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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael looks to still have something against the fact than Priscilla looks to love her pet food but he just shrug and started to cut his meal. Its great than you like it, but dont forget to add more to your diet, as you had just recovered after that hard fight. The young warrior then started to taste it and made some soft sounds to make Priscilla be sure than he like his meat. Michael was thinking for a while as he looks to the dog girl eat and then when she ended he gift her a peace of meat. Thanks Priscilla, it was really great, just try to add more proteins to your diet and vegetables...

Michael then smiled and help her to clean all before the two decide to leave the kitchen and go to their mission. The cat girl was still licking the bottle and thanks to it she dont notice them moving to the entrance door.

Are you ready? It could be a little dangerous so be alert and dont get distracted too much, being a woman on this city has ended to be risky not mather how much money do you have. Once he said this he waited for Priscilla if she needed something and then they leave, she wearing her maid outfit as also some shoes without heels, but even with these she needed to rest softly over Michael as they walked, her tail movig to the sides as she smell all the scents in the city.

Priscilla could smell the darkness around them, the remains of sex in every corner, the screams of ecstasis in many parts of the once ago calmed small city. Even they noticed wild animals fucking some girls already raped before by bandits or soldiers, there was just so little of law before this turned into an anarchy, but fortunately they were in the noble streets. The parks have women tied with prices on them as public use, many loving the fact and others still trying to beg for help as some soldiers or normal people pay to fuck them. The worst ones were the half humans like Priscilla, there was not safety for them, constant rape by anything and humillation, but the dog girl couldnt stop to feel herself warm by looking all having fun at any moment.

She endured it in some way and so after some walk they reached a huge house, well fenced, but Michael easily opened the door and invited Priscilla to stay at his side as he knock the door to be invited to get inside.

A strong looking butler, not so old opened the door and soon Michael give him a note. I has come to meet the owners of this house, there are some topics than we must discuss. The young male dont needed to add more, mostly all was in the note given to the butler, so after some moments they manage to get inside.

Even in this safe mansion Priscilla could sense some depravation, the floor smelled to sex, deep down them, but all the town was like this, it was like slowly this place with all his citizens were falling into a spiral of sex madness.

The butler let them wait in a confortable hall, it was a blessing for Priscilla who was tired of be walking in her two legs, her delicate legs werent used to handle all her weight, she was mostly a house pet, but be out was also good for her yet she loved to be carried by Michael when she gets tired, her nude body ready to be used by him in any corner or bench, but just feels his body touching her in his arms melt her in pleasure.

Priscilla awakened from her day dream to notice an almost nude woman and a noble, the man get sit on and soon the woman massage his shoulders as she heard the conversation.

So you have some information about my missing Daughter, we had been looking for her for months, so we will reward you if we manage to find her sane and alive.

I know who have her and i find it out than he is also the guilty of the increment of crime in the city, the kidnaper worked with a noble on this street. Lord Rishter, a really strange man who never show his true self in public until he was killed some days ago, you must know what the soldiers found at his mansion. Michael add, hidding most of the information about the woman caught at that fight.

Indeed, all the newspapers have the news about that incident, all the beasts and women are now of public use fortunately and there were dark symbols. The man said worried by this last.

There is still time to save your daughter and many others captured by these criminals, but i need your help. Is true the rumor than this city have a hidden passage to the beastmen tower?

The man shiver in fear then after heard the last words. W...who are you? How do you know all this? is confidencial. The stress on him made the woman whimper and take some feets of distance.

Priscilla, freezes the doors, now. Michale order and the butler prepare to defend his owner, for what it looks Michael found what he was looking for and would take it by the force if need it, maybe he has his reasons. After the obvious targets than are the doors, Priscilla could see also the woman who looks to be scared and the butler who dont looks to be happy.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla poured out her dogfood and quickly began to eat it, her tail wagging happily at the wonderful taste. Not only the taste, either… it just felt so right to be eating the stuff, for whatever reason. When her master objected that she ought to vary her diet a little to make sure she got all the nutrition she needed she would just nod, thinking about it for a moment while she munched on the crunchy kibble. She supposed she could make some sacrifices every so often for her health, and after all there were other good foods in the world. With enough time and the right supplies she would certainly learn to cook all of them for master and herself too! And Carmen and the others too, of course. But not the cat. All of the others except for the cat. She gave a satisfied nod at the thought, which probably looked silly and maybe a little bit suspicious to Michael. As she ate she could tell that he really liked the steak she had fixed him, a fact that made her tail wag hard enough to bump against the sides of the back of the chair with a series of conspicuous thuds, and it actually made her pretty excited to try the little piece he saved for her. It really was good… nice and juicy and tender, with a lovely taste. She had done an excellent job!

It was time for the kitchen to get cleaned now, though, and Priscilla got up and diligently set about doing so with some help from Michael. She frowned a little bit when he told her that she needed to eat more vegetables… they sounded nasty. Not at all like something a good dog-girl like her should be eating. "Thank you Master, I tried my best" she said in reply to him, ignoring the second half of his message for now while they finished putting the last of the silverware away and got ready to go.

When the two of them left the kitchen the catgirl was still lapping and suckling at the bottle she had been given, which made Priscilla sort of wonder what was in it that was so good… she didn’t even notice them pass by and get outside, so they managed to make it out unmolested. "Yes Master, I’m ready… and I understand" she replied, wondering exactly what he meant even so about it being risky being a woman. She was glad that he had picked out some shoes for her that didn’t have heels after only a little while walking down the street, though they still looked cute on her she thought. Even so she found it a little bit difficult to walk in them, having to hook her arm in Michael’s and lean just a bit against him for support… at least, that was the excuse she used.

