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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael sigh and scracthed her hair, maybe having problems to say this or maybe he was still confused in how Priscilla was acting. Oh she... well its normal than you dont know who she is after how this woman changed to be just a human after give her the antidote. Michael then started to move toward the desk and sit on the chair as he opens his diary.

Her name is Leona Oswald from a noble family, but you know her better as some kind of witch maid, a follower of the damn noble than caused us a lot of suffering some days ago and started the chaos at the town using Carmen. Michael was starting to get pissed just by remembering all, he really cant forget that man for what he caused and maybe even himself after see what has happened with his girls.

I tried to get more information about all this from her, but she is not helping and this book dont have anything useful from her than i already know... i wonder if we should try something more risky or just give her more time to remember as she dont stop to ignore the fact than she was a maid of that man. Michael take a moment to calm himself and then turn to Priscilla.

Let her mouth free, i dont muff her. Maybe she could then stop her continuos screams and say something valuable. Said this Carmen made a dissapointed sound, as she would need to heard that noise again as she reads. Hearing this he gets up and looks if carmen was fine, but the succubi remain trying to act as she was sleeping. How do you feel? Is all fine so you can have a little talk with us? Im sure than you want to see how Priscilla has healed.

Uhm...fine...but its hard to resist your scent...is she fine? The succubi ansewer in a shy tone

Why dont you talk with her as i go out? Dont worry after some days you will be able to control yourself.

Michael then turned to Priscilla and pointed to the jails. I think than i will wait outisde close the door, please take care of both and then we will check the others, if something goes wrong i will come to help you.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla panted quietly as Michael scratched at her scalp, wagging her tail furiously behind her. She followed along behind him when he moved over to his desk, nuzzling lightly at his leg as he opened his diary and explained who the woman was. Her ears perked up as he explained the last bit, remembering her suddenly. "Ohhhhhhh, it’s that lady? Okay…" she said, thinking back to that bastard noble that had done… something. What had he done? Something about Carmen. Awakening her as a succubus? Yeah, something like that. His dog, though… The redhead stopped for a moment, thinking about that dog. In any case it seemed that the woman wasn’t giving their master the information he wanted about her, something about her not remembering. He told Priscilla to take the gag off the former maid later, and then have a talk with Carmen while he went outside for a bit.

"Alright" she said cheerfully, smiling up at Michael and padding over to Carmen’s cell. "Carmeeeennnn" she practically sang once he was gone, grinning as her tail wagged, "how are you feeling? Are you getting used to being a succubus? I feel kinda tired. A little bit weak… But I feel much better than I did! I think I’m almost ready to start training to be more useful to master. What are you reading?" She would go through all these questions and just generally converse with the girl, and only once she felt that she had exhausted the topics of conversation would she go into the maid’s cell and get up on two feet, unfortunately enough, to take the gag out of her mouth. "Hey, your name’s Leona, right? Do you remember things? Like that noble? What do you remember?" she asked, trying to be friendly, though apparently she shouldn’t be too friendly given what her master had done to the girl…
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Once Michael leave her in charge, the redhair doggirl happily decided to do what he order her. Carmen was still turning to the wall to avoid looking at Michael even after this has leaved the room, her attention mostly focused on calm herself and maybe continue where she stop at her reading

However the sudden cheerful call make her get almost shoked, but fortunately she dont fallen from her hammock. Uhm hi, Priscilla... yes im fine, well is hard to be a true succubus... i mean i was fine as a young one but now... Carmen made a stop to her answers, her tail was between her legs maybe trying to cover her wet holes... however it was easy for Priscilla smell the sweet nectar between her legs, filling the place and softly mixing with her own naughty scent.

Oh... ehm... this book is... it can only be read by a succubi, it could harm you. Her voice was filled with shame and worries to let anyone read it or how she was there naked and wearing just her slave accesories, for what it looks the side effect of her slave job made her unable to wear anything yet, but at least her black wings and light blue skin hide the fact a little.

Im glad than you are fine, i just dont remember what happened until Michael stop me... He said than i should take it with calm so i feed just a little of ... well he just feed me a little to survive and get used... but i still cant get used to this thirst... Carmen remain turning to the wall, her arms closed and holding the book between her ample breasts. What kind of training will you do? I still dont know what should i try.

I mean, i born as a dormant succubi, but im good fighting too. Its not than im... against to be a prostitute... i just want to be an explorer and have adventures to pay to both to had saved me... After all i see both of you as my friends... I also dont want to be just... a slut

Carmen then decide to slowly turn back to see Priscilla for first time after these long days, the succubi has gotten an even more succulent body, her body have a sweet little shining perspiration and her spade heard tail cover her lower side as her breasts were by her arms. That girl from there was giving me a headache, please dont said it to Michael, it just than i was losing the control so i needed a little of time in peace... Her shining eyes turn to other side as her face have a dark blushing tone, her horns on her head were at least cute even when she has changed into a true succubi and Priscilla was sure than she has said to both about her blood heritage when they save her.

