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ACT Patreon Active [Anon42] Crisis Point: Extinction

Just wanted to say, the new background/environment designs are crazy good. Any plans to change the preexisting ones?
Yep! All of the backgrounds we've posted about recently are for areas already in the game, we're giving the entire game's background art a complete facelift from the ground up. I might've been hesitant to do that in the past, since it would've slowed down development, but Puffernutter is my wife and our finances are already linked - so on top of not needing to commission someone externally to work on them, me and Orexius don't have to spend our time working on it, and it has almost no impact whatsoever on our development pace!
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, and welcome to another CPE biweekly update! Sorry this one is a day late, I wasn't feeling great yesterday so I took the day easy, but we're here now!

Like last week, we don't have a ton of visual stuff to show this week, and this update is going to be pretty short because of it - rest assured that it's not due to a lack of work, though! Puffernutter has been busy with freelance work again, so she hasn't had much time to work on CPE; Orexius has been doing minor tweaks to a lot of Alicia's old gameplay animations, to bring them more on-model with her current sprite design, so it's important work but nothing really worth showing in an update; and for my part, my focus has been split between 3 things: the new lighting system, the game's story, and just a bit more shader experimentation. If it seems like I'm spending a lot of time on the new lighting engine, please forgive me - to try and prevent getting burnt out again in the future, I'm trying to shake up what I'm working on more often to keep things fresh and fun, so unlike before I'm not picking a single task and focusing on it until it's done anymore. Anyway, enough preface - on with the update!

Since I don't really have anything to show from Orex and Puffernutter, I'll just be focusing on my own work for this post. Out of those things, I don't have anything worth showing from the shader experimentation yet, so I won't talk about that much; I did learn some more stuff though, and I'm enjoying tinkering with them! I expect to be able to add a lot of little polish tweaks to the game as my shader knowledge improves, and it's a good creative break from other work when I need it.

As for the lighting, some of the visual bugs I've found with the new system have given me more trouble than expected, so I've spent a good amount of time fixing those. I still have a few more things to fix, but most of the issues have been squashed now, and I've started working on updating all of the old light sources to function properly in the new system. Each light takes a decent amount of effort to update; putting them in at a basic level is pretty quick, but the new system is so much more robust that I'm trying to give each light a bit more attention than that. It'll take longer of course, but that bit of extra polish is super worth it while I'm already in the code and actively working on them.

The game itself kinda looks like a mess right now, with all of the half-finished things being updated, but I put together this scene using Puffernutter's concept art as an example of what things are eventually going to look like!

I put some color-shifting functionality on here to show off some of the fun stuff we can do with lights in the new system. This only scratches the surface of what we can do, and I'm excited to see how the game ends up looking by the end of it! An important note; while this is using Puffernutter's new background art, the backgrounds aren't really going to be updated for v0.46. We are trying to give the Caves a new base tileset, and hopefully that'll be done in time for v0.46, but none of the rooms are going to be this complex or interesting looking just yet. We need more time and a few more things in order to make that happen, like my custom level editor, so it'll still be a while yet for the full glowup - but the lighting itself WILL be updated for v0.46, so it'll still be a big upgrade!

Aside from the lights, which are the only visual thing I have to show off this week, there's also the matter of the game's story. I've mentioned several times that I've been messing with the game's story recently, as there are some things I'm unsatisfied with. The reason I keep bringing it up is because it's taken me a long time to really figure out something I'm happy with, so it's been on my mind for a long time now. CPE wasn't anywhere near as thoroughly planned in the early stages as I would've liked; I didn't even know when I started this project that it would end up being a career for me, so it was much more casual early on, and I've been paying the price for that lack of planning for years now.

During these past two weeks, though, I finally had some big breakthroughs! I can't get into any details without spoiling things, so forgive me for not really having anything concrete to talk about here. The things I finally figured out are core to the game's story, though, so now that they're finally settled I can really start doing the necessary rewrites and improvements to the script. There's still plenty of stuff I need to finish planning out, but by far the biggest one has been taken care of now.

Just to be clear, the story of CPE isn't going through any massive changes or anything like that, so don't worry that this is going to be a huge time sink - all the basic story beats are still the same, but with all the uncertainties ironed out, so I can inject a lot more stuff like foreshadowing and lore into the script.

