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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Well he has a point. Besides Japan almost no one buys there games.
But the other thing is that nobody uploaded his game (even the dlc) for a while but translations. And he still insults us? Autism
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Well he has a point. Besides Japan almost no one buys there games.
But the other thing is that nobody uploaded his game (even the dlc) for a while but translations. And he still insults us? Autism

Well this is a H-games forum and he/she a pron artist/game developer so i dont think theres someone here to call "normie" :p
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

That person who contacted him was me. He was really good about offering me help with the Japanese quiz. He isn't anti-foreigner at all(Okay, I could be wrong about this, but can you blame him?), but he was just protecting himself. I'd be pissed if my shit got pirated, too. Especially, if I put months to a year on the project.

Worse thing is people are justifying piracy for lack of english translation. I understand to some extent if you are barred from purchasing the product via credit card issues, but I really doubt most people would actually give a shit enough to sign up to JP DLSite and buy stuff. It's just easier to wait for uploads and download the game for free, plain and simple.

Good of you to remember that, Bark. :D

I'd guess he's also protecting himself by not allowing his game to be sold on the English site? What is he defending if most people cannot purchase it anyway?

Programmers make the worst businessmen.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

"The guys of umlf swell with a link of torrent or the URL of the English patch; stop it, and serve you it; because do that it is said, a foreigner avoids it; thieves"

K what happened ? :D

Where did you pull that from?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Where did you pull that from?

From the maker's most recent post as of now.
Basically: there were some peeps in the ROBF thread asking for the game, and then others linked him to a nyaa torrent instead, after mega keeps going down.
And there were also others asking for the English patches.

Creator is basically saying that he has already said to stop pirating the game nor making patches from his language (Japanese), yet people at ulmf still keeps doing it... then calls us thieves.

At this point, I'm just astounded that he knows that nyaa is a worldwide torrent site, but still singles out that only ulmf are using it... Oh well.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Kind of bizarre mentality. If he wants to make it as hard as possible for Filthy Gaijin to legitimately purchase and enjoy his game in the first place, why would he care so much if people were getting it the only other possible way they can? He's only hurting himself and people who want to support him.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U


Sup, I am Stuck at this part, Do i have to input some password so i can continue? if so what is it?

So far i met three Weaklings, However i can't proceed. Tried everything except for the password thing. Help would be nice at this point.

Edit : Its alright, thanks to "Maikl" I finally solved it. For Those in need of it, its : シドクス
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Zehahahahaha~ No harm asking right~?

And come to think of it, your comment sorta made me notice something unusual.

The Discussion in this thread is too high level,
it made me wonder what is the purpose of this thread in the first place.

I Always thought it's about Helping people in need.

Sharing-wise, go to "Anime-Sharing" as the name indicates.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Just saying it, but try searching ROBFS4U using google.
It show ulmf on the very second link...

Heck, using google.jp and this thread still show up on the first page...

No wonder ulmf are single-out:p
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Just saying it, but try searching ROBFS4U using google.
It show ulmf on the very second link...

Heck, using google.jp and this thread still show up on the first page...

No wonder ulmf are single-out:p

Mainly that because why the creator hate us so much, still dont get it tho why the hell that they mad for translating the game. I mean i get it if their mad because lot of people pirating they game, but mad for translating the game? There's got to be something wrong with them brain. I mean if we're talking about their business side, if they translate the game to english. Lot of people will buy the game (Mainly because its playable for all people), i mean heck why would anyone wanna buy something that they cant use/play? Well that's my opinion tho
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Haiz... Another few Months till EOY comes out, And i am still stuck on S3U.

I don't even understand the story yet, The Player in S3U isn't the yellow hair dude but someone else... But judging from the Map and All, i assume they were conducting some sort of experiments on "Something".


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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Pssst, you're not allowing any messages, so might want to go change that real quick. :p
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

If he does not want his games pirated, why doesnt he go for DMR?

I know that DMR will be hacked sooner or later but i'd say its better than nothing xD
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Haiz... Another few Months till EOY comes out, And i am still stuck on S3U.

I don't even understand the story yet, The Player in S3U isn't the yellow hair dude but someone else... But judging from the Map and All, i assume they were conducting some sort of experiments on "Something".

