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Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Here you go, it's actually 192 MB in size.

(MEGA) #!pVMmmQwI!dXMj69_fC97WNXVwSGf3tsJPb1pLS9ecotgucgyI8cQ

Again, this isn't worth the price. Art is good but it's similar to that one game by Soap-Group, where the animations are just lacking and instead passing it off with sub-par gameplay. With 9 CGs and 7 animations and 3-4 sequences each, there's not really much to see here. Well at least the gameplay here "feels" more better than that other game (Soap-Group). It's also very short in play time.

EDIT: Did I forget to mention the biggest ass of a censor ever is a black circle?
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Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Here you go, it's actually 192 MB in size.

(MEGA) #!pVMmmQwI!dXMj69_fC97WNXVwSGf3tsJPb1pLS9ecotgucgyI8cQ

Again, this isn't worth the price. Art is good but it's similar to that one game by Soap-Group, where the animations are just lacking and instead passing it off with sub-par gameplay. With 9 CGs and 7 animations and 3-4 sequences each, there's not really much to see here. Well at least the gameplay here "feels" more better than that other game (Soap-Group). It's also very short in play time.

EDIT: Did I forget to mention the biggest ass of a censor ever is a black circle?

Clickable link:

Edit:Guess trying to be helpful by adding a clickable link gives you neg rep.
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Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

This circle usually does their own translations - I'm pretty sure all their games on English DLsite are translated.

I know it's optimistic, but do you have any idea what the time frame is until we will get this translated? Kind of the only reason for me not to pick it up at this stage.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

^ Western hotel took 6 days between releases, that's a rough guesstimate of the time you'll need to wait for it. (Though it can be anywhere from tonight to 2020, you never know with Dlsite).
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

I know it's optimistic, but do you have any idea what the time frame is until we will get this translated? Kind of the only reason for me not to pick it up at this stage.
Your guess is as good as mine - their last work was released on English DLsite just week after release on Japanese one, but previous games had longer period, so it's really hard to tell.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

here's current 100% save.

it was confused to go around w/o the map but after few plays I was able to memorize it and finish it.

cg req. to defeated by mobs to unlock, since there is no save option or continue isn't possible.

well if you know how to do, game can be finish in 10~15min.

replay req. to see the mobs.

even unlocked the mobs endgame mobs' replay can't be seen cuz you have to clear the all difficulty levels.

but anyway, that save might unlock everythings so have fun.

View attachment system.zip

save files can be found in game folder>system
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Hit Esc to save the game. Save, lose to an enemy you haven't seen, repeat.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Your guess is as good as mine - their last work was released on English DLsite just week after release on Japanese one, but previous games had longer period, so it's really hard to tell.

Okay thanks, are their other games similar to this? If so can you link me to which ones you think are the better ones...
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Okay thanks, are their other games similar to this? If so can you link me to which ones you think are the better ones...
I honestly can't answer that. I've only played "My Church" and since I don't have much time to play games now, I just keep an eye on few circles that I like or show promise, like this one. Sorry...
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Okay thanks, are their other games similar to this? If so can you link me to which ones you think are the better ones...

Check my OP and click the blue alibi link, might not help you much, but at least you'll know what to look for.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

It's a shame so there are so many H-games with really good art but fail on making the H-content enjoyable. There's Anti-demon fox yuzuha and the soap-group game mentioned earlier.

The art style and details overall are very nice.

The animation sprites look good but you can't zoom in so it ends up being just a small portion of the screen. It also stays at the same speed the whole time, no speeding up or finishing animations.

The CGs once again also look good but there's no sound or any transitions so it's just a static image.

However, the most annoying part is that censors are just a black circle even in the full version. One can only hope that the English version will be uncensored.

I wish some of these circles would go take their game and improve and expand upon the animations/CG while keeping the same high quality art.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

I only got 7 mob cg and 1 ending cg.

how can I get the cg at bottom middle?
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

Playing through hard mode will unlock the bottom-middle cg.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

It's frustrating when artists take it upon themselves to do the game design and programming. There's a very good reason they are treated and taught as separate disciplines. As someone who's transitioned from art to programming, I also see a lot of artists who are also overly confident that they can do 100% of the work. They choose the wrong engine, the wrong mechanics, and fall short on art. It's usually then that you end up with a product like this.

If more H-devs collaborated, you'd get better results overall but the nature of the beast is that devs want anonymity and all the potential profit.
Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

However, the most annoying part is that censors are just a black circle even in the full version. One can only hope that the English version will be uncensored.

A fan decensor might be possible, really depends on if it's a true censor (black circle added over the image) or a integrated one (part of the image). A true censor could be turned transparent fairly easily if someone with the right software felt like messing around with it, an integrated one wouldn't be worth the effort (essentially redrawing part of each frame). Also worth noting that the artist may not have bothered with any detail in the area under the censor, since they expected it to be covered by the censor.

Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not volunteering.
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Re: Mansion [RJ172024]

So far only Masurao's collaborated works have been successful. Too bad they haven't been active recently.