The city really had changed in the time that she had been recovering, though. Her sensitive nose and ears detected it, the smells and sounds of sex all around them, some fresh and new, other scent trails older. There were suspicious stains most everywhere, cries of pleasure and some of pain coming from different side streets, though the immediate area seemed safe enough. The nobles apparently had enough clout to protect themselves at least a little bit. Priscilla could see in some places, though, that there were some girls being fucked by wild beasts, just creatures of the forest, laying in puddles of cum and too weak to defend themselves. Every park seemed to be full of women bound with rope or put in pillories, intended for public use by their owners for differing sums of money, and almost all of them seemed to be getting near-constant use. The looks of bliss on most of their faces made the dog-girl pause for a few seconds, her tail wagging a little bit as she thought how nice it must be to be in such a position, though she soon got back on track and followed alongside her master.

The better, more intriguing sight was what was happening to half-humans like her. All of them seemed to be fair game, free to be raped by anyone who wanted, many of them too weak by now even to stand as they laid utterly exhausted and covered in cum on the ground. Even beyond that they were everywhere being subjected to humiliation as if they were the lowest of the low; made to lick the feet of anyone who passed by, to beg and do tricks, even to relieve themselves in public, these and even more abuses heaped on them by the human population. Priscilla felt a warm, tingly feeling in her gut as she watched, thinking it all looked so lovely, so nice… she wanted to feel that way, at least for a little while.

They made it to their destination without incident, however, an enormous house that was fenced off from the rest of the town. The dog-girl tried to focus herself on their mission again as her master opened the gate of the fence and knocked on the door, seeking entry. She still clung to his arm though, partly because of the difficulty walking, and partly because she didn’t want to leave his side lest she be tempted into doing something she shouldn’t… Someone opened the door after a short time, probably a butler, who looked really quite strong. Michael gave him a note, explaining that he needed to see whoever owned the house to talk about some things, and he let them inside without any fuss.

The mansion seemed pretty normal, although Priscilla could smell that a lot of sex had gone on here recently, a relatively faint odor that pervaded the place. It was a good smell, of course, one that made her tail wag ever so slightly side to side as the two of them were led into a comfortable reception room, and when the dog-girl was allowed to sit she let out a quiet sigh of happiness; it was kind of tough, this walking around on two legs stuff. It was starting to hurt her legs a little bit, make her feel weak, and it always felt at least a little bit unnatural. She started to think then, about how nice it would be to walk like this regularly until she was tired, and then to have her master carry her off to rest in his arms… to feel his strong but gentle touch, or perhaps even more! The thought had her tail wagging again, a little bit of drool escaping the corner of her mouth…

She came back to reality when the owner of the home sat across from the two of them, a male noble and then a woman behind him, almost completely naked. Priscilla had no idea what her relation to him was, but from the way she just massaged his shoulders while he sat she thought that maybe she was his slave maid, just like she was to Michael. He two men began to have a conversation, something about that mean man who had kidnapped her from her rightful master a little while ago, something about him being the cause of the crime in the city and also the kidnapping of their daughter. The details weren’t terribly important to the dog-girl, Michael would handle all of this sort of thing just like usual anyway… but at some point the discussion part came to a close, and her master seemed set on taking whatever information they had by force. He ordered her to freeze the doors, and she immediately and instinctively sprung into action, hopping off her chair and onto all fours and barking at the angry butler while her magic worked to freeze the locks in place and prevent both escape from the room and entry into it. With that done she would try to freeze the butler too, trying to keep him from attacking Michael. The others didn’t seem like much in the way of a threat anyway.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Fortunately for Priscilla, the butler was just a strong man out of magical forces to defend himself, he tried to stop the dog girl when she frozen the door, but just a sudden spell he was defeated and trapped in ice, at least his well build body will give him some time to endure the cold inside all that ice.

The owner of this house was not expecting this kind of visits and the woman at his side was filled with fear, but even then she decided to defend that man from Michael. Not even Priscilla reached to notice the strange smell on the woman who has coated herself in perfume and the sex scent of a lot of time serving this man. Instintively she raised a hand and a dark power was send against Michael who was focused on the nobleman. At the last instant Michael notice the spell and tried to move aside but there was not time and so he just tried to defend himself, then the power hit him and make him fly away some feet's before fall on the floor rolling.

The woman had now red marks on her skin and her eyes were red but with a lost sight, certainly she was not a succubi but what has been placed at her have a demonic scent. Michael tried to get up, but something has afflicted him after that spell, Dont dare to escape!! he shout as he tried to reach the scared man.

Wich Muchael attention focused on him, Priscilla needed to decide her move alone against this new problem, they needed to end this quickly before anyone notice the event.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The butler came after Priscilla menacingly after she made the opening move and froze the door shut, but she was easily able to deal with him in the same way, a block of ice developing around him as he moved, trapping him. It was then that she realized she had misjudged the situation... While the butler had been easy to defeat, just a tough guy, the woman behind the noble was apparently a magician, and with a simple hand gesture she launched a bolt of black magic at Michael. He tried to get out of the way, but he wasn't in time, and he was sent flying through the air by the powerful blast, hitting the ground with a loud thud and rolling a short ways. That bit of magic made the woman start to reveal herself, strange red marks coming to the surface of her skin, her eyes glazed over and red, her scent... demonic. She had been infected with some kind of demon magic or something. The dog-girl growled at the one who would dare to hurt her master and quickly tried to freeze her too, though if that didn't work the first time she would quickly switch tactics to just shooting icicles at her, hoping that her slim body meant that she would go down easily.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With her master in danger the dog girl show her hate to the woman and soon casted a similar spell as the man from before at her. The ice stop her as the demonic woman show her rage with a powerful purple light than invade the whole room. The potent spell break the ice and a huge bean hit the poor dog girl, sending her flying away until the distant wall, her maid dress was unable to resist such power turning into ashes at the instant. It looks like the strange woman was in a frenzy as she used a huge amount of her power in just that instant, she needed some moments to recover, but Priscilla was now nude embedded at the wall close the door, only wearing the damn shoes and her pet slave collar. The inmense impact also hurt Michael and the noble man, both trying to get up. Fortunately the shatered ice dont inflict to them any wound.

