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Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Elaina had been willing to keep an eye on the chicken, but with the heat turned down, it seemed that the head maid wanted to take no chances. Bored, Elaina looked out the kitchen window to the estate grounds, resting her chin on the back of her fist.

She began to hum a soldier's marching tune to herself. One of the other maids seemed to be having trouble already... the chores hadn't sounded THAT difficult.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Ma'am" Jessara stops as Danielle comes into view and panting stands there giving the quickest bow she could "There was a man in the yard *pant* I don't know how he got there *pant* he claimed he was dropping something off for the Lady *pant* all I saw was him drop something into the cellar door *pant* he told me he was expected and I didn't know what to do and I was worried he might hurt me and I was scared and he's left I think" Her words tumble out, her panic spilling for the last few lines. She looks up to the head maid, afraid she had done something wrong and would be punished.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Ellen had finished with her washing and was picking up a well loaded basket to take outside when she heard Jessara's cry. Currious to see what was going on she adds a bit of enthusiasm to getting up the stairs from the basement hoping to pass the disturbance. Sure enough she ends up passing through into the main hall in time to hear her flustered looking colleague tell her story, slowing her step a little to stand just off to the pairs side for a moment.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

From down in the basement, Momoko heard one of the other maids yelling loudly for the Head Maid. The cry of "Danielle! Danielle!" found her tip-toed, pushing a box filled with linens she'd brought down onto a high shelf.

Having gotten it squared away, Momo shrugged. She wasn't Danielle, and she had a lot more stuff to go. On her way back up, she looked towards the kitchen, in case someone popped out to call her, but otherwise she'd make her way back up for another armload.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Danielle listened to Jessara's tale, tilting her head to one side and giving a slight nod. "Short man? Scruffy? Rather dirty looking? Yeah, sounds like Mouse. I wasn't aware we were getting a drop today, otherwise I'd have warned you. Still, well done for noticing him, he's usually quite difficult to notice," she commends Jessara. "Still, it is almost lunch time, I think you should all meet Lady Ashbourne as she takes her meal," Danielle suggests. "Could you see about finding.. Peaches for me? I will be in the kitchen." she asked Jessara, a slight hesitation as she recalls the girl's name. With that, she whirled and returned to the kitchen, where she moved to turn over the meal one last time.

"I'll be introducing you all to Lady Ashbourne soon," she informed Elania as she waited for the maids to assemble.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Hearing the response and Danielle's instructions to meet up soon, Ellen decides not to linger too long and continues on out the door to where ever the laundry was typically hung up. She sets about hanging the items up to dry as quickly as she can, and leaves the basket there for latter, heading back in to rejoin the others.

"Mmm, that smells really good." She comments eventually entering the kitchen.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Jessara's mind whirls as she considers how below notice the head maid asked of the strange man, she wondered if she would be told in advance next time if something similar was going to happen. She shakes her head and decides to think of it later, she had another problem. "Where are the peaches?" wonder if the maid intended for her to get them from the kitchen or pick them from a tree.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Of course," Elaina said in reply as Danielle went about finishing the preparations.

"Is there anything more that I can do to help with this meal? Has the Lady Ashbourne's table been set? I can attend to the cutlery and then assemble in the dining room with the rest of the maids?"
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Danielle let out a soft sigh, bringing up her hand to rub her eyes. "Not the fruit, the girl. Didn't you all introduce yourselves to each other?" she said, somewhat exasperated. "She went upstairs to sort and store the storage room, although she could just as easily be down in the basement storage area."

Moving back into the kitchen, she shook her head to Elania's question. "The lady will likely not be taking her meal in the dinning room. You may prepare a tray, however, so we can carry it to her," she answered, even as she fetched a large pot and placed it on the stove, adding some water and powder to it.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Elaina nodded and sought out a tray. She placed a napkin, fork, knife, and spoon on the side, and made space for the plate and cover. She also filled a glass with water and another glass, which she left empty for the moment.

"Any drink that she appreciates for her lunch?" Elaina asked as she waited for the meal to be plated and placed on the tray.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Jessara turns bright red from the comment remembering that one of the maids was named peaches. She scurried form the head maids sight, feeling the embarrassment flush through her, why couldn't she just be dead? how could she have humiliated herself like that? Why did everything come out wrong for her? She was almost crying. They would hate her like before, and she would be the bottom again and they would laugh at her, constantly behind her back, as she walked they would whisper and mock her. Noone would ever help her.

