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Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Jereck: HP = 46, PP = 47, EP = 101, Status = Fine

Jereck had been on the road for no more than twenty minutes before he came upon his first obstacle. The roads had not been safe since the fall of the Empire, and even with the threat of the aliens and civil war looming over the populace, the most common problem for the more common folk had been bandits. The soldiers were busy fighting, and with near-total freedom to extort the locals, there had been a number of toll roads set up by those claiming to be "maintaining the safety of the roads." A half dozen men in soldiers uniforms with their insignias stripped from their shoulders were standing along the road, clutching long rifles and grinning as the woman that formed their center grinned at a group of travelers, likely refugees that had been ejected from the city.

That they were being extorted when they clearly had nothing besides the rags on their backs was, perhaps, bad enough. That one of them had been dragged behind a tree and was being loudly beaten was, perhaps, worse. Their commander spotted Jereck where he stood a ways up the tree-lined road and grinned, holding up a hand to silence the pleas of the beggar in front of her and then calling out to him; "Ahhh, hello there! Might you know these here vagabonds? They were caught trying to pass the toll station without paying~ We caught 'em though! Someone has to upkeep the King's roads now that the army's not doing it, right?"
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck quickly examined the situation carefully, taking care to count each soldier and vagabond, as well as keep in mind their location. With his eyes sweeping over the scene, he was addressed by the head of the group. He didn't particularly feel like getting shot from a distance, so he listened carefully as he put on his best smile with a wave, walking as casually as he could, all the while trying to close the distance, though he felt a drop of sweat bead against his brow with each groan and clobber from behind the tree. "Too true, and I can't say I've had the pleasure of meeting em'. Or of meeting you for that matter, might I ask your name before we move on to business?" He said, patting the coin pouch by his side.

Jereck had formulated the outlines of a plan, although he had no real experience fighting groups of people before, let alone people with rifles. However, he had practised long enough to know that he could eviscerate a clearing filled with rabbits... well, by accident anyway. He didn't particularly want to fry the skin off the peasants though, he knew well enough what it was like to be in that position. And though he had never really tried to channel his energy discretely before, and didn't even know if it was particularly conspicuous, he tried his best to call for "Just in case" help all the same, searching the surrounding area with his energy for a spirit to bind to himself for if and when he gets up close.

If he can get up close without resistance, cast Aspect of Spirit for 1+6 EP to grant a buff to Grapple and Dodge, as well as the secondary bonus to speed. DISCRETELY.
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Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 46, PP = 47, EP = 94/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed)

Not really, just putting in here that he's got +36 Grapple and Dodge, +12 Speed. He'll be paying 0 upkeep for it after Efficient Wielder.

The bandit woman quirked an eyebrow at Jereck, "A man who gets right down to it eh? I like that.... The name's Senia! And you are?" She put a hand on her hip and watched him as he strode up, taking no outright hostile action... Yet. The beggars were largely cringing, not trying to slip away lest they take a bullet in the back for their efforts, but one of them was looking at Jereck hopefully, almost pleadingly.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

"Jereck's the name, it's a pleasure to be acquainted." He responds as he revels in the satisfying sensation of usually intangible energies wrapping around his body. He kept his eyes off the ex-citizens and decided to eye over Senia, it would be inconvenient to lose it just yet. And at this rate, things may just be settled civilly. All the same, he gets to work on further augmenting his abilities, not everyone can appreciate diplomacy in this day and age, bandits and deserters are certainly no exception.

With a slight pang of pain, heat starts searing through Jereck's muscles, and throughout his body. He'd never been a fan of it, but with this power he could push his body to further limits at the expense of energy, and comfort. He decided on a subtle amount, that wouldn't show up in his expression or hurt his casual stance. It's not easy being careful. Deciding not to leave time for an awkward pause, Jereck continued the conversation while working his "magic". "So Senia, how much per person?" He continued, stalling for time, though also wanting the knowledge in earnest.