Priscilla was hurted and stunned as she try to recover her counciest, the slut demoness was at her four mostly trying to recover some of her power, what was a good notice for Michael who with his strong young body manage to get up and reach where the noble was still almost close to faint.

Please, have mercy! The man said before the youn master hit him to start to restrain him. Esily he chain him and let him out of possibility to fight back. Then the strange woman scream as her body looks to once again start to change, what was inside her wanted to recreate the living vessel before maybe try to beat Michael and his pet.

Demoness used a stunning dark AoE magic with a crit hit, Maid dress has been lost and all are stunned until a success roll. Michael got a success roll so he is not stunned anymore and have a +3 in rolls against suttned foes. Slut demon is evolving

Priscilla and noble chained man are still stunned, buttler is safe behind all the ice
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla's spell went off just as she had planned it to, but the demonic woman she was targeting had other ideas... With a cry she unleashed a strange purple beam of energy that hit the dog-girl's attack, shattering the ice into a million tiny shards, and carrying on to hit her. She whimpered in pain as it blasted her dress to smoking ash, sending her flying through the air until she finally crashed into the wall. Her right leg kicked weakly as she struggled to get up, not completely conscious after the heavy blow and still in some amount of pain. Michael recovered before her, moving to continue the fight as she laid there and whimpered quietly, unaware of the added danger they were in... something was happening to the demon woman, she was changing herself into something else, perhaps something more powerful... When Priscilla finally came to her senses again she would try to disrupt it with icicles if she wasn't too late, though all she could really think to do was launch simple attacks at the woman unless her master had some better idea for her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With not much time to lost the young dog girl fighted against the damage at her body, she then aimed her senses at the woman in front of her and shoot as best as she could to make her stop of what she was doing. In the instant the icicles were send as fast as they could throught the room until where her foe was and hit close enough to make her get hurt, ice mist surround the almost nude woman who looks to be distracted by the cold than her frail body couldnt endure for too much.

Now! Make her stop! Michael shout breaking another foe's finger, the noble couldnt hold such pain and scream pitifully. The jewels, just destroy them...arghhhh no more, please.

Without time to lost the young master turn to Priscilla and shout his orders. Priscilla, focus on her jewels! You can feel any magic on them? Destroy them without kill her if you can.

Just like a switch turning on, Michael words looks to had power up Priscilla magic skill and brain at battle, as a magic pet she had such potential latent than only would awake if her master was in danger or order her to act according his tactics in battle.

In an instant she manage to find her targets and shoot without think twice, just when the woman awakened of her slumber to roar in anger and pain with demonic apendages starting to grow from her weak body. In her fury she tried to put an end to the magic dog girl with a potent spell than collide at the one sended by Priscilla.

It was just too much for the poor red haired monster girl, first the remains of the collision hurted parts of her body, making small burns on her limbs and an even more potent flame was close to hit her when suddenly the right knee of the demoness fail her after be wounded by one of Michael's arrows.

With the help of her master she couldnt fail him now, an even more potent ice spell come from Priscilla and the white cold ray fill the room. Soon the woman in front of her faint as her jewels turn into cold dust, leaving her alive and nude in her uncouncious state.

Good, now we can continue...

I dont know anything else, please forgive my life... A scared noble beg until Michael hit him.

You sold your only daughter to that noble in order to be one of the few to earn power and control from this pandemonium, gathered ladies and turn them into yours mindless slaves, even your wife and lovers to have the guards at your hand. I will make you pay for your sins with your death... or i could just leave you alone if you give me all what i need to stop them.

Michael looks to be close to get something and there looks to be all fine thanks to the thick walls than dont let the noises get out to alert any of the remain servants. However the burns at Priscilla remain and even shine before she see some marks around her nipples, other between her breasts and a last one some inches over her cunt, all in form of hearts, the needs of breed were just so intense but sh needs to calm herself. She only could suppose than this curse has make her get inside a heat status, times more intense than the usual.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla managed to shake herself back to wakefulness after only a brief period, and after only a few moments she was shooting icicles at the demonic woman. They hit very close to her, shattering into a cold mist that seemed to affect her concentration. Soon she heard her master shout an order at her, though, and she really whipped into action. She saw the jewels he spoke of, feeling that they were magical, and in an instant she slung a potent attack spell at them, hoping to shatter them to pieces. The demon seemed to be coming out, though, and some sort of strange... limbs were growing out of the poor woman, who seemed very much to be in pain. It launched its own spell, which hit the dog-girl's and burst it to pieces, little bits of flame shooting off to singe the redhead's flesh in a couple of different places. Still, she had been given orders by Michael, so she barely even noticed the pain... It would be much worse to fail her master than to feel those little embers on her body. Still, something far worse was coming at her... until he put an arrow from his crossbow in the woman's knees, and that gave Priscilla all the opening she needed, blasting those jewels with a powerful ray of cold that made them crack and crumble to dust, seemingly knocking the demonic woman unconscious.

