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Artemis Academy

Re: Artemis Academy

maxentius's 3.
Re: Artemis Academy

Okay, everyone voted for 3. 2 additionally specified a yellow friend, and 3 wanted it followed up by 4, then 5.

No reason we can't do it all, right? >.>

== Cassy ==

Cassy moaned and shoved her panties aside to rub at her pussy as she woke up. She opened her eyes for a fraction of a second, and saw that it was still night. And she was still exhausted. Too tired even to masturbate again before going back to sleep. She pulled her hand away. And something else rubbed at it.

The theater major sat bolt upright, her scream cut off only by the tentacle slipping between the lips she had revealed when still half awake. In the starlight she could just barely make out the shape of the tentacle, coiled around her leg again, and thrusting vigorously in and out of her body. "O-oh, you're b-b-back... we-well, I guess I'm awake... oohhhh.... now..."

Five minutes later Cassy found herself leaking cum and panting again, but this time her 'visitor' wasn't leaving. He'd pulled out, but was still coiled around her leg. It should, part of her suggested, have been terrifying. Woken up by a strange creature penetrating you? But somehow it wasn't. She knew it was safe, and... well, it felt really good. Even getting filled with its cum. She'd never let her highschool boyfriends finish inside her, had hated the feeling even through a condom. But somehow with this strange animal she was almost giddy.

And so, when she felt something coiling around her other leg, she just looked at it curiously. It was another tentacle, like the first one. Maybe a bit fatter, but not much. And lighter in color. "What, did you bring a friend? I'm tired, little buddy..."

At the top of her leg the lighter colored one - was it yellow? It was hard to tell in the dark - stopped, and started prodding around. Cassy let out a moan as it ran down her cum-filled pussy, and then a yelp as it prodded at her ass. She grabbed it, and tugged it upward, surprised by how difficult it was. Shoving it inside her was easier, and almost immediately it started fucking her on its own.

Another few orgasms and the brown-haired freshman was practically exhausted, and extremely satiated. She hadn't felt so satisfied since... ever. No, not even before her trouble with orgasms had she felt like this. The yellow one hadn't even finished, which she as almost grateful for, she was starting to get sore. Instead, it had pulled out and was now crawling up her belly, between her breasts. She ignored it, and was very nearly asleep again when she felt the tentacle's slightly bulbous tip press against her lips.

"Wh-mmph!" Her query was cut off was the yellow tentacle slipped between her lips. Cassy grabbed it with both hands, but it was strong, and as she squeezed it produced the same mucous the first one had, making a grip impossible.

Of course, there was one more option. And she wasn't having any of this. Sex was one thing, but blowing some alien freak wasn't going to happen. She bit down lightly when the thing was almost out of her mouth. No response. And between her legs, she felt the green one easing itself between her lower lips again. A muffled moan passed the yellow tentacle, and another few thrusts passed as she worked up the courage to try harder.

She bit down suddenly, as hard as she could. It was like biting an inch-thick log, and given that it didn't stop thursting, more likely to hurt her teeth then the tentacle. Or so it seemed for a moment. Then the thing tensed up. She could feel it, squeezing her left leg and forcing her harder into the towel she had set up as a bed. She almost screamed. The tentacle thrust into her mouth as far as it ever had, almost choking her, and started spewing something thick and hot into her throat.

Cassy coughed and swallowed as much as she could to keep her airway clear, and after a few seconds it seemed to be over. The tentacle pulled out of her mouth, and started to move on, crawling over her shoulder into the brush, uncoiling from her leg. It was getting hard to notice detail, between the panic of this weird violation and the thrusting still going on between her legs.

She tried to pull this one out as well, but it was if anything even more futile. Cassy yelled at the thing. "Please stop, I'm sore and this isn't funny!"

But, while true, that didn't stop the pleasure. She felt herself orgasm as the tentacle shuddered and spilled another load of cum into her. Then it too pulled out. Cassy was asleep before it finished uncoiling, with a smile on her face.

== Cassy ==

In the light of day, it didn't seem so bad. She had to clean herself up in the ocean, but she wasn't sore, and she felt good. Energetic. Excited. Happy. The conviction to head straight home she'd had partway through her 'interruption' last night was gone. In fact, she was a little disappointed that the green one, at least, hadn't been there when she woke up.

By around noon she wasn't feeling quite so good, and was starting to get pretty horny. She walked through the forest for a few minutes without seeing any sign, then sighed, stripped down, and started masturbating in a clearing.

