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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

with the sword in its shealt, the angel stealthy went to get close them, ready to blast them when the door get opened. Her moves dont caused any noise and the two persons were very focused on their job to turn to see around. However they just pass through the door without open it. Angie dont wasted any time and goes ther in an attempt to stop any vile action than these creaturs could try with her host, even if she was scared.

Soon she opened the door and the two masked guys turned by the door noise, as also Ashley who was at her knees looking bellow the bed for a third time. Knock first angie. Kyaaaa! Kidnaper !!!!!! She scream as the two figures were close her ready to trap her in a net, but they looks to be confused as the angel girl get close them suddenly at theirs back.

The angel sended her holy magic to them, but one get in middle and take the bullet for the team. Meanwhile the other throw its net to Ashley who continue scraming and struggling to get free only to get more trapped in the net. The shadow creature have a hold on the net as it draws a little iron staff and prepare to fight the angel or find a way to escape. Meanwhile the damaged mask guy still looks to be with energy to fight, as Ashley tried to call for help screaming a loud for a guard or villager and only having a box shoes opened close her hand to use as a weapon if she gets free.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As soon as Angie was up behind the duo, she unleashed her energy only for one of them to quickly jump in front of the other and take the blast, which didn't take him out like she'd hoped, but he was quite hurt from the looks of it. Quickly moving in, Angie swiped the sword out of its sheath and across the net to cut it open enough for Ashley to get free as she held out her other hand again and blasted again, this time at the one holding the net as he drew out his small iron staff.

"You will not have her you beasts, she is under my protection and I will lift this curse upon her and she will be free of it once and for all by the time I'm through," Angie said, putting as much power into her voice as she possibly could to try and scare them either away or into giving up, a serious look of anger on her face, one that Ashley wouldn't have seen before as she sent forth a deadly wave of energy, putting in more power than she had done before and not trying to hold back to try and knock them out now since they knew she was there now, knowing that she couldn't afford to do so.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Trying to free the girl from the net, Angie get closer and as started to prepare the sword to open the net, she tried to shoot at the two guys. But suddenly the staff of one hit her hand down, making her hit the floor with her blast. Soon Ashley could see her dinner room from her room. Ahhhhh!!!! The girl scream in frustration for the damage at her room. Fortunately the net get opened but Angie receive a hit on her head by one of the kidnapers.

Hey stop fighting at my house!!! She shout and throw one of her heels from the box to the man close them. The impact was brutal and it make him fall at his back by the painful huge heel. My mom buy me like a hundred of these craps and i will not doubt on throw them all to both if is needed The two man dont desist and soon one jump at them, dodging another magic from Angie. The two were trying to make them get uncouncious by hitting theirs bodies and it was working on Ashley who was close to pass out before shoot her wave hurting both and breaking the window in the process.

Angie 2/5

masked [1]
Masked2 [3]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she opened the net for Ashley while trying to blast her foes, Angie's hand was smacked downwards, causing her magic to blast into the floor, busting through the house somewhat, which she hadn't intended on doing but the situation was making her emotions and energies run wild, as she'd never been in this kind of situation before and was only reacting on instinct at this point really. Thankfully she managed to free Ashley from the net enough for the girl to get out of it, but in the process she took a blow to the back of the head from one of the... things.

"AAH! You... Ashley worry about the house later please, monsters first," Angie cried in pain before calling to her friend, handing her the sword as she stepped next to her so she could defend herself, able to easily tell what these things were trying to do, as they had blunt weapons and were obviously not trying to kill them both. "Away with you fiends, you will not have her. I may not be at my full power, but I should still have more than enough to defeat you both. Ashley, if this doesn't work, then run and leave me, it's my duty to protect mortals whenever I find them in danger," Angie said as she powered herself up, first to the... whatever these things were, and then to Ashley as she began focusing every bit of her energy to make sure she didn't destroy anything but her enemies with what she was about to do, none of the house and especially not Ashley, using only her holy magics with this.

As soon as she'd focused herself for a second or two, taking a deep breath and letting it out, Angie sent forth a wave of her holy energy forth from her body, ensuring that these things couldn't possibly dodge it at this close a range and making it extend into a bubble shape throughout the room to hit them, though she was sure that it would drain a bit more of her energy to do this than if she just sent a bolt or something at them, she felt she had no choice if she wanted to defeat these things and save not only Ashley, but now herself as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im sure than i can complain about my room and help you to beat these things at the same time. Ashley asnwer back to Angie as the two continue fighting. The two creatures move to both sides so the angel could not hit them at the same time or defend, as one of them continue hurted from the flying shoe.

