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RPG Ci-En Loli Shota [ASIMOFU]エストラの迷宮 (Labyrinth of Estra???)

Considering the game is done in Unity it's really easy to get it machine translated with Belpin Ex. If this dev is going that route he's probably better off letting us do it, Sugoi is much better than google translate.

Also glad he moved on from that issue. Though he still should have waited to finish what he had planned for the demo rather than release it half finished. Would have saved him from being disappointed... And given us a reason to actually play the new demo too all things considered atm.
Hopefully hes made more progress than this to this point otherwise we'll be in the old folks home by the time this is done.
Weird how undressing can cause so much problems honestly, but it's probably a coding/animating thing so it's difficult to speculate how or why one element can hold him up for a whole year.

I still think the monsters could just undress the hero once and they would stay naked after that, or until the next level.
Either way hopefully this means he'll make faster progress. I still don't expect any updates until late Q4 of this year, and that's a best-case scenario.
Considering the game is done in Unity it's really easy to get it machine translated with Belpin Ex. If this dev is going that route he's probably better off letting us do it, Sugoi is much better than google translate.
IIRC he said he'd submit the game for the official English dlsite translation, the current translation is just a placeholder.
Weird how undressing can cause so much problems honestly, but it's probably a coding/animating thing so it's difficult to speculate how or why one element can hold him up for a whole year.

I still think the monsters could just undress the hero once and they would stay naked after that, or until the next level.
Either way hopefully this means he'll make faster progress. I still don't expect any updates until late Q4 of this year, and that's a best-case scenario.

On a wild but educated guess, I think it might have come from the fact that he had to handle two "actors" for the main character. One with his clothes on, the other with his clothes off. Programming is often quirky like that, with one line or one simple-looking function actually throwing the computer for a loop and breaking unrelated stuff.

With that being said, having skipped the previous demo, I really liked the progress of the UI in this one, and I hope things will only get faster now that most of the mechanics seem to be in. The picture album on the game over was a nice addition.
Cool game but the struggle system is complete ass,
Cool game but the struggle system is complete ass,

This is the point, its meant to feel like a struggle. The point is to not get caught. In future levels you'll have to time endure against her attack chains.

Weird how undressing can cause so much problems honestly, but it's probably a coding/animating thing so it's difficult to speculate how or why one element can hold him up for a whole year.

I still think the monsters could just undress the hero once and they would stay naked after that, or until the next level.
Either way hopefully this means he'll make faster progress. I still don't expect any updates until late Q4 of this year, and that's a best-case scenario.

The one thing he should add is that the character has to pick up his clothes again when he escapes, that way other enemies can potentially run off with them to another section of the map.
What do you mean?

right now, endure exists as a defense mechanism that you can hold permanently when you aren't actively struggling but if you notice even now the enemies have phases during their attacks on you that if you aren't holding endure they do a ton more damage at once. If you were to struggle while one of these phases is happening you'd take a ton of pleasure damage, every monster girl will have a pattern where they have high damage phases and low damage phases, if you use struggle and not endure doing the high damage phase, you will take enough damage that you won't be able to overcome her onslaught before her pleasure gauge is capped or the PC ejaculates (game over).
What value threshhold is the heart icon on the bottom?
Figured it was 0-100 or 0-1 but no luck

First update since October 2022.
well...they removed the clothes removal feature because it was a statistical nightmare to manage, which was supposed to speed up dev time....a year later...they put the feature back in because they liked it. i mean, i like it too but its hard to feel we arent meandering....
This is one of the most anticipated H-titles i've ever seen and it didn't become that way because the dev settled, he created systems that are very immersive and perfectly meld gameplay and eroticism, its what the stale genre needs more of. As i said in my F95 Zone post on the project, someone with a 'Masterpiece' mindset fusses over minute details that most people don't even consider, this is both a blessing and a curse as the final project is sure to raise the bar for the entire industry, but it will come with alot of bumps along the way.

I knew the dev didn't give up on the project, and i think i also correctly guessed what the hold up was.

We will see this game some day though it may not be for many years down the road.
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When I made the thread, the dev mentioned "before 2020", 3 years later we are still stuck on the clothing removal, hot but I would like to see the animation shine rather than clothing removal halting the progress of the entire game. It would be good to have this type of detail but at this point the time investment is not that worth it.
Haaah... I see this guy post an update after so long, and what is it? Him beating around the fucking bush close to an entire year. Consider me exasperated.
Yeah, sure. This game might become a masterpiece, if and only if it gets finished.

Do I think this will ever get finished? If he gets his shit together, sure. But the most optimistic waiting time will be something like 3 years minimum. That is not accounting for any more distractions, only a clean work schedule. If this nonsense happens again there will be no way to tell if he'll ever stop continuously halting his progress with something small.
I'd rather him take 5 years to make a great 3d game then go into those shitty 3D ring fighters that every dying dev delves into.
It's weird but it seems like boxing/fighting games are the graveyard for hentai devs.
First sex scene of the game was published:
I'd rather him take 5 years to make a great 3d game then go into those shitty 3D ring fighters that every dying dev delves into.
It's weird but it seems like boxing/fighting games are the graveyard for hentai devs.

Chalk that up to bad or uncanny 3D models imo. Most of these devs have no business making 3D games without the proper practice but they think they'll be the one to pull it off. Spoilers: They don't.
Seriously, look at Full Flap. He's spent something like a year or so just practicing and developing his 3D skills, and the shown product still looks like ass compared to his 2D titles, Demon's Sperm etc. Although I think that's also the whole pixel filter on his characters making things look far worse than they should be...

Anyways, I think the wrestling/boxing ring is honestly a good format for a H-game, just nobody with the necessary skills or team has undertaken it yet. I don't think that will ever change because the devs with that skillset seem to always go for more ambitious things, and generally they'll... eventually pull whatever they want to do off.