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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire chewed on her lip, partially to keep from laughing at Emily's choice of words (it wasn't that this was a laughing matter, but she hadn't been expecting that!) and partially in thought.


"Well, we'll keep our eyes out for women we don't recognize. If they fit the bill, what do you think we should do -- hide from 'em? Try to see if they're not as hostile as we think?"

She asked, then, "and when we run into the monsters, have either of you two come up with good solutions? I don't want to wind up like I did the other day," she imagined that neither of them did, either. "I've got a gun, and I know how to use it... but I'd rather not have to," she admitted.

When Emily introduced herself, Claire put out her own hand to shake -- even if the black-haired young woman looked rather distracted. "I'm Claire Idae. I'd actually seen you coming and going from the hotel over the past couple of days and was hoping I'd have a chance to talk to you to see how you managed to stay sharp out there."

((ack, ninja'd! edited in the last paragraph there!))
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"And I'm Caitlyn Lyons," Caitlyn said, folllowing up Claire's introduction. She gives Emily a small wave instead of adding another hand to the queue.

"I don't know what we should do if we encounter other survivors," she says. "I'd like to try reasoning with them, if that's possible. If not, then maybe we should just avoid them if we can. River and I did pretty well yesterday by trying to stay out of sight whenever it was possible." Caitlyn let out a breath. She wasn't looking forward to the idea of possibly confronting other women; she hadn't ever shot another person, even a crazy one, but she didn't want to let Claire or Emily see her nervousness.

"The monsters we fought seemed to be pretty easy to dispatch, but we might have been lucky. Some centipedes, some spiders and one of those crab things. I was thinking that, if we can, it might be a good idea to drag a few of the bodies back here for study; we might be able to find out something more that way."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily stared at the hand for a moment. It was like she was looking at it but at the same time wasn't. It probably seemed like she was spacing off to the other two girls. Then slowly she gave Claire her hand. There wasn't much strength in the handshake but she shook her hand then returned to the position she was in before. Responding to what Claire said she said rather coldly-


"If you go out there, you will have to use your gun."

She was short and to the point. Even though wasn't thrilled at the idea of killing other women she knew they probably will have to. She didn't want to go out there with people that wouldn't do something they had to do.


"We can try to see if they aren't hostile... but don't let them distract you. If they offer you anything like going back with them you will probably have to get in a fight."

Thinking about the guns Emily remembered that she hadn't reloaded hers from yesterday yet. She took it out of her backpack and reloaded her .32 pistol.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire shook Emily's hand gently, a shiver going through her at how Emily seemed to be so... disconnected. Maybe it wasn't just that her white-haired friend had gotten into a quarrel with her. Maybe it was something worse.

Either way, she followed suit to dump her magazine from it's slot, double-checking that the cartridge was at full capacity. If not, she replaced it with one of her full magazines, using it as a moment to think.


"Maybe we should just stay away if we happen across any. Frankly, I don't think I could shoot another woman unless we were in real trouble. I'm just thinking we could find some clothes to bring back, you know? From what I heard yesterday morning, it doesn't sound like they have much use for them, and if we need to, we can use what we find for scraps, or slings, or bandages. We shouldn't have to go too far. There are a few consignment shops around abouts."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'm not going to shoot another person unless it is in self-defense," declares Caitlyn. "Those creatures are different; I'll happily shoot them if they show up."

"Besides," she adds, "If we do encounter another survivor out there, someone like us, they might be panicked and not thinking straight. I know that when I was out there alone, trying to find my way here, I was jumping at shadows." She stretches, "I'm not the best hand to hand fighter, but maybe we should plan on trying to subdue any other girls with non-lethal techniques."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily thought there was not much else to say. Even though she believed these two were a bit too soft she would go with them. She did comment on the sneaking around plan though.

"Sneaking around them would be easier then fighting then straight on... and maybe there will be clothes, but if they are really trying to lure us they'll take anything that'll draw us to them."

She went silent. Then it looked like she was spacing off again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, silently in agreement with Caitlyn, only allowed the conversation to slide into awkward quiet for a moment.


"You doing okay?" she asked Emily, casting a quirk-brow'd expression to Caitlyn for a moment. She didn't ask aloud, though she tried to convey her doubt that Emily seemed fit for fighting in her current state. As much as she sounded like she knew what she was doing, the girl also sounded shell-shocked something fierce. Digging in her pack, she found a leftover, half-eaten bar of chocolate that had found its way into her scanty rations over the past couple of days. She snapped a piece off in offering to the depressed sounding woman.

"Speaking of lures, before we head out, I intend on enjoying the last of this. Share some with me," she suggested, breaking off another third for Caitlyn. "Then let's head out."

((Shall we wait for RJ and continue on in a thread he sets up? ^_^ I'm ready to move out!))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Chocolate! Awesome," smiles Caitlyn, taking the offered piece. She checks her pistol, fairly sure that she reloaded it earlier but wanting to make sure, "I'm ready to go whenever you are."

(( Waiting for the thread after this one ^_^ Yay. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily snapping back to reality wondered if she was doing fine. Ignoring the chocolate for a second she looked down at her own hands. Then she slowly took a piece of chocolate.


"I'll be fine. Thanks for the chocolate."

She slowly put it in her mouth and ate it at a slow rate. Her mind was somewhere else other then thinking about the chocolate.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie sat up bleary eyed, then brought her brows down angrily as she began to beat on the wall next to her bed.


