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Aurani Test Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

Name: Aisrideu
Class: Succubus
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 12 + 48 = 60
Mind: 12 + 0 = 12
Spirit: 16 + 2 = 18

Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 51
Spirit Energy (EP): 74
Speed: 24
Dodge: 43 (53 against Spirit Powers)
Armor: 7 (0)
Resistance: 30 (33 to rolls with Lucky, 43 against Spirit Powers)
Perception: 26 (29 to rolls with Lucky)
Stealth: 22 (25 to rolls with Lucky)
Grapple: 72 (75 to rolls with Lucky)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Natural Warrior: Grapple Expert
Superior Warrior: Skilled
Natural Spirit Wielder: Necromancer
Lucky (+3 to all non-damage rolls.)
Fuck Me (+12 to penetration PP damage)
Suck You Dry (+12 to foreplay PP damage)
Greater Draining (+6 EP drained whenever she would drain EP)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)

Mutated x4
*Open Soul
*Tainted Bloodline

*Faerie (Ignore first 5 points of damage from cold/electricity)
*Demon (Ignore first 5 points of damage from fire/force)
*Greater Wings (Can Fly at her Speed)
*Soul Eater
*Selective Fertility
Appendage x4
*Tentacles (from the appendages)
Whip Tongue x3
Tight x3
Natural Attack
Glowing Skin (+2 Perception, -2 Stealth)

Spirit Oppressor (+10 to Dodge and Res vs Spirit Powers)

Spirit Ceiling: 15
Aspect of Spirit
Devour Magic
Call Spirit

Succubus Powers:
Drain Through Pain
Dazzling Beauty (All creatures able to see her take a -10 penalty to Perception against other creatures, she deals +6 PP damage)
Stunning Gaze

Unarmed Attack (+63) 2d12 + 20
Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

A picture
A story
Aisrideu is, to put it bluntly, both a paradox, and an abomination. She is the first, and as far as any history holds, the only ever to be born fallen, as even those born to other fallen angels are generally born pure. Before she was born, it was prophesied that she would one day become a being of immeasurable power, and as the child of two Archangels, such really wasn't any great surprise. On the day of her birth, however, her parents warded away their kin for reasons that have been lost to time by now. What is remembered, however, was that both her father and her mother recoiled from her in horror as they beheld her for the first time.

Raven wings stretched out from her back, and a limitless, formless hunger seemed to swirl around her even immediately after she was born. Her father had dubbed her a "Hole in the Universe" immediately, and raised his hand to slay her on the spot. Her mother, perhaps stricken with madness by the pain of her birth and the subsequent horror of her own offspring, threw herself in front of the blow. Both of her parents died that day, and a very young Aisrideu got her first sampling of the only thing that might sate her endless hunger, as she consumed their scattered essences before she plummeted down to the world below. The angels have been hunting her ever since in order to determine what happened that day and finish what her father started, but they have never once been able to locate her due to her unnatural nature.

Once she had fully grown, Aisrideu found that the skills of a succubus came naturally to her, and she resorted to them in order to satisfy her need for the essence of others. Her body warped and twisted itself as she required in order to hide her nature and make her better able to feed, and she quickly found herself able to use her mutated form in the rare instances when she was forced into violent confrontation.

With little need for any long term allies, Ais has drifted from place to place for many years, never stopping to settle and simply going wherever she wills, or wherever beings of interest might be. Above all else, her hunger calls to her, the need to fulfill it everpresent and without end.

The OOC section:
Though shalt avoid guro, scat and golden shower at all costs. Though shalt limit instances of mind control performed against the PCs (NPCs are fair game) to things necessitated by the story and good smut scenes. Though shalt provide adventure and combat and such when appropriate, and time for PC interaction when appropriate as well.
Any old adventure hook will do. Well, not gold, but maybe something with a reputation for her to eat would be good.

Cheat Sheet
She deals 2d4 + 39 PP damage when performing oral foreplay, 2d4 + 35 PP damage when performing non oral foreplay, and 2d8 + 44 PP damage when penetrated or penetrating.
She has Tentacles, making her immune to group grappling penalties against things without Tentacles and allowing her to grab things from up to 10 feet away.
She has an effective 33 (43 against Spirit Powers) Resistance and 75 grapple thanks to Lucky. She has 43 (53 against Spirit Powers) Dodge, and an effective 29 Perception and 25 Stealth.
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Re: Aurani GM Test Thread

My character sheet, using a kitsune race as statted by Tassadar. Backstory a WIP but otherwise ready to go.