Once she ended the talk, Priscilla turn to check the other woman on the room. The poor girl remain blushing and still crying muffed by the gag on her mouth. The girl manage to heard the nude footsteps coming and opening the jail, making her get nervious and wishing than nothing bad happen to her now. Her mouth soon was free.

Please dont hurt me! She said between tears, dont sure yet who was this new person until Priscilla talked and asked the same as Michael. Yes, i am. But i dont know what noble are you talking... please let me free, i will not say to anyone about all of you... Please let me return to my family... they must be worried...

All this is a missunderstanding... please free me
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla couldn’t help but sniff a little bit as Carmen began to reply to her, noticing just how wet she was despite the fact that she seemed to be hiding it. It was a nice smell, a sweet smell… Not enough to make her want a taste, though, not yet anyway. "Well, you can still fight and stuff" Priscilla said with a smile, "but being a succubus just gives you more options. I think you can probably train both. And so if there’s something we can’t beat in a fight, or where fighting wouldn’t be good, you can maybe help us beat them by fucking them. Or something like that. And we’ve all been prostitutes for money, so it wouldn’t make you any different that way." The newly awakened succubus then turned herself to look at the redhead, giving the dog-girl a good look herself. Carmen was pretty beautiful, even more than Priscilla remembered, despite the fact that she was covering her more intimate bits. Even her little wings and horns were so cute…

She also revealed that she had fed off of Michael a bit. Oddly enough, that didn’t bother the mage much; she liked Carmen a lot more than the catgirl, and she had been with them almost from the beginning. That she was a succubus and thus needed to feed made it easier to accept too, because she didn’t have any problem with her friend getting something she had to have from their mutual master. "I think I’ll probably train magic. I kinda could do it, but I didn’t really know how. I think I know now, but I wanna make sure. And I won’t tell, don’t worry, but I think he should already know since you’re the only other person here" she replied, still waggling her tail as she turned around to go talk to the former maid. She quickly yelled out and begged to not be hurt, which made Priscilla quickly reply "I won’t hurt you." She said her piece and then listened through the reply, before gagging the woman again. "You were with the noble, I remember. You were fighting us. You just don’t remember because magic happened. Besides, freeing you is for master to do, not me" she said, nodding and padding back towards the door to tell Michael that she hadn’t gotten any different answer.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Carmen suddenly made a cute gasp as Priscilla answer. Do you mean than if i cant beat something i should act as a meatshield? I still have some mixed feelings toward act as a... you know...a whore... But i cant train at all with a spear without feel that need... im not talking about act as a whore, i mean you know eat that and do that... The new blue tanned succubi get even more bloshed and started to close her eyes as she hugs herself, still trying to deny what she has just said. Ehm, maybe we should train tgether... i cant go to any point alone... do you think really than im a prostitute? i...i dont remember to had asked money... Carmen decide to stop thinking of it, doing it without ask for money sound even worse for her, at that time Carmen needed some time to calm her mind and put all in order... after had made that naughty show at the street with all the guards maybe even call themselves prostitute was wrong.

Someone else could had do it, like the catgirl or hmm... someone else even a ghost could had muffed her... i mean well yes there is nobody else...Do you think than he is mad with me? Carmen ask really wishing than all were fine and she could just lay there without be worried about a possible punishment of semen lack.


The girl begged a few more times to get free and then to dont be muffed before her cries of help were cancelled. Once all done Priscilla walked at her fours to meet Michael outside, he was a little far away looking though a windown to the street at the next corridor.

So she havent decided to say us more? Well, then i should make a visit to her home to find more about this, but i could need you. How well do you can walk using only your two feet, i need you to avoid walk on your four tomorrow, so lets train a little before we get to my room. Michael then lend his hand to help the dog girl with the ordear. Also you must act more human and wear a dress with heels, can you do it? Michael looks to need than Priscilla act as a normal girl maybe what could be hard for a dog like her, but she has been trained so maybe she only need some practice. The walk toward the male room was at a floor of difference so she also needed to use the stairs with just her legs, but at least she can hold her master hand.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"There are lots of ways of beating things" Priscilla objected with a smile, "lots of ways of weakening things. Stuff has used sex to weaken us in the past, right? It’s fair to use it right back against them. And it isn’t a big deal if you have to have sex like eating. It’s just another thing you have to do." She was pretty cheerful about it, partly because she didn’t fully understand… "We could train together if you wanted, that’d be totally fine with me. Maybe you could learn magic? Maybe like charm or sex magic or something. And yeah, you totally asked for money. We were together. I’m pretty sure I remember, anyway. I don’t know if we got the money, though, from that crazy noble." The dog-girl couldn’t help but laugh a little at Carmen’s trying to explain away her gagging of the maid, bringing up that even a ghost could have done it. "I don’t think he’s mad. I don’t think we like her anyway, so I think it’s okay if she’s gagged."

