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RPG RPG Maker [ ARUMERO SOFT ] [ あるめろソフト] Rise Senki Sinamonica / 天昇戦記シナモニカ RE110185 RJ110185

Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Thanks for the high quality translation. Much appreciated! :)

Please let me know if there are any issues with the full game archive.
When I unpacked it with WinRAR the filenames were mangled, but the 7-Zip file extractor managed to unpack it just fine. If you pack it as a .7z instead of a .zip the filenames should always be preserved.

Problemwise there seem to be problems with most shop items not showing correctly. More specifically the items that are only craftable - their names show as just sets of squares for me
To fix the error with some Japanese characters being displayed as squares, you can open the game.ini file in Notepad and replace the line that says Library=RGSS202E.dll with Library=RGSS202J.dll
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Here my save of the game. I really like this circle. I wonder are there any other games like this from the same creator?:)

(The green haired girl is OP because i saved edited with her.)


  • Save2.zip
    14.2 KB · Views: 70
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Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

I wonder are there any other games like this from the same creator?:)
There's the earlier game Hikaru Senki that's similar (ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=17825), and there's another game being developed called Creature Hunter (ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=25426).
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Here's an update to the translation: mediafire.com/download/05pa103xu0242iv/rise_senki_sinamonica_data_eng_1_01.zip

It's just a small update that fixes some things I'd missed, such as translating the pickup text for some resources and some text formatting issues (RPG Maker VX is rubbish at previewing text). Nothing that will affect the game play in any way.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Here's an update to the translation: mediafire.com/download/05pa103xu0242iv/rise_senki_sinamonica_data_eng_1_01.zip

It's just a small update that fixes some things I'd missed, such as translating the pickup text for some resources and some text formatting issues (RPG Maker VX is rubbish at previewing text). Nothing that will affect the game play in any way.

It's both good, and yet kinda off as well.
Monica's secret Move is "Final*Area*Killing Blow" in the intro, yet you have the last bit as 'Not Yet'.

The 'Fuse' is more of a 'Contract', it's made to poke fun at the entire Kyubi ordeal.

I liked how you did Diene's saying of "Rocket Launcher", as that's about the best way to carry out such a joke.

You left out the entire line of "To defeat your foes, you must bring them towards climax!" doing the battle explanation.

'Defense' should be changed towards 'Health' in the status explanation at the end, as all status effects deduct HP per 'turn'.

I'm not too sure how to take the 'Bug Feeler' Translation when you clearly did all other cases as 'Tentacle', I would keep in line with that, ether naming it "Insect Tentacles" or something around those lines? Consistency mostly.

About "Sawami": She's actually a joke character if you haven't noticed. Her attitude, face, and methods remind me a lot of one character from Plastic Nee-San. Now if it's a direct stab at them or not, I couldn't say, but like most of the content, it's direct as stabs towards different media.

Otherwise past the start, I gotta say it's clear you took your time and some effort with all of this. YOu never seem to have text crawl out of the text boxes or anything. That's pretty impressive in it's own right, and then you even enhanced the battle stuff a bit as well! ( I MIGHT have to borrow how that works with your allowance =O )
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

It's both good, and yet kinda off as well.
Monica's secret Move is "Final*Area*Killing Blow" in the intro, yet you have the last bit as 'Not Yet'.
I'll blame Google Translate for that one :)
The 'Fuse' is more of a 'Contract', it's made to poke fun at the entire Kyubi ordeal.
Could you elaborate on this? I don't remember where this occurs in the game, and I'm not familiar with Kyubi either.
You left out the entire line of "To defeat your foes, you must bring them towards climax!" doing the battle explanation.
Is this on the first forest stage? That was one of the first things I translated, and I was more concerned about having the text make sense at that stage so I might have left out some bits that I couldn't translate. I should probably have redone that part, but since I'd replaced the original text already I never bothered.
'Defense' should be changed towards 'Health' in the status explanation at the end, as all status effects deduct HP per 'turn'.
True, I remember thinking this was a bit odd, but went with the best translation I could come up with. I'm not even sure if defense is actually lowered either, maybe someone could confirm?
I'm not too sure how to take the 'Bug Feeler' Translation when you clearly did all other cases as 'Tentacle', I would keep in line with that, ether naming it "Insect Tentacles" or something around those lines? Consistency mostly.
Weapon names are one of the things I'm least happy with (along with enemy names) regarding translation accuracy. So if anyone who knows japanese could translate them I'd happily change them. Interestingly there's also a category of musical instrument weapons that Monica can use that seems to have been left out of the game.
Otherwise past the start, I gotta say it's clear you took your time and some effort with all of this. YOu never seem to have text crawl out of the text boxes or anything. That's pretty impressive in it's own right, and then you even enhanced the battle stuff a bit as well! ( I MIGHT have to borrow how that works with your allowance =O )
Thanks! I'll see about including your suggestions in the translation. Feel free to improve the translation as much as you want though, I don't mind at all if someone else changes the translation.