The fight was over now, and Priscilla tried to calm herself down a little bit while Michael dealt with the nobleman. She didn't know what was being talked about exactly, because she had a problem to deal with... Those burns hadn't gone away. In fact that seemed to be getting worse, and migrating a bit... There were little burn marks in the shape of hearts around her stiff nipples, in her cleavage, and then as she looked one on her pubic mound just barely above her pussy, which was drooling out her juices intensely. She whimpered and whined quietly, trying not to play with herself or do anything that would be inappropriate while her master was busy, but it seemed like the remnants of that spell, whatever it had been, had put her in heat. Worse than that, it was a very intense heat, like few she had ever had before. She needed a dick inside of her, preferably master's although anyone's would do, and she needed a load of cum shot off inside of her soon or it would get unbearable...
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

There was not a chance for the noble man to struggle against Michael, the pain induced at him made him just so easy to handle and he just nod scared as Michael continue.

It will be not cheap to let you escape of this one, to start you must give me all the info than you know about the beastmen and their leader, as of course that hidden path to their lair. The man scared to lost his life accepted with worries for fo it, soon Michael prepare some paper and a pen to let the noble write what he can with his unwounded hand.

Priscilla do you want something ? Maybe some clothes or equipment would be an easy task for him, so just say aloud what do you want and it will be glanted. No doubt than Michael will ask more than just info and he looks to also notice the lack of clothes at Priscilla, but she was far away to he see the curse on her. She was more than wet at her neithers and thighs, her nipples hard and her breasts getting filled with milk, she was showing her curves instintively arching her back and moving submisively her tail to show her body ready for hold more puppies. At least she have the enough willpower to dont just masturbate or jump toward any male at the room.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla couldn't concentrate on the conversation between her master and the nobleman, she just stood there whimpering and trying to control herself. Michael's question brought her back to attention, though, the sound of his voice talking to her giving her a little bit more focus. He was asking if she wanted anything, supplies of any kind, and she certainly did need clothing... but she didn't want it. She needed something else, and badly. She was so aroused that her pussy was practically drooling her juices down her inner thighs, and her nipples were stiff hard little points atop her breasts, which were beginning to fill with the pressure of milk. Her tail wagged slowly down between her legs as she puffed out her chest, displaying her body subconsciously for master. She needed a good fucking, and badly... She wanted so much to feel a nice hard cock inside of her, to feel the spurt of seed into her womb, to feel her belly get heavy and round with puppies... "Master" she whined quietly, looking over at him with a pathetic sort of look on her face, "I need dick... something happened... so horny, master..."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The whimpers from her take some work to reach Michael who was not expecting than the mage could be so needed after their night together. Just resist a little Priscilla, we need to end ours bussiness and we could take the day if you need it. He said without notice anything wrong at the pet, it was not his fault as the battle has placed Priscilla pretty far of him. She could feel the lust growing in dispair, but she manage to control herself and place her master over her needs for this moment.

Michael continue with his work, making the guy firm some papers between others things, there should be some hurry in his move as Michael dont have any time to check around until some minutes later. It was then when all was close to get ready when he get close Priscilla and saw her new tattoos, maybe he needed a moment to get it but soon as he do it there appear a worry look at his face. When do you got that curse? We need to do something or it will get worse, im sure than i read than is named the "CumBath curse" If we take more time it will get worse.

He then quickly tried to carry all what he could as fast as possible of what he has made the noble firm and write. Taking then Priscilla's hand so both get out there before the guards come or Priscilla get worse.

It could take me some hours to cure you, but if this get worse we will need an orgy or worse. Its up to you Priscilla, i dont want to place you in danger at the street, but that could be the easier way to free you of this. He said looking back to the tied noble, maybe they could risk both to seal this room and fuck for a long time or they could run to their home but this last could take time and a lot of willpower from the dog girl. The last possibility was let her instincts free and fuck as the many girls at the park and town but could be dangerous if she lost herself and Michael.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael didn't seem to understand just how urgent Priscilla's needs were, too far away from her to see the mark of the curse and doubtlessly surprised that she wanted more so soon after the thorough fucking he'd given her last night. He told her to wait, and she could only whimper out a quiet, needy sound before trying her hardest to do as he said, to stay calmly and patiently. Master was busy, he was doing something important... he would take care of her when he had time. Getting the nobleman to sign some papers, to write other things, to point out still others that would be of use to him... The dog-girl couldn't stand it, couldn't hope to really understand what was going on. Finally he seemed to finish, and when he walked over to her he immediately noticed those new tattoos on her body, the proof of the curse. He seemed worried, and he also seemed to know what it was. "Her spell... when it came close to me... it did this..." she replied, still whimpering with her tail tucked between her legs.

Michael took her by the hand then, getting ready to leave, though beforehand he stopped and started considering his options. It was possible that the two of them could just fuck in this room, although the possibility that a guard would notice and that there would be problems was pretty high. They could also just race straight home and try to deal with it there, or... or they could join the orgy in the street, satisfying her potent arousal that way. Her tail began to wag slightly between her legs at the thought... There could be so many dicks! Master's was best and most important, but outside there was probably a nearly endless amount of cock to fill Priscilla's needy holes. She could barely stand on just her legs she was so excited, her juices dribbling steadily down her legs... "Home... can we go home? I might not make it without fucking... I need dick, master... Maybe we can... stop on the way? I need it so bad..." She was almost just babbling now, barely thinking straight. If it kept up much longer like this she was going to have problems getting home for sure.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The curse was affecting the dog girl more of what Michael expected with the low time passed after the battle, but there was not time to talk about this or find a different way to solve this. Very well lets do it before this completely invade your mind. Michael said nodding and looking at his backpack as they move to the now unsealed door than ice on it broken between the magic's collision. As they opened the door, Michael draw a small ball from his poket and turn on the lighter of it before throw it toward the nobleman who scream in fear as he was close to hope than all would end, no matter the distance the ball fall direct at his mouth muffing his shout as they were leaving, there was not an explosion, but a purple gas was starting to escape of the strange object.

