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RPG RPG Maker [アスガル騎士団] ROBFEOY (RJ168054)

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Instead have my self mixed up with this, I just gonna post a proof that I have bought his game. Except the first one tho. Didn't particularly liked a first one.
Not all of us are pirating all the time, I just want him to understand that.
If he sold a translated version of his game, he wouldn't have to f#ck with everybody, maybe except for Chinese.
View attachment 14175
That's one of the main issues, he equates Westerners with pirates and actively tries to deny them from playing them, even if they're legitimate, paying customers. This makes me think that his crackdown goes beyond the objective of curbing piracy, in fact it's not the first circle to do so, but I'm pretty sure it's the first one who has ever attempted to deny people from a certain geographical region/cultural background from playing his/their games.
Would you be so kind as to explain the rationale behind the removal of my posts? They were pertinent to the topic of these threads, nevermind the fact that links are posted in these kind of threads all the time. To classify my posts as 'spam' you'll have to use a very broad definition which would also encompass a significant portion of the posts on ULMF.
Regarding the claims of copyright violation, the content was indirectly linked through Pastebin, as to not trouble ULMF staff by hosting links directly on their website. As such, any issues should be dealt with by Pastebin's staff which they tend to do very efficiently.

Are you serious, man? Are you actually going to do this? I am actively trying to maintain a balance here so that people here know where the links are, appease the developer's claim to copyright, and keep ULMF from catching as much legal ramification as I can, and you're going bring up this age-old argument?

Yes, if I wanted to be completely fair to the developers, ALL links on this forum would be completely wiped out and I would be actively hunting anybody trying to distribute them to ban them. But that would not only make me a hypocrite on a personal level, but also something neither I nor a majority of people here want to see happen on the forums.

And yes, if I wanted to be completely on the side of the members here, I would entirely ignore developers an license holders who ask us not to put links up here. But that's not only illegal, but a fucked up thing to do to them, even ones as xenophobic as this guy.

So instead, we have a semi-happy, legally-grey medium where links are put up at the discretion of the forum's members, which can easily be taken down if the license holder requests it. And this is because this is the best way that I can think of to allow both sides to have their say in the matter.

I didn't tell you to stop distributing links. I even hinted to everybody that if they wanted to know where to get it, they should contact you directly, so that it's out of the public eye and thus, keeping ULMF out of the legal debacle (Just because it's on Pastebin doesn't mean it's suddenly completely okay to post licensed content around here. You KNOW that's a bunk argument that'd get torn to shreds in a litigation, so why even bring it up?).

I labelled your posts as spam because you posted the exact same copy-pasted message on all three ROBF threads, when the only relevant thread is here. I even kept your posts in here, instead of just wiping out your post history, so that I didn't kill off your intentions. I just wanted you to stop necroing threads.

Like, I am actually flabbergasted that I am trying to make this a fair playing field for you, and you're going with the classic 'Well if every other thread is doing it, why can't we do it here!?" argument, as if I'm trying my hardest to stop you. This is even one of the few times I'm actively allowing my own bias and personal opinion on the issue guide my moderation because even I don't like the developer's attitude. If I were approaching it the way I normally do, I would've gotten rid of your account, gotten rid of the links, locked the fan translation thread, and limited discussion to only gameplay.

All I'm trying to do here is limit how much liability ULMF has in this situation, while maximizing how much freedom you and others have to discuss something as contentious as this. So don't give me that shitty guilt-trip that if I'm going to delete links here, I should delete them from all threads. This isn't my first rodeo and I ask that you trust my judgement when I handle this sort of thing.
Are you serious, man? Are you actually going to do this? I am actively trying to maintain a balance here so that people here know where the links are, appease the developer's claim to copyright, and keep ULMF from catching as much legal ramification as I can, and you're going bring up this age-old argument?

Yes, if I wanted to be completely fair to the developers, ALL links on this forum would be completely wiped out and I would be actively hunting anybody trying to distribute them to ban them. But that would not only make me a hypocrite on a personal level, but also something neither I nor a majority of people here want to see happen on the forums.

