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Re: Atlantis

"No flesh and blood being stepped foot inside of this city after the evacuation until today. Siphon/Talvesh and you were the first two beings to step foot inside of this city in the last ten thousand years."

Jacobs shook his head.

"Nah it isn't that it's just ...."

He stopped as the hologram answered, now just simply staring at it after the last reply.
Re: Atlantis

“Tried that, or similar, anyways.“ Ariana replied. “It‘s impossible to hold all of him in something that‘s truly portable, and he doesn‘t want to copy himself in any case. A partial transfer doesn‘t work out either, he says he doesn‘t like the way it feels. You‘re of course free to try, but it‘s up to him more than me anyways.“
Re: Atlantis

That gets a bit of a blink out of Sho. "Oookay. So, there were systems monitoring us? When we arrived?" She's still addressing the hologram, wanting to find out if maybe they could use some of that to figure out what popped up when and how. There's a pause. "Has anything other than a flesh and blood creature set foot in the city?" She asks that one because, well, reasons.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Might be possible, I have no way to know how advanced our own tech in that regard is to what you have tried. Something the three of us can sit down and talk about later I am sure."

Jacobs held up a hand, stopping the hologram from speaking, which also seemed out of place.

"I'm sorry, just how the hell can the city sensors determine the names of people? I'm almost certain at least in the time that I am here that it wasn't specifically stated that was Siphon's full name that he's using. Not to mention how is the database translating a language spoken ten thousand years after the city was left abandoned?"

To that, the hologram simply stood there, looking down at the two of them with no answer seeming to be coming.
Re: Atlantis

"I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt on the language. Vocal recognition software. And I don't remember if Siphon had Talvesh back in the day, but it knows him from back then. This is getting a little too bizarre. Maybe we ought to get Aya in here with this thing. She might be able to recognize if there's a glitch in the system."
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs shook his head.

"Talvesh and the Cral'nek aren't that old, hell this city coming here pre-dates even the Gou'ald."

He stepped closer, looking directly at the hologram.

"You've spoken several times now in present tense, something that's very unusual for a recording. Not to mention that you chose words carefully when you said flesh and blood beings. What about ascended beings?"

There was a very long awkward silence, as the hologram regarded him but made no attempt to speak or otherwise deactivate. Finally, Jacobs crossed his arms, and nodded his head.

"I thought I'd get as much. You aren't even a hologram I bet."
Re: Atlantis

Sho looks between the two of them, not having considered that, but then again, her experience with the Ascended has been relatively limited.

"So, you're real? In a manner of speaking?" she asks the hologram. "And you've been here, in Atlantis, the whole time?"
Re: Atlantis

To this, the 'hologram' visibly slouched downward, then looked back at them.

"I must say, you are much more intuitive than I gave you credit for Vartani Jacobs. To answer your question, yes, I am real Shoni Meheven, as real as you or Jacobs, only I exist as energy. I am as you would call us, an ascended ancient, and not exactly. I arrived here when the first anomaly you traveled through opened. I have been here watching since then."
Re: Atlantis

Sho will give Jacobs a bit of a grin, given he was the one who picked up on it. At the woman's answer, Sho actually looks a little relieved, at least in part. "And here I thought you'd been in the city the whole time Aya was asleep. Kinda glad that wasn't the case. I'd go bonkers. So, you...de-Ascended? Or was it something with the anomaly?"
Re: Atlantis

The woman actually looked amused for a moment before she replied.

"No, I'm still ascended, the anomaly only served to draw my attention. Actually, it drew more than just my own, which is part of why I am here. Even if I had been here, it wouldn't have been possible for me to intervene in any way on Aya's behalf, she is still a mortal being. As you know, it's against our highest law to interfere in the affairs of your plane of existence, to directly influence your future. However, the Klarnell have changed things with their re-emergence. Because of the threat they pose, and the way they go about things, the decision has been made to impose an enforcement of our laws. This galaxy and that which you call home, the Klarnell cannot directly enter via the anomalies, we have seen to that, it is why I am here now speaking with you. However, if they open an anomaly elsewhere and then fly their ships to either galaxy, we cannot intervene then. Technically I'm not supposed to reveal myself to you, however a large number of us believe that the Klarnell threat has irreparably changed things and that we must be more ... flexible. I chose this method because it presented a way of helping you to speed along the learning curve you face, however I cannot tell you anything which you can't find within this city."
Re: Atlantis

"Well, when the bad guys start cheating, it's time to level the playing field," Sho states, though it sounds like that's what the woman is already doing. "And I wouldn't call giving us intel on a potential threat 'directly' influencing our future. Time's mutable, and all that. I highly, highly doubt it, because that's the way our luck goes at times, but we might not even be dealing with the Klarnell at all."

She considers the spot the woman's in. "I won't outright tell the others. Except Siphon, because, well..." She pauses. "Well, now that you're not a computer, do not, and I mean do not tell him about his kids. He doesn't remember being here overmuch and something like that'd kill him."
Re: Atlantis

She frowned for a moment.