One piece of concrete information I can give you guys is regarding the game's multiple endings. I haven't talked about this in a long time, but I originally planned CPE to have two endings, one "sexy" and one "SFW" ending, pretty much. As part of these story rewrites, I thought a LOT about that concept, and I've come to the conclusion that multiple endings just isn't the way I want to go. Before you get upset, this DOES NOT mean that there will be no difference between a NSFW and a SFW playthrough! CPE already has a number of dialogue lines that change depending on how naughty Alicia has been, and I fully intend to keep that aspect of the game, and maybe even lean into it harder - so basically, instead of having 2 explicitly different endings, we're going to focus on having 1 story with 1 ending, with a lot of small dialogue changes depending on how lewd the player is while playing. It's substantially less work for the team, and allows us to really focus and polish up the one experience, while also avoiding the pitfalls that come with multiple endings - for example, if there are 2 completely different endings, at what point does the game shift over from the SFW to the NSFW ending? How do we relay which ending the player is going to get? Is it a dialogue choice the player makes? If so, that means their behaviors don't actually matter in determining the ending, just that one dialogue choice, which is lame. Do we add more endings to smooth out those "middle ground" playthroughs that don't focus exclusively on being pure OR horny? That would undoubtedly be a better experience, but it's WAY more work than just 2 endings, and we're quickly going far beyond the story's intended scope. CPE was always intended to be a gameplay-first experience, and putting that much emphasis on story changes feels at odds with the rest of the game.

My original plan for the different endings is something that doesn't really fit our goals anymore, with how the game has changed during development, and after thinking long and hard on it I realized that I was keeping the idea alive not because it's the right choice for the game, but because it's what I said I would do in the past.

I hate disappointing people by changing plans partway through development, but sometimes it's just not healthy to keep old ideas alive when they no longer fit in, and I believe this is one of those cases. I understand that this will be a disappointing change for some of you, and I'm very sorry for that. I do think this is a change that needs to be made for the sake of the game, though, and I hope you can understand why I'm doing it. The spirit of the idea will live on in those SFW/NSFW dialogue changes I've talked about, but we're going to be focusing on one story, and putting the idea of multiple, completely different endings to rest.

Well, that's about it for me this week. Sorry the update is on the smaller side, most of the exciting visuals are coming from Puffernutter lately, so when she's got a lot of freelance work coming in, we generally won't have too much visual stuff to show off. Progress is going great though, and while the updates right now might not be the most exciting, a lot of our efforts right now are creating the groundwork for future updates, so I expect development to pick up the pace pretty significantly by the end of the year! Thanks for reading everyone, and for continuing to follow the game - see you in the next update!
Does someone know,will Alicia become or will be given the option to become a futa in the future of the story?In one of the CG she said that she would like to trick the dick herself.
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, welcome to another development update! This one is, again, going to be a bit light on content. The TL;DR is that we're still pretty much working on the same stuff as last week, so there isn't too much to talk about, but nonetheless, let's go over what we've been working on!

Puffernutter has had limited CPE time due to her freelance gigs, but in the time she can spend on CPE, she's working on updating the Caves tileset still. We had a discussion about tiles this week, and we've decided to NOT try and rush them for v0.46. With how comprehensive the visual overhaul we're working on is, and with how much content the game has that we need to update, we'll be working on this for many many updates, and we don't want to rush it out before it's ready. We'll continue to keep you all updated on the art rework, and we don't plan to hold all of it back until the whole game is redone or anything - but at the very least, we want my custom level editor before we start implementing the new tilesets, since it will make the job far easier.

Orexius finished up the Duo Slime H-scene animation, and has started on the BE Vines animation rework, as well as continuing work on various gameplay animations.

For my part, I've still been plugging away at the lighting engine update. I swear every week I write about how I ran into more issues but fixed them, and this week is no different! It's likely I'll find even more bugs that need fixing, but as of right now pretty much every bug I've found has been squashed and I'm just continuing to update all the lights to work with the new system. Since I've been doing that for a while now, I wanted to post a comparison of one of the lights that I put extra work into, so you can see a bit more of what goes into it:


So stuff like this is the reason the lighting rework is taking a while! With the Power Orb collectible, I decided to give it two layers of lights: one is a stationary red glow, for the item's core, and the other is a rotating yellow light for the ring that circles it. It shrinks and grows and rotates with the ring, and generally just looks a lot cooler than it did before. The same lighting has been applied to the Guard Orb as well, naturally.

