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Ark City, Central District - Sewers

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Unsurprisingly, the sewers underneath Ark City weren't as clean as the bulk of the city.

As the day passed into evening, and night, above the streets, below the flow of... things... picked up.

And something ended up stuck to the side of the sewers, near an odd crack towards the top of that part of the line.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Sewers

A small humanoid shape sat on the edge of the sewer walk. It's feet kicking in the water, as it ate a large hunk of charred meat. It's large purple eyes looking at a collar in it's free hand, as it it tried to figure out why the word 'Mittens' was on the strange small tag. With a shrug it tossed the collar behind it's self, as it ate and watched the water flow on by.

It looks like these aliens. With black skin skin, and purple eyes. Light blue bioluminescence marks covering it's face and body. The form being small and thin, well as small as shapeshift will allow it to be. Meant for hiding and stealth. It's only other advantage is being strangely cute. Taking one level of Striking appearance for free. Positive effect only.
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Re: Ark City, Central District - Sewers

The stuck piece of paper suddenly slipped loose, and drifted down next to the creature. While the dampness of the sewers had made most of the scribbled writing illegible, the sketches on the paper seemed to show one of the warehouses in the city, and there seemed to be something about it. Small white, filled-in circles resembling ping-pong balls were drawn next to, and inside the warehouse. What could be read was fragmented, but seemed to indicate that whoever had originally done the sketches was planning to remove the contents of the warehouse, likely without following the proper procedures for doing so.
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Re: Ark City, Central District - Sewers

It smiled as it grabbed the floating paper. Making strange noises as it examined it closely, it's eyes looking at it in wonder. Gobbling up the rest of Mittens, it turned it's full attention to the paper. Turning it this way and that, looking at the plan for som sort of landmark. It even sniffed it, trying to pick up a scent from it.
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Re: Ark City, Central District - Sewers

Whatever scent might have been on it seemed to have washed away. While other clues were scarce, the warehouse itself provided the best one. All of the buildings of that type were in the West District of the city, where all of the industrial work was done.
Re: Ark City, Central District - Sewers

With a grin it stuffed the paper into a small fleshy fold, much like a pocket. Standing up it ran back to it's little lair hewed into the sewer wall. After looking on it's wall of torn magazine page pictures and stolen photos it pulled down a couple with contruction workers and businessy secretaries. Stuffing them into another fold for safe keeping.

With a small smile as it looked about it's tiny room, it grabbed a couple strips of Mitten's jerky that had been drying and stuffed them into a pouch it formed on it's tummy. Checking off things on it's four digit hands, to make sure it had supplies for a little trip to the surface. It's grin getting bigger as it pulled down it's array of small metal and stained glass bits. Throwing it arounds it's throat like a necklace.

With a grin and a small giggle it set off towards the west side of town. Staying in the sewers for the moment to not risk revealing it's self. It's mind wandering to the bits it might find to add to it's collection, another animal to bing back for food, or it's favourite, more pictures.
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