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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava tries to chain a combo together on the second robot. She is a bit hasty on her second attack, however, and in mid swing she allows her arm to be snagged by the first robot's chain grappler, pulling her swing to the right.


Ava DEF: 2 + 2
Bot A: 2
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Gah! Let me go let me go let me go!"

Uttering the all too familiar chant of "let me go" once again, Ava begins bashing at the grapple arm of the first robot, trying to get away from it.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava is able to land a significant blow to the chain. She fails to breack it, but the first robot gets the picture, releasing the arm, but not before the second robot is able to get behind Ava. Now surrounded, Ava begins to feel a shiver of fear.

Ava DEF: 2 + 2
Bot A: 1
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

"A shiver?... Fear?...No, I don't have time to be afraid..."

Replacing her fear with a reckless courage, Ava let out a battle cry and charged the first robot in an attempt to finish it off, hoping she can manage it before the second robot managed to stop her despite its severed legs...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava lunges at the heavily damaged robot, but the robots have lost a large amount of oil and other fluids. in her charge, her bare feet lose traction and she slams into the floor, splashing oil all over her jeans and t shirt. Quickly getting to her knees, she sees the more damages robot right in front of her, mere inches from her face.


Ava DEF: 1 + 2
Bot A: 1
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)


Letting out a string of illegible curses as she slipped on the various oils and fluids, Ava quickly attempted to pick herself up...only to see the damaged robot in her face. Needless to say, the girl then reflexively smacked out at it, in an attempt to send it flying far away...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Swinging out with her backhand, she slams it into the metal side of the robot. Even in its damaged state, it seems to do any sort of measurable damage. Still on her knees, she feels the second robot step on one of her back legs near the knee, effectively pinning her there. She quickly wields her axe again before they can have the opportunity to take it from her.


Ava DEF: 1 + 2
Bot A: 1
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Not again...

Deciding to try ignoring the second robot for now, Ava lashes out at the first robot again with her axe, hoping to destroy it so she could focus on a single target

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Attacking the extremely close robot, Ava is able to land the axe in the center of the robot's instrument deck. The robot goes limp and fals to the ground. Ava, now focusing in on the second robot, is able to wretch herself from it's grip, but the robot ripps the lower portion of her jeans off, creating cut-off jean shorts to about mid thigh.

( That does nothing to clothing stat, just needed some flavor as to how you get free ;))

Ava DEF: 1 + 2
Bot A: 0
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Hahahaha, that's better candy to the mind anyway.)

"My jeans! You stupid robot!"

Angry at the fact that the remaining robot had torn away the lower half of her jeans, Ava swung at the machine with her axe, intending on dealing punishment to it for having done that.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava swings her axe but is unable to connect. She again slips a bit in the oily mess, but is able to this time catch herself on her right knee. Unfortunately, the robot takes this opportunity to launch it's grappler at Ava's neck. it clasps around her neck, catching some of her white hair as well. It doesn't choke Ava, but does pull her sharply to the ground. She lands face down onto the floor.


Ava DEF: 0 + 2
Bot A: 0
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Spitting out oil that had gotten into her mouth as a result of being slammed to the ground, Ava raised her axe into a counterattack stance after having failed miserably in her attack.

Ok...maybe charging isn't the best idea here..

Opting to wait for the robot to attack first, Ava watches it carefully, anticipating its next move.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

The robot extends what Ava can only assume are several small knifes of some sort. Partially paralyzed by fear and overcome with confusion, she is unable to do anything as they make short order of her t-shirt. She only snaps out of her little world when the robot again yanks on the chain, forcing her now nearly bare chest back into the oil puddle.

Ava DEF: 0 + 1
Bot A: 0
Bot B: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

It was then, being thrown to the ground one more time by the chain that was still attached to her neck, that she realized that the robot still had a hold on her. Panicking not only at the knives, but the fact the robot could drag her to the ground at any time, Ava began smashing at the chain with her axe in hopes of destroying it.

"Let me go let me go let me go!"

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Now soaked, her axe becomes harder and harder to hold. Not that it matters much, because she lands a devastating blow to the chain. it whips backward and in a chain reaction, destroys the second robot. Dirty and exhausted, Ava stands up and surveys her destruction. She hears the door to the next level open.

(crit hit)

Ava DEF: 0 + 1
Bot A: 0
Bot B: 0

Search wreckage
Leave stairwell
Rest/recoup (38% chance encounter per DEF)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Dirty, tired, and exhausted, Ava can not help but sit down for a moment to catch her breath, need the rest badly...

(Action: Rest until full defense or encounter?)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava sits on the stairs a few steps up so she is out of the oil. She leans against the wall and drifts off to sleep. Her sleep is short lived, however, as she hears the rumbling of a tankbot. She looks up the stairs and is shocked at the east that the tank can maneuver over the stairs. It rolls to about 10 feet up form her, then stops, looking at her.

(encounter: 2nd roll)

Ava DEF: 1 + 1
Tankbot HP: 3

Flee up the stairs (50%)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(... Wait, I thought rest was supposed to make me heal 2 def in a single turn >.>;; So first roll would have me at 2?...)

Deciding the retreat was the better part of valor, Ava took off up the stairs, abandoning rest to get away from the tank bot...

(Action: Flee up the stairs)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(You were at 0. the first rest roll yielded a +1 to DEF. The second roll yielded the encounter)

Running up the stairs Ava enters a hallway that travels to the north. A warm, comforting breeze hits her skin.

Ava DEF: 1 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"...Warmth?...Maybe things will get a bit better now..."

Deciding that the warmth is a nice change from the cold air of the lower floors, Ava opts to spend some more time resting and searching around...

(Action: Search the Area)
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