And yes, if I wanted to be completely on the side of the members here, I would entirely ignore developers an license holders who ask us not to put links up here. But that's not only illegal, but a fucked up thing to do to them, even ones as xenophobic as this guy.

So instead, we have a semi-happy, legally-grey medium where links are put up at the discretion of the forum's members, which can easily be taken down if the license holder requests it. And this is because this is the best way that I can think of to allow both sides to have their say in the matter.

I didn't tell you to stop distributing links. I even hinted to everybody that if they wanted to know where to get it, they should contact you directly, so that it's out of the public eye and thus, keeping ULMF out of the legal debacle (Just because it's on Pastebin doesn't mean it's suddenly completely okay to post licensed content around here. You KNOW that's a bunk argument that'd get torn to shreds in a litigation, so why even bring it up?).

I labelled your posts as spam because you posted the exact same copy-pasted message on all three ROBF threads, when the only relevant thread is here. I even kept your posts in here, instead of just wiping out your post history, so that I didn't kill off your intentions. I just wanted you to stop necroing threads.

Like, I am actually flabbergasted that I am trying to make this a fair playing field for you, and you're going with the classic 'Well if every other thread is doing it, why can't we do it here!?" argument, as if I'm trying my hardest to stop you. This is even one of the few times I'm actively allowing my own bias and personal opinion on the issue guide my moderation because even I don't like the developer's attitude. If I were approaching it the way I normally do, I would've gotten rid of your account, gotten rid of the links, locked the fan translation thread, and limited discussion to only gameplay.

All I'm trying to do here is limit how much liability ULMF has in this situation, while maximizing how much freedom you and others have to discuss something as contentious as this. So don't give me that shitty guilt-trip that if I'm going to delete links here, I should delete them from all threads. This isn't my first rodeo and I ask that you trust my judgement when I handle this sort of thing.

Fair enough, didn't mean to offend you in any way.
Just to make it abit clearer....
He didn't exactly mean westerner = pirating...

The term he use here is "Gaijin" as in foreigner, and yeah there seem a big case of piracy on his 1st game which pissed him off.
Starting from the 2nd game he put that anti gaijin quiz (1 that if u put wrong answer you need to input more right answer), but someone actualy make a patch of this to totally skip-ed it.
Well the 3rd 1 as you can see he actualy put soo much anti-gaijin quiz that it starting to make even JP player cant passed it... and you also have to be able to input the answer in JP word.
That's one of the main issues, he equates Westerners with pirates and actively tries to deny them from playing them, even if they're legitimate, paying customers. This makes me think that his crackdown goes beyond the objective of curbing piracy, in fact it's not the first circle to do so, but I'm pretty sure it's the first one who has ever attempted to deny people from a certain geographical region/cultural background from playing his/their games.

Well, like Altrius says, not just only westerners but he took his hatred of 外人(gaijin) or (害disaster人people) and generalzation bit too far.
Japanese commonly have misunderstood idea of WWW web and seriously believe every content is strictly limit to local and its enforced by the law. Witch internet was never meant to limit by region.
He is obviously one of those guy that can't accept the world outside of Japan even in internet.

Also, if you read his blog using translator or something, his kinda bit off.
He acting like a real professional indie-dev, in reality he just a hobbyist who can't create game without of RPG maker and some hired assets, he seriously believe there's a business or private eye who deals with piracy or online bully in Japan, its clear that this guys is brilliant but have some problem.
Judging by how he rambling a lot and easy to get upset.... He sounds like old timer with temper issue too.

He need to just step up from his platform if he think he could earn more that he deserve instead blaming gaijin for all his problem waste so much money/time/energy for it.
Biggest step he needs to take right now is, stop using RPG maker, he often hire somebody to wright a dialog for his game, so hire someone who does english too.
There's many steps he could do better. Its up to him to take a step on stairs for true glory tho.