Name: Oormi
Class: Warrior (Wave Wielder)
Race: Kitsune (Using a test race statset)
Sex: Female

Body: 54 = 34 + 20 [Exceptional]
Mind: 38 = 14 + 12 [Racial] + 12[Exceptional]
Spirit: 14 = 2 + 12 [Racial]

Easy Status C&P
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 60, Status = Fine

Hit Points (HP): 80
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 72
Spirit Energy (EP): 60
Speed: 23
Dodge: 43 (53 with a single one-handed weapon equipped)
Armor: 0 (10 w/ armor)
Resistance: 27 (33 w/ armor)
Perception: 3
Stealth: 15
Grapple: 54

Cheat Sheet
When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance to their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people and does not actually know she can.

She has fertility and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher. Unless the opponent has egg layer or another mutation that supersedes normal pregnancies, or is not humanoid, a child born of a kitsune is always another kitsune. Kitsunes require 9 months to be born, regardless of warped or supernatural.


[Warrior] Duelist: +2 Damage, +10 Dodge while wielding a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.
[Warrior] Skill with Weapon (One-handed Swords): +12 attack rolls with dunno yet
[Warrior] Skilled: +3 Skills

[General] Natural Mage (Experienced Caster): Grants access to all level 1-3 spells.
[General] Exceptional x4: +20 Body, +12 Mind

[Racial] Tainted Bloodline: x1.5 corruption gain.
[Racial] Sensitive: +4 PP damage taken.
[Racial] Fertile: Becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or more.

[Talent] Open Soul: +4 EP damage taken.
[Talent] Oblivious: -8 Perception.
[Talent] Obvious: -8 Stealth.

[Extra] Permanently Blinded: Constantly affected by the blinded status. -10 dodge, -16 to attack rolls, -12 perception. Immune to the blind status as a result.

[Racial] Warped: Deals half pleasure damage to partners without warped or supernatural as corruption.
[Racial] Tail: See description
[Racial] Funny Ears: See description
[Racial] Shapeshifter: Can shapeshift and stuff.
[Racial] Kistune Heritage: Whenever the character would deal PP damage, they can drain EP as if they had the Soul Eater mutation. A kitsune who drains a creature down to 0 may continue to drain it for 5 more rounds, and every round thereafter the creature being drained must win a Resistance check against the kitsune or be absorbed.
An absorbed creature effectively dies, and the kitsune gains an additional Tail mutation with color dependent on the nature of the individual. Tails containing humans are brown, high elves are gold, night elves are violet, orcs are green, demons are red, vampires and other undead are black, gemini are grey, su-ku-ta are orange, naga are teal, arachne are violet with a black web pattern, dragons are the color of their scales mixed with red in a flame-like pattern, fey are blue and angels are white. Daemons, half daemons and particularly heroic souls are colored depending on their personality, half breeds are a mix of their parent's colors, and other kitsune grant tails of a color equivalent to the absorbed kitsune's tail mixed with the colors of any tails they had when they were absorbed. A kitsune can only have up to 9 tails at any one time, and may release a soul at will.
When they absorb an individual, they gain a permanent bonus to their Mind and Spirit stats equal to the stats of their victims divided by 10 and rounded up to the nearest even number. IE: absorbing someone with 40 Mind and 20 Spirit would grant a +4 bonus to Mind and a +2 bonus to Spirit.
Finally, any time a creature would impregnate or be impregnated by a kitsune, the resulting child is always another kitsune unless the other creature is any egg layer, or is not humanoid. IE: Things like tentacle monsters and corrupted beasts don't make more kitsune.

[Duelist] Defensive Stance (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.
[Duelist] Lightning Strikes (Activated) – The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack rolls and damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.
[Duelist] Battle Dance (Activated) – The character gains a +10 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round, and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV. Requires Duelist.
[Duelist] Power Attack (Activated) – The character can trade points from their Dodge to make their attacks deal more damage. These are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and no more than 10 points can be subtracted from Dodge. Cannot be used in the same turn that a character is fighting defensively (trading attack for additional Dodge.) Requires Duelist.

[General] Mage-Hunter (Passive) - Gain +10 Dodge and Resistance checks against Magic based attacks. Requires Mind 14+.
[General] Focused One-handed Swords (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
[General] Specialized One-handed Swords (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Focused with the selected weapon type.
[General] Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
[General] Spirit-Oppressor (Passive) - The character gains +10 to Dodge and Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks. Requires Spirit 14+.