The little ice shards on the floor were almost unnoticied by Priscilla, she was so horny and almost daydreaming with the idea of how she will be cured, she was close to drool when suddenly Michael lift her nude wet body, the act could had helped her to remember some events of the last day before she fall uncouncious for days, mostly her time with Michael and of course others of her false life as a his pet. The escape was a success, most of the guards should be "busy" at the basement or at the streets, in that way Michael and Priscilla reached the exit and run across the city as fas as they could so the guards dont found them if all goes wrong.

Of course than be at her master arms was just the best for the pet girl, yet the curse was taking roots and she could feel it tainting her whole being, the idea of dicks using each part of her invade her each second with more potence, mostly the one of her owner who's dick was so close of her. Her begs and needs made Michael stop before when he wanted, but maybe it was far enough to be safe. He chained Priscilla's pet collar at a post close the park, there were more girls all defilled and fucked far beyond repair at theirs minds, theirs moans and their scent were a delight for her, she was enthralled, until her nose feels the always viril scent of her master get released from his clothes, it dont take soo much before he lift her and take her direct at her wet hole, already ready for it as the rest of her over aroused body, the chain than was there is large enough to move Priscilla for a long distance, so it was there to avoid than the whores like her werent taken away of the place by the people passing around.

Just as the master's member get inside it make her arch her body at his arms lifting her, her toes pressed and she made an inhuman loud moan, her eyes gazed in pleasure turning all into a perfect moment, almost she could bet than pink heart shapes were formed in her pupils by all the lust and love at the moment. The curse made her unable to cum so easily but it feels so good to care of it, she bounced over him for maybe minutes and then there were some voices more before her ass were stuffed by another dick. She then was placed over someone at her back as her master continue thrusting inside her in love naughty hole, more dicks appear with the time.

Nothing like paint a clean bitch in heat- She manage to heard to someone

Try harder boy, you cant leave your pet droolling, if the bitch is hungry feed her with a juicy meat. Another male voice was heard by Priscilla between many more. Many more join, two rubbing theirs meat rods over the dog girl ample blossom, they also said naughty words about how perfect to fuck her breasts were and then one sit at her belly, placing his dirty appendage between her breasts. Before Priscilla could aid these in cum at her using her hands, two more take these and demand her to stroke theirs members.

The countless quantity at her most loved thing made her lost herself in bliss, she was just so excited to really do more than pleasure these men and enjoy herself as she soon found than her body was the personal sheath for her Master's staff, beyond any pleasure earned by these perfect pennises, the one of her master was the best by far and this dont stop to penetrate her in her most private spot.

Michael's endurance could had been a problem now when Priscilla wanted so baddly his warm seed inside her, some of the men using her released time before him, each time making her moan in delight and after a while finally her Master reached his peak and for it looks this was what made the curse allow her to get her own too. From that point a vast line gather and were takin turns filling and dreching Priscilla at theirs jizz.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla followed alongside her master as he turned to leave the room, not bothering to try and walk on two feet now that she was naked. Once they were almost out the door he picked something out of his pocket, a strange ball, and did something that lit it up before tossing it behind him without looking. The redheaded mage couldn't help but look back over her shoulder for a second, wondering what the thing was... It seemed like it was magical in some way, because it rolled at an odd angle to slip into the beaten nobleman's open mouth and then began to ooze some sort of purple gas. What it was she would probably never know, because once she had gotten out of the room she was far too distracted to care. Even stepping on little shards of ice, which dug slightly into her feet and hands, barely brought her out of her daydreaming. They were going to go home, and master was going to give her a good dicking! She needed it so badly, she could hardly concentrate enough to keep going forward.

Michael must have noticed as much, because before they had even gotten out of the mansion he scooped her up again in his arms, holding her to his chest as he started to move quicker. Priscilla's tail wagged furiously below her as she nuzzled herself close to him, wrapping her arms around him. It was just about perfect, this feeling of being carried, and a flood of memories came back to her despite her lust-addled state, and of course despite the fact that most of them weren't real memories. The first time he had held her like this came back to her, as well as many other times when he had cared for her in his customary tender way, and behind the lust her deep love for her master came through. She buried her face in his chest, taking in the scent of his clothing and through it his body, for at least a minute or two happy and content.

That didn't last for all that long, though. The curse was advancing, getting worse, and her needs were quickly growing. The dog-girl's thoughts turned increasingly to being fucked in all sorts of positions by all sorts of dicks, and although Michael was by far the one she desired most she knew she wanted others too, wanted so many dicks she could hardly stand it. She whimpered quietly into his shirt at first, but the whimpering became louder and louder, until finally he stopped in one of the parks along the way. It hadn't helped that Priscilla could smell sex everywhere and could hear it most everywhere, reminding her more and more of what she needed... By the time her master put her chain through her collar and tied her off to a post her pussy was aching with need, she was almost in tears. Her tail was still wagging ever so furiously though, because she knew that he was going to satisfy her soon. The park was full of girls, some part-animal like her, some human, all of them fucked absolutely silly. Her eyes darted from Michael to one of the many girls every so often, taking in the sight of their well-used, cum-drenched bodies. It was a lovely scene, and the sound of their moaning was music to her ears...

