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Annie's Quest walkthrough?


Jungle Girl
Dec 24, 2012
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Does anyone have a walkthrough for it? There doesn't seem to be much info on the game. What's it even about?
Re: Annie's Quest walkthrough?

There isn't really much need for a walkthrough, the game is fairly linear. There aren't many locations you can go to. I'll do my best to help you out a little bit. First I'll cover the menus, afterwards the locations and how to progress the story and the last part will be about H-scenes and skills.
You can access your menu via Esc, there you can check your HP, MP and money. The first option is Items, the second one Skills, the third one is your equipment, the fourth one is a Status Screen, the sixth one Save and the last one End the Game.
Items: You'll get items for beating enemies or you can purchase them. The red potions are for HP (it's a good idea to keep a stack of those around at all times, you don't get a healing spell), the blue ones for MP and you can use the green ones if you're poisoned, I think. Another important thing are the red crystals, if you want to get most of the H-scenes later on keep all of them and don't sell them. Some enemies also drop scrolls, you can use them to return to Annie's home.
Skills: You get most of the skills by talking to the perverted swordsman. You need the crystals for him, you have to give him crystals to get a scene and skills. I don't really know what all of those do, most of them are damage skills, though some of them are used to inflict status ailments.
Equipment: You can buy equipment in stores or find it in treasure chests. You can figure that out for yourself, just look at the slot and compare the values.
Status: What it says. You can check your values for attack and so on.
Save: Self-explanatory.
End the Game: First option is return to title, second one shut down and third one cancel.
Battle System: If you run into a monster you'll get into a fight with it. The first command is Attack, the second one Skills, the third one Defend and the last one Items. I covered Items and Skills before, so just look at those sections or figure it out yourself. Defend just reduces every kind of damage taken, though it's not worth it, most of the time.
Enemies will attack you with three different kinds of attacks: Normal, Magic and H.
Normal: Your defensive gear helps against these attacks. Some enemies can inflict status ailments with their normal attacks, so watch out for those. (Blind/Poison)
Magic: Caster enemies are very dangerous early on and their magic does A LOT of damage. On the upside they usually aren't that durable. Magic has its own animation, so you'll have no trouble distinguishin it from Normal and H.
H: Hentai. They will start by groping/kissing Annie and the more they use it the closer it gets to sex. You will notice Annie saying something or a cut-in of certain body parts, that's how you can distinguish H from Normal. Those attacks do a lot of damage as well, but unlike Normal and Magic they can't defeat you. But keep in mind that they can use those skills however they please, so a strong H-move can be followed up with a Normal/Magic attack to finish you.
If the enemy uses H-moves enough times they'll have sex with Annie and afterwards they're stunned for one turn. If the enemy has sex with Annie three times you lose, but they'll go through the whole groping part again before they can repeat that.
Story Walkthrough
The game is about a girl (Annie) and she trains with her sister. You'll get into a fight with the sister and you'll lose, unless you have a hacked save or enormous luck. Your first task is to go north, into the Forest, and slay some enemies to get some experience and gold to buy equipment with. You can also go to the eastern part of the Town, you'll find a perverted swordsman in one of the houses. He's basically your teacher, though you can beat the game without talking to him as well, we'll get back to him later.
Once you've reached level 2 or higher and bought some equipment from the store you should be able to beat the sister. After beating her you get a small scene when Annie wakes up and she'll notice how her sister is missing. You have to go through the whole Forest. It has three sections, the one where you start at, to the east is the second one with slightly stronger enemies and the third one is to the north from the second section, that's where you have to go to in order to progress the story.
Don't get into fights with any of the monsters in the third section, that's the area with the strongest enemies in the game, except for the enemies in the final dungeon. You just have to run past them (press shift to run and wait for them to move out of the way) and find go to the area southeast of the black shadow. Another cutscene and Annie is teleported back to her house.
The Mansion:
Now you can exit the village (just go to the west) and access the worldmap. You need to go west until you reach a small desert area, here you'll find the Town. Talk to the mayor (an old man in the southern house). He'll tell you how some girls have gone missing or something and that unlocks the mansion directly to the north of the Town. You can also go to the western part of the Town and gamble with the woman in front of the big house.
Choose the first option and you can play rock-paper-scissor with her. If you win you get 1000 gold, if you lose you get a H-scene. You can exit the town and come back in immediately afterwards to play the game again, do that as much as you like, you can buy some better equipment with the money. If you want a huge advantage for the next few dungeons go to the Castle all the way to the north and buy some equipment there. The best sword you can buy in the Castle has a chance to one-shot any enemies which aren't bosses, so it's the best sword for farming in the game.
