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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

I gave in and played it. I tried sitting up really straight and looking down at the screen from a higher angle. The monster is more visible and it's projectiles do take a while to go off. I was able to kill it without many shots being fired.

Love the new enemy and really want to see something more come from the latchers.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Hey everyone, thanks for all of the comments and feedback! I haven't been at my computer much lately, so I'm a bit behind on replies and such, but I'll try and address what you all said as best I can!

About the 2nd boss - I'm with Vinceras in thinking the boss is very easy overall, but I'm also the developer of the game so I know I'm biased. Because of that, I took your words to heart while finishing up v.13 and changed it around just a little. All in all it's not MUCH easier, but I lightened up the color scheme a bit and he's much more visible now, and collisions with the bodies of the boss now do less damage (projectile damage is the same however). In addition, the glitch that causes you to get stuck when shot in water is also fixed in v.13 (thanks to Barreytor for bringing that one up)! He also has a game-over sex scene in v.13, so hopefully all of those changes will be enough to make the whole boss fight experience more enjoyable. I recommend you all give him another shot, but there will also be a teleporter to skip straight to the Deep Soil in v.13 if you just don't want to fight him again. Remember those teleports will NOT be in the final game though, so you'll have to beat him eventually ;)

@Slam_Sector - Thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoy the writing, it's always good to know it's not getting annoying lol. I was particularly proud of the scene you mentioned, so I'm glad to hear it got a laugh out of ya. I'm also still considering allowing some more mobility while debuffed, but I need to put more thought into it before I act on it.

@Textbook - Solid logic for sure. Hard to say no to that, really! (just to clarify there will not be horses)

@Someone92 and thelolcat - Actually, now that I look back on it, the game doesn't directly tell you that you can use them to break walls. I'll add that into the description of the upgrade once you get it. However, after you get the upgrade, there's absolutely nowhere you can go until you use the Force Shot to destroy a cracked wall. It's a natural mini-tutorial, you simply can't progress until you figure out that cracked-looking wall can be destroyed, at which point you learn about that and you should know to look out for those walls in the future.

@Jesus - You mentioned you can only dodge a projectile from the other end of the room by dropping down into the water, but in most cases you should also be able to slide under the projectile. Sliding gives Alicia a REALLY small vertical hitbox for that specific purpose, it makes a lot of enemy encounters easier.

@victorfnds - As other people have said, the Breast Expanders are the green tentacle-like monsters in the Deep Soil. They camoflage into the background, and grab onto you when you go underneath them, then make your breasts bigger by injecting fluid into them. It makes you a lot less mobile for a while and changes sex scenes if you get grabbed while they're expanded.

@Nightmare5812 - Sorry to hear you've run into a glitch like that, but thank you for the error code! If I remember right, I tried fixing it for v.13, so once that comes out please let me know if you still get the error or not.

@Mistah F. - Thanks for clarifying. I'm not entirely sure I agree, but I moved the shading around on his dick a bit so hopefully it will make the contrast look better!

@Papanomics - Glad to hear you eventually gave in and played it ;D If I may ask though, what about it frustrates you? If it's just the difficulty level, you may be happy to hear that I'm planning on including an Easy difficulty mode for people who don't want a challenge. Everyone has their own preference with games, so I don't want anyone to feel left out.

Alright! Now that the replies are done with, let the info about v.13 commence!


I'm not sure if I ever posted about this lovely lady here or not, but her concept was actually made many months ago, she just wasn't implemented until now. Expect to see plenty more of her in the days leading up to Crisis Point's final public alpha release!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

[@Vinceras - ]I'm also still considering allowing some more mobility while debuffed [by the second boss's ichor(?) projectiles], but I need to put more thought into it before I act on it.
Well right now, it's definitely, definitely too long. When I first encountered the BreastX(pander) and let it grab me so I could see its animation, I played with the buttons, realized I could do virtually nothing, and still had so much time before I could hop up the tiny ledge immediately in front of me, that I ended up stretching and looking out the window (like a fucking casual). I think you should just add a "mash the jump key to wipe the ichor/slime/cum/space-cum off of yourself" function. That way, the player can shorten the ~10 seconds of disablement by spending some of those seconds being totally disabled while they mash the button (eg. -0.2 sec duration per button press).

