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Re: Anthophobia

can't believe my computer cannot run the game .
Re: Anthophobia

can't believe my computer cannot run the game .

tell me about it. I play all my H-games on my laptop in bed, because reasons.. and I can't play this because of the lighting or something. Game just crashes upon loading up.
Re: Anthophobia

So, it got updated... I guess? There should be a checkpoint in the boss room now and other fixes.
Re: Anthophobia

So, it got updated... I guess? There should be a checkpoint in the boss room now and other fixes.

There was a checkpoint in the hall just before the boss in the one I got a week or two ago. Maybe that's the same?
Re: Anthophobia

There was a checkpoint in the hall just before the boss in the one I got a week or two ago. Maybe that's the same?

I think that checkpoint is still there, though there's now an additional checkpoint in the "Rest" Room directly before the boss and I think it actually re-spawns you with full health instead of whatever you had before entering the room for that particular checkpoint.

Besides what's mentioned on the blog there's also:
All the animations that were unvoiced in the previous demo are now voiced.

Grapples that originally did no damage(the huge green guy and I think the boss's tentacle pods) now do so.

The Hit-detection bug with the Boss's "2nd" pair of arms is fixed, shooting at them now actually works.
Re: Anthophobia

Fuck the boss's swipe-arms. Fuck them clear to hell. Wanna see the tentapod rape animations? Too bad, the boss is gonna wave his arms in front of you.

Maybe if I could reliably see them coming, they wouldn't be quite so bad. But you can't - it's dark, and the left-side arm in particular is blocked by your HP bar. I ended up using Cheat Engine to lock my HP in place.

So, just to double-check, now that the Gallery is working... five enemies, five CGs, yes?
Re: Anthophobia

So, just to double-check, now that the Gallery is working... five enemies, five CGs, yes?

Yeah. The three enemies that have rape animations, the boss and the joke CG from being defeated by those weird walking flower things.
Re: Anthophobia

There should still be a checkpoint when you enter the generator room or something. It's too much to have to truck down the hall, pass the first grab plant, get the key, get the other key in the bathroom which guarantees damage, and then get the key for the generator room. I'm glad the dev is changing stuff that the audience find frustrating for the most part, so hopefully getting hit and turning around will stop eventually. That and adding the ability to land hits on two or more mobs bunched together with one swing would be great. Let's be real, I don't play these sorts of games for the gameplay.
Re: Anthophobia

usually, when a game was hard to RUN, there is one way to RUN it, but just several guys know that WAY, but..... as usual , they never share it to the others
Re: Anthophobia

Hopefully the game becomes easier when it's fully released. I can't even make it to the first boss!
*Enemies sometimes ignore the hitstun, which results in free damage for you. This makes melee useless.
*Bullets are hard to come by, which they should be, but enemies still take one more melee to go down.
*There's no multi target attack yet, which is unfortunate since enemies stay mobbed.
*There's also tiny rooms that can be wandered into with several enemies inside and no room to actually retrieve items inside or clear it without taking damage.
*Looking at previous posts the boss doesn't seem too much more fair.
Difficulty up there with the NES classics, except even those are more forgiving. A bit of a reworking is in order if this game is to be expected to be actually played without cheats
Re: Anthophobia

I listed some tips somewhere back before but i wonder who it'll hold up in the new version, seeing as I do make use of the strong zombie's grab to activate invincibility frame for the gauntlet at the end though it shouldn't be a problem since I need 1 or at most 2 invincible frames to do it.

I found the difficulty just right and after a few tries can reach the boss in 1 go easily, it does remind me of the NES type of difficulty. If this is only stage 1 and things get harder then I'd imagine I would balk heh.
Re: Anthophobia

I still think this game sucks ... I mean art ok but thats it ... the game is much too difficult ... I dont see anyway to win it ... I didnt even get to the first boss because you need much luck to get through it ... okay it was made easier but still you die very fast ... I mean not many health kits maybe ammo for 30 zombies while there are 50 on the way + the checkpoint is useless cause you start with 10% hp + without ammo vs 6 zombies and need to kill min 30 zombies + 3 plants to get to the next part of the level ... I NEVER found a molotov cocktail so far and the zombies fast hit is too fast cause you cant react before you are getting hit ...
Re: Anthophobia

so, i'm a bit curious about this game:
what type of enemies are on?
male/female zombies, plants, Dogs ?
Re: Anthophobia

so, i'm a bit curious about this game:
what type of enemies are on?
male/female zombies, plants, Dogs ?

Male zombie
Strong male zombie
Half man half plant
tentacle flower pots (no xxx animation)
Boss (2 animation, from his two types of tentacle pods)
Re: Anthophobia

usually, when a game was hard to RUN, there is one way to RUN it, but just several guys know that WAY, but..... as usual , they never share it to the others

The game is rather unusually demanding.

At least, from experience with the previous demo, I can't even multi-task with it too hard without it slowing down my pc and even then, it would eventually get crashed by Windows for eating too much memory if I played it in one session for too long.

I think that's been fixed up in the current demo though since I've gotten to the boss without the issue in a single go, but some people probably can't even start the game still.
Re: Anthophobia

This game is surprisingly good.

...but it seriously needs more checkpoints...°>_>
Annoying that I got to the generator, got the fuel and got killed on the way back to the generator. Then flew all the way back to the area with the first aphrodisiac spore enemy.
Re: Anthophobia

this game is -brand new- so give the dev some time XD
Re: Anthophobia

this game is -brand new- so give the dev some time XD

And he added a new checkpoint based on player complaints. If we complain enough, the dev will change more stuff:cool:
On the whole, no the game isn't that difficult. It's just that it's too difficult for a porn game. I don't play H games after I fap. I play them either to fap, or to fuel the fire, so to speak, and this one right now is a box of wet matches.
Re: Anthophobia

Does anyone have a save to just before the boss?
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