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Re: Atlantis

Sarnael snorted. "Just because we're tougher and live way longer than the rest of our kind doesn't mean we're better. I can kind of understand putting us into leadership roles, I suppose, due to not having to worry as much about sudden shifts in direction, but we never liked that aspect of the term even before we ran into your people."
Re: Atlantis

Sho thinks for a minute. "Near as I can tell, Ian didn't leave all that long ago and he hasn't had a chance to tell us anything about them, though you could probably get that from the questions I was asking. And I'll pass it along, don't worry. Don't know when, but I will, if I don't send him in to see you first." She sighs. "I really ought to go talk to Siphon before he remembers more of this stuff on his own. That's the last thing we need." Before she leaves, she looks at Alana again. "So, how will we know it's not you and it's the hologram again. Or is there no hologram?"
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded.

"It would make me uncomfortable as well."

Alana smiled.

"There is a hologram. At this point, I've no reason to hide from any of you now, so long as I keep to the rules laid out. If it is me, I will greet you as such. If it's the hologram, well it will greet you the way a pre-recorded device would, by asking you how you would like to begin. Good luck to you, I believe you will need it in the days to come."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Might be possible, I have no way to know how advanced our own tech in that regard is to what you have tried. Something the three of us can sit down and talk about later I am sure."

((hory crap thatza lotta posts XD))

Ariana just nodded, the pair arriving at the chair room a few breaths after. She glanced around, a little worried there were still hostiles around, but otherwise waited for him to do his thing.
Re: Atlantis

Ian arrived back at the gate room, Vorhan and a pair of Alveran soldiers still present in the control tower and waiting for him. Immediately Vorhan asked, "how is Vanessa? Were the others able to help her?"

As he asked, the city began to rumble, and Ian had the distinct impression the city was lifting off. A few moments later, he saw that they were in space, angling away from the planet. The shield had to be up, or they'd be dead by now he might think, and then suddenly there was a surge of power, and the city made the jump into hyper-space, the tunnel similar to what he might expect aboard a Kara type ship, only much larger and a deeper blue.

Siphon himself seemed a bit worried of the threat more hostiles could be present, but he steadied himself and nodded to Ariana.

"Alright, this shouldn't take terribly long, I just need to find an address, lift us off and get us into hyper-space. I guess we'll see if I need to stay in the chair for the whole time or not soon enough."

Taking a deep breath, he sat down in the strange looking chair, which immediately lit up and reclined for him as he did. Placing his hands on the sides where an almost putty like ending could be seen, he closed his eyes and leaned back, relaxing.

A few moments later Ariana could both feel and hear the powerful stardrive activate, the sound even here loud enough to be readily identified as some kind of engine. The city shuddered slightly, and then for the briefest of moments, she felt like she was starting to float upwards even though she didn't actually move. A moment later it stabilized out, and the only indication they were moving at all came as she glimpsed outside a window near the edge of the room.

She could see the ocean begin to retreat, replaced by the clear skies of the planet. Shortly after, they exited the atmosphere of the planet, and entered space. A few moments later, she felt as much as heard the city surge forward, the hyper-drive kicking in, and then space was replaced by a tunnel similar to what she had seen while on Thor's ship, only this one was much larger around them, and a much deeper blue color. Still, he did not sit up or open his eyes, which might make her start to wonder if he was going to be sitting there the whole time. It dawned on her perhaps that she had no idea how long it would take to reach whatever planet he'd picked out.
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael seemed about to make some kind of comment to Aya, then suddenly cocked his head slightly. "I think the Gate just opened..."

He started towards the Gate Room, even as the city began moving.
Re: Atlantis

Ian's about to respond when the city reacts to being moved, which causes him to catch his balance. "Don't waste much time, aye?" he chuckles. Another few minutes and he wouldn't have been able to reach them. Moving over to Vorhan, he nods. "Nessa's doin' a'ite. Right as rain, but tiahd. She's sleepin' it off and wishes she could be here with us. Ah promised Ah'd bring her, soon as it was possible, though looks like that's goin' ta have ta wait." He'll glance around, taking in their demeanors. "What's the sit'chuation heah?"
Re: Atlantis

Vorhan only nodded, continuing to work even as he filled Ian in.