@Jesus - You mentioned you can only dodge a projectile from the other end of the room by dropping down into the water, but in most cases you should also be able to slide under the projectile. Sliding gives Alicia a REALLY small vertical hitbox for that specific purpose, it makes a lot of enemy encounters easier.

I tried that a bunch of times, and had very limited success. The projectiles were too densely packed (ie. at too high a rate of fire) for the tactic to feel reliable enough such that it felt like you'd intended for me to be able to do that.

Unrelated (1): in the room defined by (16, 39) and (17, 40), you should definitely showcase some aquatic life. Whether you use it as a tense introduction to an intimidating and aggressive "shark", or just as a cool way to show off some coral or fauna, I think a big aquarium like that would be wasted if you left it devoid of something novel to show the player.

Unrelated (2): what about the blue Slimes (which I have taken to calling "Cool Beans") is distinct from the green slimes (which I have taken to calling "Green Beans")?
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Well right now, it's definitely, definitely too long. When I first encountered the BreastX(pander) and let it grab me so I could see its animation, I played with the buttons, realized I could do virtually nothing, and still had so much time before I could hop up the tiny ledge immediately in front of me, that I ended up stretching and looking out the window (like a fucking casual). I think you should just add a "mash the jump key to wipe the ichor/slime/cum/space-cum off of yourself" function. That way, the player can shorten the ~10 seconds of disablement by spending some of those seconds being totally disabled while they mash the button (eg. -0.2 sec duration per button press).

I tried that a bunch of times, and had very limited success. The projectiles were too densely packed (ie. at too high a rate of fire) for the tactic to feel reliable enough such that it felt like you'd intended for me to be able to do that.

Unrelated (1): in the room defined by (16, 39) and (17, 40), you should definitely showcase some aquatic life. Whether you use it as a tense introduction to an intimidating and aggressive "shark", or just as a cool way to show off some coral or fauna, I think a big aquarium like that would be wasted if you left it devoid of something novel to show the player.

Unrelated (2): what about the blue Slimes (which I have taken to calling "Cool Beans") is distinct from the green slimes (which I have taken to calling "Green Beans")?

That could be a good idea for the cumshooters. Somebody mentioned it in the past, and I do like the idea. I'm thinking of changing the Breast Expansion state so it doesn't limit your movement so much, and doing what you said - allowing Alicia to try and wipe off the cum - for the other status effect. I appreciate the suggestion!

The tactic I mentioned for the 2nd boss only applies to the first phase of the boss, where the smaller orbs are shooting at you. Once the main orb starts shooting, the only way to dodge it reliably is to duck under the water with excellent timing, or follow the direction its shooting in and stay between the two streams. Keep in mind the shooting angle rotates faster after you shoot it - if you stop attacking, it moves a lot slower, and gives you more time to evade.

I'd love to get some ambient plant life in there. There's going to be plenty more going on in the water, it's at a very early point right now, but thanks for the suggestions.

The only difference between the blue and green slimes is that the blue slimes do more damage. They share the same HP values, movement coding, and sex scenes - as such, they do NOT count toward the "15 total enemies" number I'm going for. The only enemies that count towards that are the ones that have unique H-scenes - meaning cumshooters, breast expanders, and latchers don't count either.

Anyhoo, time for another update!


This animation more or less speaks for itself, but it does have a few unique details - namely, it's the first sex loop in Crisis Point to not use 4 frames of animation! This one comes jam-packed with 5 whole frames instead. It was originally animated at 4, but I felt like it was missing something, so I added another frame when Alicia gets all the way down. Gives it a nice sense of impact. In addition to that, it's also the first animation in the game to switch to a slightly different animation as the enemy gets near climax! You'll have to wait until the update comes out to see that part, though. Until then, hope you enjoy!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Anon42 Love you work so far. just to give you a little update. for what ever reason v.10 back i can still run but .11 and .12 give me that code error. have no idea whats causing it. Keep up the good work
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Anyhoo, time for another update!