Base Casting: 19
Favored Elements: None.

Spirit Ceiling: 12

One-handed Sword [Chisa Katana] (+56 to hit) 2d6 + 30 damage.
Bow (+38 to hit) 2d8 + 24 damage, 100 foot range
Nurse Robes: AV = 10, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2, Resistance + 6.
(Unequipped) Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

Oormi stands at 5' 2" and weighs 122 lbs. She has a fox tail and fox ears, a symbol of her "father's" heritage. Her hair is orange and her tail and ears match that color, both bear similar white tips. She tends to wear her hair in ornate styles. Oormi has soft features, her face is unremarkable, not rating as particularly ugly or particularly beautiful by most standards. She has a lean build with one exception in her noticeable chest, to her mother's chagrin. Despite her blindness, the foxgirl really enjoys dressing up. Preferring to wear fanciful bows, ties, ribbons, and any other sort of brightly colored decoration over her already peculiar clothing. This means that getting dressed can take several hours for the foxgirl to accomplish. She has red eyes, though they are usually kept closed as there are few things she can see with them. Her weapons are gifts from the faeries and she wears them with pride, her shortened blade worn at her left hip, her bow slung over her shoulder, and her quiver at her back.

Although she takes liberties and indulges in frivolities when it comes to her outward appearance, Oormi is a very serious and studious person. She believes in honor, justice, and the standard array of virtues that go along with them. When it comes to matters of love and sex, she is both shy and virginal, literally in the latter's case. It's her belief that she should save herself to one day settle down with the person she loves, similar to her parents (she's also quite naive).

Born and raised among the faeries, the latter task sometimes performed by the faeries, Oormi had something of a unique upbringing for her kind. She was the second child born of her parents, a mortal and a kitsune, both of whom had accomplished a fair amount by the time she was born. Still, the second kitsune was loved just as much as the first. Both children had access not only to the teachings of their parents but also that of the faeries, a sizeable amount of knowledge offered to them in matters of martial, magical, spirtual, and non.

Oormi took up the sword, much like her mother had. Despite her kitsune heritage, she showed very little command of natural powers. Similarly, the growing foxgirl had no prowess to speak of with organized magic. But she enjoyed both sparring and play-fighting and had the benefit of being among the impressive warriors of the fey to learn from. The kitsune managed to grow quite good at dueling over the months, faced with vastly superior sparring opponents and talented teachers.

As a being born of supernatural parentage, it didn't take more than months for the kitsune to reach maturity. With her growth, however, came an unexpected problem; she was going blind. No matter what the faerie healers tried, her vision only became worse as the days passed. They would heal her eyes only for them to become worse on the next day. Soon, the healing didn't even offer temporary relief to her eyes, and before long she was totally and completely blind. Her parents did what they could for Oormi. They spent extra time with her, they tried to help her adjust to her new ailment. The two never stopped loving the kitsune girl, but she could always sense that added bit of pity that they had developed for her and she hated it.

As expected, her ability with a sword didn't improve with her ailment. The faeries who she had trained so hard with took pity on her, too, for her blindness. Even when she did manage some small success against her sparring partners, it was because they had held back. She sunk into a deep depression, refusing to talk to anybody but her parents and sister. Unfortunately, her parents could not stay with her forever. They were called away on another adventure that had to be taken up and were forced to leave her with the faeries. Her despair only grew worse in the days after their departure. Oormi's sister, despite an aloof personality, attempted to help the blinded foxgirl overcome her emotional low by trying to teach her some basic magic.

These lessons did not go particularly well. Eventually, Oormi's continued failings and miserable mood caused her to fight with her sister. The fight became physical and her sister won handily, knocking her to the ground where she struck her head on a rock. But it was when she woke up from that knockout blow to feel her worried sibling sitting over her that something clicked in Oormi. She could see colors again. It was a technicolor mash-up of colors unrelated to any shape or form that was visible every time she opened her eyes. For several days after the altercation, the foxgirl focused on those colors. She soon determined that, if she drew upon her inner spirit, she could send lines of the colors out through the open air, where they would be halted by solid objects. In a way, she could see again. The blinded kitsune was so excited by this turn of events that she immediately challenged one of her former sparring partners to a duel. And she won. So, she challenged another. And another. And another. She only lost half of her battles against the gruffs and satyrs of the sanctuary that day.

