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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Well, the book doesn't make much sense then... I would suggest just using a list that says what the cost is to get a stat to a certain level from 0 such as the ones I showed.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Well, the book doesn't make much sense then... I would suggest just using a list that says what the cost is to get a stat to a certain level from 0 such as the ones I showed.

I agree with this.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Burning, I played around with your stats to make them fit better. Take a look and I'll try and help you work this out.
Name: Iris E. Clara.
Strength = 4 (9points)
Dexterity = 3 (5points)
Constitution = 2 (2points)
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 2 (2points)
Willpower = 2 (2points)

Level: 20

Stamina = ((2 + 4 + 2) X 3) + 5=29

Orgasm = ((2 + 2) X 4) + 10=26

Speed = (2 + 3) X 2 +1=11

Essence = 14

Fast reaction time. -2
Iron woman. -5
Nerves of steel. -3
Situation awareness. -2
Photograpic memory. -2
Resistance. -1

Drawbacks: (Drawbacks give you extra quality points to spend so currently you have 10 extra)
Bad charisma. -3
Honorable. -2
Humorless. -1
Nightmares. -1
Zealot = killing of innocent. -3

Acrobatics. 2(3points)
Brawling. 2(3points)
Driving. 2(3points)
Sub-machine guns 3. (6points)
Handguns 3. (6points)
Melee weapons. 2. (3points)
Survival. 2. (3points)
Intimidate. 2. (3point)
Running. 1. (1point)
Stealth. 2.(3point)
With these revisions you would have 1 extra skill point to put 1 level into an unlearned skill of your choice. (I am presuming you are a survivor type character.) Also, since you have 15 points of qualities and 10 points of drawbacks you have 10 more quality points to spend.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Also, I'm about to go offline for a rl D&D session, so if you do need help, I'll be back in about 3 hours or so.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Thanks Phonix.
I should be able to fix my profile now.
I think I am going to edit my drawbacks a bit.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Ok my profile is fixed. Yay.
I'm going to end up replacing that profile picture.
I just don't like it all that much.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Shiva


History: Shiva's past is unknown, as she hardly talks about herself. Matter of fact, she hardly talks at all. Might be because of her strangely natural white hair, or the strange, "things" that happen when you're around her have made her unsocial. Her blank expression on her face might seem off putting, but she appears to mean well.

We know she used to work for the secret service, then quit for an unknown reason (She didn't respond to our attempts to ask her.)

She spends her day, mostly at home, living off of the money she earned from her work, but will occasionally visit the shooting range, gym, and empty parking lots where she's seen practicing martial arts.

Quote from Shiva: "The world will soon be remade..."

Strength = 1
Dexterity = 3
Constitution = 3
Intelligence = 1
Perception = 3
Willpower = 3

Level: 20

Stamina = 26

Orgasm = 34

Speed = 12

Essence = 79


Fast reaction time: 2 points
She character has cat like reflexes, and does not need to check initiative rolls, as she will always respond quickly, and efficiently.

Nerves of Steel: 3 points
Being emotionless, it's unlikely fear would effect her
+4 to rolls resisting fear

Photographic Memory: 2 points
She remembers every part of a book, even a year after reading it.

Resistance: 1 point

Bad Charisma: 3 points
-3 to any social check due to being anti social.

Humorless: 1 point
She takes everything seriously, you'll never see her laugh. This can cause people to dislike her, however, the clown will often pick her as her favorite target.


Acrobatics - Level 3
+2 per skill point to rolls made involving, dodging, or just being a showoff....

average 4 wheeled car, automatic.

Escapism - Level 2
This helps you escape from nasty objects that might be holding you down, does not help with escaping enemies.
DEX and Escapism used to determine success.

First Aid
This helps you know a thing or two about helping people out that are in need, such as waking a fellow girl that passed out. But this skill is only really useful if you've got an emergency kit with you, which allows you to treat any harm professionally.

