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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

It looks good in the screenshots (and was great in previous builds), but is anyone else getting a "This file doesn't exist" error when they click on the first page link for v.13 update?

Hey, sorry about that - I don't know what's going on with that, I think that's the second time I've had to update the link. I can't tell if dropbox is changing the link or what, but it should be fixed now - and
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey, sorry about that - I don't know what's going on with that, I think that's the second time I've had to update the link. I can't tell if dropbox is changing the link or what, but it should be fixed now - and here's a direct link just in case!

Thank you very much! Great work you're doing as well! Looking forward to the final product.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I am a moron -_-'
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

So in order to download the new patreon update, we have to request access to your google drive from the email? I didn't that sometimes yesterday morning or afternoon and I check again and it just says "request access" again. -_-'

Unless you're a patron specifically being given a link to the download, you can't download them, period. All beta updates beyond v.13 are patron exclusive, and they're staying that way - at v.13, the game was around ~30% complete, and giving away more content than that for free would be pretty contradictory to a game that's supposed to be $10-15 on release. That's why the public link is still only for v.13, and I haven't posted any download links here since then.

If you are a patron, however, then I don't know what's wrong - send me a PM with your patreon name/email and I can help you figure things out and get your download.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Ah I see v16 leaked, good times. Sorry man, I don't believe in paying monthly for porn, especially when it's more or less just bug testing.

Why in the world would you bump the topic for this? lol
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Why in the world would you bump the topic for this? lol

Because apparently he wanted to brag (or announce) that the game was leaked. Pretty rude either way. And, you don't have to pay monthly for porn, Anon just said that the final game will be available for purchase down the line. You don't want to bug test? Fine, then buy and play the final game.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Ah I see v16 leaked, good times. Sorry man, I don't believe in paying monthly for porn, especially when it's more or less just bug testing.

If you're going to pirate my game, don't even bother apologizing to me. Just pirate it and don't say a word. I'm never going to be able to stop pirates, so I don't really care if people are leaking it (though it hurts to know someone is willing to support me AND still give away my hard work), but you're not giving me any fuzzy feelings or earning my respect by apologizing for stealing the thing I put all of my creative effort into. You can think what you want of Patreon, but the reality is that this game wouldn't exist without the donations people are giving me - not everyone has the time or drive to work a dayjob on top of being creative at a consistent rate.

Nice to know it's "more or less bug testing" but you still actively want to play it, though.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Haven't played the game in a while. Does libido do anything now?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

That's why he has v13 up for the public. It shows pretty much of what you'd expect from the final game. And since when is it the norm for devs (of any kind) to allow people to test their games? The fact that you can even test it is a rare thing. Unless it's a multiplayer game then sure, they'd need a BETA for that and even that limits the amount of players that can test it.

But anyway, many people have pirated stuff. Music, movies, books, you name it. But to go to the devs face and say that you did and say that you don't give a shit that you did it, is arrogance at best.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Don't limit who gets to test the game based on who donates/directly supports you because they'll panic when they don't get their way and they'll panic even more when a leak does happen. Keep it public until you're about half-way to two-thirds done with it, then the "Demo" is the previous works and the last bit are what people pay for. Just some food for thought, I know my opinion means more or less nothing.

What a shameless piece of shit you are. Anon is in no way obligated to giving out what he's been working on for the past year and a half for free just because it makes you feel excluded. Patreon's there as an incentive for consumers to fund an ongoing project. If you object to the concept, simple, don't pledge. Coming here and being a total cunt isn't going to change anything, and the fact you're trying to construe your actions as having done him a favour is laughable.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Consider the apology a dash of formality, because as I'm sure you know I'm not sorry in the slightest bit lol. ULMF has a lovely history of people constantly trying to pat devs on the back while sharing their works left and right. I mean just now I have throngs of PM's for people asking for the leak. I won't share it as that's what Google is for but ah well. You should look towards some of the other successful devs for how they handled their products; Crisis Point is popular as hell but to limit who gets to touch it based on Patreon is silly, especially when we have things like Yiff.Party out there leaking Patreon after Patreon.

Don't limit who gets to test the game based on who donates/directly supports you because they'll panic when they don't get their way and they'll panic even more when a leak does happen. Keep it public until you're about half-way to two-thirds done with it, then the "Demo" is the previous works and the last bit are what people pay for. Just some food for thought, I know my opinion means more or less nothing.