"Well as you probably guessed by now, Siphon is in the chair and has us on course for somewhere. Nirrti is dead, though we did run in to some Re'tu, creatures who are permanently invisible. Trying to modify the city sensors to be able to make them visible or detect them, so far I'm not sure if there just aren't any, or if I'm not having any luck. Sho and Jacobs took off to check and see if they could find out more about the anomalies that kept opening up here, as well as the creatures that came through it. That's pretty much it now, we're just waiting to get to our new home and then I guess we'll see what happens. Aya seemed a little freaked out still, went to talk to some guy named Sarnael who showed up out of the blue. Guessing from the way she reacted to seeing him that they've known each other a very long time, no way she'd walk up to someone and give them a hug if she didn't know them or they could be a threat."

Aya opened her mouth to ask him how he could know that, then shrugged. He had to have some kind of sensor that detected the subspace event, and was guessing that was causing it. It was the only possible explanation.

"Guess we'd better go see hmm?"

She'd follow him to the gate room, hoping that it was the gate and friendlies coming in, and not hostiles or something else big and bad to make the day even worse than it had been.
Re: Atlantis

Right about the time that Vorhan was explaining about Sarnael, the man himself walked into the Gate Room. It'd likely be hard to mistake him, since it's not likely that there's too many people running around looking like a weird cross between Darth Vader and Shredder. As he entered, he spoke up. "Yeah, it was the gate. Likely a friendly, since no one's aiming yet."

((Just felt like using that description for the suit. No mechanical-sounding heavy breathing, though.))
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Re: Atlantis

Ariana shifted a bit when she heard and felt the engines starting, striding over to a secondary console to brace herself with when the ship lifted off. She knew the sensation well, guessing what it was before even glancing at the view out the window. “Inertial dampeners are either busted, or offline to save power. May wwant to look into it, the place doesn‘t look like it would be the most stable without it.“ she told Siphon, nodding towards the window, where some of the delicate spires and the overall snowflake structure could be made out.
Re: Atlantis

Vorhan nodded over in Sarnael's direction, indicating to Ian that was who they had been talking about.

"Well friendlies are always welcome."

She turned to welcome Ian, and then froze slightly when she saw him. Mental wheels could almost be heard spinning as she tried, and finally made the connection of who he was, sifting through the things Nirrti had left in her mind.

"Oh, hello Ian. I um ... I hope everything is alright with ... Vanessa I think her name was? I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for her."

Before he could ask her, possibly as a puzzled expression might come to his face since he hadn't met her, she added, "some of the things Nirrti knew stayed with me. I ... we'll talk later maybe, I just can't about that now."

After some time, the lights on the chair went out, and Siphon's eyes opened.

"Inertial dampners were online the whole time, just with that much raw power you're going to feel some vibrations even with them. Trust me, without them, entering hyper-space would have smeared us all against the wall. I've got the city on auto-pilot until we reach our destination, at which point I'll have to land us."

He stood, walking more towards the window, able to see further out now that there was no atmosphere limiting their view.

"This city is amazing. I mean, my own people have a craft similar to this sure, but it's only like ten years old or so. This one, the ancients built this like twenty million years ago. Very few species as we know them even existed when this city was at it's height. Even more amazing that if these flashbacks are to be believed ... I may have had some kind of role here when Atlantis was at it's prime, right here in Pegasus."

He stopped, looking out the window for a long bit before pulling himself away. Finally he spoke.

"Well, we have a bit of time before having to land, anything else you wanted to talk about, or maybe take a walk or something?"
Re: Atlantis

Ariana shrugged. "I can't think of anything. Just need time to digest, more than anything else."
Re: Atlantis

Ian follows along with the recap of the situation, putting a few of the names together, especially since he wasn't really around long enough to formally meet Aya, though given the remark about Nirrti, he can only guess what happened there.

"You lot are goin' ta have ta apologize ta Nessa. Takin' out Nirrti before she had a crack at her again." He grins. "Ah'll keep a watch out fer the invisibles. Anythin' else tip ya off ta them bein' around?"