Later on, once she had gagged the pleading woman again, Priscilla had little trouble finding her master. She only nodded in confirmation to him that the maid hadn’t given her any new information, though the next bit made her tail finally stop wagging, freezing straight up in the air. Walking only on her feet? Acting completely human? Wearing clothes… and heels? "I can walk on my feet… I just don’t like doing it that much. I can try to act human, I guess, but I don’t think I can walk in heels." She reached up to take his hand and slowly rose to her feet, clutching at him a little harder. Not because she needed it, of course, but because she wanted to more like. Just touching him made her feel pretty nice, but also fairly aroused. She would be able to walk fairly well as she went along, though the stairs made her legs a little bit wobbly and she had to lean on Michael a little bit. It wouldn’t take them all that long to get to his room… and he would probably be able to feel that she couldn’t wait.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

But... i dunno if i could stop myself, is not like i will just let them fuck me for a moment and then kills them... its hard to us to start and dont be sattled, sex is not like food... Carmen add still blushed, her carnal natural desires were clear for her and she still was trying to understand them, as her ancestors she mostly will aim to get all what she could from a sexual meeting and sexual combat even when should be natural for her, it will also require than her willpower get strong enough to control herself or she will just jump to the nearest pennis no mather if is an ally or a foe.

Hmm, that sound better, we are really suitable for that kind of magic, but i havent taken any magic leasson, even then it is almost a natural talent of us, so learn it must be as easy as eat a cum-pie...uhm now im more hungry. It was easy to notice the succubi eyes shine with the word cum, no doubt than Carmen would love to drink more from their master or any other male, even her little stomash softly growl in need.

Michael was the one in charge to get the money, i never saw a single coin and also never said a cost, you were the one in charge, if i remember right, my head is a mess now... The poor girl almost let flow a teardrop maybe wishing than Michael dont get angry with her. Please say him than im a little...well... you know how the hungry can change your mood. Between her needs Carmen tried to focus on dont caress herself in front of the dog girl, maybe waiting until she leave so she could continue with what she was doing a moment ago.

Certainly Michael has noticed how Priscilla stoped moving her tail, but he dont said anything until she ended to answer. Then you will use some sandals, as we must be well dressed to get inside the noble area in middle of the day and Carmen should still remain away of the town until she can control herself, but we will talk more about our plan once you get some rest. Michael said as they walked to where his room should be, not caring at all how much Priscilla needs to lean at him.

The door was of a high quality and he even needed to use a key to open it, soon the door open to reveal to Priscilla a luxury chamber suitable for any high class noble. The room was conected to what looks to be a bedroom to where Michael guide her once he closed the door, softly he let her sit on the bed as he remove his boots and clothes on his upper body, the bare atlethic torso of her master almost instantly made her body get ready for his use, soon he invite her to rest on this huge confortable bed at his side, Do you need anything else before go to sleep? I will suggest you to rest as much as you can, as tomorrow at the morning i will see if you are completely restore to follow me to the house where live the family of that woman.

Priscilla could easily sleep and cuddle at him, but maybe a beg for something more to make her get sattled will be allowed, after all it has been a while before they could have some fun and that neko was not there to piss her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla hadn’t really thought of it like that before, the idea that Carmen might not be able to just start and stop whenever it was convenient. The succubus seemed to like the idea of learning lust magic, at least, so that would be something to talk with Michael about. Maybe she would feel better about her role in the group if she could fling spells to debuff and take people and monsters out of combat, even if it was related to her succubus nature. In any case it was clear that she was getting pretty “hungry” just from the look in her eyes, the way her stomach growled even though it probably wasn’t a physical hunger. She also seemed to really want to start masturbating again… The dog-girl didn’t want to stop her from that, of course. "I’ll tell master. He might want you to try and go a little while between feeding though. It might help you control yourself if you can do for a while" she said before padding off to see Michael.


When Michael replied that Priscilla could just wear sandals her tail started wagging slightly again, reassured that at least she wouldn’t be stumbling around all the time and falling because of heels. "Oh, speaking of Carmen" she interjected when he mentioned her, "she seemed really hungry, and she told me to tell you so. Also she seemed to like my suggestion that she train in magic a little later. Lust magic or something like it. It would make it easier for her to find something useful for fighting." Wherever that conversation went, it didn’t last long enough to still be going when they got to the door, which was nice enough that the master had to unlock it. His suite was really nice, befitting a noble master like him, and he led her quickly into his bedroom. The redhead sat down on his bed and watched him intently as he pulled off his boots and his shirt. Just the sight of his shirtless body made her terribly wet, and she rubbed her thighs together softly to stimulate herself, her face flushed with arousal. When he asked if she needed anything else she quickly nodded, scooting up next to him on the bed. "I need master inside of me" she said quietly, "my pussy is gushing just being next to you like this… It will help me sleep real well too."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Once Priscilla leave the succubi alone, her potent dog ears could manage to notice a pleasant sigh and some book's pages little noises, maybe if she would had stay close the door more time she would had started to heard some moans too, but she needed now to talk with her Master.