So basically, I'm not just tweaking some numbers, and updating lights like this can take an hour or two each depending on complexity. There are a fair amount of lights that ARE simple to transition over, but since I'm already in there messing with the code, I've been taking extra time to update and improve any light sources that seem like they should have additional work put into them - even small things, like previously every light was based on a circle, but we've been adding new lighting shapes for things like the diamond-shaped Skill Point collectible.

That's all I really have to talk about this week, but I did want to leave you guys with at least a small teaser for something I have cooking in the background. We've talked a lot recently about all of the visual overhauls we're doing to Crisis Point - animations being redone, lighting overhauled, revamped UI, the screen size update - and as we've been working on these things, and seeing how the game is evolving, we started to wonder if there were any gameplay elements that felt outdated and would be worth revisiting. After all, we reworked the Wire Shot before, and the new version of it feels SO much better to use - who's to say we can't do the same with other parts of the game? Maybe even some of the game's core mechanics could be improved.. reworked to suit a more modern experience, rather than mimicking games from 20 years ago? That's all I'll say for now, but I think you guys will be pretty excited to see where we're going next!

A final word before the post ends. Crisis Point development is in a very weird spot right now; we haven't put out an update in so long because of my mental health issues, and we have SO many things being reworked and improved that are all really exciting and will make the game so much better.. but all of them are "complete overhaul" types of things that just can't be released half-finished. Because of that, it really doesn't lend itself well to putting out playable updates - anything we release here on Patreon needs to be thoroughly polished, since you never know which version will be a person's first experience with the game, and a bad experience can ruin our chances of finding an audience. So, what we're going to do right now is we're going to start really focusing on getting a playable update out for you guys ASAP, but just please be aware that it won't be as substantial as I would like, despite the loooong development cycle. It won't really contain new content (like I've talked about before), but will be mostly focused around the lighting and screen size updates, with maybe a few other things squeezed in. At this point, expectations for what v0.46 will be like are higher than we're ever going to be able to pull off without killing ourselves with crunch, and I refuse to do that to myself or the rest of the team - but the pressure is still there, so I just want to get something out there.

Anyway, sorry to kind of end the post off on a bit of a bummer. Playable update releases for CPE might continue to be weird like this as we work on all this foundational stuff, and I'm sorry if we fail to put out updates on a regular schedule, but we'll keep you updated with our progress every step of the way. Once all these foundations are created, the rest of the game will be SO much easier to build. All I can ask for until that point is your patience and understanding, and to give the biggest thanks to all of you who stick around with us! Thanks for reading, I'll see you again in the next biweekly update!
Hang in there. Your progress may not have gone as expected, but it has been significant. Especially in how good it looks and how smoothly it plays.
Wouldn't be a patreon-funded game if it didn't have an over-haul or remake or new engine phase, lol. Gotta stretch out that patreon time, I guess. Well, keep it up. I'm sure Elder Scrolls 6 or maybe even Star Citizen will launch first, but hey I'm not a patreon sub so as long as the game actually releases I'll be happy, as what's there is already pretty great.

Future Fragments supposedly releasing soon, but even if their definition of soon is more lax that everyone else's, Night of Revenge and the ton of great regular games in oct/nov/dec should get me busy for a while lol.
Wouldn't be a patreon-funded game if it didn't have an over-haul or remake or new engine phase, lol. Gotta stretch out that patreon time, I guess. Well, keep it up. I'm sure Elder Scrolls 6 or maybe even Star Citizen will launch first, but hey I'm not a patreon sub so as long as the game actually releases I'll be happy, as what's there is already pretty great.

Future Fragments supposedly releasing soon, but even if their definition of soon is more lax that everyone else's, Night of Revenge and the ton of great regular games in oct/nov/dec should get me busy for a while lol.

We're going to drop that conversation right where it's at.
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, time for another CPE development update! This is going to be another relatively quick one, but not due to a lack of excitement!