It was all happening again. She had thought that those days were behind her, that the other girls were gone. But she was too dumb to avoid such a fate.

The thoughts filled her and she bit back hate to stop tears, knowing she shouldn't allow her eyes to get puffy or for another girl to see her like that. She stopped outside the room Peaches should be cleaning in and composed herself, leaning against the wall she let the pent up emotion flow out of her, knowing she was probably being to melodramatic. These girls were different, hopefully. Shaking the sadness from her she puts on her best neutral face and entered the upstairs storage room.

Immediately she it surrounded by... stuff, mountains of stuff heaved about, in the corner she heard some movement and approached.

"Peaches? Danielle wants us downstairs to meet the mistress at lunch." Peering around to the location of the sound.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

A muffled "What?" came from behind the boxes stacked in the corner, and the pile shook as if jostled by someone behind it. First to emerge from the towering boxstack was an arm, which quickly hooked around the top and pulled up the rest of the maid Peaches, looking disheveled and dusty, eyebrows raised, the silver-framed glasses slid low on her nose and a bit of cobweb hanging from the long pipe that hung from her mouth.

"Lunch with the Lady of the house, huh? Alright." Edging out from behind the stacked pillar, pushed carefully away from the wall to make space without toppling it. As she dusted herself off, Peaches began speaking. "I thought something fell off the top when I was moving stuff around... couldn't find anything, though. Might've rolled off..."

"Anyway, we haven't been properly introduced, right?" Staring down at the smaller girl, eyes heavy, a grin on her face, Peaches stuck a hand out and continued talking. "I'm Peaches, how d'ya- I mean, pleased to meet you," she corrected at the last moment. Maids were supposed to be all proper and elegant, right?

Holding her hand out, she waited expectantly. "And you are?"

Inwardly, the worry of the cadaverous smell that hung on Peaches nipped at her mind as always, but, oddly, none of the other girls had seemed to notice, despite the extended wait with them in the lounge, and the musty room camouflaged it further, and for once in her life it did not dominate her thoughts.
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Oh, the lady prefers fruit juice, I'll leave it to you to decide which one she'll have today," Danielle says, moving towards the staff quarters and the stairs to the basement. "I better go and fetch the message dropped by Mouse, I'll be back shortly."

And with that, Elaina and Ellen were left alone in the kitchen, large pot still bubbling on the stove as the Lady's lunch lay aside, awaiting delivery but first the arrival of the other maids.
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"Right, gotcha," Elaina said smartly, and then searched for some oranges. Those were Elaina's personal favorite, plus they were quite easy to squeeze without the need for a fruit press. She whipped out a sharp knife cutting a few of the pulpy citruses and then squeeze them fiercely over a collecting bowl, fishing out the seeds as she did so.

With Danielle gone for the moment, Elaina stole a sidelong glance at the other maid in the room.

"So, Ellena right? Mind if I just call you Ellen? Our names are apparently variations of each others, so it could quickly get confusing. So... tell me about yourself. This your first time working as a maid? Nervous? Confident? Apathetic?"

She smiled casually as she kept her eyes on her work, cooly and efficiently squeezing the oranges as if she'd been doing it for years.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Ellen was for the most part idling, swaying on her feet and twiddling her thumbs whilst she waited. Looking for something to do certainly, just a little restless from not wanting to look to be slacking, but with nothing coming to mind she's content to wait for the others, "Mmm? Yeah sure, Ellen is fine." the shorter girl answers along with a nod to confirm her name. She blinks at the rest of the question, gazing to the ceiling in thought for a second, 'Oh snap, what does that last word mean?'

"Well uh, yeah, this is my first time as maid. It's kinda the first real job I've had at all actually. Before this I mostly just used to do people chores around the village for small coin. It's all rather new, but I'm sure I can get the hang of this. I guess I'm bit excited to be here really." She says fairly optimistically, playing with her skirt a little toward the last part, looking rather proud of the outfit. "Heh, I guess that might sound a bit silly to you though, since you've seen all this stuff before right?" She adds with a sheepish smile.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"It's not silly," said Elaina, taking up another orange and slicing a cross section through the center. "Places like this, they're nice to experience, and yes they can be overwhelming at first."

She had grown up in a larger household, and thus, it had never really overwhelmed her. But she'd had a lot of new nannies and seen new maids while growing up. And she'd heard the soldiers asking her to go on and on describing the many rooms of her father's fortress home, and all the foods she'd eaten, and all the treasures on display. She had gotten the idea very quickly that not everyone was as used to those sorts of things. She however found more awe in the martial prowess of a great warrior, or a beautiful landscape stretching out before her.