He better switch to click team fusion 2.5.
So far nobody can crack a game made by this.
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Sorry for the delay guys, had to solve some issues with the previous torrent.

If you want a copy of the trilogy, please send a PM to me. And to all lurkers who may come across this thread, the links will be available on other places such as A-S or nyaa derivates.

Well, like Altrius says, not just only westerners but he took his hatred of 外人(gaijin) or (害disaster人people) and generalzation bit too far.
Japanese commonly have misunderstood idea of WWW web and seriously believe every content is strictly limit to local and its enforced by the law. Witch internet was never meant to limit by region.
He is obviously one of those guy that can't accept the world outside of Japan even in internet.

Also, if you read his blog using translator or something, his kinda bit off.
He acting like a real professional indie-dev, in reality he just a hobbyist who can't create game without of RPG maker and some hired assets, he seriously believe there's a business or private eye who deals with piracy or online bully in Japan, its clear that this guys is brilliant but have some problem.
Judging by how he rambling a lot and easy to get upset.... He sounds like old timer with temper issue too.

He need to just step up from his platform if he think he could earn more that he deserve instead blaming gaijin for all his problem waste so much money/time/energy for it.
Biggest step he needs to take right now is, stop using RPG maker, he often hire somebody to wright a dialog for his game, so hire someone who does english too.
There's many steps he could do better. Its up to him to take a step on stairs for true glory tho.

He better switch to click team fusion 2.5.
So far nobody can crack a game made by this.

I don't think there is any problem in using RPGMaker, theoretically it should speed up the development process and lower the barrier of entry for potentially creative ideas, allowing a small team to focus their limited resources on gameplay/lore. If anything, circles such as ToroToroResistance have shown that you can do great things with RPGMaker and other hired assets available online, which shows that asg*r is entirely at fault for his own mediocrity. If he (or they) has two brain cells inside that baboon skull of his, he will move on past that eventually and hopefully use his skills to make something worthwhile again. Even if we have to give him a reality check sometimes.
I don't think there is any problem in using RPGMaker, theoretically it should speed up the development process and lower the barrier of entry for potentially creative ideas, allowing a small team to focus their limited resources on gameplay/lore. If anything, circles such as ToroToroResistance have shown that you can do great things with RPGMaker and other hired assets available online, which shows that asg*r is entirely at fault for his own mediocrity. If he (or they) has two brain cells inside that baboon skull of his, he will move on past that eventually and hopefully use his skills to make something worthwhile again. Even if we have to give him a reality check sometimes.

RPG maker by the engine it self is pretty limited man.
Also biggest down side is, it gives every game made by this have slimier style and looks, specially if you don't create your own sprite, it'll end up being cookie cutter machine.
Still, its enough to deliver a idea of game's world, but if you played enough game made by this, you eventually get a feeling that every game looks the same. Quantity over quality.
Asgal did a nice job make the game looks original tho.

While we have unity and click team or GG in steam for dirt cheep, people should explore better platform lately.....
Also, Action game maker MV coming up soon. Its good start to take break for RPG I guess.
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RPG maker by the engine it self is pretty limited man.
Also biggest down side is, it gives every game made by this have slimier style and looks, specially if you don't create your own sprite, it'll end up being cookie cutter machine.
Still, its enough to deliver a idea of game's world, but if you played enough made game by this, you eventually get a feeling that every game looks the same. Quantity over quality.
Asgal did a nice job make the game looks original tho.

While we have unity and click team or GG in steam for dirt cheep, people should explore better platform lately.....
Also, Action game maker MV coming up soon. Its good start to take break for RPG I guess.