Before we get into the real meat and potatoes of the update, I'll quickly just give you a rundown of what everyone has been working on. Puffernutter has been hard at work on the UI overhaul, to make sure it gets done soon enough that we can implement it for the next beta release. The current UI is EXTREMELY broken in the new screen resolution, so rather than putting a bunch of work into making it look right only to rip it out and replace it with the new UI next update, we're just focusing on getting it done now. Orexius has continued work on the new BE Vines animation, but he's also been focusing on gameplay animations, specifically ones related to the thing I'VE been working on, which brings me to "the big reveal".

I spent most of my work hours these past two weeks on the thing I teased during our last biweekly update, and I've progressed far enough with it that I'm ready to fully reveal it. We've been working on a lot of overhauls (environment art, lighting, UI, story, etc), but most of those are visual changes, nothing too crazy on the gameplay front.. but like I said in the last update, this one is big - a complete overhaul to one of the fundamental parts of CPE's gameplay. Without further ado..


I'm proud and excited to confirm that Crisis Point is getting full 360 degree aiming, and full gameplay mouse support along with it!

Those of you that have been following CPE for a while might know that I've addressed this idea a few times, and declined to add it. There were a few reasons for that; feature creep, difficulty of implementation, the possibility of enemies being easily cheesed by sniping them from their blind spots, etc. Now that we've been overhauling so many aspects of CPE though, I revisited the idea, and decided that none of those reasons were good enough to justify not adding it. Samus Returns and Metroid: Dread both proved that 360 degree aiming feels amazing in a gun-focused metroidvania, and there are so many other excellent entries in the genre that felt so modern compared to CPE's retro 8-directional aiming. After spending a lot of time thinking about it, I felt like I was doing the game a disservice by not modernizing the gameplay while we were already upgrading so many other things, so here we are!

There are a LOT of small gameplay tweaks that will be coming along with this, and we'll likely be polishing and tweaking it for a while, but I fully intend to have an early version of this included in v0.46 when it comes out. We've decided to narrow down the scope of v0.46 so we know exactly what to focus on, and I'll detail that at the end of this post; for now, let's talk about the other thing I wanted to show off this week, the UI update!

A quick preface: none of these images are finished yet! We're still tweaking layouts, and we haven't even started messing with colors or aesthetics yet, which is why all of them are in greyscale, so don't take any of this as finalized images.





As you can see, we're not just doing a simple visual update, the pause screen is getting a total overhaul from the ground up! The old menus were cramped, and only utilized a tiny part of the screen space, which made them feel even more claustrophobic. They also caused a lot of issues when it came to adding in new sections, since there just wasn't room for it. The new UI is being designed for maximum modularity, so it won't be a huge pain to update them as time goes on. We're also considering a vector graphics aesthetic for menus specifically, for the sake of clarity and readability; though like I said in the preface, we're focusing on function over aesthetics right now, so we might still use stylized pixel art for menus, it just depends on what feels right.

That's all the major stuff for this update, hopefully you're as excited as I am about it! Before I go, let me just update you guys on exactly what v0.46 is going to have.

Crisis Point: Extinction v0.46 plans
  • New 360-degree aiming system, along with full gameplay mouse support
  • Completely overhauled lighting engine, along with other small special effects improvements
  • Increased screen resolution, bringing the game to a more modern 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Updated UI with improved functionality
  • A handful of updated H-scene animations, such as the Slime and BE Vines animations
  • The usual bug fixes and such (and probably some new bugs to go along with the new features, if we're being honest)

So that's everything we plan to add in v0.46. We won't be adding any "new" content, like I've mentioned before; our team's goal right now is to lay all of this groundwork, so that once we do start working on new content again, we'll have all the tools we need to really crank it out. To that end, once v0.46 is complete, I'm going to fully shift my focus towards finishing our level editor, since that needs to be done before we can work on updating the game's level design and artwork.

Alright, that's it for this biweekly update! If you have any questions about the stuff I talked about, feel free to leave a comment - these are some pretty dramatic changes, so I'm happy to answer anything y'all have to ask. Thanks for reading, and we'll see you again in the next update!
Last edited:
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everybody, welcome to another CPE development update! In this update, I'm going to be focusing on Puffernutter and Orexius's work; I've been having a rough few weeks thanks to having a LOT of doctor appointments, to figure out some of the health issues that have been plaguing me long-term, so to be honest I just didn't get a lot of work done. Appointments generally give me anxiety (especially when it's something new), and thanks to the sheer amount of them I had, I was almost always feeling some level of anxiety this past week and a half, and that gets pretty exhausting. Still, even though I personally didn't get much done, there's still a few fun things to show off and talk about, so let's get into it!