The girl discovered that it was mentally and physically draining to manipulate the lines in such a way, but she was so energized by the prospect of training in swordsmanship that she didn't care. On the side, she continued to receive training from her sister, who recognized Oormi's use of power. Between her jump back into training and her sister's tutelage, the kitsune was back in action. Over time, she learned how to manipulate the world around her using the lines, or as she had begun to call them, "waves". Before long she became a fearsome opponent on the training grounds, with her mixture of the waves she wielded and her sparring sword.

With her triumphant return to her favored activities, the kitsune was happy again. As happy as she had ever been. But she wanted more. Oormi still remembered the pity that had been ladled upon her when she had first become blind and vowed to never be pitied again. With a new-found confidence in herself and her abilities, she set off from the sanctuary. She would accomplish every bit as much as her parents had and nobody would ever be able to pity her again. Armed with her own skills and the gifts of magically reinforced robes, a sword, and a bow from the faeries, she set off for adventure, her destination unknown even to herself.

Then she probably ended up getting molested by a fallen angel.

The OOC section: She's looking for an adventure to prove that, despite her disability, she can be every bit the adventurer her parents were. Basically, she'll go along with any quest hook that gives her the chance to achieve that.

As far as smut goes, it's pretty hard to offend me. Chances are, if it won't bother Tassadar then it won't bother me. I'd prefer to keep away from any fetish that will require a team of surgeons to put Oormi back together again, though. :p

Also, her sister is going to be a musclewizard at some point in the future, so I'd prefer she not be used in this adventure. >.>
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Re: Aurani Test Thread

The sun had nearly disappeared over the horizon in the southern deserts, causing long and ominous shadows to cover the streets of the nearby settlement. With the encroaching darkness came no silence however as the eerie shadows lingered in the presence of shady lights that began to spread like a plague across the city, bringing with it an euphoria of vice. The sound of glasses clinking together filled the taverns as the occasional dispute over a rigged game turned to a brawl, dimly illuminated street corners became filled with various alluring demons which wouldn't hesitate to give your pockets worth in bliss if such desires beckoned.

Ais: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
For this was Acheron, a city so sinful no angel would ever dare to set foot in it, no one except Aisrideu at least. Crossing the desert in the basking sun had been no easy task, but the city held plenty of ways to refresh oneself, with or without company.

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 60, Status = Fine
Meanwhile, in the serene part of the city where such wild and sinful antics were outlawed after nightfall, a foxy girl regained her consciousness and found herself in an unknown bed...
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Consciousness slowly returned to Oormi, even if no light accompanied it. The kitsune was in a bed, she could feel as much. That didn't disturb her so much as what she couldn't feel. There was no sense of familiarity in the place that she had found herself in. She fought the urge to allow her eyes to shoot open and throw her powers against any who would try to keep her. Such heroics were rarely advisable. No, she knew that when one found themselves in a situation such as the one that she had landed in, it was best to determine as much as possible about their surroundings and captors without the latter being aware before carefully formulating a plan and then acting. Besides, there was no real point in opening her eyes, blind as she was. The only gain from it would have been a brief glimpse at the soothing splash of garish colors that had made up her world for so many years.

Even with her attempts to remain level-headed, the blind fox-girl shuddered to think as to why she had ended up in a strange bed. The idea that someone might try to steal her maidenhood was repulsive beyond belief to the orange-haired girl. She uttered her incantations under her breath, hastened by the thought. With success; in a few seconds she would be able to see otherwise invisible strands of her energy shooting out and harmlessly colliding with her surroundings before returning, not unlike a bat's sonar. It wasn't the most power she could put into the spell, which was generally referred to by another name by trained mages, that she referred to as "wavesight", but it would hopefully be enough to give her a general idea of the room. With any luck she might also be able to ascertain the location and state of her clothing and weapons, if they were present.

Oormi casts Lesser Strength (Level 2 Body Spell); choosing to buff her perception. She also attempts to figure out if she still has her weapons and armor or where they are, if possible. Determining whether or not she's still a virgin comes later. >.>

10 casting check, she has 19 base casting.
38/6 = 6.333. So, 6 * 2 = +12 perception, giving her a total of 14.