He acknowledges the approach of the other two and given that Vorhan isn't reacting more than socially, he takes them for friendlies. Aya's remarks do draw a curious look but as she explains, he nods. "Latah it is," he says with a bit of a nod, looking her over and seeming relaxed that she's not the worse for wear from her ordeal with Nirrti. He seems about to let it go when something seems to occur to him.

"Not ta pry, all things considahed, but ya wouldn't happen ta remembah anythin' about Nirrti's facility on Mirton Six, would'ja? There's a few puzzle pieces missin' about somethin' that went down theah."

He doesn't seem too intimidated by Sarnael, though he does get a look from the human, eyes flicking over the armor, likely gauging the various uses for bits and pieces. There's also that 'how did someone like Aya manage to hug someone wrapped up in that?' but it's more a cursory look than anything else.
Re: Atlantis

Aya thought for a long moment before half shrugging.

"A few details here and there, like what she was planning, and how close she was to actually getting Vanessa advanced enough to not even bother with Siphon. She knew you were coming too, not quite sure how, but she did. Anything in particular that you are looking for? I can try but ... some of the memories I had lifted from her seem to be fading. I'm guessing eventually I'll lose them all?"

Vorhan shook his head.

"Only dominant ones will likely remain, not all of them will vanish I'm afraid. But yes, if some are fading, eventually they will be gone for good, probably within a few hours."

Siphon nodded to Ariana, settling for leaning against the wall.

"Fair enough, I guess we both do."

He seemed about to say something more, then apparently thought better of it, just shrugging and leaning against the wall, staring out into space. Some time passed in silence between them, Siphon not moving away from the window. If Ariana looked at him, she could almost tell that he was thinking things from today over. Every so often his features would tighten some, as if he were trying to work things from a different angle or if something were bothering him, but he said nothing.

Then at some point without her realizing it, he had moved into a sitting position on the floor, and the first she knew that something might be up was when another flash of mental projection hit her, though it was much more controlled than last time. It wouldn't overwhelm her, but it would still be a little surprising given how sudden it happened.

She could see as Siphon moved to the chair, sitting down and the city trembling just as it had a little while ago. The city was taking off, departing whatever world they were on. She might frown, for hadn't this already happened? Why was she seeing something that had happened maybe twenty minutes ago? The city flew on, and she could now see the star map as it popped into her mind, wait no, it was HIS mind, but she could see the map as if it were her own! Something wasn't right though, and it took her a moment to work the problem. The stars seemed familiar, and they shouldn't given they were in a different galaxy. Then it hit her that these stars were from back home, in the Milky Way galaxy. As the star map charted out the course Siphon was plotting, she could see it leave the galaxy, crossing a void where nothing existed, and ultimately crossing into what she could only assume was Pegasus. She saw a countdown timer begin in his mind, unable to decipher what time it had left as she didn't know the language. Whatever it had left seemed to satisfy him, and the chair suddenly powered down, though the city remained in hyper-space. Siphon stood, walking out of the room, at which point the vision abruptly ended.

Back to herself again, she'd be left to process what she'd seen. If she took a look over at Siphon now, she might be suddenly alarmed at the fact he didn't appear to be breathing. Then she noticed a breath slowly go in, exhaling out even slower. It suddenly dawned on her that he might have entered some kind of meditative trance, apparently one that his breathing seemed almost non-existent. Now the question was, how long had he actually been like this, and was it normal for him?
Re: Atlantis

Ian mutters something under his breath as Aya relates Nirrti's memories. "Ah'm just tryin' ta figure out what in her facility those Wraith would'a wanted. They said they needed somethin' in there ta cure a disease, but our theory was they were lookin' for some sorta weapon. Just figure ya might have a runnin' inventory of what she left behind. If not, it's a'ite. We'll burn that bridge when we get ta it."

That's roundabout the time that Sho wanders back from the hologram room. She starts a little, catching sight of the collective that's gathered, but she recovers quickly.

"When did you show back up?"

"Coupla minutes a'fore the jump."

"Good timing."

"That's what Ah thought."

