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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Sorry for posting but there has been 2 updates until now. Any new information about the demo?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

To make your live easier I've uploaded ROBF v4.1 and ROBFS v1.2 prepatched with the latest english patches.
Since these will get taken down pretty quickly as usual, I additionally made a torrent.
Be adviced though that my upload speed isn't the greatest.. Uploading those two games took over 5 hours.
The files that the torrent is using are identical to the ones uploaded on MEGA. If you want to help out seeding, you can either download the full torrent or download the two games and place the files in your torrent client's download directory.

ROBFS4U Forgot about the loli content, PM.

Have fun!

Torrent doesnt work, and if you download it From Mega, you cant open file or do it anything with Winrar etc... Can you upload it somwhow again?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The torrent works, it just takes a while to add to your torrent client because of the large number of files these two games have (10000+).
I'm reuploading the games to avoid problems like these but for now you can just add .7z at the end of the files and unpack them without problems.
Reuploading should be done tomorrow, I'll edit the links in my previous post.
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Is that the latest version of ROBFS4U ?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Krysanto, the author hates you.

He even screenshotted what you said.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Huh. That's interesting. But I can kind of see why, all things considered. I just wish he wasn't so hostile about the translation. I actually bought the game (Sequel, not the original.) and would have enjoyed playing it while also understanding just what the fuck was supposed to be going on.
Also seems there's another update on his blog beyond the hating thing.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

ummm, why can't I access his blog? is it blocked?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Krysanto, the author hates you.

He even screenshotted what you said.

Really the developer should focus in finish the game than spreading more hate, big whoop get mad for a translation patch :D

ummm, why can't I access his blog? is it blocked?

Silly anti-forum click thingie, just copypaste the link.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm confused. Is he just mad because of the translation patch? If so why? It's not like were sharing the game.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm confused. Is he just mad because of the translation patch? If so why? It's not like were sharing the game.

The post he quoted was in relation to sharing the game, I believe. Though he has been upset about the patch as well, so it's difficult to say. He seems to be under the pretense that translation = getting the game illegally and/or leads to such a result.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The post he quoted was in relation to sharing the game, I believe. Though he has been upset about the patch as well, so it's difficult to say. He seems to be under the pretense that translation = getting the game illegally and/or leads to such a result.

Has anybody ever tried to contact him. Seems like a big misunderstanding... :(
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm confused. Is he just mad because of the translation patch? If so why? It's not like were sharing the game.

Short story: Has a hate on foreigners becouse piracy(?), discover ulmf shared the game, now all the hate is focused on ulmf.

isnt like the game will be pirated first in *****sharing or nyahto***** anyway...
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Short story: Has a hate on foreigners becouse piracy(?), discover ulmf shared the game, now all the hate is focused on ulmf.

isnt like the game will be pirated first in *****sharing or nyahto***** anyway...

I just saw an earlier post of him exposing members from *****sharing by taking pictures of they're profiles so It's not only us.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I just saw an earlier post of him exposing members from *****sharing by taking pictures of they're profiles so It's not only us.

They hate us more than AS for some reason, probaly because we provide translation/stuff like that where AS is only the dl link
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Did the original ROBF ever get translated fully? Or is it still "Close to done, but not 100% (Lacking GOR scenes).

What about S4U? Last I saw updated it was basically a skeleton partial
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Has anybody ever tried to contact him. Seems like a big misunderstanding... :(
If somebody does contact him then they should ask him if he wants to use the translation for DL Site English. I'm sure the translators wouldn't mind. Also for him to put up an official sales page for English speakers.

Throughout the thread(and ROBF), you will notice people talking about him (developer) from time to time. Hes well known in both the ROBF/ROBFS4U threads for despising the ULMF community and occasionally posting about us. Any translation patch link that gets uploaded gets taken down within mere hours. His anger is completely justified though. Nobody wants pirates Stealing/Playing/Spreading his game without permission that he put sweat and tears into creating.