As for the battle improvements I just added "text = text.gsub(/\$target/) {target_name}" before showing the text, to replace $target with the target's name. Nothing fancy really, it's in the script below ◆DreamForever.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

It's both good, and yet kinda off as well.
Monica's secret Move is "Final*Area*Killing Blow" in the intro, yet you have the last bit as 'Not Yet'.

She says "Ultimate technique*: What's that over there?!" in the opening. Basically tricking the slime to look behind. Yannow, like the ol' UFO trick.

*Literally "Killing blow", but no one translates it as that as it is a misnomer most of the time.

The 'Fuse' is more of a 'Contract', it's made to poke fun at the entire Kyubi ordeal.
Could you elaborate on this? I don't remember where this occurs in the game, and I'm not familiar with Kyubi either.

Kyubey, AKA the magical girl 'mascot' character from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, AKA that lying two-faced son of a *bleep*.

'Defense' should be changed towards 'Health' in the status explanation at the end, as all status effects deduct HP per 'turn'.

True, I remember thinking this was a bit odd, but went with the best translation I could come up with. I'm not even sure if defense is actually lowered either, maybe someone could confirm?

As someone who can read moonspeak, I can confirm that the text does say "Defense (防御力)" Could be a typo. Then again I do seem to deal more damage to enemies after I stacked a few status effects on them, even without the defense debuff/ripped clothes status effect.

Best way to confirm is to peek at the code. Sorry, I can't help you here, I'm not a programmer.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

She says "Ultimate technique*: What's that over there?!" in the opening. Basically tricking the slime to look behind. Yannow, like the ol' UFO trick.

*Literally "Killing blow", but no one translates it as that as it is a misnomer most of the time.

Kyubey, AKA the magical girl 'mascot' character from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, AKA that lying two-faced son of a *bleep*.

As someone who can read moonspeak, I can confirm that the text does say "Defense (防御力)" Could be a typo. Then again I do seem to deal more damage to enemies after I stacked a few status effects on them, even without the defense debuff/ripped clothes status effect.

Best way to confirm is to peek at the code. Sorry, I can't help you here, I'm not a programmer.

He sums it up a lot better then me @w@;;
Thought poking at the statues now that I'm more awake, it is indeed BOTH a small health and defense reduction, thought I swear when I played it, I thought I had read that as 'health' then 'defense'. Chances are the reason why I still need MO2's guiding hand at times! ( Defense get's reduced down towards 80%, and a passive 'slip damage' is on every status effect outside of clothing rip )
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

here a complete CG save ...
already defeat 3 secret boss too ... (which include the xxx scene)
also already gather all hidden CG from "Arcade" ...

honest gameplay and already have 2 set of best equipment ...

thanks for full translation of this game ... ;)
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Another translation update with some minor fixes (spelling, overflowing text, an untranslated sign): mediafire.com/download/h5wancf4dyrglsi/rise_senki_sinamonica_data_eng_1_02.zip

I also changed Monica's dialogue with Diene as suggested, it's now:
Monica: Ultimate technique!
Monica: What's that over there?!
*Diene turns around*
Diene: What?
Monica: Now!
*Monica attacks*
Monica says "imada" in that last bit, which the internet tells me means "not yet" or "still". I chose to go with "now" instead though, since that makes more sense to me. Let me know if this is completely wrong :)

I haven't done anything about the Kyubey thing, since I don't know anything about it. I don't really watch Anime at all, so any such references are likely to pass me by. But if anyone have any suggestions on how to change the dialogue I'd be happy to do so.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Another translation update with some minor fixes (spelling, overflowing text, an untranslated sign): mediafire.com/download/h5wancf4dyrglsi/rise_senki_sinamonica_data_eng_1_02.zip