Note to Self: #FF6103
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Acheron. At long last, Acheron. Aisrideau hadn't imagined that such a place could exist, but when the traveler she had met a month ago had told her about it, she couldn't help but travel in that direction. Could it really be so? Could a city of demons, a place where her endless hunger would be not only recognized, but accepted, truly exist? She hadn't believed it possible.....

Aisrideau's black wings spread wide behind her back as she looked out over the city. Being immortal, she didn't need sustenance like a human would have, but even for her the burning heat of the desert had been... Uncomfortable. The fallen angel took to the air, flying through the twilight in an effort to beat the oncoming night to the demon city. When she spotted the gate, however, Ais returned to the ground rather than simply flying over the walls. There were many ways that that could end badly, she knew that well enough from past experiences, so she landed and folded her raven wings around herself, offering a challenging glare to one of the guards as she walked imperiously toward the gates. Of course, the case for landing was helped by the fact that she wouldn't have been able to see anything from the air, and there was much that she desired to see.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

~~~ Oormi ~~~
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 58, Status = Lesser Strength +12 Perc (15 total)
Using her heightened senses Oormi would find the room to be quite plain, a pair of closed windows were on her left and a small bed table just on her side on which a lit candle rested, on the right she detected a small table with a chair next to it and lying on the table was her previously missing weapons with the robes seemingly neatly folded next to them, a door was located opposite of the bed with an empty closet in the corner next to it. The room in general did not appear to be unkept, the air was quite fresh and the bed wasn't dirty, in fact it had a faint smell of lavender still attached to the sheets.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard outside the door that drew closer with each step...
Oormi managed to beat both Perc checks against the room to detect everything and the approaching entity (Not that anything tried to be hidden or anything). Casting her buff cost 2EP.

~~~ Aisri ~~~
Aisri: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
As Aisri approached the gate she would notice that the guards were paying her quite a bit of attention, her visage was apparently not a common sight as they were studying her carefully as she walked up to the gate. The guards themselves seemed fairly prepared for most nuisances with their well-maintained black armor with imposing horned helms and shiny shields, though their blades remained sheathed at their hips as one of them spoke to Aisri.
"Greetings traveller, are you here for business or pleasure?"
Re: Aurani Test Thread

A faint, and somewhat relaxing, lavender scent, a cozy little room, it wouldn't have been such a bad place to stay if she had any clue as to how she got there. More importantly, she discovered her weapons and clothing. Both were present and neatly folded and stacked. The whole thing seemed less and less an act of hostility on her host's part, though the blind kitsune supposed that there could have been a particularly courteous rapist lurking about Acheron. Faint footfalls interrupted Oormi's train of thought, however. It sounded like she would find out the nature of her stay sooner than she had imagined, Her ears twitched, the only movement on the otherwise motionless girl, as she attempted to determine how long she had to work with before she had a visitor.

Oormi briefly contemplated making for her clothing and weapon. Having a bit of sharp steel in her hand would have been very reassuring and her sudden uncertainty as to her own state of dress was somewhat concerning in itself. But moving the stacked items at all would surely reveal that she had woken up, which was something she wasn't quite ready to do. Best to at least have an idea of what she might be up against before that.

Besides, the blind kitsune wasn't helpless. She still had her powers. Oormi muttered another incantation beneath her breath. Wave manifestation was what she had taken to calling the spell. A simple cantrip that strengthened her mind and her ability to manipulate the waves. She might need both soon. When her spell was cast, she continued to lay very still, making an effort to pretend to sleep while her visitor prepared to enter.

Oormi casts Power of Chaos (Level 2, Entropy) in order to buff her mind. Beyond that, pretend to sleep.

6*2 = +12 Mind, setting her at 50 mind. It costs 2 EP to cast and 0 EP upkeep. 10 base casting to successfully cast it against her 19.

Applicable Stats (After Buffs): 23 Speed, 49 Dodge, 7 Armor, 27 Resistance, 15 Perception, 15 Stealth
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Ais smiled darkly at the guard as he addressed her, pausing in her stride and replying; "Both." Unless he said something else, she simply continued on into Acheron.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

~~~ Aisri ~~~
Aisri: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
The guard kept his eyes peeled on the strange traveller and responded with a smug grin on his face. "Enjoy your stay then and please, don't cause any disorder, unless your business is to please the queen with a public beheading", unless Aisri retorted the guard would simply go back to guard duty as she went into the city.