As they moves toward his room, the dog girl continued their talk, mostly having a romantic moment at the side of the well builded human. We will look for it later, Carmen must know how control her new body or could be an easy prey in a future battle. Im glad than you has talked with her, at least now she have the idea of improve herself learning something than we lack on our team. I will look for a suitable spell book for her tomorrow. Michael said pleased to know than the dog girl was smart enough to try to help and mostly be able to give a second opinion than is a lot more of what she could had tried without the antidote.


Once at the bed, Michael let her express what she have at her mind and easily notice how her body reacted to talk before her own words, but Michael let her end before try something. It sound as if has been a long time before the last time than you beg me for this, but you has just awaken so i will pass yours manners. Michael said mostly trying to find out if what he has read at his and her diary is at her mind too. At the two books, she dont see him as a hard master, yet she have a huge bond at him. For what it said, ussually she dont need to ask for a release as Michael take her out to "walk" to the park every day or any other lewd activity, so she was mostly sattled except when she was at her heat days, it was then when she begged for more when she couldnt sattle herself with someone else and her trained body could only be calmed with her master's key.

Certainly Priscilla's mind has changed, she have all this as memories and even more of them of what her book have, fortunately she is not at her days, but she havent been with her Master for days and not only her pussy was talking but also her heart filled with love for him. She could still beg as always with begs and pleads to pleasure him first, saying how baddly lonely and empty her pussy is without him. But Michael only give her a pair of minutes and he will not let her start even if she was ready to serve him.

Between her pleads he will start taking her closer with his strong skilled hands. Just his hand on the back made her feel so loved and protected, before he teared her night dress almost in half, the sudden act excited her and she dont care at all for her clothes as she could restore them later when her repair spell works again and she dont have any problem to be naked, anyway.

Taken almost by the force, she know her master so well than she was sure than he was just acting and fulfilling one of her many fetishesHer hands were placed over her head, as Michael restrain them with a single one of them, he started to take her body, having care of dont be so rude with her even when it looks as if he will do it. His free hand gives the right touch to her slave, at her breasts, nipples and naughty pussy. He give her a long passionate kiss almost at the start than made her feels as flying, her legs fingers coil in pleasure as her back arch, happily she continued getting every touch, reaching her first climax without really had started after some minutes.

Priscilla cant be ashamed, as Michael know all her weak points and could even made her cum without touch her in a bondage sesion. That was faster than the usual, you must be so baddly needed Priscilla. Just remember what you need to do now in order to have it. Michael said as still restraining her made her softly rest on the floor, placing her face close his lower body so she could now remove his pants with only her mouth, an usual thing than she could do, but difficult at this pleasured state. It were some frustrating moment as also so filled with needs to end, she was gushing out now from her mouth too, the manly scent at her nose was so pleasant, her training made her try without damage his master's clothes.

Has the trained dog girl than she always has been, the redhead endured her instincts and with care made her job, sowing her happines by the move of her tail and face once she succeeded to remove the underwear too. Her eyes shiinned in alluring delight when his Mster's dick was in front of her, she loved it, more than any other dick as she also was in love of it, her favorite dick than she serve and take care. Her whole body was in extasis as she started to lick it and have it ready for be penetrated by it, trained by it she with care pleasured it as she clean and taste the scent of every part of it.

Well done, Priscilla. Get back to the bed and lets warm it a little before really start. He said to stop her to pass hours licking his meat rod and balls in bliss. Once she ended, she was free to get at the bed again, to pleasure his master even more, he leave her do as what was needed to pleasure him and then all done he take her at his arms. her legs were spread and then their romantic sex started for what looks to be hours they continued. Priscilla was in total bliss, moaning and showing her lust with every bounce and thrust, they changed many times of positions, but she endured her many quantity of orgasms, as his master has trained her and know her limits.

The soft sex lasted for hours, both had reached theirs peaks more of a time, but Priscilla has do it a lot more than her Master and he still was ready to fill her even more with his warm cream. Finally after made the bed a mess she was placed on the bed at her fours as Michael get standing out the bed. Her ass almost melt when his Master gropped her rear, showing him her opened holes to be used. Wich hole shold i use now? Or maybe we should stop now? Are you still ready to have more Priscilla? You has endured too much today after has just recoved today, so i could let you rest or choice which hole should i use now. He said leaving her decide before fuck her if she want it, this time she was in a dog style, she barked happily, even more of what she has been do it the whole time, she could feel her inner walls trying to suck at his Master's member to made him feel her without stop as the bitch in heat than she was now, but she was already tired and so pleased than she cum without stop once this so loved dick cum inside her again, she rested at the bed with her rear still up to serve her master even more as she slowly fall uncouncious with a lewd naughty smile at her.