She'll nod, then pause. "Funny that you're here. There's something in the holographic archives that you need to check out."

Ian will raise a brow and, perhaps surprising those gathered, kind of rolls his shoulders. "A'ite." If folk didn't know him better, he almost seems to know what to expect. "Point me to it?"

Sho will give him directions to the chamber and, bidding adieu to the folks gathered for the time being, he'll head off. Catching sight of Aya, the other girl will move a little closer to her. "Hey, I have some info I dug up that I need to share with our fearless leader. Whereabouts is the chair room from here?"
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded.

"I'll do a check in the database regarding the planet in question, see if I can figure out exactly what kind of technology might have been left behind, as well as try to pry these memories back open. Sho, I'll take you to the chair room, Siphon didn't want anyone off alone."

Jacobs had left with Ian, keeping an eye on him as they walked. Once they were out of earshot of the others, he spoke to Ian.

"So, when we get to the room, you have a bit of a surprise waiting for you. Though if what we learned was true, it might not be much of a surprise for you. Apparently we aren't the only living beings inside this city."

By the time he finished speaking, they were already outside the chamber. Poking his head in, Jacobs might seem a bit off his rocker when he announced to no one in particular, "special delivery, he's here, are you?"
Re: Atlantis

For the most part, Ian might get the impression that the odder parts of the armor were a combination of decoration and protection, while it would seem that around the chest, about where the rib cage would end on a normal human, would have been the most likely place for Aya's arms when she hugged him, having the least decoration.

As for his sweep of the armor, Sarnael didn't even seem to react. After the smaller groups left, he simply walked over to one of the windows and stared out at the tunnel.

((Thinking he's at the one that everyone was looking out of when the city surfaced in SG:A))
Re: Atlantis

Ariana jumped a little when the new vision hit her, pushing back against it for a second before calming, realizing that she could back out of this one, at least. Once it was over, she watched Siphon, recognizing that the man was meditating, and leaving him be. Settling into a comfortable spot on the ground herself, she did similar, leaning her head against the wall and closing her eyes, calming her thoughts and waiting.
Re: Atlantis

Ian's brows raise a bit as Jacobs mentions a surprise, moreso at the words about there being other 'living beings' in the city. Then again, he'd already heard that there'd been trouble, but he highly doubted that they'd be so eager to show him 'trouble.' It's also why the man isn't getting a remark about being off his rocker at the announcement.

"Now, what're ya settin' m'up for?" he asks, that brow going up just a hair further.

And meanwhile, in the other direction, Sho is uncharacteristically quiet as she walks with Aya. There's a pretty good chance she's just mulling over things in her head, but there's also a couple of very quickly aborted false starts, not getting past much further than the slight purse of her lips.

"So," she finally begins, "the Klarnell. Bit of a touchy subject, I'm gathering?"
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs opened his mouth to reply, but closed it when the room suddenly was bathed in white light. He just simply nodded in the direction of behind Ian, indicating the man should turn around.

Before he did, he heard a voice that he would recognize well enough, it hadn't been all that long since he'd last heard it.

"Hello again Ian. You've arrived at a good time, I'm still here."

Once he was fully facing the source of the voice, he might get a bigger surprise. The voice clearly belonged to Alana, and the body structure was almost identical save the simple fact it had strands of white energy curling about it. It might take him a moment, but eventually it would sink in that she wasn't flesh and blood, she was here right now in her ascended form.

There was the slightest hiccup in Aya's step, a slight pause that let Sho know the other woman most definitely had heard her, but she remained silent for a moment. Finally she stopped and nodded.

"Yeah, you could say that. I guess it's safe to assume you know about ... everything. Guessing that's why you want to talk to Siphon first, that hologram room has everything about his past there. I ought to know, I helped Alana over-ride it's protocols to record information in other languages. If he doesn't remember any of it ... it would be very bad for everything to hit him all at once. It's rough for me, I mean ... to be honest with you, he's got it made not remembering it. For me, certain events aren't all that long ago. Granted, I may have been frozen in stasis for thousands of years, but my mind wasn't fully active to cope with it. For me, only a few hours have passed."
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