This animation more or less speaks for itself, but it does have a few unique details - namely, it's the first sex loop in Crisis Point to not use 4 frames of animation! This one comes jam-packed with 5 whole frames instead. It was originally animated at 4, but I felt like it was missing something, so I added another frame when Alicia gets all the way down. Gives it a nice sense of impact. In addition to that, it's also the first animation in the game to switch to a slightly different animation as the enemy gets near climax! You'll have to wait until the update comes out to see that part, though. Until then, hope you enjoy!
Looks damn smooth. Amazing what an extra frame can do!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Hey guys quick question was the demo with the second boss already released?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Hey guys quick question was the demo with the second boss already released?

It was added in the last demo but it doesn't have an H-animation yet.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

It was added in the last demo but it doesn't have an H-animation yet.

What this guy said. You can fight him in v.12, but he doesn't have a sex scene. Just 5 days left until the v.13 release, though, where he has full animations and an H-scene - so if you haven't played v.12 yet, I'd recommend just waiting a little longer and playing that version instead! Just make sure if you take a teleporter that you take the one before the 2nd boss, not the one that leads to the Deep Soil, which is a point past the 2nd boss fight.

@datanony - Thanks! I agree completely. If it was more possible to inject one frame into each animation without throwing off the flow, I'd be tempted to go and put another frame into every animation so far. It doesn't always work as well as this one though :p

@Nightmare5182 - Thanks for the compliment, and I'm really sorry the last few versions haven't worked properly for you! I tried a fix when developing v.13, so hopefully that will work - if it doesn't, I'll be supporting the v.13 public release after it comes out, so I'll try some more stuff to see if I can get it working for you. Let me know what happens when that comes out!

Anyway, quick thing before I go - normally a walking animation wouldn't be worth showing off, but I think this one has enough booty to be worth the trouble!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Will there be audible/visible swallowing? A la:


I think the technical term is "peristalsis".
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Will there be audible/visible swallowing? A la:

[image cut]

I think the technical term is "peristalsis".

Unfortunately, with the angle of the shot and the size of pixels, visible swallowing would probably be crazy hard to pull off. I'd love to get some voice clips to make it sound more like she's swallowing, but I think I'll need to find Alicia a voice actress before I could pull that off. Right now I'm just using a voice pack from dlsite for her; I'll look through the files, but I have doubts that there are any clips that would work for it.

Also, another sprite update:


This is the animation for the 2nd boss fight. It took an age and a half to animate. Not hard, just crazy time consuming. Thank god he didn't need a bunch of different animations or I'd have gone insane.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Is she supposed to be a futa alraune or something?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

[image of a basketball that was just dipped in chocolate fondu]

This is the animation for the 2nd boss fight. It took an age and a half to animate. Not hard, just crazy time consuming. Thank god he didn't need a bunch of different animations or I'd have gone insane.

Why was it so time-consuming?

Just curious. I know nothing about animating.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Is she supposed to be a futa alraune or something?

Precisely. There will also be non-futa versions of her with their own unique lesbo animations, as well - if you turn the Futa option off, they will all default to their dickless forms. If Futa is turned on, it'll be randomized whether they spawn with a dick or not. No change in gameplay, just H-scenes.

@textbook703 - The two most time consuming parts were putting in the middle color shade, and making sure the movements in the waves of tar were moving consistently. There are around 9 or 10 waves going on at the same time, so making sure they all match up and didn't suddenly shift took a long while. After the base animation was done (which I did using a thin line of the darkest shade), it took just as long to go in and outline each individual wave, since the outlining isn't completely uniform - it would look like ass if it was. It's easily the most time I've spent on an animation so far, despite how simplistic it looks. Not hard to do, just a very lengthy process. Have you ever noticed how large monsters in sprite-based games tend to be made up of individual parts that are just rotated, rather than directly animated? It's because of things like that, lol.

Time for another update!

This is the breast expansion scene for the Warped Scientist. Trying to throw in some more interesting angles in the H-scenes, so hope you guys like it!
On a side note, I'm going to be out of town from the 25th to the 27th, so I'm actually going to be releasing the v.13 update a day early. I'll try to respond at some point if I can, but I won't have my work with me so I won't be able to fix any issues for a few days.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Futa? You had my curiosity. NOW you have my attention.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Futa? You had my curiosity. NOW you have my attention.

