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Re: Atlantis

Aya was silent for a moment before she replied.

"I hope so. With how things are likely to get crazy around here in the forseeable future though ... hmm, I wonder ..."

She suddenly trailed off, as though something big had occurred to her.
Re: Atlantis

Zale titled her head to the side waiting for Aya to continue her sentence. After a few seconds she leaned closer and poked Aya.

"what you wondering about? dont leave me hanging here i wanna know what your thinking about"
Re: Atlantis

Aya shook her head, as if suddenly remembering she wasn't alone.

"Oh, sorry I just ... well something Lyra said to me about how the Etherians helped her earlier, it made me wonder if certain memories, or all of them could possibly be unlocked by the same method for Siphon, help him remember who he is and such without risking his health. See, some of his memories are coming back to him, but in flash waves. I'm worried that if it continues, and a big one comes back to him at the wrong time, it could get him hurt, or worse. But if there were a way to control them, bring some of them out in a controlled environment ... well, I guess I'll have to ask if it's even possible before I say anything to anyone else. Please, don't tell him, not yet."
Re: Atlantis

Zale just kind of stares at her blankly as Aya goes on about getting memories back and then she raises a hand as Aya comes to a stop.

"what the hell is an etherian? and no i will not say anything to siphon"
Re: Atlantis

Aya blinked, then laughed slightly.

"The Etherians are apparently an ally to your sister, and the Alverans. They're the people who run the station we just left behind, the Alverans. I don't know much about the Etherians other than they have some major past history with Siphon in particular."
Re: Atlantis

Zale gives an exaggerated shrug and just huffs

"at some point i will be caught up with all these races and people we are dealing with but until then i think i just need to wear a sign that's like 'talk to me like I'm a noob'. How many different people or races are we dealing with right now?"
Re: Atlantis

Aya thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"I'm not even sure to be honest with you. More than I knew about back in the day I can tell you that. Some of the names I have heard, Etherian, Ingrali, Tollan, I've never heard of them. If I had to take a wild stab, probably fifty or more different races."
Re: Atlantis

"50 or more? ahhh crikey...oh well i already know I'll never know about all of them..anyways miss tour guide what else do you have to show me? I wanna see some super cool sci-fi stuff! I know you gotta know where the major cool stuff is"

Zale just grinned at that point and gave Aya a nudge to the arm
Re: Atlantis

Aya smiled.

"I will show you the areas not damaged by flooding for now, even I don't know what might still be in those areas that could prove dangerous to us. Do you know what a Z.P.M is? Follow me and I'll show you the power relay room."
Re: Atlantis

"i have heard of a Z.P.M. i think its like a mega generator right?"

She moved to follow behind Aya letting her lead the way.
Re: Atlantis

"Something like that yes. I won't bore you with a complex explanation, but normally Atlantis is powered by three of them. Right now, thanks to Siphon, we have one functional one. Now, you see these pipe like things in the hallway we're in?"

As she spoke, they had entered a hallway that had pipe like structures on both walls.
Re: Atlantis

Zale check both side of the hall and then glanced down the hall behind them as they walked seeing how far they were running along the walls.

"okay yah i see pipe thingies on the wall...what are they for?
Re: Atlantis

"Power conduits for the entire city. In the event of a major issue, there are grounding stations on parts of the city that can be used to channel lighting strikes into the city corridors, to power the shield, or even store additional energy. It's how this city had enough power to rise from the ocean and keep the shield running when the last Z.P.M failed. Siphon actually helped in that design."
Re: Atlantis

"so the lightning strikes send the energy through these conduits? how far across the city do these conduits run?"

Zale's face shifted to a deep in thought look as she considered this news which she found extremely interesting.
Re: Atlantis

"The entire city. They terminate in a special storage place at the bottom of the city, which empties out into the normal conduits hidden inside the structure of the city itself. Those hidden conduits go to every single room in this city. Hmm, what are you thinking of now?"
Re: Atlantis

"ooooh i don't know maybe just taking a trip through the city see where the conduits go and getting a feel for the places size."

Zale stepped over to one of the pipes placing a hand to it letting her eyes start looking back and forth down the halls to see if there was any external access she could see
Re: Atlantis

Aya frowned for a moment before it dawned on her what she meant.

"Oh. Well um ... it was never designed for that. I have no idea what the city would do if you could even manage to find a way into the conduits. It might try to consume you not realizing you were a living being."

She would find nothing that presented itself as an opening, at least not yet.
Re: Atlantis

"well if the shield if off I can just move through to the energy stores and out from there. Power lines on earth were how i did most of my traveling...I never owned a car."

She turned back to Aya and gave a shrug.
Re: Atlantis

Aya slowly nodded.

"In theory yes, but considering the situation, the shield could be up at any point. Anyway, lets continue onward shall we?"
Re: Atlantis

"yes lets keep going..if i get to distracted with this idea you may never get me away from this until i figure out how to test it."

She stepped back over to Aya ready to keep moving along the tour.
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