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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Definitely can't be a helper, too unique, and powerful.

But she can still be an adversary for some fun combat, however, she can not lend a hand to Luna, lest people will get jealous over the fact that you would literally have a contact helping you out.

So I can have her just for the brawl? :p The only reason I stacked her so was because in the roleplay post I've partially worked out, she manages to almost FLOOR Luna... before Luna rather painfully pins her to the ground with her sword and puts a gun to her head. (A character who can beat Luna to the ground is bound to have some ridiculous stats...)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

So I can have her just for the brawl? :p The only reason I stacked her so was because in the roleplay post I've partially worked out, she manages to almost FLOOR Luna... before Luna rather painfully pins her to the ground with her sword and puts a gun to her head. (A character who can beat Luna to the ground is bound to have some ridiculous stats...)

Yup, you can't be losing a battle and say, "ZOMG! It's Fleur!"

*Fleur pwns teh rapists*

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

(( Here is my new character. Raptor, feel free to fix any math mistakes. I'm ready for that starter thing whenever you are. ))

Name: Aya.


Age: 18.
Sex: Female.

Bio: Ayas blood parents got rid of her when she was a month old. Her white skin and red eyes freaked them out, they saw it as a sign of evil. A month old Aya was left at the door steps of a police station. What ended up happening was about a week after her parents got rid of her was a rich couple adopted her, they said their three year old daughter wanted a little sister but the mother didn't want to give birth to one. The three year old picked Aya out from a group of babys. She said she liked the red eyes, it scared her parents though.

Aya ended up growing up in a very wealthy family. Her adoptive movie star mother and ceo father were always busy and never really had time for family, so they had thier servants take care of Aya and her older sister.

Early in her life, around the age of nine, Aya got caught in the middle of a violent bank robbery with her older sister and their personal servent who drove them around. Aya got shot and seriously injured when the police stormed the bank, and had to kill the robbers in a firefight. After about a year Aya managed to get out of the hospital she was sent to, she grew determined to protect herself, and sweet-talked both her family and the range owner who lived near by into letting her have pistol lessons. Both have since seen her vindicated, as this rather waif-like child has developed into a champion target-shooter.

Now in the present 18 year old Aya spends most of her free time around the mansion where she is reading or shooting at the range. She spends a lot of time with her older sister doing something to keep herself alive. Something she never really understood.

Strength = 3
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 1
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 20

Stamina = ((1 + 2 + 4) X 3) + 5 = 26

Orgasm = (( 1 + 4) X 4) + 10 = 30

Speed = (1 + 3) X 2 = 8

Essence = 64

Level 3 contact.
Fast reaction time.
Level 1 Iron woman.
Situation awareness.
acute sense (Hearing)
Resistance to being knocked out.


Level 5 handgun.
Level 3 brawling.
Level 2 trance.
Level 1 running.


Essence pool 10 points = 50.
Holy Fire.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Such selective skills coming natural? Come on now...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Such selective skills coming natural? Come on now...

I could edit the bio to say a certain guy taught her how to shoot and that they shot handguns together often in the very large and empty basement of the hospital.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Gun fire is very loud, at the very least, people on the first floor would be clued in by the noise.

Having an absolute mastery of pistols needs a good explanation, with years of combat experience with it.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Gun fire is very loud, at the very least, people on the first floor would be clued in by the noise.

Having an absolute mastery of pistols needs a good explanation, with years of combat experience with it.

Her family paid for a private shooting range with noise barriers to be installed in the basement of the hospital once they caught wind that she wanted to learn to shoot guns. Her contact could be the person who taught her how to use handguns. This all happened when she was around ten so she had about 8 years of practice with handguns. She was naturally good at it and her teacher, aka contact, was a great instructor.

That isn't the best explanation but it works. If you have a better explanation then ill use it instead.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Here we are, Azure's replacement.



Strength = 2
Dexterity = 4
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 20

Stamina = 41
Orgasm = 30
Speed = 12
Essence = 63

Acute Sense (sight) (2)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Iron Woman (5)
Photographic Memory (2)
Resistance (Stamina Loss)
Resistance (KO)
Resistance (Toxin)
Resistance (Essense damage)
Situational Awareness (2)

Cowardly (1)
Cruel (1)
Covetous (power) (1)
Nightmares (1)
Showoff (2)
Nymphomaniac? (contacting RJ about it!)

Acrobatics (2)
Brawling (1)
Climbing (1)
Craft (1)
Demolitions (1)
Driving (1)
Escapism (2)
First Aid (1)
Guns (handgun) (1)
Guns (rifle) (1)
Lock Picking (1)
Notice (1)
Riding (1)
Running (2)
Stealth (2)
Trance (1)
Traps (1)

Gift (5)
Increased Essense Pool (10)

Divine Sight

Dessy is the local college deadbeat with a rich family that keeps paying for her grades. Obviously not 'higher education' material, but fits in better with the college party life than real life, she just hopes to get by on her parents' money for the rest of her life. The few skills she does have are a reaction to her wild lifestyle more than any real training, having picked up lots of minor abilities from life experience.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Don't forget, there's no point spendage for level 1 in attributes. you still have 6 more points to spend, and you can base out intelligence at 1.
You're at level 14 right now

Strength = 3
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 1
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 3
Willpower = 3

would be 20 perfect
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Because of scheduling and unfamiliarity with the game, I'm not sure if I want to play. But if I were to, here's the character:


Lertis Ayoun

Very tall. Very fit. Very pale. Letris is an albino amazon. Due to her lack of pigmentation, she is also partially colour blind.