"I SAID STOP SNORING AND I MEANT IT!" she yelled. Damnit, how was she supposed to get a good twelve hours of sleep if everyone around here snored like they were using jackhammers. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Guess I should go see what's going on around here." She stood up and walked out of her room, scratching herself under her shirt as she walked through the Inn, ignoring any looks she might be getting.

Yawning as she walked into the main lobby, she rubbed her eyes again then stared around. When Christie noticed Claire and Caitlyn, she smiled and waved, walking over to them. "Hey, Claire, Caitlyn!" She had never met Emily before, and looked at the girl for a second before saying, "Hi, I'm Christie," while extending her hand. She looked over the three, then looked shocked, and sad. "There was chocolate and I didn't get any?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily looked at Christie's hand for a moment the same way she did to Claire. Then she slowly took it and let Christie shake it. At first she didn't say her own name. Then after a bit she said to Christie-

"My name's Emily."

She then folded her arms across her stomach again and it seemed like she was spacing off.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire started as Christie came up behind them.


"Oh, you just missed out," she apologized, then realized that Christie must have just woken up. "You know what they say about early birds," She gestured between the two black-haired women, introducing: "Christie, meet Emily, Emily, this is Christie -- she's quite good at repairing broken VCR's apparently. Emily's been back and forth from the hotel with her friend..." Claire didn't know Iris' name! "...the white-haired girl. They're responsible for saving David, who's up on the roof."

She felt as though she'd recapped enough -- well, not quite enough. "We were planning on going out looting. Are you up for another shot outside?" Claire smothered a cringe and turned it into a smile. "With the four of us, I bet we could cover more ground."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hi Christie," Caitlyn smiles. "It's good to see you again. Everything been okay? I didn't see you around much yesterday."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie grumbled when she found out there was no more chocolate, but brightened up immediately when she is introduced to Emily.


"Hah, so you brought Mr. I-don't-like-to-talk-just-shoot-stuff here! I managed to pick off some monsters before he did, last night. He was so grumpy when I told him about them!" she said with a laugh. Christie's smile turned sour when Claire told her their plans.

"You're going back out there?" she asked, worriedly. Looking at each of the three girls, she noticed that all of them seemed prepared and ready to go. Running her hand back to the pistol stuffed into the back of her jeans, Christie looked down at the floor. I can't just sit back and do nothing while everyone else risks their lives for me. She gulped then looked up and nodded to Claire, "I think I'm ready to try again, if you are."

Brightening up suddenly, she looks at Caitlyn and smiles, "I was training most of the day yesterday. Bit of a better shot now, and Elizabeth...," she blushed and paused, then continued, "one of the doctors taught me something about first aid. Just need a kit from Jesse and I'll be "Christie: PHD, MBA, TNT, KGB, and many other three letter combinations!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily smiled at Christie. She liked people that broke away from the norm or the crowd, and Christie seemed to break away far from the norm. Also she was a big distraction. This is why she signed up for a mission as well. She didn't like to sit on her ass and worry about people when she could do something. Still smiling she said-


"Yeah, I think you should come along. The more the merrier."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh, hey, Caitlyn just dropped off a kit," Claire brightened, wiping away the case of nerves that Christie's worry cascaded over to her. "Jesse took off in a hurry after, ah... well," it wasn't her place to say. "If she's not back yet, you might be able to grab it and pay her back with what we bring back today."

She pocketed her gun -- safety on! -- and glanced at Caitlyn to see if that suggestion was okay.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"It's fine with me. I doubt there's some magical force wall that's going to spring up if more than three of us try to go out as a group," she laughs. "And yeah, there should be another kit back at the shop. River and I found a couple when we were out poking around yesterday."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Haha! Great! I'll be right back!"

Christie claps her hands and runs off to the shop. With a quick look around, she hops over the counter and grabs a first aid kit, shoving it into her backpack. Just as she's about to bolt out the door, Christie stops, then runs over to the mission board and grabs a piece of paper and pen.

Jesse, I took a first aid kit. Act like I'm a duck and put it on my bill :p. Hugs and kisses, Christie. kthxbye

She slaps the paper down on the counter, then runs out to join the others.


"I'm all set!"

*grab a first aid kit and sign up for looting run! with Claire, Caitlyn, and Emily*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( We have to do this here until Raptor makes Iris's bedroom. ))

Iris laid on her bed, on top of all the sheets and blanket. Iris had managed to find a picture of her father in her car and had placed it on the night stand. She wnated to show Luna it, even if she couldn't remember him. Thinking of Luna Iris had decided to stay and wait for her in her bedroom. Iris was to ashamed to face her, at the moment. After the suffering she had put that woman through she couldn't face her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Oh well, guess I'll change my original plans.))

Having opted to slip out of Jesse's room while waiting for her clothes to be washed, Luna made her way back to the room she and Iris shared, still somewhat emotionally drained. She was clothed as before, in the "motherly outfit" that did not fit with her personality, seeing as she was about the farthest thing possible from a "mother". Of course, it wasn't as if she really cared, clothing was to protect the body from the outside world, so long as it served that purpose it was fine. That was what she told herself anyway, despite being somewhat uncomfortable in the clothing.

Opening the door into Iris's room and entering it, Luna took no notice of her sister who laid upon the bed as she shut the door and sat down against it, dropping her bloody blade and gun besides her...