Love that movie.

The animation looks awesome, you get better every time you update.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Will the second boss have an H animation tomorrow?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

I'm in love with this game!

Just some unsolicited general reflections though on your patreon page: I think your game looks awesome, but the Patreon page doesn't really show this off at all. None of the animations, hardly anything from in-game, and the top graphic (i.e. the title screen) does nothing for me... and also, there's no link to the public version. I'd seen your Patreon before getting the game in this thread, but I had no idea just how well-done the game was.

Anyways, just my 5c! Take it or leave it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)

Will the second boss have an H animation tomorrow?

Yep! It certainly will!

@Rule 34 - Thanks! Glad to know people like her.

@Papanomics - Thanks, man :) It's kinda surprising to look back at the earlier days of this project and see how much I've improved, even just in that short timespan. Making an H-game really helped me focus on improving my anatomy in particular, lol. Glad you like the animation!

@marblesyrup - Thank you! I agree completely with you on the Patreon page. I've been meaning to update it for such a long time, I just need to decide exactly what to showcase. I'll probably throw up some screenshots of the different areas, and maybe some of Alicia's animations, but unfortunately I'm going out of town for a few days so it'll have to wait a bit. Thank you for your feedback, though! It's definitely appreciated.

Anyhoo, I leave in just a few hours, so it's finally time to release the final public beta!

-Polish second boss and finish his animations
-Officially add Double Jump powerup
-Add points for Alicia to heal at
-Start adding new enemy with at least one H-scene (Alraune)
-Finish misc Breast Expansion animations
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

It may not look like much more than usual, but there was a ton of work put into this update. THREE new H-animations (not just reworks either - these are all completely new animations), roughly a dozen new rooms to go through, a new enemy, real double jumping, and healing stations make up what is probably the biggest content update Crisis Point has had yet, especially in terms of H-content! I've said that quite a few times, but perhaps I just keep one-upping myself. As for v.14..

-Begin work on 3rd boss fight
-Update BE animations for certain enemies to make breast expansion more noticeable (aka bigger breasts)
-Animate Alraune BE H-scene
-Update Alraune attacks to include libido-enhancing spores
-Start working on detail animations for Alicia
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

Remember, from here on out, playable Crisis Point updates will not be going public anymore. The game is around 35% content complete right now, and I feel like that's a safe point to stop until an official, polished demo when the game is nearing release. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you guys out of the loop - far from it! I intend to bring more updates to you now than before, including links to livestreams and screenshots as they happen, rather than a month later. I understand many of you are wary of Patreon, so rest assured I intend on keeping you as involved in this project as I can whether or not you're pledging.

Thank you so much to all of you for your support. This opportunity has been nothing short of incredible for me, and I have all of you to thank for it - I never thought I'd be able to start doing what I love this early in life, and for that I am eternally grateful, whether you're donating to me or not. Your feedback and love for this project is what keeps me going, and I hope I can take all of that with me and deliver a truly spectacular game we can all enjoy!

-Alicia now has proper animations for injury while limping
-Holding crouch will now shift the camera downward to view what is below you
-Locations where new enemies will be encountered are now indicated in the walkthrough
-Fixed Alicia being able to aim while limping but in the air
-Force Shot now causes damage against the 2nd boss
-Dying against the 2nd boss while gooped will no longer prevent the game over animation from happening
-Invulnerability period after getting hit by 2nd boss has been extended
-Parts of the 2nd boss that have been broken will no longer hurt you on contact
-2nd boss color scheme brightened for better visibility
-3rd color vial added to the Warped Scientist's arsenal

-Fixed bugs involving the 2nd boss fight and being in water
-Changed layering on 2nd boss fight projectiles to be more visible
-Fixed 2nd boss fight smaller orbs twitching around when contacting moving platforms
-No-Music glitch after beating 2nd boss has been fixed
-Map menu icon for Double Jump powerup has been added
-Minor layering issues on HUD are fixed
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Alraune is my favorite enemy so far...makes me lose most of my motivation to avoid being grabbed. :D

I really appreciate the warp zone. Although I like the earlier gameplay, its definitely nice for those of us that have played most of the demos to get to go straight to the new content. Very good work.