He gets so angry that he deliberately creates In-Game puzzles usually revolving around Japanese linguistics that are difficult to solve even for a native speaker specifically to stump foreign players. The only thing I don't like is that he assumes all people are pirates. I mean, there are legitimate buyers who buy from the Japanese DL Site. I also know for a fact that the translation has inspired at least SOME people to legitimately purchase the game but he ignores this wholeheartedly. Anyways theres a little bit of a unspoken rule to not piss him off any further. I had to learn this the hard way
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

If somebody does contact him then they should ask him if he wants to use the translation for DL Site English. I'm sure the translators wouldn't mind. Also for him to put up an official sales page for English speakers.

Throughout the thread(and ROBF), you will notice people talking about him (developer) from time to time. Hes well known in both the ROBF/ROBFS4U threads for despising the ULMF community and occasionally posting about us. Any translation patch link that gets uploaded gets taken down within mere hours. His anger is completely justified though. Nobody wants pirates Stealing/Playing/Spreading his game without permission that he put sweat and tears into creating.

He gets so angry that he deliberately creates In-Game puzzles usually revolving around Japanese linguistics that are difficult to solve even for a native speaker. The only thing I don't like is that he assumes all people are pirates. I mean, there are legitimate buyers who buy from the Japanese DL Site. I also know for a fact that the translation has inspired at least SOME people to legitimately purchase the game but he ignores this wholeheartedly. Anyways theres a little bit of a unspoken rule to not piss him off any further. I had to learn this the hard way

Based on observable evidence the guy comes off as a complete xenophobe, hating pirates is fine but when you are going to constantly concern yourself with the actions of an audience that you clearly aren't even trying to reach to begin with (ie, refusal to provide a legitimate release on DLsite English for example) on top of putting arbitrary puzzles specifically designed to fuck over non-Japanese speakers then that's where my sympathy ends.

Basically his issue doesn't seem to solely be with piracy but also that he doesn't want anyone outside of Japan playing the game at all, most people would rather resort to piracy than just deal with that ultimatum.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

first off guys: sorry for my bad english on this message, I´ve been up all night (GMT+1) and my brain doesnt want to work anymore. I´ll hope you´ll understand the basic meaning of this.

wow guys, whats going on right here :eek:
This is serious shit whats happening right now...
Honestly I saw that this thread had many recent posts and I thought of checking out whats about it but never expected that what I saw here.

Actualy i don't know exactly where ulmf is hosted from and whats their countrys rules about piracy, so it might come to a Bad End for ulmf if things gets worse. Thats something I really wouldn't like tho.

I´ve made some thoughts about it and decided to contact my jap. friend first to hire him as an interpreter to contact him. I think the soonest possibility would be next weekend if he and my friend may got time there.

What I want from you guys who bought the game (doesnt matter which version) PM me with the Title B-ROBF and those who got inspired for this game by ulmf attach a ! in front of it. If you want to speak for those, who are not here on ulmf registerd and you showed them the game and they did bought it afterwards, attach on the beginnig the Number of persons (including yourself) to the Title (would look like that: "3!B-ROBF"). this would be the easiest way to collect the number of Sells thanks to our community. I´d like to use that as an argument aswell on the discussion with him.

Another thing: could you guys pls figure out how to contact him, so I'd organize a date of discuss with him. E-mail would be great ^^ I tried already but didn't understand anything. If no one else could find out aswell, then I let do this my friend aswell.

I gonna note down all the points you guys already mentioned. Off course i gonna read through this thread and collect more arguments of this topic until then.

PS: didnt played the game at all -> dont know anything about it, if there is something I need to know, tell me
for example things like that:
[...]arbitrary puzzles specifically designed to fuck over non-Japanese speakers[...]
^^ as I said before, I just was curious about the recent activities in here.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

wall of text.

Even simplier.
1: give a fuk about all the rage
2: ??????
3: proffit

the game will be pirated, translated, modded, etc by foreigners and the developer just will be butthurt about that. The only reason ulmf is the main focus is becouse is the first thing it show up when you google ROBF.

fun stuff the game is totally anti-foreigner so the developer will get a extremely minimal cash from them anyway so all the "foreigner pirate hate" its kinda silly and amusing.
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