To start off, something that I've planned to add to CPE for a long time, but we just never had the time to do. Introducing, BIG ALICIA



Standing at about 3x the size of Alicia's regular ingame sprite, this massive Alicia sprite is going to be used in the pause menus, as you can see below.


The nude version might not even be available ingame, since Alicia always has some level of clothing on during gameplay, so think of that one as an exclusive easter egg for following the development of the game!

Big Alicia probably won't have any animation, because we're planning on changing her based on what's going in ingame; clothing state, BE status, libido/HP levels, etc. There's not too much else to say about it, but we figured it would be fun to have a much larger sprite of Alicia, so here she is!

Next up, those animations Orexius has been working on. His focus right now is split between the BE vines animation, and preparing the new gameplay animations Alicia will need as part of the 360 degree aiming update. They're all still VERY WIP, but we figured it might be fun to show yall what our animations look like in the early stages, so let's start with those gameplay animations!



Because Crisis Point wasn't designed with movement and aiming being separate, we never needed backwards movement before, but that's not the case anymore. In order to avoid the dominant strategy becoming "run away from the enemy while shooting at them", Alicia's backwards movement will be slower than regular movement; but if you stop shooting for a brief moment, then Alicia will go into her regular running animation at full speed. I'll probably tweak this a little bit based on player feedback, so once the update comes out feel free to let me know how you feel about it, but I'm personally pretty happy with the way it feels now - it prevents strafing from being too powerful, but cancels quickly enough to not feel annoying if you're just trying to run away.

And lastly, the BE vines H-scene update:


Obviously none of these animations are anywhere near finished, but hopefully it's fun to get a look at what they look like early on in the process!

That's it for the development updates this week, but I haven't been talking about personal life much lately, so here's a fun life update for everyone:


Our family has grown by +1, 'cause we adopted another cat! We named her Bug, on account of her insane cuddlebug levels. We adopted her a few weeks ago, and she was extremely shy and nervous at first, but she's opened up to us pretty quickly and she's already a joy to have around the house.


Our other cat Papyrus is still struggling to adjust to no longer being a "single child", so to speak, but for the most part they're getting along well now.



I mean c'mon, how can you not love this little dork?


I'll stop overloading the post with cat pics now, but I don't think I've talked much about ours before, and everyone on the CPE dev team absolutely loves cats. Plus, they act as our HR team and keep us all happy, so technically they're relevant to the project :p

Alright, that's all I have for today. I can't say for sure how the next biweekly update will be; after my anxiety caused so much work trouble for me these past two weeks, I've been cutting down on the amount of appointments I have going on so I can get work done more consistently. That said, I do have an invasive exam happening in about a week to hopefully figure out what's causing one of my biggest health problems, so I'm definitely feeling nervous there - and then the week after that is my birthday, so it's a hell of a hectic month for me haha.

This was a bit of a small update, but we're all working hard to get the next playable update out as soon as we can, so I hope you're excited about it! Thank you all for reading, and for continuing to follow the project - we'll see you again in the next update!
Nice to see this game still being updated!

Also I was wondering, did that BE scene with the purple alraune get implemented yet? It was mentioned some time ago and then just seemed to never appear in the changelogs.
Nice to see this game still being updated!

Also I was wondering, did that BE scene with the purple alraune get implemented yet? It was mentioned some time ago and then just seemed to never appear in the changelogs.
Yep, it's been in the game for a while. Not sure which version first added it, it was probably a generic "multiple new H-scenes added" kind of thing in the changelog.
Yep, it's been in the game for a while. Not sure which version first added it, it was probably a generic "multiple new H-scenes added" kind of thing in the changelog.

If it is in the game it doesn't seem to be implemented right... my version says it's v0.45 and it does not seem to work.

Pressing the I key in the gallery while in the Poison Alraune's H-scene does nothing. The BE scene still plays for the other enemies as normal so I know it's not a messed up config on my part.
If it is in the game it doesn't seem to be implemented right... my version says it's v0.45 and it does not seem to work.

