask if he's a swordsmen or not. It would be neat if Joseph challenged her to a duel, which I'm sure Iris would lose too.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That would probably be more appropriate for the inn though, in a tense environment such as this, I think his first concern is escape.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, I guess. Maybe it's best to have Iris just speak to him saying something like " Excuse me... Are you alright?". If the wound he got from Aya is still visible she'll ask that, if not she will ask it anyways because it's in Iris's nature to give a flying fuck about people. That and she will get a slight spark of interest from seeing his sword.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yup, although Luna's reaction might also be worrying to Iris so... you have two paths to take really, react to Joseph's appearance alone, or react to Joseph's appearance AND Luna's reaction to itl.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I will just wait, cause I am too lazy to type: "NPCs I COMMAND THEE TO SAVETH MEH SISTEH!"
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I will just wait, cause I am too lazy to type: "NPCs I COMMAND THEE TO SAVETH MEH SISTEH!"

......................No, we're being serious here. Have the npcs save Rin, and then get your ass moving onto a zoo mission thread, or suffer rape and bloody murder from us. If you're good about it, you might even receive an enlightened cookie like Dematt has.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Raptor, please let me play as the new character I made. If you do ill have her lead the next Zoo mission.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey, if you do, his new char can help me save Lin!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Zero..... *SMACK*

What have we said about wasting supplies?...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Burning do you want your 2nd character or not?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

>_>;;; How does that tie into having players use up more supplies in saving Lin again when the NPC can save her?...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ehh... Casey isn't going to get much screen time so I guess it would be nice too give her and her nerd brother some character development. Supplies are not really going to be an issue considering that soon enough everyone at the Apple inn is going to end up living at the prison. If Raptor is alright with it ill get Casey to go save Lin with someone else and Rin.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

We will? Last I checked we may not exactly be moving to the prison out of fear of mass futa rape.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I vote not move to the prison, I kinda like Mary or w.e the Self proclaimed bad ass girl is. And I really would not want a futa on Lin's or Rin's ass.
And yeah, I really don't wanna miss this Rin/Lin bonding time, cause WE HAVE A DAMN MEMORY LOST VICTIM HERE... I'd really like it if I can use this chance to make Rin become more confident of herself.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

AFAIK, the Prison population is less than half futas, the rest being ordinary women. Most have paired off, but there's a small group of futas with no bedmate, and a slightly larger group of women who end up taking turns "feeding" them. Adding the Apple Inn women to the group wouldn't change the dynamics, really - though the menfolk might want to find cells that can lock from the inside.

Of course, these little details may or may not be known to anybody outside of the Prison. It wasn't exactly clear.

Zerospace, if all you want to do is have your two characters chat with one another, why are you even asking for players to rescue Lin? Get the NPC rescue, then if you're still bound and determined to have Rin and Lin sit and blather, do so. Quit fussing around and DO.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well no, I don't really expect them to talk, or put any 'talking' out there, I just need Rin to do something you know?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

For some reason I don't feel like having Iris try to convince Joseph to tag along with her party. I guess because there's no IC reason to do it beside him being a man and having a sword, which isn't really much. The young man has shown no interest in wanting to go with them and what reason do they have to bring him if he doesn't want to come? Unless the Director begins screaming at Iris to get him then she's just going to shrug and tell everyone that they should move on.