All that went away when she heard her master fiddle with his pants, smelled the familiar scent of his manhood as he slipped it free... The redhead's focus was all on him then, her mouth open and panting as she very nearly drooled at the sight. He didn't make her wait long before picking her up by the waist and positioning her just right, pulling her in and stuffing her sopping cunt full of his cock. Her back arched, her eyes glazed over, even her toes twitched and curled inwards a little bit at the marvelous feeling! She began to bounce herself against him by instinct just as he started to push his hips against her, moaning out in a loud, dog-like voice. If she hadn't been cursed it was probable that she would have cum right then and there in the first few thrusts, but something in the magic was holding her back, keeping her on edge without allowing her to go over. Still, it wasn't a torturous feeling... it was almost enough just to feel Michael's dick inside of her, even if she didn't get to reach a climax.

It didn't take long for the pair to attract attention from other men in the park, and much to Priscilla's delight one of them quickly and without so much as asking stuffed her ass full of his cock. She yelped out in pleasure as she felt her rear hole invaded, felt it make her all the tighter around her master. The man began to thrust along with Michael, and for a few moments they stood together and pumped into her bouncing body, making her yip happily, her tail waggling against the man behind her's stomach. There were others who wanted in on the act, though, and she was quickly taken to the ground, laying on the man who was using her ass while her master continued to thrust steadily into her pussy. Another two came up to either side of her, rubbing their members against her large breasts, teasing her stiff nipples with them... The dog-girl's eyes darted from one to the other, her mouth hanging open and panting, a little bit of drool running down her cheek... She wanted to suck one of them, or both of them, and she wanted it badly! They didn't make her wait too long, one of them deciding to shift around and sit on her belly, slapping his cock between her breasts and grabbing the soft, sensitive orbs, squeezing them around his shaft and beginning to thrust. She put her head down and kept her mouth open, her tongue hanging out, so that when he got to the very end of his thrust the tip would hit her tongue and give her a little taste of delicious precum. The other guy and one more came to either side of her, grabbing her hands and placing them on their own dicks. The redhead didn't need any more invitation than that, and she quickly got to stroking them off eagerly, hoping they would reward her with a tasty treat in her mouth or on her face.

There was such an overwhelming amount of stimulation, made all the better by the need Priscilla had for it thanks to the curse, and she felt like she was in heaven. The feel of those wonderful cocks in her pussy, her ass, her hands, her cleavage... It was almost too much to bear. She couldn't help but let out a constant stream of little doggy noises of pleasure. The best, of course, was her master's. It felt as if her pussy was made just for him, his length filling her just the way she liked, his girth stretching her just enough, especially with another spreading her ass, ensuring that her inner walls were wrapped so very tightly around him without causing any pain. Even in the midst of all the sex her mind briefly wandered to a daydream of her with a full round belly, carrying Michael's children. She wanted his cum... she wanted all of their cum, but she especially wanted to feel his spurt off inside of her! He was just too good though, his stamina too strong, it was almost frustrating. Almost... Of them, the one using her breasts was the first to have his orgasm, groaning out in pleasure as he made one last powerful thrust, cum beginning to spurt from his throbbing cock directly onto her tongue and into her mouth. She lunged her head forward, wrapping her lips around his tip and sucking hungrily on it as his salty, lovely seed gushed out, her eyes briefly rolling up into her head. It was a feeling of bliss, her body writhing softly between the three men using her holes, and though she didn't yet get her own orgasm she was still feeling oh so very good.

After that man's load was spent he slowly got up off of the dog-girl, and she swallowed with a happy smile, panting and moaning her goodbye as he walked away. It wasn't long at all before one of the men she was stroking off couldn't take anymore, his dick throbbing in her hand as she turned to face him, opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue, craving more... Her aim was a little off, and the first shot of sticky spunk landed on the bridge of her nose. She closed her eyes, taking a few more spurts onto her face before finally hitting the target, a nice big glob falling onto her waiting tongue. She let out a loud, lewd moan of pleasure, swallowing it down as he leaned over to dribble the last of his offering into her long red hair. His compatriot wasn't satisfied with just her hand now though, and he quickly moved to straddle her, pulling her face over to him as she opened her eyes inquisitively. Without any preamble he plunged his cock into her mouth and began to thrust, making her gag briefly when he pierced down to her throat, though she quickly adjusted, giving him the best sucking she could manage while he fucked her face, his balls slapping against her chin at the end of each thrust, her nose nestled against his crotch...

He and the man still taking Priscilla's ass came more or less at the same time, flooding her belly and bowels with more of that tasty substance. This was just what she had needed, and she could feel the curse affecting her a little bit less with each cumshot she took, a little bit more herself. Of course, that didn't mean that she could stop, or that she would have even if she could have. Far from it... She knew she needed more. More than anything she needed her master to have his turn! As the men pulled out and stepped back Michael was briefly the only one fucking her, and she whimpered loudly, biting her lip as she turned her cum-stained face to look at him, practically begging him with her eyes to fill her up with his seed. He finally obliged his loving slave, pumping spurt after spurt of hot spunk into her womb, and that was what she finally needed. Her back arched, her toes curled and twitched softly, and she let out a little howl of pleasure as she came with him, her tight inner walls clamping down on him and milking his shaft with rhythmic contractions. It was so good... so good.