Pressing the I key in the gallery while in the Poison Alraune's H-scene does nothing. The BE scene still plays for the other enemies as normal so I know it's not a messed up config on my part.
Hm, odd. I'll look into that asap, it's possible the scene is only available in gameplay and it's just the gallery room toggle that's broken, because I definitely see it fully implemented in the project files. Thanks for letting me know!
Wonder if there's a plan to release another public demo of latest version.
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, welcome to another CPE development update! Sorry this one is a day late - I managed to mess up my thumb over the weekend so typing was difficult, and I generally wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I decided to wait a day. I'm feeling much better today, so here we are!

This one isn't going to be too big, and I'll get into the details during the post. The only visual I have to show off this week is the progress we've made on the UI rework, so let's start with that!





Here's how things are looking so far. Keep in mind these are still very WIP, so anything and everything on these is subject to change - but since the last version we showed was in greyscale, I wanted to show how things are shaping up now that we're adding color. Let me know how you feel about it so far!

Things have been pretty standard for the rest of us since the last development update. Puffernutter has had a LOT of freelance work, so her time to work on CPE has been limited; Orexius has been continuing work on the BE Vines animation update, and the new gameplay animations needed for 360 aiming; and I've still been working on 360 aiming, the lighting update, and the screen size update. I've been changing between tasks as needed to keep my programming life interesting, so even though I'm still working on a lot of different things I talked about several weeks ago, they'll probably end up all being finished at about the same time.

Aside from that though, I also had the realization last week that I was falling back into the trap of having too much going on, and I was starting to run myself ragged again. My work hours on CPE are MUCH healthier than they've ever been before, so that part isn't an issue, but I had too much going on in terms of appointments and such, and it was starting to take a toll on me. In the last weekly update, I talked about getting a health examination, and I ended up canceling that for a few reasons - the first one was to give myself a break from major appointments, and the other was because the exam is a fairly expensive one, and so I decided to save it for early next year so it can count towards next year's health insurance deductible. Gotta love US health insurance.

In any case, now that I'm done with physical therapy for my knee, the only major appointments/obligations I have are standard life things, working on CPE, and going to therapy every other week. I'm already feeling a lot better now that my todo list has been simplified, so I'm going to really be able to dig in and focus on getting all these major CPE overhauls completed so we can get you guys a playable update! I really do have to thank you all for being so patient; I know development is weird right now and I'm so grateful to you all for being patient with me while I figure things out. Because of my upbringing, I have a lot of difficulty dealing with high-stress situations, and I get stressed/overwhelmed more easily than anyone else I know - leading a game dev team can often take a lot out of me, but I've been able to really enjoy working on CPE again lately, and that's entirely thanks to both my team, and all of you supporting us, who have been so patient and understanding even when things are slow and I'm struggling. All of your comments mean the world to me, too - it's easy to feel rather isolated when working on a game like this, but seeing you all cheer us on really keeps my morale up, so even if I don't respond to all of your kind words, please know that I am reading them and I appreciate the hell out of each and every one of you!

Before I finish up this post, we're almost out of the "fun" stuff to show off for this next playable update, so the next few biweekly updates will probably be pretty simple, just updating on our progress for the stuff you already know we're doing. Since these updates are getting pretty straightforward, I want to make up for that by doing regular streams until v0.46 is completed and in your hands. Our internet here is still having some issues, but it's usually fixed by just rebooting our modem and router, so it should be stable enough to do streams even if it blinks out every once in a while.

With that said, we're going to tentatively schedule streams for Monday and Wednesday, starting at 4 pm AKST(Alaska standard time). Not today of course, since we're already past that point, so our next stream should be this Wednesday. I always tweet (and @ in our discord) when we're starting up a dev stream, so if you want a reminder, you can either follow me directly on Picarto ( ), follow me on twitter ( ), or join our Discord and give yourself the Picarto Streams role in our #roles channel! Because our Discord server is NSFW, I can't post the link to it publicly here on Patreon, but I'll post one on all the other places we post dev updates - and if you're pledged to us, you should be automatically invited into our server if you link your Patreon and Discord accounts.