Bio: Letris always enjoyed breaking things. When she was little, she would smash her toys and tear her teddies. While Growing up, she would pick fights with other kids, both to try and hurt them a little, and to prove how tough she was. She became hooked on martial arts films and combat sports and pro-wrestling, taking courses and lessons from local kung fu schools and joining her high school's wrestling team.
After three years of easy (and brutal) victories in the girl's tournaments, Letris set her sights on winning the boy's tournament for her final year of high school. But despite putting up an incredible fight, Letris never won a single match.
Inspired by some animes, mangas and old kung fu movies, Letris vowed to never be defeated again, deciding to disappear into the wilderness for super intense training, and return as a true champion. Also, she dropped kicked a police officer's nuts when he tried to sleazily strip search her. :p

Strength = 3 (5pts)
Dexterity = 3 (5pts)
Constitution = 3 (5pts)
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 1
Willpower = 3 (5pts)

Lvl 20 Inspired
Stamina = _47
Orgasm = _34
Speed = _12
Essence = _99

Drawbacks: 10 points
Impaired Sight (2pts)
Honorable 2 (2pts)
Showoff (2pts)
Conspicuous 2 (2pts)
Nightmares (1pts)
Cruel (1pts)

Qualities: 20 points
Acute Hearing (2pts)
Fast Reactions (2pts)
Iron Woman 5 (5pts)
Nerves of Steel (3pts)
Resist KO (1pts)

Skills: 25 points
Acrobatics 2 (3pts)
Brawling 2 (3pts)
Climbing 2 (3pts)
Intimidate 1 (1pts)
Melee Weapon (Club) 2 (3pts)
Running 2 (3pts)
Survival 7 (2) (3pts)
Trance 3 (6pts)

Metaphysics: 22 points
The Gift (5pts)
Increased Essence +85 (17pts)
Blessings power
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Kaila Dunsfield


Bio: Kaila Dunsfield grew up in a small, almost picture-esque town, with her friend Sara Martine. They both lived, loved, and played in the town until the age of 18 hit, where Kaila went off to College, and Sara went off to the military. It was then she started to have visions - no, not visions, they had to be real - of these things trying to get her in her sleep, while she was at home by herself, everywhere.These delusions bothered Kaila so much she left college only after going for two years. She became increasingly unnerved, until finally, the young woman decided to go on a quest to find a 'cure' to keep these werewolves from following her. Sara, who had returned from the military, came along with Kaila - ready to plunge head first into danger with her friend! Ever since arriving, Kaila's spent most of her time exploring at night and trying to find this so called cure, spending most of her time near the library to find some information first.

Strength = 2
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 18

Stamina = 2 + 2 + 3 x 3 (+15) = 41

Orgasm = 2 + 3 x 4 = 30

Speed = 2 + 3 = 10

Essence = 14

Contact: Level 5
Kaila has known Sara Martine as long as they both could remember. When Kaila went to college, Sara went to the military, unaware of the other woman's rapid mental breakdown. When Sara came back, she stuck by Kaila, even her odd 'quests' to find a cure.
Charisma: Level 5
When not panicking about a werewolf grabbing her and running away, Kaila has a sense of humor about it, seeming quite cheerful and happy most the time.
Iron Woman: 5
Nerves of Steel: 3
Fast Reaction Time: 2

Addicted: Cigarettes (1 point)
Covetous: 'The Cure' (1 Point). Kaila thinks there's a cure to solving her Werewolf problem is located somewhere in this town.
Delusions(Werewolves) - (4 points)
Constantly suffers from the paranoia that werewolves are around her, and are almost constantly trying to 'get' her. She suffers a -2 to perception rolls, and forces everyone else around her to suffer a -1 to their rolls, due to her jumping at what isn't real, and diverting their attention from real threats.
Honorable: Level 2 (2 points)
Even though she knows how stupid it sounds, she'll tell people about the werewolves - and while refusing to leave anyone behind for the 'cure', she'll drag them along with her no matter what may have happened to them.

Acrobatics: 2
Brawling: 2
Climbing: 2
Driving (ATV): 2
Melee Weapons: Staff: 3
Piloting: Skidoo: 1
Riding: 3
Running: 2
Stealth: 2
Storytelling: 2
Swimming: 1

0 points left.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Kaila Dunsfield


Bio: Kaila Dunsfield grew up in a small, almost picture-esque town, with her friend Sara Martine. They both lived, loved, and played in the town until the age of 18 hit, where Kaila went off to College, and Sara went off to the military. It was then she started to have visions - no, not visions, they had to be real - of these things trying to get her in her slip, while she was at home by herself, everywhere.These delusions bothered Kaila so much she left college only after going for two years. She became increasingly unnerved, until finally, the young woman decided to go on a quest to find a 'cure' to keep these werewolves from following her. Sara, who had returned from the military, came along with Kaila - ready to plunge head first into danger with her friend!