It took about a minute for the thing to show up. The smell, Cassy reasoned. It must have a good sense of smell, and it clearly liked... what I showed it the other day. She held out a leg towards the thing, and was gratified to feel it coil up. It reached her pussy and... paused. It brushed against her, but even when she grabbed it and tried to push it inside, it didn't so much as part her lips.

She noticed the other tentacle only when it started wrapping itself around her other leg. This one was a dull sort of pink. Not the same one as last night, Cassy was certain. A third one, and a third color? "God I hope I'm not your idea of a place to go on a date, little guy... Whatever, I need this..."

If the green one was only going to tease her... Cassy grabbed the pink one and pushed it into her own 'pink'. The effect was immediate and gratifying, and it seemed to pick up the idea of sex even faster than the yellow one had. And it might, she thought after a minute, and two orgasms, be even better at it than the green one. Every few seconds it seemed to pulse, growing thicker for just a moment, and that little bit always made Cassy shudder in pleasure.

She moaned and writhed against the pink one for a good ten minutes before it pulled out. This one hadn't filled her with the white goo either. She wasn't sure what to think of that. And while the actual fucking had been great, the pink one didn't seem to leave her as satisfied as the green one had. So she was glad when it finally decided to stop teasing and start fucking.

Finally they seemed to be done, and both uncoiled from her legs at the same time, leaving the naked student to drip cum onto the grass of the clearing all alone.

== Cassy ==

Cassy awoke with a start, and almost panicked. Then she remembered that it was still Saturday. She might have thrown off her sleep schedule a bit, but unless she'd been out for nearly two days, she was hardly late for anything.

She looked at the clearing, and wasn't surprised to see the green tentacle. She walked over to it, and picked up the front end of it. It looked, Cassy considered, kind of remarkably like a penis. Even to the... discharge... that the green and yellow ones had had. Maybe that's what came from trying to get a female-only planet. If you pushed too hard, you got all the cock concentrated up into one organism that was basically a giant cock.

This one coiled up her arm. And she realized the problem as soon as it passed her elbow. She couldn't bend that arm anymore, not until the thing decided to let her go. It kept going, up to her shoulder, and stopped. She tried to guide it down her torso, but it just wasn't moving. "Come on, that's nowhere near where you want to go..."

She felt something crawling up her left leg, and fell over as she tried to take a step and failed. There was a second green tentacle crawling up her leg. Maybe this was the original one, and that's why it knew where to go? This impression was reinforced as it reached her pussy and immediately plunged in.

Cassy didn't noticed the third one until it pushed between her lips during a particularly passionate moan. The yellow one had coiled around her other arm. If it weren't for the mind-numbing action going on down below she might have started panicking. Instead, she found herself using her tongue, and barely a minute later felt the thing spewing hot goo into her throat. She swallowed it, and only then realized how hungry she had been. Odd, that.

Then Cassy screamed around the yellow tentacle - which had gone back to fucking her mouth - as a second tentacle squeezed in alongside the first in her pussy. She couldn't turn her head to see what color, but there was none of the odd pulsing that had marked the pink.

She couldn't move her head, either arm, or either leg. And so even if she'd wanted to do something to the one that was coiling around her abdomen, had even been able to think through the pink haze of two tentacles fucking her simultaneously, she couldn't have. As it was, Cassy noticed only when the thing dipped without warning into her ass.

All four violators finished within a few seconds of each other, spewing four more loads into the student's abused body. She swallowed what was in her mouth, feeling uncomfortably full even without the incredibly unusual sensation of several cups of thick fluid filling her pussy and ass. She felt bliss spread over her, and then, suddenly... blackness.

Well, you've done it now! Poor girl went from perfectly healthy consensual relationship, to tentacle-fucking deviant, and now she's been kidnapped by tentacles!

1.) The tentacles have their fun with her for a while, then drop her off on the beach in time to make it back to class.
2.) The tentacles have their fun with her for a while, but she has a chance to escape in time to make it back to class.
3.) Cassy wakes up in her bed on Wednesday morning.
4.) Cassy spends a month or two breeding tentacles before finally escaping.
Re: Artemis Academy

Surprised no blue ones came by.