Well then, it looks like we have the return of the Dark Knight - Part II?
So your conclusive logic is that pretty much everyone in the world pretends to be friendly, helpful and solidary towars the others' causes and in the back they're all backstabbing each other? And then you use a hentai forum to prove that?
Hummm... yeah... you'll get far my friend. Don't give up Frodo!
Anyway, here's a few points.
Firstly, yes... humanity is this decadent, most (and do please note the 'most' word here) of the people backstab each other while pretending be friends and the Internet as I'm obviously sure, has come to reinforce this way of living in the society... and yes it's a shame that most (oh look, there's that word again, how akward) of the people keep on living that way and nothing's done to fight it, but still the rest must live on.
Secondly, as most of the posters have already stated and I also feel obliged to say it so myself, but I'll just be more direct. You're a damn idiot, because you just mentioned the game was leaked while being all 'happysies' about the negativity it may bring to one's work. This leads me to think of two things, that you're either never get to do anything great for the world, because either people will utmost hate you and will never support you or you simply don't have the knowledge or idea of how it feels to build something from your own imagination beyond the barriers that surround us, thus you'll never know the true feeling of accomplishment.
Lastly, you've actually just put a rope around your neck, because most likely people on this forum will never trust you ever and even though you don't give a fuck, that's what Google is also for my friend, because no matter what you do now, you've announced yourself to the world on the Internet as a class #1 idiot douchebag.

Anyway, don't worry, I'm sure you live your own life happily, completely oblivious of how real life is at all and might probably ignore my post. That's ok, because it's your choice and God willing, I wish you all the best still.

P.S. Oh my goodness I actually forgot the most important fact!
There's actually a few people out there, that do actually respect author's privacy, wishes and hard work. Why? Because we, the foolish ones, still believe that some minds can make life a bit more enjoyable. We might be fools, but still happy fools.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

What a shameless piece of shit you are. Anon is in no way obligated to giving out what he's been working on for the past year and a half for free just because it makes you feel excluded. Patreon's there as an incentive for consumers to fund an ongoing project. If you object to the concept, simple, don't pledge. Coming here and being a total cunt isn't going to change anything, and the fact you're trying to construe your actions as having done him a favour is laughable.

I think what is laughable is your white knighting. In all fairness if I had the chance to say something leaked out, I probably would have kept my mouth shut if I did not have any level of respect for the developer in question. I have no expectation of pride nor care really about piracy. I do it because I want to, and do not really care about the consequences. I think all rpgmaker games that are made should have no expectation of being decrypted because the tools are so readily available.

Though I would say to val'jean, leave being an asshole to the professionals, like me. I however think I agree with him. A demo for the last 20 years was to me a way in which a developer got word out about their game. I think I can go into my basement and unearth about 2 metric tons worth of floppy discs and game discs that were literally given to me because they wanted any and all kinds of publicity for their game. So personally I will not be joining this paying for the next demo patreon bullshit.

*Insert patreon is bullshit rant here* (I will save the space since no one gives a fuck anyway)

All told, I think everyone is at fault, and that includes patreon.

There's actually a few people out there, that do actually respect author's privacy, wishes and hard work. Why? Because we, the foolish ones, still believe that some minds can make life a bit more enjoyable. We might be fools, but still happy fools.

Enlighten me. Who is more foolish, the fool or the one who follows him?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Oh boy this thread got bumped, I wonder what's been updated!

>Sees two arrogant shitmunchers causing a shitstorm in the thread

Annnd survey says...

"Stop being little fuckwits."

Seriously Freeko and Val'Jean, piss off your obvious flamebaiting is clogging up the thread with irrelevant shit. Go be little asshats somewhere else kthx.

This is one of the reasons why we cannot have nice things.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I'm not going to make some post about 'piracy is bad, kay' when we all know this forum is somewhat known as the place to go when you want a torrent for a game, but I've always thought it was a case of etiquette to be quiet about it and not discuss piracy of a game in a thread frequented by the developer, much less started by the developer. Look at Parasite in City. That game is pirated constantly. Hell, there are 7 active torrents right now on nyaa, but you won't find a single torrent posted in the actual thread on this forum. Obviously, no torrents are being posted in this thread, but I should think the code of conduct follows. There are plenty of things unspoken on this forum that just go on assumed or left un-acknowledged, and I should think that discussing piracy of a developer's game in the presence of that very developer goes along with criticizing someone for having a fetish that another finds appalling. But maybe that just makes sense to me.

The devs know it happens, it comes with developing anything and making it available to the masses, but to outright come and say 'Hey I'm pirating your shit' seems about the same as talking shit about someone behind their back and then going up to that person and saying 'Hey, we were just talking shit about you.'
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Wow, a douche who acts as though he is doing the forum a favor by being a douche... your level of arrogance is quite remarkable.

First, I don't think anyone was up in arms about you pirating the game. So quit trying to misrepresent that.

The issue was you bumped a thread that had zero posts in the past week to brag about the game being leaked and you pirating it. It is one thing to pirate something, and another to blatantly rub an author's face in it.

ULMF does not have to be a cesspit. In fact, the majority of people I interact with are not like you or Freeko, thankfully. If they were, I would have stopped posting here a long time ago.