Cast Fell Might for 4 EP and 1 HP, WITH SUBTLETY. Also, how many peasants are there?
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Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 90/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4

Jereck has +36 Grapple and Dodge, +12 Speed. He'll be paying 0 upkeep for it after Efficient Wielder.
He also activates Fell Might X = 4, gaining an additional +12 bonus to Grapple, attack rolls, melee damage, and Dodge, plus a +4 bonus to Resistance.

"Jereck eh? The pleasure is all mine, I assure you~" the woman purred, causing the men around her to roll their eyes behind her back. Whether she noticed the reactions of her fellows or not, Senia seemed eager to get down to business, and once Jereck was standing up close to the rapier-armed woman she said; "It's five coin a head. Not much, yeah?" Five coin was what a skilled artisan might make in a day if they did good business. Looking at that three men that the bandits had surrounded, it would have been a miracle if they and the man that some of the bandits were beating behind the tree had left Lockacre with that much money between them, much less individually. Including Senia, who stood almost directly in front of him now, there were five other bandits around her, and at least two more in the bushes to his left, beating on the helpless beggar.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck raised a questioning eyebrow for a moment, before shrugging the expression off. "All things considered, I suppose not. If it's not a problem, I'll pay the way for the peasant your underlings are thrashing, and the other three whimpering fugitives as well." He concluded, pulling out his coin pouch and fingering through twenty denarii to pay from his meagre savings. All the while he felt his body growing hot, and all of his skin was starting to flame up with a stinging red colour, not unlike that of naked criminals kept in the pillories during a summer's day. With the combination of the vagrant's beatings and his own power's consequence, Jereck was starting to have trouble keeping his composure on a tight leash. All the same, he held out the money for Senia to take, barely managing to maintain a mild smile.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 90/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4

Jereck's words, and the appearance of his coin pouch in his hands, brought a smile to the faces of the bandits around him, and none of them were broader than the one on Senia's face. "Oooh, a generous one are we?" she said, her eyes trailing from his outstretched hand to glide up and down his body. The completion of her assessment drew her eyes back up to his, and one eyebrow rose suggestively as her posture shifted slightly, accentuating the curves of her chest enticingly. "I suppose that's agreeable..." she cooed softly, reaching out and taking the offered coins, allowing her fingers to brush against Jereck's wrist before dropping the coins to a pouch at her side. "You lot are free to go," she added in a normal voice, directing her chin towards the beggars that were now looking at Jereck with a mix of wonder and gratitude. Three men came around the corner, half carrying another man in beggar's clothing between them.

"I don't suppose you'd like to stay for a while?" she added, directing her comment at Jereck as her voice became a tiny bit sultry again. "We could always use some good... Strong hands... I could certainly think of a few nails that need pounding~" The other bandits rolled their eyes at Senia's rather blithe statement, but they were already moving back into the woods, leaving him largely alone with the only female member of their group.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

With the vagrants out of harms way, and better yet, the entire bandit formation disbanded, opportunity was never more prevalent for Jereck, at least as far as he could see it. As tempting as dipping his freshly forged rod into wet flesh seemed, another base desire was nagging at his psyche, because although he did not particularly care much for money, and had no doubt that lives were worth more than some deplorable toll, such sentiments did not ease the feeling of being cheated. Hard work had gone into those savings, and he did not enjoy wasting it on worthless deserters, especially not the kind who would waylay their own brethren to save themselves effort. He definitely wasn't going to waste another precious thing on people so openly thoughtless, not if he could help it.

With those thoughts in mind, Jereck's fabricated smile, his pseudo-calm demeanour, his mild mannered but confident façade, all of it was crushed in one foul swoop as his face fell into a furious scowl of indignation. He felt his blood throb through his body forcefully in a rush of adrenaline, pumping the energy he so desperately wanted to release down his forearm, and out of his hand in a swirl of melancholy black vapour. The black fog whirled around itself, settling into a solid length of black cable... A whip construct of naught but malign shade. It's about time to talk "business".