There was still so much to be done, though. While the first batch of men was satisfied and gone, a line had formed around them, so many men waiting to be pleasured that Priscilla couldn't count them all. She panted happily, her face flushed with arousal, her pussy drooling both her master's cum and her own juices. They changed position a little bit then, the dog-girl beckoning one of the men to come sit down behind her, and with Michael's help she quickly sat down in his lap, his cock slipping into her cum-slick ass without any trouble. She soon began to bounce on his lap, happily impaling herself while her master lined himself up and in one powerful thrust claimed her pussy for himself again. She trembled, pausing for a moment before starting to move herself again while two more men came to stand on either side of her. She reached out to stroke one of them with her hand while turning to suck one of them into her mouth, bobbing her head rapidly as she looked up at him with such a needy, lustful look in her eyes. After a few bobs, though, she would switch her attention to the other man, giving his cock the attention of her lips and tongue while rubbing the other with her hand. Just that there were so many dicks here, all erect and ready for her, waiting for her to service them... surely this was paradise. One by one the men had their orgasms, the one she was riding filling up her ass with another load of cum, another giving her a lovely mouthful of the stuff, while the third jerked himself off onto her waiting and eager face. Last again was her master, seemingly making her work for every drop of his potent seed. Work she did, using every little technique she knew to pleasure him, moving her hips in just the ways she knew he loved, until once more he pumped her full of spunk, allowing her to hit another peak. She saw stars pop in her vision as her back arched again, a wild and animalistic howl of sheer ecstasy escaping her lips...

When she came down from her high she didn't allow for much change, and even as a new batch of men gathered around her she pushed forward a little to get Michael to lay back on the soft grass, and with eager enthusiasm she began to ride him once more. The men, impatient, began to stroke themselves, which was just fine by her. She put her arms under her chest, holding the jiggling flesh up for their view, presenting herself to make the best target she could as they moved in closer... They got close enough that she would kiss and lick at their members, giving them quick little sucks, while others grasped at her long red hair and wrapped it around their shafts. The smell and taste of so many cocks so close had the dog-girl in sensory overload, and she knew that she wanted to do this all day long, or at least until the heat effect from the curse had worn off... It wasn't long before the men gathered around her began to cum, painting her face, her hair, her chest, everything with their seed! She was quite thoroughly drenched with it, and there were still so many men yet to step up, yet to satisfy their needs with her. And of course, Michael's stamina was incredible, holding off on his own orgasm long after this third batch of strangers, and even though it kept Priscilla from having a climax of her own it was just more proof to her that her master was the absolute best master, that he was head and shoulders above the rest for pleasing her... She could keep going like this for hours, maybe even until she collapsed unless he put a stop to it, and she probably would, even if the curse was cured.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The line of men waiting their turn never looks to get reduced, the new adittion to their lust paradise was so eagerly to meet attention and maybe Michael's needs to save her had placed her price so low. At least her strong Master looks to be too much for them his leader tone dont give any chance for them to take the dog girl's pussy for themselves, what it was the best for Priscilla who would never let her Master's perfect member get out, why change the best one of all of these delicious dicks of her needed cunt? Her dog heritage made her cunny press hard around his member trying it best to dont let escape a single drop, as a bone at her mouth she would never let it escape until her slutty horny body get impregnated of his superior genes.

The heat in her only increased, no matter how much cum was placed over her and how much she drink, it was just not enugh to sattle her needs, she wanted more over and inside her, to lost her being in so filthy yet addictive warm fluid, her body shiver in ecstasy with each of theirs loads sended at her body. It was not as if she would get broken, the dog girl just wanted to sattle her needs no matter what she would do for it and her libido grow as the seconds pass, more and more she acted more needed and lusty, not a single inhibition was on her, she just wanted more warm dicks cumming for her.

Then finally Michael cum, just in time to dont cause soo much need to hurt Priscilla's mind, the dog girl moan as never, she was just so good feeling herself so naughty and loved by all, her body lost track of her mind as her feral orgasm moan go on for seconds at Michael's embrance, her Master's seed give her peace finally, but there were many males to sattle yet. Just to be sure Michael let this continue for a while more and after some time more he orgasm a third time, after all this Priscilla was just worse than any woman on the park, she was not sure what happened later as she pass out when Michael started to release her collar of the chain.

Minutes later she awakened when Michael place her cum heavily filled body at the floor, it soon made her leak and drench the floor below her. We cant let you get inside our house like this, Carmen would get worse, she maybe now is at the door waiting to jump at you, but if that happens we will lost all what we had trained these days. He caressed their pet's cheek, she was so soaked than her red hair looks to be white right now, pressed at her back and exposing her whole cum filled face, the men had even used her tail to sattle theirs needs, it was pasty and warm in parts where in anothers dry, it will take time clean her even using water.

The marks had dissapeared, her heat too, in part because she was maybe almost sure than she was impregnated but only the time would say it. She could say something to find a solution to their actual problem or wait there out behind their house for Michael as he expose to a hungry succubi to get water to clean her. Michael has get some of the cum of her pet on his arms and chest when he carry her all the time, maybe that is why she was so horny yet.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The line of men waiting to use Priscilla seemed to go on forever, and her willingness to attend to their lusts was similarly endless. None of them ever dared challenge her master for her pussy, though, and she wouldn't have had it any other way. It just made no sense to give up the most perfect of cocks or to exchange the one she loved most for some random stranger. She was soon utterly drenched with cum, almost her entire body covered with a thick glaze of the warm substance, her hair so thoroughly soaked with it that it might never come out. A few men had even grabbed a hold of her tail, wrapping it around their dicks and stroking themselves to orgasm directly into the soft fur. Each cumshot increased her pleasure, but only with Michael's was she able to have her own climax, and each of those was just incredible, making her howl out in primal bliss. One final orgasm made her pass out, her consciousness drifting away into a numb pleasure that pervaded her being.