Alright, that's it for me today. Thank you for reading everyone, and I hope to see you at our stream on Wednesday!
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, time for another CPE progress update! Just like last week, this will be a quick overview of what we've been doing - we've already talked at length about everything that's going to be in v0.46, so all I really have to update you guys on is how far along we are.

My goal at the moment is just to get this update out before the year ends, and I'm still hopeful we can pull that off, but in the interest of transparency I am getting a little worried about the time crunch. All of the things we're working on for this update are all-or-nothing, so if they aren't done there's nothing I can do to really push the update out faster. I just want to warn you all of that ahead of time so you're aware of it; we're going to continue doing 3-4 streams every week until the update is done, and I'll keep you all updated every step of the way, but it's possible the update might end up being pushed a week or two into 2023. I'm confident we'll have it done very soon, so don't worry about there being a big delay or anything like that, I just don't want to rush out a crappy update with lots of issues if we end up needing just a little bit more time.

With that out of the way, here's the progress report on the 4 major parts of this update:
  • The 360 aiming update is around ~85% complete. Mouse support is pretty much functionally complete at this point, with only a handful of animation-related things left, and I started gamepad testing recently. The added complexity of supporting both gamepad AND mouse is making things more difficult than I expected, since the two control schemes work VERY differently (as opposed to keyboard and gamepad, which are both just 'buttons' so they're nearly identical code-wise), but progress is going very well nonetheless.

  • The lighting update is basically finished at this point, probably 98%. I didn't work on it too much the last two weeks because there's not much left to do, and because this is the only part of the update that doesn't cause huge issues if it's slightly unfinished; all of the important light sources have been updated, and now it's more a matter of adding NEW light sources and taking advantage of the new features, so this part is close enough to call it pretty much complete.

  • The screen size update is at around ~95%. I've done a playtest of the full game, and there are only two major things left to fix: first is some visual issues with fullscreen mode, and second is that some cutscenes have animation problems - mostly, NPCs that are supposed to walk in from offscreen (or walk offscreen) are now spawning/despawning in view of the camera, since there's a lot more horizontal screen space now. None of that will be hard to fix, thankfully, and aside from them, the only other thing is that the menus are all completely broken - but I'm not going to bother fixing that, because..

  • The UI rework. This is my next major project, and I'll be starting on it during tomorrow's stream. This is the biggest question mark left for me right now, and the only thing making me uncertain if the update will be done in time; everything else is nearing completion, and would certainly be done by our next biweekly update, but since I haven't started on the UI rework yet it's hard to say how much work this is going to take.
I did consider just fixing the old UI temporarily to get this update out in time, but because of how broken the screen size update made it, it would still be a LOT of work to make the old UI functional again - and it would look like crap with the extra screen space going unused - so it's not really worth fixing that up instead of just biting the bullet and doing the whole rework.

If it was just a simple job of replacing the UI, it might not be too difficult, but this is also an opportunity for me to address some of the serious technical issues the game's menus have. I won't get into the details, it'd be rather boring, but here's one quick example: the Options menu from the Main Menu, and the Options menu accessed from the pause screen while ingame, only share some code despite being functionally identical - they each have a lot of unique code, purely because there were issues I couldn't figure out a more elegant solution for at the time, so whenever the Options menu is updated or changed, there's a good chance I'll have to do testing and fixes on each version of the menu separately. Suffice it to say that there's a lot of old code from my early days that have been causing problems for a long time, due to my inexperience as a programmer back when I started CPE, so there's a lot of underlying tech debt that needs to be addressed and now is the most logical time to do it.

So, all that is to say that I'm really not sure when this update is coming out. It will depend ENTIRELY on how difficult this UI rework ends up being. I still have almost a full month to get it done, so I think there's still a very good chance v0.46 will be out by the end of the year, but I should have a better idea of our chances by the next biweekly update.

And that's it for me today! Seriously, thank you so much for how patient you've all been. I know v0.46 is a lot later than anyone was expecting, but thanks to all the work I've done on myself this year, I'm in a healthier mental place than I've EVER been before, I'm genuinely enjoying working on CPE again for the first time in a long time, and I am beyond excited to finally get this update in your hands. This is the single biggest gameplay update CPE has ever had, and during my playtests I'm having so much more fun playing it than ever before, so I can't wait to see what you all think of it!