Jereck stepped back a little, relaxing his fingers around the base of his new whip, and flinging it across the air in an attempt to wrap it around his newest admirer's throat, hoping to silence her in time for his new make-shift plans.

Jereck pays 19 EP to conjure a Death Whip, and attempts to grapple the bandit woman.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 71/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4, Death Whip X = 19. Grappling Senia,

Jereck conjures a shadow whip and grabs himself a bandit!
Attack: Hit. Senia is grappled.

The bandits then turn and point guns at him.

Senia was half turned away from Jereck as he conjured a whip of living shadows, adding to his already impressive number of magical augmentations. It also smoothly wrapped around the bandit woman's throat, causing her to emit a choking gurgle that drew the attention of every one of the bandits, all of whom were now in cover. A half dozen rifles were immediately aimed in Jereck's direction, and one of them immediately called out in a voice that held a tiny quiver of fear; "Hey, you... Let her go, now! Afore we blow yer friggin head off!" The grappled woman herself, in the meantime, struggled uselessly against whip wrapped around her throat, no more able to free herself from it than she would have the coils of a dragon.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck yanked Senia forward by her neck, pushing her bosom against himself as he secures her arms properly, letting the whip spirit away. He hadn't counted on her alerting the grunts, but this was a perfect time to test if he had the grit to bring the fight back to the Necropolis. Hearing that repressed doubt in the man's voice gave him inspiration, to think that a simple whip could cause doubt in somebody's own abilities like that... What a coward. In line with that inspiration, Jereck prepared a new power to take the place of his whip.

A dark pitch mist began to leak from the pores of his skin as he exerted his energy in controlled bursts, the vapours wrapping around themselves to make ropey shapes, with slick exteriors and unpleasant texture. Eventually, these shapes started take on definition, becoming more solid, and visible. Leeches, big, long, snake-like leeches, with gaping mouths of course rough teeth, too big to be real but too real to be ignored. The shadowy leeches slithered around Jereck and almost the Bandit Girl as well, like leeches over a corpse. With an uncharacteristically malign voice, Jereck responded: "I'd like to see you try it, scum. Your threats are almost as empty as your veins will be if you don't start respecting MY roads".

Jereck dispels Death Whip, and casts Nightmarish Image for 10 EP. OH, and if Jereck can see them, gauge the distance and location of as many bandits as possible.
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Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 61/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4, Nightmarish Image X = 10, Grappling Senia

Jereck activates Nightmarish Image for X = 10.

Resistance: Enemies fail.

Senia stumbled across the distance between them, ending up as an effective human shield between Jereck and some (but not all) of the bandit woman's comrades. The appearance of the leaches on his skin, illusions though they might be, caused the bandits to pale as one in horror and terror. "Y... You let her go!" the man repeated, his uncertainty clearly magnified, "We mean it! We'll shoot!" His voice shook, and Jereck could all but taste the fear in him, and all of the other bandits, none of whom were more evidently terrified than the woman now clutched against his chest, who looked about ready to faint at any moment.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck cast a glance at the bandit who threatened to shoot, staring daggers for a moment. Well, it figures that deserters would be cowards, but he'd expected at least some degree of backbone. Clicking his tongue in irritation, he flung a black clod of illusory mist towards the speaking bandit, using the shadow it cast to try and bend his bones and rend his flesh. He'd had enough of the chitchat, and he wanted to start dishing out punishment, so to speak.

Cast Rupturing Shadows at the speaking bandit for 3+5 EP
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 48/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4, Nightmarish Image X = 10, Grappling Senia

Jereck uses Rupturing Shadows for X = 5, for a total of 8 EP for that. Nightmarish Image costs 5 EP upkeep, for a total of 13 EP this round.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: Instant 40 damage, coming right up! He's pretty dead now.

Resistance: Enemies fail. They also run away.