Cassy wasn't able to look around much anymore once one got in her mouth, but the second one to take her pussy was blue. A veritable rainbow of fucking.
Re: Artemis Academy

I like where this is going and want more, but I don't want her to be removed TOO fast. plus, I can only imagine what fun we might have if she convinces her lover to join in....:D
Re: Artemis Academy

== Cassy ==

Cassy awoke to find herself in near-perfect darkness. She was still groggy, but a dull throbbing in her head brought things into focus, and she tried to take stock.

She seemed to be underground, in a small cave. An extremely faint light glowed somewhere out of sight beyond the entrance. She could hear the ocean, and smell it as well. The theater major realized with a start that she was upright, and tried to take a step forward. And realized that she was somehow restrained as well. She struggled as hard as she could, but it felt like both her hands and feet were encased in plaster, which was in turn stuck to the wall. It didn't budge, or give in the slightest.

She had to fight back a scream. She didn't want to attract attention by making noise. As if on cue, her stomach rumbled. Loudly. She glared at it. And discovered that it was... somewhat easier to glare at then it should be. Like she'd just eaten a cantaloupe. Or like she was pregnant.

Something moved. A shape, writhing along the floor. A tentacle. It was a deep blue, and despite her efforts to become invisible, it came straight for Cassy. She struggled with her bonds again, frantically, but she might as well have still been unconscious. The thing slipped inside her and started fucking. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Her pussy was sore, and her orgasm seemed to be taking forever. Finally it came, and as she opened her mouth into an 'o', something slipped inside.

Again her protests were useless. The yellow tentacle was going to slip in and out of her mouth as easily as the blue one was continuing to do down below. At which point the blue one seized up, pushing right up against her cervix as it spat out a cup or two of what still seemed very much like cum into her. She could feel the stuff, and while plenty dripped down her thighs... Cassy could almost swear she could feel her belly growing. With that it seemed to be done, leaving the girl to put up with being face-fucked for another few minutes before the yellow finished as well. As usual she was forced to swallow, and the tentacle went on its way.

Leaving Cassy alone, feeling... violated, sore, terrified... but not hungry. But not alone for long. The next tentacle wandered in. A green one. She wanted to curse at it. It wanted to fuck her.

Ten minutes later, she was alone again. The green ones, she reflected, were a much better lay. She'd cum hard and often. Her throbbing headache had faded, and certainly she didn't feel so sore. A blue one replaced it, and she didn't hate it as much as she had the first one.

== Cassy ==

Being stuck to a wall ought to have been boring, but the freshman was never left alone long enough to realize it. The blue tentacles came in one after another, and the yellows seemed to realize she was hungry before she realized it herself. She'd tried spitting one's 'meal' out. It had fucked her in the ass for a solid half an hour before, and left her hungry.

The only thing she really looked forward to was a visit from a green tentacle. That always left her feeling a little better, for a while. Even if the green took her ass because her pussy was occupied. Which didn't seem quite right... but it just felt so good!

It was hard to judge the passing of time, but the light had just suddenly flared in brightness, and Cassy realized that it must be dawn. With a little more light to see by, she glanced down at her belly again. It was hard to say for sure - she'd never seen it from this angle before - but she looked six months pregnant.

The brown-haired prisoner saw another blue tentacle crawl into the chamber, and cringed. She felt it crawl up her leg, felt it penetrate her. But after one thrust it pulled out, and left. That had never happened before.

Cassy let out a scream of pain, feeling like someone had just stuck a dagger into her belly. And squeezed. And felt something wriggling in her pussy. She squeezed again, and something slid out of her onto the cave floor. Another spike of pain. Contractions. She was giving birth! To tentacles!

There were half a dozen, all told. Nowhere near the size of the adults, less than two feet long. But just as thick as their 'father'. The ordeal was exhausting, but Cassy watched them crawl out of her chamber. All six were green. She laughed bitterly.

Her next visitor was pink, and when she felt the little shuddering pulses, this time Cassy counted them. Eight. She felt like throwing up. The train of blues started immediately, and she had nearly given up hope again before the next blue slipped into her ass. She'd never been so grateful to be penetrated anywhere, much what there.

The light faded as her belly slowly grew. Then it was gone. After sunset, and she was still getting fucked. Cassy wondered if they'd let her sleep. Maybe they wouldn't, and she'd die of exhaustion. Or maybe they would, and she'd live for years, pumping out new tentacles. The line of thought was cut short as she felt another blue spill its load into her growing womb.

Still more hours later, Cassy realized that even the greens weren't getting her back to a hundred percent anymore. She was exhausted, and sore. Her belly was huge, bigger than before. Which made sense. The contractions started. Eight contractions. Eight tentacles wriggling their way out of her pussy. Eight new blue tentacles slithering out into the world, while Cassy was stuck chained to a wall.