~~~ Oormi ~~~
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 56, Status = Lesser Strength +12 Perc (15 total), Power of Chaos +12 Mind (50 total)
Oormi would find the footsteps to be fairly close, giving her just enough time to finish her incantation before the door began to slowly swing open. The steps came closer and whoever entered was seemingly carrying something, making its way around the bed and stopped right next to Oormi's left side, placing the object on the bed table where it made a dull metallic clink. Then Oormi felt a hand on her forehead, it was quite slim and smooth in texture and after a brief moment a seemingly troubled female sigh was voiced as the hand withdrew; "She's still not up, I guess I don't have another choice..." and a metallic noise was heard again...
Re: Aurani Test Thread

A hand on her forehead. Oormi considered the action and the words very briefly. It seemed, to her at least, that the woman was on the path of a healer, or a caretaker, based on actions alone. That raised a few questions as to how she had ended up under the other woman's, presumably her host's, care. The sound of metal being moved signified that it was time to end the act. Even beyond that, she was becoming antsy from trying to remain so silent and still, and what was adventure without a bit of risk?

The kitsune summoned her inner actor, a trait that she most assuredly hadn't picked up from her mother, and opened her eyes with a deliberate slowness. She decided to go with the groggy, achy wake-up, since by her guess she had ended up in the room after the woman had found her somewhere else and chose to take care of her, which included a few groans and her hand moving to rub at her own head. Her fox-like ears twitched a few times as her pupiless red eyes fully opened. It was very pleasant to be bathed in colors again.

Strands of various bright colors reached out from her body as part of her wavesight, only stopping when they reached an obstacle. Her energy would brush against others with no indication that it had ever been there, bathing them in an array of colors that only Oormi could see. There were limits to it, of course, if something was directly, or simply at the wrong angle, behind somebody then she simply could not see it. And, the less energy that she put into the spell, the less she could see. At its least costly implementation, parts of a tree might only be visible at ten feet intervals, leaving large parts of the trunk completely dark for her. If she had no power to put into it, Oormi could only see stationary colors with no representation of the world around her. Right now, most of the room around her was tie-dyed, at least as she saw it, and she could make out textures and basic looks but nothing in the way of natural colors.

"Ugh," she groaned, still acting. The fox-girl sat very slowly and gingerly, which might have been the most true part of her act, in case she actually did have an injury that she wasn't feeling yet. "Where am I?"

Maintain buffs! Ask questions!

Applicable Stats (After Buffs): 23 Speed, 49 Dodge, 7 Armor, 27 Resistance, 15 Perception, 15 Stealth
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Aisrideau simply smirked in response to the guard's implied threat, not bothering to reply verbally. Once inside she glanced around the city street, seeing what there was to see in Acheron. She'd never really been in a city before....
Re: Aurani Test Thread

~~~ Aisri ~~~
Aisri: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
Upon entering the city some of Aisri's options was to either check out the nearby tavern and possibly pick up on a rumour or hire a room for the night, she could also spend the night working up some coin by hitting up the casino or getting hooked up with a sugar daddy or pimp where her unnatural abilities would most likely be of good use. Unless simply wandering the street and picking up a random stranger for a good night's fun wasn't beckoning her desires.
You are obviously free to come up with your own madness.

~~~ Oormi ~~~
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 56, Status = Lesser Strength +12 Perc (15 total), Power of Chaos +12 Mind (50 total)
Oormi's mumbling caught the attention of the woman who turned back towards the kitsune and answered with a slightly worried tone. "You are in Acheron, namely the infirmary, are you feeling alright?"
Re: Aurani Test Thread

"An infirmary?" She acted confused. Her guess had been accurate enough, at least, though it was little comfort given the circumstances. The foxgirl began to wiggle her toes and fingers, then shifted her legs and raised her arms, and at the end even gave her orange tail a short wave and twitched her pointed ears about, all in a diagnostic effort to confirm that she was still in one piece. It turned out that at least part of Oormi's confusion was genuine, as she went through the motions to really figure out whether she was feeling alright or not.

The kitsune sat in reflective silence for a moment, after her checking had ended, before turning toward speaker and resting her blank, expressionless eyes on the woman. "I think I'm okay? Do you know what I was brought in for, miss...?" It was never too early to begin prying for information, the girl supposed.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Aisrideau had often wondered what it might be like to be a whore. She had never imagined it to be a pleasant experience, and even though it might have fed her unnatural hunger she had never attempted it. As it always did, that hunger called to her now, and she strode through into Acheron wondering how many here would know what she actually meant if she told them that she was hungry.