She sleep at his Master side, cuddling happily at him after that blessed event, she could feel him caressing and petting her as she remain sleep, as always she remain at his Master's arms as the small dog girl than she was loving that feeling at his protective love hug.
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla nodded as her master spoke, knowing that what he said was true enough. If Carmen was just sex crazy she wouldn’t be very useful in the next battle they got into, easily manipulated and distracted. She was glad she had been useful, and her tail waggled happily a little bit as she walked alongside him.

A little bit later, on the bed, she could pretty much tell that Michael knew what she was going to ask even before she had asked it. He was always so good at reading her body language… not that it was a difficult task considering just how horny she was, and how she usually wore it on her sleeve. Despite none of it being actually true the game had implanted false memories into Priscilla because of the curse, and though she thought of him as a “master” it wasn’t necessarily a slavish sort of relationship she believed she had with him. It was more likely that she held the place of cherished pet than slave, and for her part she knew that she loved her owner deeply and completely. It wasn’t an exclusive relationship on either end, though she did prefer him over all others and did get jealous of other women he was with. Under normal circumstances she would have been able to control herself, wouldn’t have needed him quite so badly as she did now… but it had been a little while, not only since they’d had sex, but since she’d been with him for a significant amount of time, and now she felt the strong urge to show him her love for him.

On a normal day the dog-girl would have begged to please her owner first, to service him before he attended to her pleasure, but this time was a little different. "I feel like it’s been forever" she said quietly, "I miss spending time with master. I’ve missed master a lot. I’ve really missed making master feel good… and feeling good with you too." As she spoke he pulled her in closer to him, a strong hand firmly controlling her from her back until he judged her close enough, and then he ripped her little nightgown off of her. She let out a whimpering gasp of pleasure, enjoying the force of it even if it was for show; whatever their relationship was, she liked it when he took her for his own pleasure, when he controlled and used her as if she really was his slave. She puffed out her chest for him as he grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her arms above her head, her tail wagging furiously as she whimpered in anticipation, and quickly with his other hand he began to stroke and grope her firmly, teasing her full breasts, her belly, all the way down to her sopping pussy. He didn’t even prod into her with his fingers but still the feeling was bliss, and when he leaned in to kiss her passionately she felt like she might melt at his touch. Priscilla closed her eyes, her fingers and toes twitching and clenching in pleasure, her back arching… Michael kept up the attention for a few minutes, when suddenly she let out a soft, low pitched howl into her owner’s mouth, letting loose a gush of her juices onto his hand as she came. He knew just how to pleasure her, every little weakness and fetish she had, all of the more sensitive spots on her body… he used that knowledge to great effect often enough.

They had only just begun though, thankfully for the redhead, and there was much more pleasure ahead of her… She nodded when he spoke to her, panting a little bit as her tail wagged, knowing just what he meant. Slowly he pushed her off the bed onto her knees, still holding her by the wrists, and she quickly set to work. It was a bit more difficult than normal despite all of her training, she was just so very horny, but she set about carefully unbuttoning his pants with her mouth alone. Though with her magic it wasn’t really necessary to keep his pants fully intact, damaging them felt like it would reflect poorly on her as a pet. When she finally did manage it the difficult part was over, and she took the zipper in her teeth and tugged it down, her sensitive nose catching a strong whiff of his masculine musk. She began to drool as she pulled his pants down, and especially when she moved back up to carefully pull down his underwear with her teeth, her eyes lighting up. She would have readily admitted that she loved dick, all dick, but this one was special to her. Her master’s member was the best, the most perfect, and with it exposed to her she couldn’t help but start to lap at it. Her tail wagged furiously as she bathed Michael’s cock with her tongue, cleaning it and getting it ready to be used on her. She knew his taste well and loved it, knew every inch of his length, knew just the way he liked to be licked and suckled on. Even just doing it made Priscilla shiver with pleasure, not needing to be touched to experience bliss as she served her owner.

He didn’t have her do it for very long, of course, even though she could have gone on for hours and hours licking him without getting tired of it. The dog-girl quickly hopped up onto the bed again when he released her arms and told her to, her tail wagging as he told her what a good job she had done. When he got up on the bed with her she knew that it was time to stop playing around and to really get down to pleasuring him. She had already had her first orgasm, it was time to give Michael his. After just a few more licks she carefully took his cock into her mouth, slowly working her lips down his shaft and back up again, her tongue lapping at his underside. She built up her pace quickly, taking him deeper with each bob of her head until finally she was properly suckling at him from tip to base. It didn’t take long before he groaned out in pleasure, and Priscilla felt her master’s cock throb a bit before pumping cum down her throat into her waiting belly. Her tail waggled furiously as she looked up at him with such love and desire in her eyes, so happy and pleased just to be bringing him to orgasm.

