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Artemis Academy

Re: Artemis Academy

Yes 1 as a result of 2. 1 on it's own seems a weird subject anyway.
Re: Artemis Academy

Have to say, I like the futa drug idea...

== Jessica ==

"I dare you."

Jessica glanced at May, who was being her usual obnoxious self, then to the rest of the gathered group, then back at the plant. The plant was as high as her waist, with hard, sharp leaves. There were ones like it all over the island. They flowered every couple months, apparently, each with a single white flower at the top. This was the first time Jessica had seen one with a fruit, though. It was a slightly dark yellow, perhaps nine inches long and little less than two inches thick for most of its length, slightly bulbous at the tip.

She reached out and touched it. The skin was smooth. She squeezed slightly. It was hard. May reached out and touched it as well, then pulled her hand back, blushing. "What is it called?"

Jessica gave this question the thought it deserved, which wasn't terribly much. Given how common the plants were, it almost certainly already had a name. Which also wasn't worth terribly much. "Dickfruit."

This was apparently witty enough to knock May on her shapely ass, laughing, though most of the others only rolled their eyes. "And you're going to eat it? I double dare you to eat it!"

Jessica rolled her own eyes. Of course she was going to try it. It couldn't be poisonous or they wouldn't have let it remain. Plus, she wouldn't have come all the way out here in front of a dozen other freshmen if she didn't intend to actually go through with it.

She gripped the fruit a little tighter, and pulled hard. It came off a little more easily than she'd expected, and nearly hit her in the eye. She glared at May, who wisely decided that this at least wasn't hilarious - though a few others seemed to disagree - and opened it with a knife. The flesh was greenish-white, somewhere between an Apple and Celery in texture.

First, she cut off a piece of the skin, and carefully chewed it. It wasn't terribly good; very fibrous and a little thicker than she was used to, but it seemed edible. So she put away the knife, opened her mouth, and gently inserted the bulbous tip. There was a chorus of titters. Jessica bit down, hard, and started chewing.

It actually tasted somewhat like an apple. Much sweeter, and also with more of a bite, like the juice had started to ferment. She swallowed, making a face like it had been nasty. "All of it!" May cried out.

She took a second bite, then a third. It seemed to become clear to the others that it wasn't so bad, and by the time she had finished, the second fruit had been plucked and split between a dozen bellies. Jessica watched May steal the entire 'head', and stuff the whole thing in her mouth.

And then she grabbed at her stomach, as something seemed to lurch. A warmth she hadn't realized was growing made itself known all at once. Jessica started to blush, and hoped nobody noticed that her nipples were getting hard under her bikini. And that the arousal would pass before she started making a spot on the bottom...

And Jessica discovered the Dickfruit! And ate it! So did a bunch of other people, though not quite as much. Now, the effects (lust and dreams of dicks are already in):

1a.) The dick one grows is temporary.
1b.) The dick one grows starts out temporary, but can become permanent if the dickfruit is abused. Or if one is unlucky.
1c.) The dick is permanent.

2a.) Any of the fruit at all causes a dick.
2b.) Eating a lot of the fruit at once causes a dick.
2c.) Eating dickfruit too often causes a dick.
2d.) Abusing dickfruit causes a dick.

3a.) Dickfruit isn't addictive.
3b.) Dickfruit is only rarely addictive. (obviously to Jessica)
3c.) Dickfruit is addictive.
Re: Artemis Academy

== Jessica Blake ==

Jessica ran her hands over May's naked body, admiring the curves, how soft her skin was. Her breasts were nice, though a little small for Jessica's tastes. Perky, and the way the other girl moaned at her touch was hot. Her hands ran down to May's hips, though, and then things got really serious. The gentlest touch was all it took to get her friend to bend over, and Jessica took a moment to admire the dripping lips thus revealed.

She ran a finger down them to May's clit, producing a shudder, then a moan. Jessica got to her knees, and kissed the other brunette's pussy, appreciating the taste of her abject arousal. Her tongue mimic'd the motion her finger had made a moment ago, with a similar reaction. She pushed it in a little further, and started making it wriggle, eliciting an aroused chuckle from May. Then she spoke, practically begging "Please...!?"

Jessica decided to take pity on the poor girl. And after all, she was pretty horny herself. She got back to her feet, grabbed May's hips, and guided the tip of her cock into May's folds. The other girl grabbed harder onto the table and practically screamed with pleasure. Jessica felt like doing the same. It was so... tight. And wet. She let her hips do the talking. After only a few seconds, she felt her friend shudder and clamp down tighter around Jessica's dick, felt the sudden fluid running down her thigh as May came, hard. She kept going at it, and in seconds her partner was screaming out her approval again. "More! More! Harder!"

Jessica obliged her. Then it was her own turn. She a strange sensation between her legs, and then suddenly her cock was seizing, and something was coming out of it. May let out a moan as she orgasmed a second time at the sensation, and Jessica slid out of her friend, collapsing to her knees and staring down at her cock in wonder as it shrank and got soft.

May had turned around, and spread her legs. Jessica could see the white cum between May's lower lips, a drop running down her thigh. She moved forward, closed her eyes, and licked her lips.

== Jessica Blake ==

Jessica woke up with a headache. She glanced downward. There was nothing unexpected between her legs. But she was naked. And lying on the grass at the edge of the beach. She looked around. So were a dozen other women. Including May right in front of her. There wasn't a scrap of cloth in sight.

There was one other thing she had to check. She shifted until she could see between May's legs. There was no sign of a creampie. But then again, maybe there wouldn't be... Jessica shifted back to her original position. May's eyes fluttered open. She saw Jessica across from her, and glanced downward...

Okay. Eating a lot of the fruit gives you a dick, and if you do it too often it becomes permanent. Next question: How common is [the fruit]?

A.) Rare, and only when it's 'in season'.
B.) Common, but only when it's 'in season'.
C.) Rare, all the time.
D.) Common, all the time.
E.) Until now, practically unheard of. Still rare.
F.) Until now, practically unheard of. Now common.
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Re: Artemis Academy

B i geuss. Just to clarify is this about the growing of one or the permanance.
Re: Artemis Academy

Hrm... opps. Now that I re-read my question there I can see that it was a little misleading. This is about how common the fruit is, not the 'side effects'. Though how common the fruit is will inform the frequency of the side effects to a certain extent (obviously the effects had to be officially unknown before now, for example).
Re: Artemis Academy

A - between its rarity, and the small minority who are actively sensitive to it, nobody's actually permanently grown a dick off of it - yet.
(obviously the effects had to be officially unknown before now, for example)
Why? Maybe the fruit only comes "into season" once every five years or something; the effects could be unknown to new people, but known to long-term faculty/students. Cue cries of excitement and/or groans of exasperation, depending on how responsible the oldster is. :p