The man who'd done the talking suddenly snapped inwards at a horrific angle, his bones snapping as his own shadow caused his body to bend in ways that it was most definitely not meant to. The first part of a scream issued forth, but it was silenced as the bandit's lungs were crushed and a wave of blood sprayed out of his mouth. The other men, upon seeing this, turned and bolted from the terrible man who'd come forth to slaughter them, and would soon rush off into the woods. Senia suddenly went still save for her shivering, light whimpers occasionally escaping her as she watched her companion drop to his knees and then to the ground.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck stifled a laugh as he let the illusory leeches suck back into his body, black vapour running through and around him before the air finally settled into a peaceful silence, apart from the occasional sniff or whimper from Senia. He was feeling a rush of ego running through his system, that was so easy, practically a dozen men running for their lives with their tails between their legs! It was almost too easy. Jereck felt his back sag just a little, and repressed a flinch from the pain his augmented strength was causing him. ALMOST, too easy.

He was already feeling the adrenaline from the rush escaping his body, and he was starting to feel guilty for killing that man so mercilessly. Well, he may have deserved it, but that wasn't the reason that he died, he died because he tried to save his companion. He should keep a closer reign on himself, not only had he killed a man without even a second thought, he had let the others get away scot-free. This isn't what Jereck wanted at all. With a sigh, he tightened his grip on Senia again, and started to talk in a more calm voice, "Calm down, your life is safe as long as you don't run or struggle. Do you know why I attacked you and your men?" He kept his grip around her arms steady, he intended to maintain the upper hand the entire time, even if he had mostly benign intent.

Dispel Nightmare Image and maintain grapple.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 48/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4, Grappling Senia

Senia tried and failed to keep herself from shivering in Jereck's grasp, and her voice shook slightly as the bandit woman grimly replied; "No." There was an air of petulance in her tone, and though she might have tried to allure him with her body before, she made no such motions now even though she was pressed so close against him. He began to feel the heat of her body and the rhythm of her heartbeat, racing as she fought down her fight or flight response.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation for a second, before he calmed himself. Of course she didn't understand his motivation, for all she knew, he had attacked on the behalf of some other bandit. "Right, then we have somewhere to start with. First off, you've deserted the Badarian forces at the worst time you could have picked, right now the lesser men really need our help." Jereck said, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, adjusting the grip of his arms a bit. "Now, that's not really the problem itself. If you had just ditched and tried to live a peaceful life, we wouldn't be in this position right now. You have made a grave mistake somewhere along the line, and have gotten into the business of extortion and highway robbery. I am a little curious how somebody who used to work for the safety of people is now slacking off at the expense of the people." He paused again, looking around the road a bit, before deciding internally that it may be a good idea to get off the road before somebody misunderstands what's going on. "Now, we're going to walk to the side of road, and you're going to tell me how this ended up happening. And like I said, don't worry, I'm not interested in killing any body else today."

Start pushing Senai towards in the direction of the side of the road, without actually taking a step before she does herself.
Re: Aspiring to Greatness (Cappy)

Jereck: HP = 45/46, PP = 47, EP = 48/101, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (Grapple/Dodge/Speed), Fell Might X = 4, Grappling Senia

Jereck's initial explanation drew nothing but a sneer from the woman, but she apparently thought better of actually speaking whatever she'd thought about what he had to say. She seemed unable to resist filling in for his second pause, however, as she said; "We were never there for the safety of the common rabble! Anyone that isn't a noble might as well not exist as far as the King and his people thought! We were there for their convenience, to die for them in case anything happened." A grim smile flitted over the bandit woman's face, but she did as she was instructed in silence, walking over to the side of the road and onwards until Jereck instructed her to stop. Whether his proclamation that he didn't want to kill her gave the thief any real comfort was impossible to determine, but she glanced back at him with a hint of curiosity as she was pushed deeper into the woods, and her step changed slightly such that her body rubbed up against his in a manner that was starting to force certain hormones to come up whether he wanted them to or not.