"I can't stop him from accessing it within the city libraries, the others would stop me from doing that. I would suggest you speak with him first, prepare him because one way or another Shoni, he WILL remember it at some point. The program I left behind still will function even if I do not take it's place. I am aware of his predicament with his memory, it was an unfortunate incident many centuries ago that led to him being who he is today. His memories were stripped from him and he was forcibly sent back to another universe as punishment for attempting to directly interfere with your plane of existence. Some among us didn't agree with such a harsh penalty, and as I am sure you are aware by now, bits and pieces of those memories are now beginning to resurface. I wish I could help you more with him, but if I try, the others will stop me, and they will send someone else in my place, likely someone less helpful."
Re: Atlantis

After a few moments, Sarnael shifted slightly, then spoke. "Well, if it's any consolation... There's only been two of those that my people have detected, and both closed before anything came through."
Re: Atlantis

Aya was silent for a long moment before she looked up at him.

"Both closed before anything came through, and they were both spacial bound? That's ... odd. Sarnael, you need to know that we couldn't stop those things. If they make it to Mintaa, I don't think any of us can do it alone. The worst part is, there's so many beings that probably have flourished since we left, so many in our form, and they're all viable targets to the Klarnell. And they have no idea what's coming."
Re: Atlantis

Aya would hear something that sounded almost like distant murmuring... And then probably realize it was Sarnael, either making a recorded note, or sending a message through to a ship in the Karsin "tunnel" network.

His next reaction to what she'd said might surprise her. A not-so-pleasant chuckle, then he followed it up in a rather dangerous sounding tone, "Well, they're in for a bit of a surprise, if they do try something... They ran into the Ancients before. They haven't encountered the Nix'ari when we're mad, yet."
Re: Atlantis

"Well, that is the plan. Getting to him before he hurts himself with it." From Sho's tone, she's actually speaking literally. As the Ancient continues on, Sho scrubs at her face with her hand. "Yeah, that's Siphon. Can't leave well enough alone. Then again, I don't think any of us could, really. It's what makes us...us." At her apology, Sho shakes her head. "We'll deal with him. At least knowing what's going on is helpful enough and nothing really more than what we weren't figuring out already." She sighs again. "I probably ought to go find him. The others need to be made aware of the Klarnell and I need to have a heart-to-heart with our fearless leader."
Re: Atlantis

Aya half snickered.

"The lords? Don't start going Ori on us now after all this time here."

There was a brief pause before the woman spoke again.

"Then I shall leave you to do that, but I must ask something of you first that is totally unrelated. I know that you are of the same species, and that you can contact him. In the event he doesn't return here before I sweep through this galaxy and take up my watch position ... would you please pass a message on to Ian Montrose? Tell him ... tell him Alana made it back safely and that I'm sorry our first contact was so short. Perhaps one day I'll get to properly thank him for giving me the means with which to properly record my messages and include your language into our database."
Re: Atlantis

With the helmet on, it'd be hard to tell Sarnael's reaction to that, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he either glared at her, or stuck his tongue out.

"Well, after that remark, I might not explain things then."

He sighed, then added, "Unfortunately, I'd better. When I'd originally explained what that term meant, I was slightly deceptive... But then again, none of us are really comfortable about the implications. The way that I said the term when I gave the translation matched what I said... But that's not how most of the Karsin say it. Instead of like titled nobles... When they call us 'lords', they mean it as if we are living deities. Granted, we can back up those beliefs, but we prefer not to think along those lines."
Re: Atlantis

Sho's about to say something when 'Alana' asks her to relay the message. "Ian? How the hell do you know Ian? He was here for, like, five seconds before he buggered out with Vanessa." It would, of course, make sense regarding the 'first meeting having to be so short' but it still left a few things up in the air.

She will, though, make a bit of a wave, whether the other woman chooses to explain herself or not. "Surprised you didn't do it with an accent if you ran into him. But I'll pass it along when I see him next, though I don't know when that's going to be."
Re: Atlantis

Alana was silent for a moment before she told Sho.

"Many years ago, for me anyway, not so long for him, I was forced through an anomaly to escape one of the creatures the Klarnell have under their control. In fact, if it hadn't been for that anomaly presenting a way out, I doubt I would have survived the initial attack. I stepped through onto a planet where he and a Tokra by the name of Morvak were, they weren't far from where the anomaly opened up. I ... may have broken a few rules by giving him an advance warning about the Klarnell then, but it seems now being able to see you all here that perhaps it wasn't much of an advance after all. I wanted to thank him, because I don't know if I'd have managed the courage to go back through that thing without having met him. I felt badly that I couldn't tell him more then, now though, I can to a certain degree. Everything that we knew as flesh and blood beings I can tell him, or he can find within this city. Anything I learned after ascending though, as you know, I can't. As for the accent, I'm not sure even now that I could mimic that. Thank you Shoni, it does mean a lot to me."

Aya was silent for a long moment, then nodded.

"That's good to know that you don't, and I'm sure the whole bit with the Ori really hammered home the point of not letting it reach that point."
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