Thank you for reading! If you want to follow our progress on v0.46 more closely, don't forget to come hang out at the streams ( ), and we'll see you again in another two weeks for the next biweekly update!
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone. So, we've officially entered 2023, and the update isn't out yet. The closer we got, the more certain I was we were going to miss the date; to be honest, we still have quite a bit more to do before it's ready for a release, and if I had forced the update out it definitely would've been rushed, so as bummed as I am about missing the 2022 release window, I'm a little relieved that the pressure to do it is gone now. Everyone has been waiting so long for this update, I don't want it to have loads of issues when it finally does, if I can avoid it.

So, like I said in the last biweekly update, now that we've entered 2023 with no update release, I'll be posting weekly updates instead of biweekly until the update comes out. I'm going to keep them simpler, so they don't take up much of my time compared to usual, and I can focus more on getting the update itself out, so let's get right into it.

The main things left to do are testing, and the UI. With testing, this update has SO many radical changes to the game that odds are, there are tons of issues I haven't run into yet. It'll be hard to find all of them before releasing the update, so I'm probably going to save testing until everything else is done, and then get some close friends to help me test the game as thoroughly as possible. I'll let you know when we get to that phase, since it'll hopefully be right before the update comes out for everyone.

For the UI, progress is going very well. The Blaster and Skills menus are both complete, and I've started on the Options menu as well, which is the most complex menu but also the last major one. There's a few smaller menus that also need an update, like the difficulty selection menu when you hit New Game, and the Warp menu, but those are extremely simple and should only take a few hours of work each. There's also the Database menu, which I haven't started yet, but the good news is the Database menu isn't a very interactive menu, unlike the other ones - it's just a menu to display information and lore, so it will be more complicated than the super small ones like the Warp menu, but much simpler than any of the main ones like the Options or Skills menus, so it shouldn't take too long to complete.

There's still a bit of work that needs to be done for 360 aiming, but Orexius is still working on the animations for that, so I can't finish it up on my own. I've been adding animations as he finishes them though, and almost all of the most important stuff is finished, so it won't be much longer til 360 aiming is done enough for a release.

So that's where things stand right now. I'm sorry we missed the 2022 window, but we're going to continue streaming ~4 times a week and posting weekly updates until it's out, so you'll all be updated every step of the way. Thank you all for being patient with us while we finish this up! This is the biggest update CPE has ever received, despite the lack of new content - playing it is like playing a completely new game and I'm so excited to get it in your hands, I'm positive it's going to be worth the wait! Thank you for sticking with us, and I hope all of you had a fantastic holiday season and brought in the new year with style. We'll see you during this week's streams, and next weekend with the next update!
(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, If you enjoy the game, We couldn't make this game without our supporters!)

Hey everyone, weekly update time! Like last week, this will be a quick rundown of how v0.46 is coming along. I don't want to spend too much time on these updates, so I can put more time into finishing the update itself, so let's get straight into it!

The Options menu was basically completed last week, only missing a few small functions that won't take long. The Controls menu took a bit more effort than I expected (and I already expected it to be the toughest menu in general), so I wasn't able to get to the other small things like the Warp and difficulty selection menus yet. That being said, the Gamepad Selection menu I implemented this week is nearly identical to how the warp and difficulty selection menus will function, so I'll be able to reuse most of the code and those ones will be even faster to implement. Fingers crossed, the UI rework should be done by the end of the week, unless I'm forgetting something major!

For 360 aiming, all of the truly essential animations are finished, so we can call it complete enough for release now. Orex will still be working on more animations for it, there's plenty of room for more polish, but from here on it's non-essentials!

The menus and 360 aiming were the only two major things left before this update is ready to come out, and now that one of those is done and the other is nearly done, we're finally approaching the finish line! I still need time to do bug testing/QA, so I don't think the update will come out before next weekly update, but I think the major work will be done by that point. Then it's just a matter of polishing and bug testing, and we should finally be able to deliver the update to you by the end of January.

And that's it for this update! I hope you're all excited to finally play this thing, I know I am - 360 aiming has been such a massive gamechanger, CPE feels better than ever. As usual, we'll be streaming a bunch this week to try and get the update finished, so come hang out on Picarto ( ) if you're interested in watching us work. Thanks for reading, see you again at the next update!