She saw something pink crawling towards her, and screamed. It had been... forever... since she'd last tried her bonds, but they were as secure as ever. The pink tentacle slipped between her legs without resistance, and she watched in horror as the first bulge approached her lower lips.

Cassy shuddered as it passed into her womb, and then let out a yelp as something slipped into her ass and started fucking. At first she hoped it might be a green, anything to relieve the horror of being impregnated, but it quickly became obvious that it wasn't. It finished, spewing a ridiculous amount of cum into her ass. She felt her eyes drifting shut, and was asleep before the third egg finished its journey.

== Cassy ==

Cassy woke up with a start. She reflexively tried to stretch her fingers... and they moved. And the cave wall was different. It was... blue?

She scrambled to her feet, looking around hurriedly. She was on the beach. Had been sleeping on a towel. Was wearing her bikini, though she'd apparently pulled it aside in her sleep to get at what lay underneath. Her belly was flat. There was a cum stain on her thigh, but not the caked layers she'd expected. It was... either dawn or dusk, she wasn't sure.

Either way, she was getting the hell out as quickly as she could. Fuck the forest, she'd go along the beach the whole way.

1. Aurora Norte. A redheaded math major, with a-cup breasts and an intact virginity. (0/10 exposure)
2. Sarah Summer. Blonde, Blue-eyed civil engineer, with c-cup breasts. In her first same-sex relationship, with her roommate April. (1/10 exposure)
3. Alesha Willow. Black haired, blue-eyed biology major, with b-cup breasts. Lesbian with only solo experience. (4/10 exposure)
4. Cassandra Alistair. Brown haired, brown-eyed Theater major, with d-cup breasts. Experienced bisexual. (8/10 exposure)
5. Jessica Blake. ??? (0/10 exposure)
6. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
7. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
8. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
9. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
10. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)

A.) Cassandra Alistair. (Continue current character)
B.) Aurora Norte.
C.) Sarah Summer.
D.) Alesha Willow.
E.) Hitomi Fujimoto (Proposed by maxentius-septimus)
F.) Jessica Blake.
G.) Suggest a name.

For F/G ONLY: Design a character.

1.) (optional) Hair color.
2.) (optional) Eye color.
3.) (optional) Breast size.
4.) (optional) Major.
5.) (optional) Sexual orientation.
6.) (optional) Previous sexual experience.
7.) (optional) Other physical information, or factual past.

Note: I reserve the right to veto characters that I don't think fit. (Athletic, reasonably intelligent, not complete sluts) "Modifications" may happen later, but they will all at least start out within the normal human variances.


The Gateway system is very useful for communication. It would be basically pointless to attempt intersolar communication without it. But even within a system, reducing ping times from tens of minutes to microseconds is priceless. Even within planets - no point in communications satellites and undersea cables when you can do it faster with Gateways. The internet has been restructured so that the major data backbones are all wormholes, vastly improving ping times. Really serious systems - major players in the stock market and/or online games - are often located mere feet from the servers they need to access as far as data is concerned, despite lightyears of 'physical' separation.
Re: Artemis Academy

E! Lets give someone else's idea a shot.
Re: Artemis Academy

== Hitomi Fujimoto ==

Hitomi sat, legs crossed, on the green lawn in front of the building where she'd just had class. It was curious, she reflected, that she should be in this position.

The thing that had been most disorienting when she had first stepped through to Artemis hadn't been the lack of men. That was a minor change in the state of affairs, really. No, it had been the fact that she'd come through naked. Not in the literal, pedestrian way, but in the way that she had been able to bring nothing with her. No clothes. No computer. No physical belongings. But also no digital belongings. No money. No schematics for the fabricators. No extra credits or debts. It had made her, for the first time, the equal of everyone around her.

And yet, here she was. "No. Please do not ask me again." The sophomore in front of her fumed, and seemed unable to hide the fact. Mary, sitting on Hitomi's left, stood up and tried to take the older student's arm, smiling and gently leading her away. "Disgusting."

Jane, on Hitomi's right, nodded grimly. Then, after a moment, she added, quietly, "So what are you planning for tonight?"

Hitomi made up her mind. "The beach." She stood up, and started walking back to her dorm. She saw Jane hurrying over to Mary, and then the two of them practically ran off to tell others.