The dog-girl woke up some time later when Michael laid her gently on the back porch of their house. Her cum-soaked tail wagged weakly against the porch as she looked up at her master, panting quietly with a smile a mile wide. He told her she couldn't go inside, something about its effect on Carmen, and she just nodded. She could let him go inside without her. She couldn't really follow him in anyway in her current state. She felt weak after all that fucking, her legs not wanting to move quite right. She was so warm with all the cum covering her, so happy, and for the first time in a while her needs were utterly and completely sated, the curse clearly gone. She nuzzled her cheek against Michael when he stroked it, murmuring happily. What a great day. And now master was going to give her a bath! It just didn't get any better than this.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The dog girl decide to let her Master take care of wash her, it was usual than he clean her after her usual heat events and sometimes after awake of a passionate night he even make her take a bath with him as a prize when she is a good pet.

Michael pat her a pair of times more before get inside, starting the dificult yet exciting time to wait him get out. Minutes passed and this was getting too much for Priscilla, maybe Michael was taking only the normal time to prepare all or something was happening inside their mansion, The dog girl was heavily drenched in cum to smell something and the walls were thick enought to stop her chances to hear anything inside.

Almost unable to move she could stay there more time, it would be easy and practicaly Carmen would jump over her what wouldnt be dangerous for the dog girl. There was some noises outside an street away, humans mostly around ten of them close a huge creature who virile potence could be already affecting the poor pet if this havent been already fulfilled in these needs. She could try to move and hide at the small back garden, get as far as possible, stay there to wait her Master or get inside their house, Michael was taking a long time and inside there were at least two females who were looking for his meat rod, the cat girl was one of them.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla's tail continued to wag weakly as her master patted her, one of her hands reaching to rest gently on her belly, which she was quite sure would soon be full and round with his child after all the fucking they had done today. She was looking forward to having him wash her stained and defiled body, to help get all the cum that drenched her off. The wait after he walked into the house was almost unbearable, he seemed to be taking so very long to her, although it could just have been that her desire was so great that it distorted her sense of time. There were, however, two women in the house at least who would have wanted him to take care of them; Carmen, who was surely struggling with her needs as a succubus by now, and the catgirl, who was just a greedy little cat. The dog-girl whimpered slightly, wondering if she should go in to find him... but she remembered him saying how bad it would be for Carmen if she were to wander across her. A few streets over she could hear a number of humans coming, as well as some kind of monster... even over all that cum she could smell him. She decided that she couldn't stay there, something might find her, so she crawled slowly towards a hiding place in the garden. She wanted a view of the back door, though, so she could know when Michael came out to get her and could call for him.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With the scent of that potent manly apendage Priscilla manage to crawl with her sored body towards some small bushes and tress at their garden, pressing hard her body to fit in a hole.

The group of males come closer, just then from the corner a huge humanoid beast come out, its member bigger than Priscilla's arm hanging half hard when its steps cause an almost unnoticiable trembling, with such scent her hand move to pleasure herself thanks to her dog side but most of herself wanted to protect the seed placed at her womb by her Master.

Many chackles of a great material mantain the beast under control, the dog girl havent seen a monster like this bigger than a minotaur, her mind cant find a name for it or how it looks but at least she suppose it was a green mammal out of all the corruption on it. There were some laughts of these males before Priscilla noticed some women getting out theirs houses to have some of the monster's dick. At least seventeen females lick and stroke that member before they were placed in a carriage with iron bars on it. Before get inside they were stripped of any belonging and marked as animals, there were even mothers with her daughters chained inside the wagon before this depart to the next street.

If Priscilla dont had already that motherly need to defend her Master's baby and werent already sattled of her need she certainly would had been the first to be trapped by these men. After use all her willpower than her small mind could use, finally she got the idea with the armor and weapons used by these slavers than they were soldiers and guardians from this city. Any resistence by the owners and familiars of these women was so slow and easily beaten by this people but at least make their work go slower.

Michael finally come out after an half hour, ready to clean his pet in the garden, for what it looks he looks to be very silent now and looks to havent noticed what had just happened. It was up to Priscilla to let him wash her without anything bother her sweet time together or she say something about the captured women or anything else.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla managed to squeeze herself into a tight little hole between a pair of bushes, hidden out of the sight of anyone who wasn't really looking for her. She could still see outside though, could see that a group of men were leading around some sort of enormous creature, a giant perhaps, with an utterly enormous cock! It was bigger than the dog-girl's arm by far, and it wasn't even fully hard. The creature was just as big and intimidating, each step making the ground shake a tiny bit even as far away as she was. It had such a scent too, so musky and powerful, and her sensitive nose couldn't help but pick it up. One of her hands wandered down to her well-fucked pussy, teasing it a little subconsciously, but thankfully she had been more or less completely sated by the gangbang in the park, or else she likely wouldn't have been able to resist the sights and smells, almost certainly would have made herself known to the men and their creature.

Indeed, many women all along the street couldn't resist them. They walked out of their homes in droves, stopping by the huge creature to have just a few quick licks of its dick, a few quick strokes before being stripped of their clothing and possessions and tossed into a wagon, held as prisoners or more likely simple animals. It seemed like the men were actually soldiers, the city guards... this place was getting more and more corrupted all the time, getting so dangerous. It took more than half an hour for Priscilla's master to finally reappear, ready to clean off the cum-covered pet, and she quickly crawled out of her hiding place. She needed to tell him what had happened, they might come back after all. "Master" she said quietly, her tail wagging weakly, "some men came by... soldiers... they had a big monster with them. Lots of women came out, and they put them in a wagon... I hid, so no one noticed me, and they took them all away."