"I've seen a few large houses in my day, yes. In my experience though, it's the people who make a house worthwhile to live in, not bricks and mortar."
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

"I'm Jessara," the girl introduced herself, shaking hands with the other maid. "But come, we don't want to keep the mistress waiting," she added, turning and leading the way out of the room. The pair of them met up with Katrina on the way back the kitchen and before long, the three of them entered the doors to the kitchen as Elaina finishes squeezing her juice.

"I found them," Jessara declares, before looking around, "Uh... Where's Danielle?"

"Right here," came Danielle's calm voice from behind her, giving the girls in the doorway a start. It seemed the head maid had come up the other staircase from the basement and thus ended up behind them, rather than entering the kitchen from the servants quarters she had left by. "Now then, if you could all follow me, the Lady awaits. Could you handle the tray Elaina?"

Leading the girls out of the kitchens, they head north through the house, moving through the great library with its towering bookshelves. It truly was an awe-inspiring sight, just as much so on the second trip through it as the first, if not slightly more so; now that they were more used to the scale of the house they were truly able to appreciate how much space was devoted to collecting knowledge. And in some of their minds, the words that this was but one of three libraries in the house clung to their thoughts, further driving the emphasis home.

The came to a stop at the door Danielle had referred to as Lady Ashbourne's study previously, and she quietly rapped upon the door. "Yes Danielle?" came a soft, silvery voice from within, soft and muffled slightly by the door, yet still both pleasant and firm at the same time. "My lady, I have lunch prepared, and the new staff are ready to be introduced to you," the head maid responds and after a second turns the knob to enter the room.

The first thing the girls could see of the study was another bookcase; against the far wall from the door, another sturdy wooden set of shelved sat, loaded down with more books and tomes. One almost had to wonder just how many books existed, did she possess multiple copies of some, did she have every book there was? Indeed, most of the far wall was covered by this and other cases. Towards the centre of the room was a writing desk, facing towards the door, behind which sat the woman who could only be their new master. Her light blue hair was not elaborately done up like it had been in her portrait, but was still exquisitely brushed with no a single hair out of place and pinned back by a few ornate hairpieces to keep it from shifting into her face. Her skin was indeed quite pale and putting aside the papers she had been studying, she looked up at the assembled group with silver eyes. She wore a white gown upon her body, fairly simple in construction yet clearly well tailored and concealing her skin from the base of her neck down, the sleeves only ending where her hands sat, crossed upon the desk.

"My lady, these are Jessara, Peaches, Katrina, Ellena and Elaina," Danielle said, gesturing to each girl in turn as Ashbourne watched with an expressionless face.
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Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Elaina put the glass of juice onto the tray, then washed her hands quickly before grabbing the tray and bringing it with her as the group followed the head maid to the Master's study. Elaina would be the last to enter, crossing the threshold with practiced grace and posture, honed by many years of martial training. She made looking tall and proper look easy, and when she had finished lining up and heard her name called, she inclined her head towards the lady and then stepped forward one step, proffering the tray.

With a smooth glance at Danielle, she waited for an indication that she should serve the food, and for where to put it. The young lady might not want food so close to her writing desk after all, and wish to take her meal closer to her bed.
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Peaches surveyed the room as she walked in, curious what Lady Ashbourne's room was like. She was quite curious about the Lady herself, as well... they'd all seen the painting out in the grand hall, but Peach doubted it would be an indicator of who the Lady was normally, and who she'd be working for.

When she heard her name, Peaches curtsied, like she'd seen Airi do countless times. She'd practiced occasionally in the mirror, when she wasn't completely exhausted, but she always felt that she'd never done it as elegantly as her maid had.

As her inward thoughts ran their courses, Peaches wore a small smile, trying especially hard to appear dignified as a maid should... pipe still held in her mouth. Her gaze rested on the Lady, and Peach found herself wondering at how ghost-like she was... with the exception of her hair, she was practically devoid of color.

(How blue's her hair? Dark or light? Clothes?)
Re: Ashbourne Estates (game thread)

Jessara was awed by the collection of books and did everything in her power to not stare or gawk, the lady looked at them each in turn and Jessara did her best to seem not nervous by the first meeting. She curtsied and waited, not wanting to say anything out of turn or do anything wrong. The lady looked nice and kind, but she knew more than anyone that looks could be deceiving. She would be cool and unnoticed until she could better gauge the mistress.