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Re: Atlantis

"Or blinking, maybe." Ariana added in, frowning. She seemed just as concerned when Vorhan had his episode, giving a shrug in response to Sho's question.

"I got nothing. Wanna say to halt here till he recovers, but much as I hate to say it, I don't think we have the time. Keep three or four with him, the rest of us press on." She offered, waiting a few seconds for disagreements, before turning and continuing down the hallway.
Re: Atlantis

Taking a deep breath, and partially using Sho for support, Vorhan spoke, though it was via his symbiote.

"The Re'tu. They are a race existing out of phase with our own portion of this dimension. They become visible ... for a brief moment when they use their weapons. Some time ago they were at war with the Gou'ald, long before they shrugged off the old ways. Some sects of the Re'tu however continued the war, and they do not discern between Gou'ald or Tokra. Usually, they are in four to six person units. For some reason ... they cause discomfort and pain the closer we are to them. They will kill anyone who gets in their way. Use extreme caution with them."

((Which particular flashback? LMAO))
Re: Atlantis

Given what he says about the creatures, leaving him as far back as possible is probably a good idea. The only bad thing is that if Nirrti is up with them, she's likely similarly disabled.

"If they're that indiscriminate, I don't think 'caution' is going to cut it," Sho chuckles. She makes sure that the Tokra is, at the very least, comfortable before she starts to follow Ariana down the hall again. It's clear there's concern, but there's a greater threat to deal with at the moment.

"Best bet is that if they're after Nirrti, much as I don't want to use Aya as bait, we let them go after her, and target them when we can see them. If they start in on us, same thing. Some keep an eye out, some dodge."

((Zombies, of course. Killed and got right back up.))
Re: Atlantis

Ariana nodded. "Blinkers, ugh. Though the way they were explained, I guess it's more like cloakers, so we may be better off than I think. I'll try and hold them when they show up. chances are they'll just go invisible again, but fire anyways, they should still be there." She explained. "If Niirti suffers as much as Vorlan did, chances are they'd have already disabled her. I have a feeling we'll be getting their full attention when we show up."
Re: Atlantis

Vorhan waved her off once they were far enough away that he seemed recovered.

"Go, I'll manage. If you hear weapons fire back here, things might be turning ugly."

Once the others were in position, the Alveran team set up, preparing to breach the room. A sudden yell of pain preceded the sound of two objects hitting the floor, even as weapons were discharged. Then, it was eerily quiet.

((Giving Ariana the opportunity to breach first if she'd like.))
Re: Atlantis

The tall woman frowned at the sounds coming from inside, more so when it fell silent again. She waited just long enough to give the Alverans a nod before breaching, leading it herself. Ariana checked first for incoming fire, then cover for if it was needed, and finally for signs of what had happened, and where Niirti was.

(Kind of a bleh post, but it‘s here, at least! \o/)
Re: Atlantis

What greeted Ariana was a strange sight. Part of the floor seemed to be on fire, but at a closer glance she could see the flames were several inches off the ground still. Shortly enough, they died out, and she could swear for a moment she saw a body flicker into existence before disintegrating completely.

Next on her sight was the woman who had to be Nirrti's host, laying on the floor and twitching slightly.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana did a double-take at the hovering flames a moment, catching on rather quickly what was going on when the body appeared and disintegrated. "Invisible, then. That's easier." She commented, glancing aroung the room for evidence of more of them before moving over to Aya, still twitching. "That's her, alright, I remember her from the portal room. What now?"
Re: Atlantis

Sho will come up, likely recognizing the flames from what Aya did earlier. "Great, she's recovered. Though that explains the unconsciousness. At least that'll make her easy to hogtie." Her gaze is constantly flicking around the room. "Weren't there supposed to be more of those invisible guys?"

Finding the hostiles would be the important thing, though she didn't want to pass up the opportunity to capture Nirrti. Best to divide forces. Some for prisoner duty, some for scanning around.

"Ariana, if you can detect invisible things, that's great. Please do." She actually ponders for a moment and starts concentrating, attempting, at the very least, to conjure a mist, even something simple enough to be ankle level. It might not work, not with Atlantis' environment being so controlled, but it was worth a shot and might give them a head's up on where the other baddie was. The others could secure Nirrti.
Re: Atlantis

There was a strange sound, and suddenly Sho heard a voice.

"Sho ... get this ... thing ... out of me."

A look revealed that Aya was awake enough, a strained expression on her face with each word. She seemed to be in a war of wills with Nirrti, and for the moment, Aya was winning.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana gasped at Aya‘s proclamation, another flash resounding through her head, this one memory, not warning. Memories of glowing eyes and blue tendrils creep through, making her shudder. Not knowing what else to do, she sought out the battle of wills between Aya and Niirti, pressing her own mental strength against the creature inhabiting the woman. It likely wouldn‘t solve anything, but it should buy some time, at least.

(Posted from the road, will prolly be my last one until after next week. Ciao!)
Re: Atlantis

Hearing Aya snaps Sho's attention over to her. "Ah, shit. Jacobs, gonna need your help with this one!" She'll go over, utterly unsure on what exactly to do, outside of trying to worm the symbiote out of the other woman, which, near as she knew, was next to impossible without Aya being near death. "Hang on, Aya. We'll get her."

(Short post here, too, since Sho's not quite equipped to pull out a worm. Tell her what to do, though, and she'll help.)
Re: Atlantis

Aya struggled to remain in control, the Gou'ald fighting with a ferocity she hadn't encountered in some time. In doing so, she left Aya open to learning things from her, and when Ariana's influence hit, it distracted the Gou'ald long enough for Aya to find what she wanted, and speak. This time when she did, it was a bit stronger, but her voice still trembled as she fought a battle she knew she couldn't win. It was only a matter of time before the Gou'ald recovered enough to take control of her, and she feared for the others lives should that happen.