Oh, and I don't have to look in the mirror because I would never find an author's thread on a forum and rub his face in my theft.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Wow you're a piece of shit aren't you sir V? Not giving a shit about someone giving an effort on something going homeless. I'll agree with you that this forum is a thieves den, but it just shows a lack of class to just spit in the guys face like that. Also, there have been several non-English devs who have come on here to spread word about there game or found out about a thread for their game, and the whole no sharing mindset comes into effect as well since it'd just be rude to them.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I'm not going to make some post about 'piracy is bad, kay' when we all know this forum is somewhat known as the place to go when you want a torrent for a game, but I've always thought it was a case of etiquette to be quiet about it and not discuss piracy of a game in a thread frequented by the developer, much less started by the developer. Look at Parasite in City. That game is pirated constantly. Hell, there are 7 active torrents right now on nyaa, but you won't find a single torrent posted in the actual thread on this forum. Obviously, no torrents are being posted in this thread, but I should think the code of conduct follows. There are plenty of things unspoken on this forum that just go on assumed or left un-acknowledged, and I should think that discussing piracy of a developer's game in the presence of that very developer goes along with criticizing someone for having a fetish that another finds appalling. But maybe that just makes sense to me.

The devs know it happens, it comes with developing anything and making it available to the masses, but to outright come and say 'Hey I'm pirating your shit' seems about the same as talking shit about someone behind their back and then going up to that person and saying 'Hey, we were just talking shit about you.'

This is exactly my viewpoint on it. As the developer, I don't give a shit if you pirate my work. Sure, I would prefer you purchase it the legal way - but I'm not going to go on a rant about how terrible piracy is, because at the end of the day, 9/10 of the people pirating the game wouldn't pay me for it to begin with, leak or not. In the end, I lose nothing from the act of piracy alone - it's when you come into my topic and blatantly wave it in my face that you're stealing my work that you actually hurt me. Go ahead and think I'm a pussy for it, but it does hurt, and it sometimes makes me question whether or not the effort I put into this is worth it. Luckily though, there are a lot more respectful people who are willing to support me then there are those who would prefer to insult me for asking for some kind of compensation for my work.

That being said, I would appreciate it if the topic could get back on track now. I'll be contacting the mods to delete any further posts about it past this point, whether they're white-knighting or hating on me. I don't want this thread getting taken over by a pointless conversation. It's not like any of your opinions are going to change over this argument. Thanks for all of your opinions, everyone.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

And since when is it the norm for devs (of any kind) to allow people to test their games?

You've never played video games on CD-rom based consoles or PC from the 90's have you?

It's true that there is no obligation for the devs to release a demo/beta for their games, but it was very common to have a demo for the game
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

You've never played video games on CD-rom based consoles or PC from the 90's have you?

It's true that there is no obligation for the devs to release a demo/beta for their games, but it was very common to have a demo for the game

Yeah, demos are one thing I guess. But I think what Val'jean meant was about the whole back and forth communication between the dev and the player, something which wasn't so common a decade ago.

Suffice it to say, I think the final public demo has enough content for non-patreon people to get a feel of how the final game will play, and express their opinions, likes and dislikes about it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

This is exactly my viewpoint on it. As the developer, I don't give a shit if you pirate my work. Sure, I would prefer you purchase it the legal way - but I'm not going to go on a rant about how terrible piracy is, because at the end of the day, 9/10 of the people pirating the game wouldn't pay me for it to begin with, leak or not. In the end, I lose nothing from the act of piracy alone - it's when you come into my topic and blatantly wave it in my face that you're stealing my work that you actually hurt me. Go ahead and think I'm a pussy for it, but it does hurt, and it sometimes makes me question whether or not the effort I put into this is worth it. Luckily though, there are a lot more respectful people who are willing to support me then there are those who would prefer to insult me for asking for some kind of compensation for my work.

That being said, I would appreciate it if the topic could get back on track now. I'll be contacting the mods to delete any further posts about it past this point, whether they're white-knighting or hating on me. I don't want this thread getting taken over by a pointless conversation. It's not like any of your opinions are going to change over this argument. Thanks for all of your opinions, everyone.
It's an awesome game even though it's hentai. reminds me of a better version of Metroid. I love vore though. I just wish you'd put in crazy vore swallow animations of Giant worms/snakes/slugs/ or unbirth with another female, This will be 10-15 bucks once finished? I'll gladly buy it once it comes out. Your game has far more effort than most in the market currently. 10-15 bucks is very reasonable for the finished product. I don't care for paying for the demos. But once finished hit me up, I'll oblige you. We started off on the wrong foot. I will admit I was a picky asshole in the beginning but that was because I had no idea if your game actually existed or not and was hesitant because I thought you were some low life scammer. We cool G-Dawg?