Back in her room, Hitomi loosened her shirt and pulled "it" out from her bra, tossing it onto her bed to contemplate. As far as she knew, she was the only Freshman in the school with one of these. The news had spread, and suddenly it wasn't only her closest friends that held her with the appropriate amount of respect.

Of course, it was perhaps not the sort of respect that she might wish, if it meant she was being invited to depraved orgies like that Sophomore had been hinting at. Still, all things considered she was glad that she had managed to come by the object, even if it meant holding it on her person at all times to avoid having it stolen.

She glanced at the shaped rubber thing. A girl could use just about anything as a substitute, but apparently the "anatomically correct" version still had a certain attraction. I mean, Hitomi reflected It's not that big...

So, Hitomi will be hosting a beach party. Now...

1.) Tentacles! Maybe Hitomi can meet some of Cassy's spawn!
2.) Sea beasties! They are in the right place for it!
3.) Corruption! Hitomi has even used her dildo yet, but that doesn't mean she can't end up begging for tentacle cock!
Re: Artemis Academy

1 (for possible action with Cassy at the same time)
Re: Artemis Academy

== Hiomi ==

A low moan sounded from further down the beach. Hitomi brought to mind the girl's face. Cute, but obviously far too crass to associate with. She made a mental note not to lend the device to the girl again. Or, perhaps more accurately, not to instruct Mary and Jane to loan her the device. She certainly wasn't handing that thing out to anyone in such a public place. Or taking return of it, often... inadequately cleaned.

The party was winding down. That tended to happen rather early on Artemis, given the strictly rationed alcohol, and the tricks that prevented it being stockpiled. Still, it had been an acceptably lively affair, and until a few minutes ago she hadn't even witnessed anything lude.

She looked around the beach. There wasn't much trash, but a few towels and similar items had been left behind. One more benefit of the device - she wouldn't have to be the one to clean it up. That would be the job of the freshman fooling nobody under her towel, the cost of her little... display. With that thought, Hitomi gestured at Jane, to go cut the little "session" short. It was disgusting.

Hitomi got up and started walking. And made it three steps before her eyes fell on a pair of panties, left half-buried in the sand. Disgusting! She turned and started walking down the beach. Mary caught up to her, but Hitomi shook her head. "No. Finish taking care of this, I need to be alone for a time." Her friend nodded, looking slightly frustrated, but walked away.

A mile later, she looked around. She could just barely make out figures moving around the curve of the beach, as the lights started to go out one by one. So she jogged another five miles, then sat down against a huge boulder, tossed up onto the beach in some long-ago storm. A few smaller pieces had crumbled off the back, or been thrown in storms of their own, and they decorated a pool just beyond the waves.

Miles from anyone. The waves crashing feet away. And a pool of water to rinse off in. She was never alone on campus. Not even in her room. She had been furious to learn she couldn't lock her roommate out, not even for a few minutes, and she certainly wasn't going to explain why she wanted some alone time. This was, really, as private as it would get.

Even so, she didn't dare disrobe completely. She pulled her panties down a few inches, exposing a glistening snatch, and arranging her skirt so that when she came it would run down into the tidal pool without hitting anything along the way, particularly any of her clothes.

Hitomi kept her eyes open as her hand went down her skirt and her middle finger slipped inside without any further preamble. She imagined what it would be like to let things go a step further with Jane. Mary was cuter, but she wasn't ever going to sleep with her roommate. People would talk. Or, well, maybe they wouldn't, considering how often that sort of thing seemed to happen at Artemis, but they should have been going to talk. That was enough.

She felt her mouth make an 'o', as she undressed Mary in her mind. Her perky breasts, the smoothly tanned skin, the raven-black hair... her finger sped up. In her head, she speculated that Mary would be clean-shaven, dripping and hot with lust, begging...

Hitomi finally made a sound, a gentle sigh as she finished. A few drops of girlcum fell into the pool, and a few splashes of water washed a few more down as well. She looked around at a sound. Still nobody. Probably just something in the waves.

Sorry, been a bit busy lately. Anyway, lets get a detail or two:

1.) Something tentacles and suckers, looking for a place to plant an egg or two. Or more.
2.) Something with tentacles and no suckers, which simply likes pussy.
3.) Something with a stinger, able to make Hitomi forget she might like both boys and girls, but she certainly doesn't like weird sea bugs.
4.) (Something else entirely - but remember we already voted that it'll be a sea creature.)