"Only the Tokra ... can remove this bitch. She ... She's trying to regenerate my body enough..."

For a brief moment, her eyes suddenly glowed as Nirrti took a moment of control, sneering at Sho, before a shocked look crossed her face, and Aya half convulsed. This time when she spoke, it was with great effort, almost seeming to be painful.

"Fuck ... you ... bitch. This is my body. Sho, she's trying to ... regenerate enough to use my powers. She could still use them before you can get her out of me. She plans to kill all of you. If you have anything that ... can knock me out ... Use it! I ... I can't hold her back much longer. Please ...."

Again she trembled, making pained noises as she struggled to hold on for a few more moments, eyes rolling into her head as she threw everything she had into holding back Nirrti long enough for them to do something. If the Gou'ald took control again, that was it, the whole thing would be over.
Re: Atlantis

"Ari, try and keep her pinned down and close your eyes. God, I hope this works on you." Sho pulls out her zat and rocks back so it's not a point-blank shot, but there's no way in hell she's missing at this distance. "Hot shot coming!" she announces before firing off a shot, praying that the device is going to have an effect on the Ancient woman. If that doesn't work, the next course of action is going to be to pull her breath, something she doesn't want to do, but it's the only other thing she can, outside of blunt force trauma.
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded, the strain evident on her face. Just before the shot fired off, her eyes glowed, and Nirrti started with a "I will .... GRAHUGN!"

The zat chose that moment to discharge. The eyes flashed again, and she spasmed twice before laying still, breath exhaling out sharply, and then her breathing began resembling that of someone out cold.

Jacobs nodded after making certain she was out.

"Let's get her going, based on how she was when we left her earlier, before Nirrti took her over, I'd guess we don't have more than ten of fifteen minutes before she starts coming to, maybe less."

He gently lifted the woman up, fireman carrying her out as quickly as he could manage.
Re: Atlantis

"If you've got a way to contact Siphon, I can get us downstairs faster. Otherwise, we're going to have to take the long way around, which might not be good."

Sho's plan is to take them back into the shuttle room and try and get Siphon to open the door in the floor again. If nothing else, she's going to bang on the portal in the hopes that he'll hear them. About the only other suggestion that might be good is if they know if there's somewhere that they can keep Aya contained, like a stasis pod or something, until they can get Nirrti out of her.
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs started to nod, then let out a "doh" sound.

"Um Sho, we kinda forgot something. We left Vorhan in the hall we need to pass to go back. Didn't he say he had things with him to remove Nirrti?"

One of the other Alverans had pulled out a stone, and after a few moments frowned.

"I left a stone with Siphon to communicate with us if the need arose. He is not answering. There is no sign of the other Re'tu that Vorhan warned us about here, it might be possible ... They may have found Siphon and he's busy?"
Re: Atlantis

It actually makes her chuckle to hear Vorhan do that, since the 'aliens' adapting 'Earthisms' was fairly rare. "We'll pick him up on the way back, then, and let him do his thing. Double-time it, though. I don't want her waking up in the middle of the procedure."

As they go, she frowns. "Maybe. I'd think it'd be a lot louder if he were, but then, might have some pretty good insulation here. Siphon's a big boy. Let's get Aya taken care of, then we'll worry about him."
Re: Atlantis

Quickly, as quickly as they could anyway, Jacobs carried Aya down the hall, and in short order they came across Vorhan, who seemed to be in much better condition than when they had left him. Taking on look at Aya, he half shrugged as if to indicate he didn't want to know what had went on, even as Jacobs spoke to him.

"We don't have a lot of time, if you have that device still with you, best to use it. If she wakes up, we might end up crispy critters, if you catch my meaning."

The Tokra shook his head in half amusement, then withdrew a pair of small devices that almost looked like buttons. The first he placed on her neck, a slight sound heard as it attached itself.

"This device will prevent the host from feeling any pain from the procedure. The symbiote on the other hand, if it is awake now, won't be as fortunate."

Placing the second device on her forehead, he pressed a section of it and stepped back. It didn't take a genius to figure out once it activated and what seemed like a white laser type light came out of it, lighting up her whole head, that this was probably the extractor. Some moments later, it began to expand outward, a shimmering energy field pushing outward as first nothing, and then a squirming solid object became visible within the field, continuing to grow as the field did. It was a long moment before it took on the shape of a Gou'ald symbiote, and finally, the device shut down. A few moments after it did, Vorhan calmly walked up to it and removed both devices, holding the now somehow solid containment vessel for Nirrti in one hand. He seemed about ready to say something, then thought better of whatever it was, and only said, "Good riddiance Nirrti."

A moment later, he violently threw the device into the floor, the others watching as the symbiote arched up, screeching, and then suddenly shrivveled up and died rather unspectacularly.

A few moments later, a groaning sound came from Aya as she sat back up, recoiling backwards when she caught sight of the symbiote on the floor, clearly not aware it was dead.
Re: Atlantis

Sho seems relieved that Vorhan's doing better. It was a good sign that the creatures weren't in the area. Of course, that might mean it was downstairs tangling with Siphon but for the time being, they had bigger fish to worry about.

She watches rather impassively as the gou'ald is trapped within the field. At some point, she might ask Vorhan what he was thinking, but for the time being, what he shared was adequate. It seemed a rather inauspicious end to a foe that had plagued them for so long, but she wasn't going to complain. A victory was a victory and theatrics tended to land you in trouble.

Hearing Aya's cry, Sho moves to put herself between the corpse and the blonde, blocking her view. "Aya, it's all right." Better to get her focused on her rather than what she'd seen. "It's all right. She's dead. She can't hurt you any more."
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