Strength = 2
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 2
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 18

Stamina = 2 + 2 + 3 x 3 (+15) = 41

Orgasm = 2 + 3 x 4 = 30

Speed = 2 + 3 = 10

Essence = 14

Contact: Level 5
Kaila has known Sara Martine as long as they both could remember. When Kaila went to college, Sara went to the military, unaware of the other woman's rapid mental breakdown. When Sara came back, she stuck by Kaila, even her odd 'quests' to find a cure.
Charisma: Level 5
When not panicking about a werewolf grabbing her and running away, Kaila has a sense of humor about it, seeming quite cheerful and happy most the time.
Iron Woman: 5
Nerves of Steel: 3
Fast Reaction Time: 2

Addicted: Cigarettes (1 point)
Covetous: 'The Cure' (1 Point). Kaila thinks there's a cure to solving her Werewolf problem is located somewhere in this town.
Delusions(Werewolves) - (4 points)
Constantly suffers from the paranoia that werewolves are around her, and are almost constantly trying to 'get' her. She suffers a -2 to perception rolls, and forces everyone else around her to suffer a -1 to their rolls, due to her jumping at what isn't real, and diverting their attention from real threats.
Honorable: Level 2 (2 points)
Even though she knows how stupid it sounds, she'll tell people about the werewolves - and while refusing to leave anyone behind for the 'cure', she'll drag them along with her no matter what may have happened to them.

Acrobatics: 2
Brawling: 2
Climbing: 2
Driving (ATV): 2
Melee Weapons: Staff: 3
Piloting: Skidoo: 1
Riding: 3
Running: 2
Stealth: 2
Storytelling: 2
Swimming: 1

0 points left.

Silith, from the time I've been a lurker up to even now, I have always loved your characters. Can't wait to see how she plays out :p.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

So her character thinks werewolves are real? Ha, that's interesting. Your character seems interesting and well balanced, nice job.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Heh, thanks guys. ^-^; It means a lot to hear that.

...Erg, sensitive moments on a hentai forum... odd...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Where is she during a normal night? That's always the main part I need when making a beginning.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Delusions(Werewolves) - (4 points)
Constantly suffers from the paranoia that werewolves are around her, and are almost constantly trying to 'get' her. She suffers a -2 to perception rolls, and forces everyone else around her to suffer a -1 to their rolls, due to her jumping at what isn't real, and diverting their attention from real threats.

Am I reading this right? Anyone who goes with her gets a penalty? >.>

Also, I don't suppose Jenn could claim to recognize wolfsbane, could she? :p
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Yup, it's a little bit harder to hear something sneaking up on her if you've got a girl constantly jumping at what isn't real.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Her bio should be fixed now, RJ.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Casey J, Rodriguez.


Bio: Casey was born into a baseball family. Her father is a retired major league baseball player and her mother use to play softball for a team, both parents loved baseball and played/watched it whenever they got a chance to. Casey was the first born child and became her fathers personal project. He trained her in the ways of baseball and she became a great player, her skills and talent matched those of her own father who was regarded as one of the best baseball players of his generation. As the years went by Casey passed high school and went to collage where she joined the schools baseball team. Most of the guys on the team would hit on her.

A few years after Casey was born her parents actually had another kid, a boy. Sadly this boy brought shame to Casey's family, in her parents eyes. He didn't like baseball and was actually bad at it. All he wanted to do was computer related things, along with playing video games and other things. Casey had a geek of a brother who her father and mother was ashamed of. Because he was very unwilling to do work outside of school Casey hired her brother to carry her things and stuff during her baseball games.

Casey is currently 18 years old. Her brother is 16. They both live together under the same roof. Their parents died in a car crash a year ago. Both Casey and her brother have gotten over it.

Strength = 3
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 1
Intelligence = 2
Perception = 2
Willpower = 3

Level: 20
(This is what everyone starts at, it's more a marker for me than anything.)

Stamina = ((1 + 5 + 5) X 3) + 5 = 38

Orgasm = ((1+ 5) X 4) + 10 = 34

Speed = (1+ 5) X 2 = 12

Essence = 14


Level 3 Iron woman.
Level 3 contact. (( Yes the contact is her brother. Seeing that SilentSilth got to pick out who his contact was I decided to do the same. ))
Level 1 charisma.
Nerves of steel.
Resistance to being knocked out
Situation awareness.
Fast reaction time.
Acute Sense sight.

Level 1 honorable

Level 4 Club.
Level 4 running
Level 3 Acrobatics
Level 2 Brawling
Level 2 Intimidate
Level 2 driving (( Cars ))
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

In most parts of the world, women play, "softball" as opposed to baseball. Most Baseball teams do not have mixed, male/female members.