She passed by the tavern automatically, instead heading down the street, staying on the main street for now as she sought out anything that looked particularly interesting. The night was young, after all, and Aisrideau had never been one to sleep much, so she had plenty of time to find a soul to devour. For now, she wished to see more of the demon city.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

~~~ Aisri ~~~
Aisri: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
Continuing her stride down the streets Ais would walk by some more generic stores and buildings which were either closed for the day or somewhat lacking in activity, this didn't change until she came to a split in the road where she could hear a cheerful commotion echoing down from the connecting street. As she came closer she found herself outside the arena, apparently there was a very good fight in the making as the crowd's enthusiasm could be heard several blocks away. Upon approaching the ticket stand the vendor stopped her. "Tickets for spectators are 1 denarii, combatants enter for free through the left entrance."

~~~ Oormi ~~~
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 56, Status = Lesser Strength +12 Perc (15 total), Power of Chaos +12 Mind (50 total)
"Allium, I'm the head nurse here. You were dropped off here by a young man who payed the fee up front before he took off, he shamefully apologized for the inconvenience and explained that he had accidentally misfired a spell while training in the outskirts of the city and well..."

The nurse subtly cleared her throat before changing the topic and carrying on with a more cheerful tone.

"Anyways you are apparently alright now so I'd let you off, however... there's a slight problem with a shortfall of payment as we had a couple of extra expenses during your treatment, so unfortunately I'll have to debt you for it.
We're missing another 65 denarii for your treatment expenses, if you don't have enough to cover for it we have alternative means of payment, the first option is to help out here at the infirmary but it would take several days to cover the charges. We also have a good relation to the arena if you wish to fight off the debt, I can't give any guarantees that you won't come back for another treatment and incur a bigger debt though. The third option... is to lend us your body for some... reproductive purposes, you see we could always use more nurses around and it would be the safest and quickest way to pay off the debt, the choice is yours."
Re: Aurani Test Thread

The warrior-mage blinked a few times as Allium discussed her debt, before remembering the unnerving effect her eyes tended to have and simply leaving them shut. It had the effect of cutting her off from the colors for a moment, but she had been cut off from her waves for the majority of her life, another few minutes wouldn't hurt.

"U-um," she offered meekly in response, a rosy blush adorning her cheeks as the alraune detailed the third method of payment. "I have to rule that one out. I'm, um, saving myself for my husband... or wife..." Oormi let that slightly embarrassing proclamation hang in the air for a few seconds before wrestling her dignity back and continuing. "I'm not sure that I would inspire much confidence as a nurse." The kitsune briefly imagined herself using all of her energy just to keep enough of a grasp on her surroundings to avoid tripping over an erstwhile chair and fainting well before the shift was over and crossed that option right off of the list.

With those two ruled out, that only left the one option. In its own way, it was actually an appealing choice. She had heard once or twice about the arena of Acheron from the faeries. Usually, it was from some brash satyr or gruff seeing it as a replacement for the hunting grounds that Artmirst had once been, at least that's what she had been told of their motivations. Maybe there she could prove her talent for swordsmanship despite her disability? "I have fifty denarii that you can keep as part of that payment. I'll work the rest off in the arena and see that it's in your hands as swiftly as possible."

The foxgirl imagined that she could have griped about waking up only to be saddled with a debt, but didn't really care to. Someone had been kind enough, after all, to pay most of it away for her, even if he had been the one who had knocked her unconscious. The rest of the debt was meager, even if her own wealth was even smaller, and she would have it repaid in full in no time, simply because it was the honorable thing to do.

Give that alraune 50 denarii! Also, arena mode!

Also, should you need to speed things up a bit to make it sync better with dat fallen angel's adventures; Oormi will get dressed, equip her weapon, and be on her way as soon as necessary, barring anything else that needs to be said.

She maintains her buffs, since she'll probably just have to re-do them later, so no EP regeneration during her little trip.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Aisrideau wandered through Acheron, her arms folded behind her back and her black wings spread wide and straight behind her. It was refreshing to be able to walk in the open, something she'd never been able to do before without being forced to massacre her way past whatever passed for warriors in whatever village or town she'd been in. Finding a source of excitement, Aisrideau decided to follow it, and soon found herself at an arena. When confronted by the ticket man, the fallen angel smiled widely and replied; "Where do I sign up? Or do I just walk in?" If the answer turned out to be the latter, she simply strolled right in, but if there were any entrance procedures for her to worry about then she'd make sure to take care of that first. She had promised the guards that she would behave herself, after all.