When she pulled away and sucked down the last of his cum Michael grabbed her again, pulling her in against his body in a warm embrace. She panted and hugged onto him tightly, smiling and spreading her legs as he laid her down on her back. Thankfully he was still hard as a rock, and he easily penetrated her soaking pussy and started to thrust slowly, gently, still holding her tight and kissing her. This was what heaven was like, the dog-girl was sure of it. It didn’t take her long to come to another peak, and then another… the two fucked for hours, which really seemed like an eternity to Priscilla. She seemed to have two or three orgasms for every one of her master’s, and before long at all lost track completely of most everything but the sensations he was giving her and her feelings for him. Every so often they would change position, sometimes with her on top riding his cock, others with her on her back, sometimes with her on all fours, and he gave her a few quick little breaks to grope and kiss her so that she didn’t get too overstimulated. The dog-girl moaned and woofed and howled in her bliss, filling the room and no doubt beyond with the noise.

Before they were even done the bedsheets were badly stained with their love juices, soaked in places where Priscilla had been while cumming. Michael stopped her eventually, pushing her back up onto all fours, and gently groped her rump, asking her if they should stop. After all, she had only just recovered from her ordeal before. Still, just the feeling of his hand against her ass made her shiver with pleasure, and she quickly objected "no, let’s not stop! Not yet! I’d really like to feel master in my pussy again!" He soon obliged her, slipping into her messy cunt for one last fuck and starting to thrust rapidly. There was a lewd wet noise with each motion as their juices sloshed around inside of her, stirred up by her master’s cock, making her woof out happily while her tail wagged against his belly. The dog-girl was even drooling in bliss, barely able to think with him taking her from behind in such a way. The feeling was incredible, and when he finally came inside of her she let out a long, high pitched howl as her lower body slumped forward, her own orgasm overtaking her powerfully. It seemed to go on and on, almost perpetual as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness, her eyes fluttering closed as she laid her cheek against the bed, still drooling…

Michael soon repositioned her for sleep on one of the more dry sections of the bed, holding her to his chest and gently hugging her, petting her back and hair. Priscilla could feel it even in her sleep, unconsciously nuzzling against him, her tail wagging softly behind her. This was the way things were supposed to be, the best ending to a day; cuddled up in her master’s arms. She had a deep, restful sleep, one of the best of her life, only waking either when he wanted to wake her or past midday.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

After their lovely night, Priscilla found herself alone at the morning, missing the warm from the manly body of her Master, but the blankets on the bed were new, certainly Michael has change them after get up and she was deep sleep after that amazing sex than she dont notice it. At the other side of the bed she could see a maid dress, and some cute shoes at the floor. It was slighty late at the morning and Priscilla was hungry after all the fun from the night, her body feels sattled and rested, hundred of time better than the last day. She now was nude covered by these clean blankets, but the pillow bellow her contain the scent of her Handsome Master, she could pass a lot of time huging it and more but she could go to look for him instead to do the same.

Also she could go to see her friends and that rare maid too, she havent seen the plant girl yet and she also could walk around to investigate her actual home but she was hungry, she could easily beg for food and eat in the floor but ussually Michael give her the choice to decide to eat at his side like a normal human, being close him was enough to endure dont be confortable eating like she should at the floor.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla awoke quite alone in the morning, what time she couldn’t tell. It seemed to have been late though, because the bedsheets were all brand new. The master must have changed them right from under her while she slept without her even noticing. It was nice and warm under the covers, the pillow doubly so, and it smelled just like Michael… She nuzzled her cheek against it, sniffed it, and laid in the bed lazily for a few minutes before getting up. She noticed that there was a maid’s dress on the side of the bed, as well as some shoes, which she looked at nervously. She supposed her master wanted her to wear them, and even though she wasn’t sure about the shoes she would put the outfit on as best as she could to please him. Her stomach rumbled while she did so, and she knew she needed to eat before she did anything else. She would walk off on her feet for the kitchen, feeling very rested and good, sex not even crossing her mind despite the scent of her master all around her… last night really had done wonders for her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Placing the dress on her made her notice than this have a small hole where she could pass her tail, for a dog like her that would be a relief as her tail ussually moves a lot and this turn into a bothersome problem with her dress being pulled by it. She could just avoid dressing the shoes, they were simple and black so it dont have heels than could difficult even more her walk, the maid dress have a provocative cleavage than display the top part of her breasts as also press them softly and enough to dont need to wear a bra, it also have cute ribbons and it was of her favorite color, without doubt showing how much her master know about her and also how much appreciate her.