Handgun - Level 3

Melee weapons:
Knife - level 2


Strange things always happen around her, an obvious sign she has the 'gift'

Increased Essence pool: 13 points

Holy fire
Nothing protects against this attack, no matter how powerful the armor.
Costs 20 Essence points to use, here is the damage formula;
D8 X (WILL(3) X 2) = Average damage 24
So someone with a willpower of 4 can, on average, inflict about 32 damage!
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Since it's a problem, I'm going to edit the how-to on stat placement, with something that describes it VERY clearly.

if any other parts of the CC have got you stumped, let me know.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I've made an edit to the primary stat placement, I started to think it was a little too unforgiving.

You can have left over points, but you'll start at a lower level. your level represents how many points you have overall, so only having a single point left, would mean your level would start at 19. Have two left, you'll start at 18, etc.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Gold, I breezed over your char again, looking good except you need to define what melee weapons she's had training with, wielding a knife is a little different than a broadsword, or hammer.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Name: Linne(Lin) Edelia
Apperance: Imagine it, Temp:
BiO: 5'5, Brown hair down to her hips, Light Purple eyes,look calm and smart, very friendly, and looks like a kid... Linne was however, everything but calm. Full of enegy and participated in lots of outdoor activities made her very active, she got separeted with her friends and family after she went into college but she is still friendly likes to make friends. She likes to gym now and then but wants to be outside than a room with machines. She likes to think and act at the same time, and cares about others, but she's also very 'real', but that does not mean she's not quick to adapt. Being bright and full of enegy is good, but if she's not doing anything she likes she act rather lazy. Perfer to be survivor AND inspired but if not... Survivor. In college(so make her start at college or something).

Strength = 1+2
Dexterity = 1+2+3
Constitution = 1+2
Intelligence = 1+2
Perception = 1+2+3
Willpower = 1+2

Level: 18

Stamina = 23
Orgasm = 26
Speed = 11
Essence = 14

Acute Sense(Sight, Hearing, Smell)-2+2+2
Fast reaction time-2
Photographic Memory-2
Situational Awareness-2
Resistance- 1


Acrobatics-1+2+3(lv 3)
Climbing-1(lv 1)
Escapism-1+2(lv 2)
First Aid-1+2(lv 2)
Guns(handguns)-1+2(lv 2)
Lock picking-1+2(lv 2)
Notice-1+2(lv 2)
Running-1+2(lv 2)
Stealth-1+2(lv 2)
Swimming-1+2(lv 2)
Survival-1+2(lv 2)
Driving-1(Lv 1)

Possible Start Points: College, Home, Street
This annoyed me on BiO cause I accidently hit Back Page, so if you want a more detailed one tell me.
Btw your stats has confused the hell out of me tell me if I did most of everything wrong.
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

If you don't want to make anything more complicated, I suppose I could throw some basic, cliche beginning scenario for you.

But, I need a picture of your character, otherwise you'll seem like the generic victim, and I'd prefer it if every player character in the game was unique.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

but a picture is MORE complicated...
I am sure you can image SOMEBODY
and no, I like complicated stories, just not complicated systems.
You have forced me to edit even more.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Btw your stats has confused the hell out of me tell me if I did most of everything wrong.

Damn it, I don't know how to make it any simpler.

here's a chart, this is the most I can do.

For primary attributes:
(Desired level) = (Overall point cost)
1 = 0
2 = 2
3 = 5
4 = 9
5 = 14

For skills:
(Desired level) = (Overall point cost)
1 = 1
2 = 3
3 = 6
4 = 10
5 = 15
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Gold, I breezed over your char again, looking good except you need to define what melee weapons she's had training with, wielding a knife is a little different than a broadsword, or hammer.

I made some more edits to the profile. I think its finally done.

Edit- Raptor do you think my new character design is better then the last one?
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Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

So did I do it right or wrong?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

So did I do it right or wrong?

It needs to be fixed, but I know that the problem is me not explaining it correctly.

*slaps self*

I don't know if you started making your char before the edit in the Original post, but you make your primary stats and skill go up, one number at a time,
EX: 1->2->3->4->5
The cost goes up as well, depending on how high the stat is.
EX: 0->2->5->9->14
(you need to pay the original 1 for skills, as they start at zero.)
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I still don't know what melee profession she stars in, you need to pick one.

Wha..? I was asking if you think the character picture was better then the last one...

Also what?