Next up is the Mansion. Just go north from the town, though you have to talk to the mayor before you can enter. In there you can fight the men and get some experience and money. You need to go through the whole mansion to get into a room. There Annie will talk to the owner and gets drugged. She'll come to in a small prison without her equipment and find out that the owner had a deal with the mayor, the mayor sends girls to the mansion so that they get kidnapped and turned into sex slaves.
As soon as you regain control over Annie you can exit the prison, they didn't lock the door. You'll notice another booth next to yours, in there is a dog. It's the boss of this location and pretty strong, so don't fight it unless you've grinded some levels and don't go in there without your equipment. It will drop a collar, you will need it if you want to get the H-scenes. Also mind the poison it can inflict with Normal, it's annoying and does a lot of damage. It's weak to fire, so if you learned the first skill from the perverted swordsman you have an advantage in this fight.
Bandit Hideout:
Go to the mountains to the east of the Town, there you'll see a small path to the north (not the road, just a trail into the mountains). This one is pretty much self-explanatory. The first area is a smaller forest, navigate your way through this area. Somewhere to the north is a cave entrance.
Go in there, grind some levels and loot the chests. Be careful with the Ninja enemies, they can inflict the blind ailment, making your Attack command pretty much useless while it lasts. Once the fight is over (or if the fight lasts a certain number of turns) most ailments wear off.
Just walk through the last part of this place and loot some chests. You'll notice one bandit with a special sprite, he's the boss of this area. Again, be careful and grind some levels before attempting him. He has no real weaknesses, but Skills still do more damage than normal attacks. He can also inflict poison with his Normal attacks.
First of all you can go to the Castle, just follow the road and you'll reach it eventually. Restock your potions, upgrade your equipment, afterwards exit and walk to the north-east of the map. There you will find the volcano. In front of it you will get a cut-scene with an old lady, her grandchild got lost in there or something. Go into the volcano and do the same as always, loot chests and grind some levels. Somewhere to the north should be the entrance to the second area.
In this area you will notice a black shadow, it doesn't move. This is the boss of the area, so be careful with it. It's weak to ice, so use that if you fight it. In the room to the north of the boss you will notice a small spot that looks suspicious. Talk to it, you find the child and you're done here.
Forest 2.0:
Now you have to return to the Forest, the third section. If you beat the boss of the Volcano you shouldn't have much trouble with the normal enemies. The black shadow is the boss of this area, it's stronger than the boss of the Volcano, so grind some levels and restock before fighting it.
After you defeat the boss a crystal will appear in its stead. Talk to it and you're transported to the Nether. Here you'll find the strongest enemies in the game, so do the same as always. There is also a chest with a sword, it's the strongest sword in the game, but I'd recommend using the best sword you can purchase in the Castle (one-shot) instead for normal enemies. All the way to the north you can get to the second part of this area. You should equip the sword you found, the one-shot effect of the one from the Castle doesn't work against bosses. There you will encounter the boss of this area, a cutscene plays and your sister appears to help you. You will get into some pretty hard fights, so be prepaired for it. It doesn't have a H-scene, so don't bother losing to it.
So you beat the boss? Great. Now for the true final boss, your sister. Annie wants to go home with her, but her sister tells her that she'll have to defeat her first, the victor gets to decide what they do. Lose to her and you get a H-scene.
There are some generic H-scenes, just take off Annie's equipment and talk to everyone in town, some will have sex with her. But those scenes aren't really good, so on to the 'interesting' ones.
There are two ways to obtain H-scenes: Lose to certain enemies or learn a new skill from the perverted swordsma. Losing is self-explanatory, in my opinion. There's usually one scene for each area, so it shouldn't be difficult to discover the normal version of those.
You will need red crystals to train with the perverted swordsman. First the small ones, you get those for beating some monsters. To get the bigger ones you will have to bring 5 small crystals to the Town, there's a small brown house, it looks like a prison. There's a man, talk to him six times, you give him one crystal each time and once you gave him five talk to him again, he will give you a medium crystal. Now you will need ten of these medium crystals, bring them to a man in the Castle, he's at the Inn. Have fun farming... You need two small crystals for the first two scenes, two medium crystals for the next two scenes and two big crystals for the last two scenes. Or 62 small crystals, so it'd be a bad idea to sell any of them, they don't drop too often.
You will also need some special items from the bosses of the Mansion and the Bandit Hideout to advance with the perverted swordsman. Also note that all of the scenes you get aside from the perverted swordsman will vary a little, depending on whether Annie had a lot of H-scenes or few.
Well, that's all I got and I'm not really sure about what influences the H-scenes. I hope it helps a little bit. There might be a more detailed walkthrough somewhere in the thread for Saki Quest, so you can look for that if this doesn't really help you.
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