Agreed. Variety is always welcome when it comes to the H-Game scene.
Since it seems the option to search inside threads is gone, can anyone point me in the right direction for walkthrough for those games ? Mostly for the skill trees.
About skill tree is kinda hard since you will need boss card as well....
but well, the easy 1 for beginner i believe just go int vit and do anything magic related like Storm Gust (forgot the ingame name) after using all the instant buff (mostly from 3rd job - this mean this build will get buffed when story progressed)
Once you got the lvl item and pretty much everything, the most favourite 1 is go physical with berserk and EDP, where you buff urself 1st and did massive dmg on 3rd turn
OK, everybody, I need your help. Where can I find non-English H-Game discussion forums, preferably Japanese where I can spread these links to?
This forum is still the most active in terms of H game discussion and as such, is still very much worth spending time discussion H games, even with an anti loli and developer friendly ruleset. If you want to spread links then you're better off hosting in more pirate orientated or invite only forum sites like A-S or private torrent trackers. Do some web browsing and you'll find them in the shadows. The rule of thumb is, if the site is hosted in NA, Europe or any territory closely related, chances are you're going to be cockblocked from discussing and/or sharing some of the more controversial stuff.

On an unrelated note, here's hoping ROBF's Curly Sue gets translated someday. I love me some darklord twintails.
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What has that been translated as only half game XD ?
ask me who translated here only half game XD .
Maybe someone who would translate the rest.
And story I do not just mean mission and Items XD
Since it seems the option to search inside threads is gone, can anyone point me in the right direction for walkthrough for those games ? Mostly for the skill trees.
Haven't really used the search function since it came back -thx for the imho much better and useful web interface, mods/admins/whoevers deserve the praise! :)-, but I checked it out just out of curiosity after your post. There IS and option to search the currently active (browsed) thread, you just have to choose "This thread" from the dropdown list in the searchbox.

Thought you may want to know.
I tried out the "search in this thread only", but it doesnt seem to work well ; searching the term " save " only shows the first post despite it being mentionned all over the thread. :/

I finished ROBF 1 and am moving to the other titles, skipped S4U due to bad translation, S3U doesnt even show characters due to the korean partial, and EOY seems to be translated ok, but crashes as soon as i enter a fight ; something about a missing file :


yes I did change locale settings to japanese before downloading and extracting the game.
I tried out the "search in this thread only", but it doesnt seem to work well ; searching the term " save " only shows the first post despite it being mentionned all over the thread. :/

I finished ROBF 1 and am moving to the other titles, skipped S4U due to bad translation, S3U doesnt even show characters due to the korean partial, and EOY seems to be translated ok, but crashes as soon as i enter a fight ; something about a missing file :


yes I did change locale settings to japanese before downloading and extracting the game.

Title bar is mojibaked. Did you change language for non-Unicode programs to Japanese? it is found in the same config dialogue as the settings for locale, under the 'Administrative' tab

EDIT: Tried replicating your problem by going to the first dungeon, battles work just fine. Problem seems to be on your end.
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What has that been translated as only half game XD ?
ask me who translated here only half game XD .
Maybe someone who would translate the rest.
And story I do not just mean mission and Items XD

All translations are a Work In Progress/MTL as of right now thanks to years of crackdown on any fantranslation efforts by the dev. With that in mind, a considerable amount of content in both 4.1 and EOY has already been translated.

All files are decrypted, so you're welcome to join in and help the community in translation efforts. ;)
Did you change language for non-Unicode programs to Japanese?

That did the trick.. So am i going to have to swap that setting every time i want to play the game ? Having my computer in japanese is pretty uncomfortable... ;A;
That did the trick.. So am i going to have to swap that setting every time i want to play the game ? Having my computer in japanese is pretty uncomfortable... ;A;
There should be a setting to only have it apply to unicode programs and not the rest of your computer. Some installers or programs will still use this option instead of your default settings, but those seem to be fairly rare.

Assuming Windows 10:
Settings > Time & language >Region & language (on the left) > Additional date, time, and regional settings > Region > Administrative (Tab) >Change system locale...

Assuming before Windows 10:
Control Panel > Regional and Language Options (found in Classic View if Windows 7) > Administrative (Tab) >Change system locale...
All translations are a Work In Progress/MTL as of right now thanks to years of crackdown on any fantranslation efforts by the dev.
Should have also included all available partials and original files into separate folder. At least someone could attempt to fix S4U since it have RPGMT format patch.
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