Now ready she went out of the noble like room, she needed to use the stairs again and all looks to be calmed as there werent noises, yet she know than maybe that strange woman must be still on her jail muffed and punished in part for what she has made to them, there was not any clue what plan Michael have for that woman, maybe turn her into a slave or sell her once they had earned more info.

The kitchen was a little hidden but Priscilla's nose made all the job, Michael was not around and Carmen should be still at her room so she was now alone to decide what to eat, there are many things to eat for where she could choice, but in low quantities so maybe her Master have in mind the possibility of leave this place in any moment, her nose soon smelled a bag hidden in a corner, it was dog food and at the same bag there was a plate for someone like her, it was almost so hidden and behind many others things than it was like someone has tried to hide them.

Priscilla don t have time for this, she can decide what she want to eat, her mouth start to droll by all these smells and she dont have any problem eating almost anything, she could even just drop the dog food at the floor and get at her four or eat like any woman at the dinnertable, then she notice it, there was a bottle in the top over the storage zone in a cold recipient then inside there was a bottle with a white liquid, Priscilla was not sure but it may be a cum ration made of Michael's cum in case than they need it or could be just the jizz of someone else. There was also dry meat and others kinds of food than can endure some days and a raw steak in another cold vessel.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael had certainly thought of everything with this dress. Priscilla wondered if he had had it made specifically for her, because she didn’t remember having anything quite this nice before. It did a decent job of covering her, but it showed off her legs and a good part of her cleavage in a way that pleased her, and there was even a little hole cut out for her tail so that she could wag it about without mussing the fabric. It was a nice color too, in fact her favorite color combination; black with deep purple trim and ribbons. She had always liked purple, and with the black to contrast with it she thought it would look lovely against her pale skin and fiery red hair. If she was going to wear clothing out, this was exactly the kind she would want. She even decided to wear the shoes despite how awkward it made her feel, how weird it was to not be using her hands to steady herself and to feel the ground directly beneath her feet.

Once dressed the dog-girl made her way carefully to the kitchen, her legs still ever so slightly wobbly when only on two legs, the stairs causing her just enough trouble that she had to hold onto the railing to get down them. She didn’t know exactly where the kitchen was, but her nose could easily pick out the scent of food, and that led her to it. There didn’t seem to be a lot of food around… It was as if her master expected to have to move soon. Still, she found a bag that was filled with one of her favorite things; dog food. Her mouth began to water, and there was even a dish nearby, even if it seemed like someone had tried to hide it. Still, Michael wasn’t here, and she wanted to eat with him… That and the rest of the food gave her an idea. He had dressed her up like a maid, and she could cook a little bit… so why didn’t she act like a maid for him? It might not turn out awesome, and in fact probably wouldn’t, but she could at least do her best. The raw steak seemed to be the best option to her, so she would take it out and begin to prepare it as best as she knew how, hoping the smell would draw her master, and if not she could probably find him pretty easily once she had finished making his meal.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Doing her best to endure the delicious scent from the dog food Priscilla tried to prepare the steak, mostly the problem was remain firm at the floor as she prepare all, the fire was easy for a magic pet like her even when she focus on cast ice spells. At the middle of the work she could feel a hiding deep gaze almost penetrating her, the smell of the steak is already giving her obstacles to identify it so a mix of fear and disconford start to fill her.

Her patience get tested and after some minutes she get close her limits, she maybe was worried than hunting this unknown creature could make her spoil her cooking but her home could be in danger so she reduced the flame and prepared herself to rush to trap this person, the atmostphere without a single sound made this worse and then she turn back...

A pair of shining deadly eyes were at her back, maybe from the start looking at her as she was on the kitchen, the shock made her shiver and sweat by the surprise, her adrenaline go up making her ready to attack or run until suddenly an annoying sound come out from that shape hidden at the darkness.


The damn neko shout pushing a plate at the floor with her shinning eyes pointing to the steak. No doubt than she wanted a part of what the dog girl was doing, but they dont have too much time to express themselves about this as suddenly the ears of both moved and tensed up as theirs faces turned toward the same place. The neko started to purr and move away making her damn cute mewls, Priscilla know perfectly what is happening, someone is close the entrance hall, she dont know exactly where is but the steps were very special to dont know who is coming back.

