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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet's swaying gets a little more extreme, as she seems to lose balence on the chair she was sitting on.

"I-I can't feel m-my face..." she says numbly, as her breathing becomes more extreme, "Oh, god, I'm so hot, why is it so hot in here all of the sudden?" she complains, blushing heavily and fanning herself with her hand.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River's expression went from amused to concerned in the blink of an eye. She reached over to steady the other woman, taking her drink from her and trying a bit. Nope, seems fine. she sets it down by hers and used both hands to make sure Violet stayed

"Hey! Violet, you okay? When's the last time you've had a drink, girl?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet leaned into River's support, trying to find some balance from her.

"Y-years ago..." she told River, "At... My graduation..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Sonava bitch! And I thought I went a long time between drinks!" River exclaims, patting Violet on the back. "In that case, take a breather, let the booze even itself out, then sip the light stuff to keep the buzz going."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After the pat on the back, Violet's eyes bulge, as she covers her mouth, holding back the urge to throw up.

"Oh, god..." she exclaims, "I-I need to lay down, I need to get to my room!" she declares, but as soon as she gets up from her seat, she falls to all fours on the ground, panting heavily.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Alright, now I think youe exaggerating RJ :p a single big swallow of 20%, and a couple sip of around 3%? Come on now...))

Her reflexes slowed by the booze, River had no chance to catch poor Violet before she hit the ground. River just picked the girl up off the ground and led her to the nearest bathroom, wobbling herself along the way.

"Alright, come on now, easy does it..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

( Hey, now, I remember drinking rum an Irish friend of mine had back when I was a lightweight, and I lost the feeling in my face by drinking a mouthful! Besides, she's almost never drank anything in her life, so drinking some rum like a soft drink isn't gonna bode well in her system! :p )

As River brings the lightweight to her feet, she complains,

"Damn it... I just need to get to my room... I don't need to pee..." she whined at River.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Well yeah, Irish Rum is a killer :/ this is way weaker than that. Took me nearly half a bottle to get to hazy and puking my second time drunk, the first being off a six pack of Kokanee))

River lets out a drunken laugh, helping Volet down to rest in front of a toilet.

"Haha, wrong end, Violet" Se says, making sure she's facing the open top and patting her on the back lightly, waiting for the inevitable.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet tried to weakly fight against River,

"D-don't put my face there!!!" she shouted at her, "I-I just n-need to... lay down... And-" she suddenly leans forward, and lets some of her lunch leave her stomach.

Panting, and moving her head away from the toilet, she speaks in a slightly relieved tone, "I... I feel better..." she admits.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just smiles, helping her back up.

"Yep. You know, for a doc, you don't seem that versed in poison control. Which one's you room?" She asked, leading her back out of the bathroom and towards the rooms.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet grumbled, seeming able to stand on her own, but accepted River's assistance anyway,

"I'm usually not the one who's poisoned..." she grumbled, as River took her to her room.

Violet reached for her keys, then she suddenly went into a panic, her hands began searching every pocket she had frantically.

"I've lost my damn keys!" she exclaimed, "Curses, I hate alcohol! Stuff like this always happens when I drink!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You lock your door!? What could you possibly have that someone in this place would need to steal?" River asks incredulously. "Okay, whatever. There's a simple answer to this. Where do you usually keep your keys? Which pocket?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Violet growls at River,

"It's a god damned habit, alright! I always lock my door!" she snarled at River, "I usually keep them in my front pocket, but they must have slipped out! God damn it! I shouldn't have drank, I knew it, I told myself not to, but I did it anyway..." she covered her face with her hands.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River holds her hands up in the typical placating gesture.

"Alright, I'm sorry! It just seems like everybody around here is so paranoid and suspicious... Look, there's really only the one spot where you hit the floor in a way to lose something like that, I'll go check. Have a seat, I'll be back in a minute." She says, turning around and heading back towards the shop entrance, using a wall for balance now that she didn't have the excuse of keeping Violet upright.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Violet seated herself against the wall, River headed back to the lobby, and searched every where for where she might have dropped her keys; the chairs near the fridge, the couch, the bathroom, but there was no sign of her keys at all, it was as if they just vanished...

After a fruitless search, and after talking to the guards did nothing to help her cause, River had no alternatives left but to return to Violet, who she found asleep, right where River left her, with her back propped against the wall, and her head leaning to the side.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River stumbled her way back to the unconscious Violet, sitting herself down beside the woman with a sigh. She looked everywhere, it didn't seem like Violet had dropped it, and nobody seemed to have spotted it either... Was it possible Violet had just been too drunk to search her pockets properly?

With as much carefulness as she could muster in her current state, River starts to slowly search each of Violet's pockets, trying not to wake the woman as she did so. She was going to catch so much flak from the woman if she woke up...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Upon doing a thorough inspection of her pockets, River found that her keys were deep in her side pocket, she must have been too buzzed to look well enough.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Breathing a sigh of relief, River pushed herself back to her feet and fumbled with the keys until she got the door open. She opened the door wideand tried to toss the keys on the bedside table, missing horribly as they hit the ground a few feet off target.

After that, River went and half-carried, half-dragged Violet into the bed, stuck her in the recovery position just in case, and hunted down a notpad and pen in the bedside table, scrawling out a note and leaving it there, staggering off and closing the door behind her.

"Do yourself a favour and down half a cooler or something every weekend, build up some tolerance. You could get tourself in real trouble if someone ends up spiking your drink without you knowing..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After River left her room, Violet awoke sometime later to shouts coming from upstairs, someone was calling for a doctor...

After scrambling to her feet, answering the call of duty, she weakly walked out of her room, ignoring the note, and went up the stairs, to the floor above her...

As River was walking down the hallway, she saw Cal coming up the stairs, and when he saw her, he smiled and ran over to her, noticing she wasn't exactly walking correctly.

"Hey, River, I've been looking all around for ya!" he said to her, then took her by the shoulder when he noticed she was wavering a little, "Woah, are you drunk?" he asked with a laugh, supporting her so she wouldn't fall.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Not drunk enough yet." She says, holding onto his arm for support while her other hand started ticking off her drinks. "I've only had a mickey of whiskey... And a forty of rum... Not the whole forty mind you, Lin shared some. Then I have another forty, and a barmaid's root beer waiting for me downstairs, so if you'll escuse me..." She says, trying to get around Cal and back to the lounge.