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RPG Ci-En Loli Shota [ASIMOFU]エストラの迷宮 (Labyrinth of Estra???)

Well and good, i'm happy he decided to address this in a more positive way, i will say however that the DLsite translation service is quite bad AND slow and i definitely am not going to wait several months for what is most likely going to be more akin to a machine translation. I'll purchase the Japanese version and use my phone to translate the minimal text that figures to be in this game.
The translation team was basically using an auto translator. The same one that works with unity games so... either the dev is officially adopting it or maybe he didn't know that was a thing?
Also worth mentioning he's currently making the "Lewd Version" of the shopkeeper, adding a way to fight with your fists (Sounds like my kind of run) and next update will let you use some items while being grappled.
Has the dev communicated anywhere regarding the status of this game in the last 7 months?
Has the dev communicated anywhere regarding the status of this game in the last 7 months?
Not much-- he's had some sort of jaw/teeth operation done that's been nagging him constantly from what I've read.
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Due to the aforementioned F95 situation, i can't say im surprised that the dev is keeping things close to the chest. The Dev knows that his game is popular but he wants to take full credit for the game, not have it be translated and modded by various users, i mentioned somewhat recently that the dev is regularly putting out updates about his work on the unity program upon which this game is based, the game is almost more impressive as a feat of programming than it is as a game and when people have access to the specific modified software hes building as well as the game itself.

I really wouldn't expect the dev to leak any parts of the game for a while, but i have to imagine he is still working on it as hes already put countless hours into the foundation. Depending on how long he wants the game to be, we could be looking at literally years of development time and perhaps as long before we hear about this game again.

The good news is that at one point the dev discovered an internal Unity feature that should make translation pretty easy for the dev and since this isn't really an RPG, i think he'll try to release the game in English right away, especially given his position on other people modding it.
We live again! New post on the dev's ci-en highlighting free-camera capabilities and plans to put the fox girl from the shop into the game as a monster, though apparently she's going to be pretty rare?
We live again! New post on the dev's ci-en highlighting free-camera capabilities and plans to put the fox girl from the shop into the game as a monster, though apparently she's going to be pretty rare?
I figured she would show up if you shoplifted.
We live again! New post on the dev's ci-en highlighting free-camera capabilities and plans to put the fox girl from the shop into the game as a monster, though apparently she's going to be pretty rare?
It's good to hear some good news on the project after a long silence.
As for her being a pretty rare encounter, since she is basically an unique named npc, unlike other mobs on the location, it's to be expected that you'll have to find her roaming the floor. Maybe she'll be stronger the other mobs too?
So is the game supposed to be a roguelike/lite when it's finished? The "this is how your run ended" synopsis gives me that vibe.
So..whats actually new in this version? I dont think he teased any new enemies this whole year (or whenever last update happened)
Welp, back to waiting another year for the next update.
got it.

-game is completely in english now which i did not see coming. its translated well too
-some UI improvements. menu is nice and snappy
-I THINK a block meter was added? blocking uses stamina, but if you run out of stamina, theres now a block meter
-a boss door, complete with door opening animation. but no boss.
-being a rougelite, now, if you die, a snapshot of your run will be shown. various screenshots of gameplay, as well as stats on the right side and all the loot you collected.
-enemies that undress stay nude

dev did say many features are currently disabled.
Dev also explained why development was slow. It was a gameplay feature that hes decided to remove. More trouble than its worth apparently.
so....from what I read, if your HP was below 50% and you got captured, the enemies would undress you. BUT if the enemy was also less than 50% they'd undress themselves. this made a surprising amount of variables in H animations. such as, the wolf tackling you, but youre clothed, but your HP drops so they undress you. This proved difficult not only to program, but to look good. sometimes animations would clash, especially in scenarios where they have to undress themselves AND you at the same time. then he'd have to do it all again for the second animation. (ie, wolf blowjob, and cowgirl ride both needed unique undressing animations). It was also troublesome to make transitions DURING the animation. Sure, they'd undress you BEFORE the scene, but if you drop below 50% mid animation, they'd need to undress you mid animation too! I can understand all these variables making a guys head spin, especially if youre a small team (or...alone? Is he alone? Im not sure). Even if you can go through the hassle of making all those animations, the fact they can break pretty consistently, and the fact many people wont care? Yeah, I can see why he'd want to cut it.

He ultimately decided this was too much trouble, and was a major player in bogging down dev time. Once he removed the feature, game development proceeded smoothly and he was able to work noticeably faster. from now on, your clothes just magically disappear, though tbh.....I dont really notice when the clothes come off. He seems pretty good at doing it when youre not looking, or hiding it with camera angles. Werewolf girl still undresses herself.
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Much appreciated. I couldn't quite understand what he meant in the article, nice that you cleared it up for me.

Good to hear that he decided to move on. I've had similar situations happen myself trying to push a neat feature only for it to end up being more trouble than its worth. Understandable how easy it is to fall into a pitfall like that. Here's hoping updates won't be so sparse in the future.

English support is a huge plus, really glad to see thats more common these days. Otherwise looks like he at least managed to make progress gameplay wise even if he couldn't finish fox girl which honestly I dont really see as a big deal.