I also changed Monica's dialogue with Diene as suggested, it's now:

Monica says "imada" in that last bit, which the internet tells me means "not yet" or "still". I chose to go with "now" instead though, since that makes more sense to me. Let me know if this is completely wrong :)

I haven't done anything about the Kyubey thing, since I don't know anything about it. I don't really watch Anime at all, so any such references are likely to pass me by. But if anyone have any suggestions on how to change the dialogue I'd be happy to do so.
the Kyubei parody thing isn't so clear either, you might skipped it if you wish ...
btw, that dialogue is BETTER and more funny too ...
I also note there's a lot of joke in this game ...

BTW, at start when the heroine being called by shinny thing ...
the words says "predictable", but I think it's more like "cliched" ...
(cliched word seems some kind of "insult" for greater power with this setting ... which piss the summoner off ... lolz ...)

cliched like :
- "chosen one" words over here and there at old RPG...
- dying and dark thing ask "Do you want power" ...
- various death flag ...
etc, etc ... (all of it is event which already being overused at old RPG)
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Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

The Translation is holding a Data folder...which doesn´t exist in the actual game folder...and so it dont works.

Not sure if i also need the fullgame Translation (~250mb?)
well can´t download it cause the captcha is not displayed -.-" (never happend before)

With which version does it work?
Got v2.01
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

@ Moonchaos - The games are decrypted. You need to decrypt the games to apply the patch. Check my sig for a tutorial.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

I see, well i tried to decrypt games before, but thats like 10 years back in my days xD

This will make things much easier, maybe even i may take some time to translate some Games in the future.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

I see, well i tried to decrypt games before, but thats like 10 years back in my days xD

This will make things much easier, maybe even i may take some time to translate some Games in the future.
please do so ...
there's several active RPG Maker translator in ULMF ...
(including me, but I can only translate RPG Maker VX Ace)
you might join our rank ...
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

The Translation is holding a Data folder...which doesn´t exist in the actual game folder...and so it dont works.

Not sure if i also need the fullgame Translation (~250mb?)
well can´t download it cause the captcha is not displayed -.-" (never happend before)

With which version does it work?
Got v2.01

You need to use version 2.00 for the translation, which there is a link to earlier in the thread.
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

What are people using to translate, these days? Is it just unpacking and editing in rpgmaker?

I was thinking of maybe writing a script that takes an .rgssa2 and a translation map, and applies translation by just parsing the archive and writing a new one.
This would allow to more easily adapt a translation for a patch, but is more difficult, and risks breaking the game if it edits a script the wrong way...

And then, of course, there'd be the challenge of getting any sort of script to run consistently on the various windowses out there...
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

You need to use version 2.00 for the translation, which there is a link to earlier in the thread.
Huh, I thought I used the latest version, but it seems there's a 2.01 out. But it only seems to fix a bug with states that occur with certain equipment. I've noticed that sometimes the game shows that the Lewd Dream state stopped, even though it wasn't active. I guess that's the bug fixed in 2.01. No big deal in that case, it's only a visual bug.

What are people using to translate, these days? Is it just unpacking and editing in rpgmaker?
That's what I did anyway. The problem with just extracting text from the game is that you loose the context, so for people like me who doesn't actually know japanese I think it's easier to edit the text in RPG Maker. RPG Maker sucks at editing text though :p
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

What are people using to translate, these days? Is it just unpacking and editing in rpgmaker?

I was thinking of maybe writing a script that takes an .rgssa2 and a translation map, and applies translation by just parsing the archive and writing a new one.
This would allow to more easily adapt a translation for a patch, but is more difficult, and risks breaking the game if it edits a script the wrong way...

And then, of course, there'd be the challenge of getting any sort of script to run consistently on the various windowses out there...
that's what I did ...
ALL Decrypter it ... then edit with RPG Maker ...
it's harder indeed to find and translate each words, but it's saver not to wreck any important script ... so i choose this method instead ...
(I can make some basic / partial translation just within a week)
I translating while playing tough, so I know the real situation for translation sentence / talk in the game ...

I still refining "The Princess of Devildom ・ Camilla Ver1.01" translation ...
Re: Rise Senki Sinamonica

Please, link to the game, The ones in the thread are dead.