You got it for real or pirated ?

becouse i dont think most people have S3U with all those anti-pirating and ulmf hate.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Ok, it took me a bit but thanks to chiitrans I cleared the "prologue" where you play as the hired mercenary. Don't know too much about his little plot, other then you were hired to destroy some device made by the company/alchemist woman. turns out it's the wrong device, and was a trap. Mercenary dude assumedly dies and the woman sacrifices herself to teleport herself (and the alchemist's new experiment, you know who he is) to Komodo before she dies as well. Three months later and now I'm starting as ROBF's Redheaded novice hero.

As for the stuck part, if you mean the door code and subsequent password, the keycard item gets you through the door, and the hooded woman tells you to talk to the box device and search for シドクス. That should get you going.

I must say though, that mercenary skills kinda sucked, nearly died from every single encounter.

Edit: There are like... 3? 4 new enemies, but only in the mercenary part, I think they were humoncoli (sp?) in the original RO? But after more plot scenes, the redhead gets to fight three porings (which are done in a new style), then it ends after he arrives in the new town. (With a "To be continued in EOY!")
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Is there new enemies in S3U though? cuz if there is, then I'l need to make a pact with hte devil to get it XD

And im still wondering where will the blonde protag on S4U come into play in the lore.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Long time lurker, first time poster here~

Ok, it took me a bit but thanks to chiitrans I cleared the "prologue" where you play as the hired mercenary. Don't know too much about his little plot, other then you were hired to destroy some device made by the company/alchemist woman. turns out it's the wrong device, and was a trap. Mercenary dude assumedly dies and the woman sacrifices herself to teleport herself (and the alchemist's new experiment, you know who he is) to Komodo before she dies as well.

Going by standard RO lore, the company in question would certainly be Rekenber Corp., a very powerful and quite frankly evil presence in the game world (Basically all quest lines involving them also involve a lot of dead people). The machine might be the 'Unethical Machine' on the 2nd floor of the biolab dungeon, though since I don't have S3U, I'd rather not say that it is for certain.

I must say though, that mercenary skills kinda sucked, nearly died from every single encounter.

RO-mechanics wise it'd make sense to (nearly) lose every encounter in the area, the mobs in the biolabs are some of the most difficult around, particularly if you don't know how to handle them (meanwhile it's still amusing to me to off the sniper solo with a first class character) :p

Honestly still not entirely sure what the bios monsters are supposed to be. I've heard they're supposed to be angry spirits of those experimented on, but also heard a theory that they're bioweapon prototypes or something. They're definitely much, much stronger than any player of the same class would be at their level, though.

Is there new enemies in S3U though? cuz if there is, then I'l need to make a pact with hte devil to get it XD

As mentioned by Resaiyu12 in edit, there's a few new monsters; I'd assume the one screenshot from the creator's blog earlier was showing off one of them (from RO proper, it'd be this one: hxxp://ratemyserver .net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=2223 - sorry for splitting that up, but again, new poster on these forums) figuring out the kanji in the attack (生命力変換) it's pretty obvious that's the skill Health Conversion, native to the professor class... though normally that'd be a support skill to convert your own HP to SP, it looks like it's definitely used in an offensive sense there.

I'm a bit curious what the other biolabs foes in S3U are, but haven't seen anything despite my searching around :(


Anyway, there was a blog update about EOY, which shows off an Explosion's fellatio type attack animation with a bit of a written comparison to animations from S4U - basically more going on in the newer stuff. Sounds like progress is going well; he's working on events for adding people to the harem room (as it were) and one of those sounds to be a hint NPC where you need a particular thing to get her to join up (like the boss character in the Louyang dungeon in S4U). The last bit indicates no plans to make jail/or not branching like with the merchant/wizard/hunter characters in S4U, if I'm reading that right...
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The bio mobs are just recolored/remakes of the guild people you fight in S4U, the sniper, the high wizard(?), the merchant and the last being some sort of gypsy/dancer.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The Prologue history could be simplified in one line 'umbrella corporation evil plot' even the developer recognize it in some kind of parody from resident evil translated to the RO universe.

The bio mobs are just recolored/remakes of the guild people you fight in S4U, the sniper, the high wizard(?), the merchant and the last being some sort of gypsy/dancer.

She is a Sage.

He (the developer) is also trying to put the missing classes/jobs left off in the other games, (like the case of the Sages) and the villain this time is a Stalker girl, yummy ;)
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