(Updated my sheet to 3.5. There is a brief initiation process, but it's handled in the entrance to the fighter pit. She just has to sign up and come up with a nickname to fight under.)
Re: Aurani Test Thread

~~~ Aisri ~~~
Aisri: HP = 75, PP = 51, EP = 74, Status = Fine
"You go into the side entrance and sign up there, they'll show you where to go next." Aisri followed the scalper's directions and walked down a hallway, soon she came to a small line before a counter with various people waiting to sign up for the arena and took her place in it. Soon enough it was Ais' turn and the receptionist instructed her.
"Here to try your skills? Before I can register you there's some terms you have to agree to, just a common courtesy to prevent legal disputes and the like. Once you've read and understood them, please sign your name at the bottom and optionally provide a nickname you wish to fight under." Should she read them Ais would find paragraphs such as; 'The Arena will not be held responsible for your death', 'You will not refer to dismemberments as flesh wounds', and other things regarding a free ride to the hospital and the like, nothing that actually held any greater significance really.

~~~ Oormi ~~~
Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 56, Status = Fine, Lesser Strength +12 Perception (15), Power of Chaos +12 Mind (50), Nurse Robes = Resistance +6 (33).
Allium waited for Oormi to make her choice and accepted the denarii afterwards. "Very well, you'd better get dressed and grab your belongings, oh I almost forgot, hang on a moment."
The nurse went outside and after a few minutes she came back carrying an odd nurse outfit composing of a robe and mask.
"Since you're fighting for us I'll ask you to wear this in the arena, I'm sure you'll find it handy as a disguise if you'd fancy that, it should still have some magic left in it as well to give yourself a small boost. It will also help us out in terms of advertisement for our part."
With that said the alraune nurse saw Oormi off towards the arena, upon arrival she'd be shown into the combatant's area to register with her name and potential nickname.

Disguise get! Oormi is now broke but is wearing the nurse outfit brought by Allium, it smells faintly of blood and the fabric feels tougher. Nurse Robes: AV = 10, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2, Resistance + 6.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

"Something like that yes," Aisri replied to the receptionist, and once she had the sheet the woman made a show of herself, bending over the table and causing her robe to stretch over her firm round bottom while giving the receptionist an eyeful of cleavage. The black winged angel looked over the forms carefully, reading it twice and making sure that she wasn't signing herself into slavery or somesuch. If all was in order, she signed her name in a smooth, flowing script and then eyed the place for a nickname. She knew that the announcer would butcher her name if she just left it as is, so she smoothly wrote; "Deathwing" into the space for a nickname before turning the sheet in.

"When do I get to fight, and who's my first victim?" Aisrideau spoke with absolute confidence, crossing her arms over her chest as she awaited a response to her questions.
Re: Aurani Test Thread

Oormi wanted to complain that she wasn't being given privacy to put on her clothing. It was a bit late by then, though, she supposed, the situation considered. So, instead, she wordlessly sat herself up on the edge of the bed and slipped the clothing over her naked body. With the, slightly used, nurse's outfit on, she set about strapping her sword's scabbard to her left hip, blade safely inside, tied her quiver tightly to her body, and slung her bow over her shoulder. The kitsune briefly considered what to do with her hair but, upon realizing that she wouldn't have the hours required to style it to her preference, simply allowed it to hang freely, a cascade of shimmering orange down her lower back. The mask came into place last, before she addressed the nurse again. "Thank you, Miss Allium," she offered sincerely before setting off to the arena.

Once properly at the colosseum, and after requesting that some of the terms be read to her given her own inability to do so, the foxgirl would sign the paper with her name. When asked for a nickname, however, she stood silently, lost in thought. She looked side to side, conspiratorially, then back at the paper. The kitsune blushed as she wrote, in spacey writing that demonstrated her inability to keep track of the ink on the paper; "Triage Nurse Kitsunami" and desperately hoped that her mask would conceal her identity to any watching.

After jotting that down, she managed to lose any of the courage or dignity she might have mustered to ask when her first match was, and instead waited silently to be called. She felt like she had barely been awake for an hour and she was already a gladiator, things certainly seemed to move quickly in Acheron.

(Inventory and sheet updated. Although I apparently forgot to ever track her denarii. Maintain yon buffs, wait for first match.)