It looks like Michael has been outside the whole time after prepare all for her, maybe even Carmen was waiting for his return. Now Priscilla could focus on give some final touches or run to welcome him.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla didn’t have too much trouble with the cooking, aided by her magic. Staying standing for so long and keeping her focus despite the delicious smells she was surrounded by were the primary issues, and they were simple enough to shrug off. She was only halfway done, though, before she felt that she was being watched… the feeling only intensified, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she looked around quickly, still trying to focus on the cooking. It got pretty bad as time went on though, the silence in the kitchen making it all the worse on her nerves. Finally she spun around to look, finding a pair of shining slitted eyes in the darkness, and she quickly growled as viciously as she could manage, ready to use her magic to protect herself and her home…

And then there was an obnoxious stupid cat noise, and a cat dish skidded across the floor. Fucking catgirl. Priscilla continued to growl, though less angrily, and went back to focusing on cooking. "It’s not for you, get your own" she said, though she soon heard something else… her master was coming. Maybe he had always been there, watching and listening to what went on between her and the catgirl. Either way the neko started to purr and make her way to him, which made the redhead want to go out to greet him herself, but she still needed to get his steak just perfect and ready to serve to him. She could hardly wait to see what he said about it, to see if he would like it… Her tail was wagging furiously already.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The neko just turn her head to a side, maybe unable to understand what the dog girl has said. She would had continue to insist until get some but she have something above at her needs and that thing was Michael.

As Priscilla decide to stay at the kitchen she was unable to see what could be trying to do to her Master. Her excitement increased and focused completely on the work, wishing deep inside her heart to see all the happiness than this will bring to Michael. There were some conmotion away, more likely struggles and bothers caused by the wild cat.

That have an amazing smell, it must taste even better. Michael said as he sit on a chair and still tried to focus as his hand push the catgirl away. Then placing some few papers and started to read some, maybe they were some kind of rustic newspaper. The events happening in this town are increasing even more of what i has been expected, so we will need to meet that noble family in a pair of hours. Michael maybe expected than that steak would be eaten by Priscilla so he take an apple give a bite at it and then proceed.

That dress suit you so well, it will help us to our mission. It could sound strange but wear that dress is the only way than we have to protect you from these people, the corruption has increased until the point than the non humans had loss all theirs rights in this town unless they are pets or maids from a noble, not a single pet can talk so this is the better choice of these two. Said this he continue to eat the fruit at his free hand, meanwhile the neko started to rub her head at his legs and just get up to hug him from his back purring.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla wasn’t entirely sure that damned catgirl understood what she said, like always, but it hardly mattered; she knew that she would protect this steak for Michael no matter what, even if it came to fighting that stupid cat! When her master finally arrived she knew she had to focus and get things just right, though the sounds of struggle beckoned her to help him fight off the catgirl’s assault. When he complimented the way the food smelled her tail wagged happily; she really wanted to see him enjoy it. When she had finally finished making the steak she took it off the stove, turning to see that Michael was reading while the catgirl unfortunately hugged him from behind. She fetched a plate, listening to him as he told her that apparently non-humans like her had utterly no rights in the city unless they were owned. That was fine by her. Why would she ever want to be anything but Michael’s? She set the plate down in front of her master and then carefully put the steak on it, growling at the catgirl as a warning. "This is for Master" she said, as much to her as to him, watching over it and also watching him eat as her tail wagged. "And thank you! I love this dress! Master chose such a lovely one for me" she said, blushing a little as he told her that the dress suited her well.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The young man stop reading and taking notes as he heard than Priscilla has made that dish for him. You cook this for me? thanks but then what will you eat? I think than this is the only piece of meat than i got yesterday. Michael accepted it and eat some before see than Priscilla went to get something for her, as she do it finally the cat girl made her move and begged for some food, her dilated cute eyes even made feel bad Priscilla, it was clear than this terrible tactic will take the heart of both of them and Michael would need to give some of his meat to reduce the pain on that poor creature.

To make it even worse she made so soft and sad cute mewls, begging and doing it so hurtful to resist...

Suddenly Michael opened his back pack and opened a small bottle than placed close the neko, suddenly yet at the instant she focus on it and take it from Michael, as he lift her and place her away the kitchen before close the door and lock them selves, just him and Priscilla.

The dog girl placed her dog dish and then served some of her special food. You dont need to eat that, i will love to share this with you, is really delicious so you should taste it too. Her master said, mostly looking to be worried for her to try to eat dog food.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

"Yes, I made it all for you. I don’t need any, I’ve got other food" Priscilla replied, her tail wagging as she walked back to the pantry. As she did so the catgirl began to beg for a piece of that steak, her quiet mewling and the look on her face so damn cute that it was hard even for the redheaded mage to resist the idea of giving her something… Michael managed it somehow, though, pulling a little bottle of some kind or other from his backpack and giving that to the catgirl instead, and as she took it he picked her up and carried her out of the kitchen, locking the door after setting her down. That made the dog-girl quite happy as she pulled out her doggy dish and food, setting it on the table beside her master’s seat and pouring herself a bowl. That seemed to worry him for some reason… she couldn’t quite understand why. "But I like my food" she said as she sat down, peering at him with a puzzled look on her face. "Besides, I made that for master. I want you to enjoy it… I’ll maybe take a little piece, just to see how I did, but it’s yours." She began to nibble on her food in the bowl, not even using her hands, just dipping her face to the dogfood, and if he did offer her a bite she would look at him and open her mouth, waiting for him to feed it to her.