Fortunately the angel words give some time. Im trying, but im a little tied at my legs answer Ashley when the angel ask to leave her if all goes wrong, she mumble and struggle to cut the remain of the nets to be completely free and just when a masked man tried to hit one of the girls she stop the hit with the sword. Hey that hurts a lot, you know it? stop hitting us with your sticks. she skilliful make him get away with a sudden move of the sword and continue trying to get free.

All this give time enough for Angie to unleash all her power hitting both masked creatures who soon turned into purple fire. Ah you... you desintegrate them! Ashley scream as she tried to check her body and her whole room. You could had killed me by mistake or destroy my room, the next time go out the house to fight them if possible. With the fight ended and Ashley affected by the fight they could now just leave the house once the girl drink some water and unfortunately for her decide to wear some heels as maybe her mother take her shoes the last night.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

After she passed the sword to Ashley, Angie saw the girl block a blow from one of the things and push it away as she herself built up her energy to unleash on them. Thankfully Ashley's defense gave her the time she needed to get her energy focused properly where she released it outwards in a wave in every direction at her enemies. Her attack completely disintegrated their foes and left the room untouched as well as Ashley thankfully.

"S-Sorry about that... Ashley... but I saw the damage I caused... with those first attacks... and focused my energies to... prevent any more damage. It took a bit out of me though... I need to sit down... and catch my breath before we go... to the lake okay," Angie panted to Ashley, completely out of breath after that blast she'd sent forth as she fell down flat on her butt, where Ashley would easily be able to see it had taken a lot out of Angie for the moment to do that and keep from causing any more damage to both the house and Ashley. "I need something to drink... and don't worry Ashley, I should be able to repair the damage here with my magic once I've regained a little more of my strength and recovered a little after that," Angie added, standing back up once more that she'd caught her breath a little, where she went downstairs and got a glass of cool water to drink, beckoning Ashley to follow her so they weren't alone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Well i suppose than is not your fault... dont had try it from the start, lets hope than nobody notice the death of these bugglars, i maybe would preffer to die than go to prision. Ashley say as she gets up and check the sword for a moment before play with it as a child with a toy before return it to the angel. I never expected than the swords could be so easily lifted with a hand, maybe is fake or the tales of my mom arent true. Its the first time than i use one of these things, you know "these things are just for boys" once a time my mom get pissed when i used a stick and play with some kids at the street, as punishment she teach me to sew and clean the house... sigh... Anyway lets get out here and of course than you should repair all this before my mother come or she will decide to restyle my favorite floor with a girly pink color. Ashley ended to say as she leave Angie go with her to take a drink, the noble girl was also a little white after the fight, but her aura and the one of sword had increased a lot until she return the sword to the angel.

Ashley takes a drink from a fruit juice and gives a glass vase to Angie to drink some water, then she placed the glass on the desk and goes up to finally resign herself to wear a 5 inch heels the lower than she had and then take a time to fing her baghand. Geez, im sure than my shoes were taken when we were sleeping, i cant also find our weat clothes, lets hope than my mother dont notice the damage on your dress. Ashley say as she looks to be annoyed by her shoes sounds than she produce with each step, she was nearly dressed to have a date, what it was not her intention, once Angie gets up to repair the mess, she would notice than the wardrove of the girl was nearly filled of night dresses and formal clothes for dates and celebrations, there was not any remain of the girl childhood clothes and for what it looks mostly all the dresses were completely new as also mostly of all the shoes at the boxes.

Angie tried to repair the damage on the room, but even with her best try these attempts only caused a low repair level on the floor and window, mostly all her powers havent get restored and she could not do more than paste in a low rank level the remains of the destroyed objects. Soon the young woman lock her door and then when they get out her house, she would not carry anything more than her bag unless Angie say something.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I don't think those were burglars honestly Ashley, I believe they were monsters. Didn't you notice you couldn't see their legs? I noticed that right off myself, so we shouldn't have to worry about it, besides it was in self defense," Angie said as she took the sword back from Ashley and sheathed it. "I'll keep this with me for now just in case okay, and it is a real sword, but I think its magical somewhat is why it's so light. And there are plenty of female angels that use swords, my papa was one of them, and a couple of my friends use them too," Angie added as she looked around for something to tie it around her waist, heading back to check the room she got it from for a sword belt to wear it on so she need not carry it the whole way.

Once back downstairs, Angie took the glass vase that Ashley had given her and rinsed it out, where she then filled it up about halfway and drained every drop from it. "Hmm... does your mother know magic any? She may have been the one to take our clothes off like that if she's that insistent on you getting married, where she'd have noticed my... you know, penis, and she may have done that... if she knows magic I mean and could do it without moving our bodies much," Angie asked before starting back up the steps, her energy now recovered mostly from what she'd expended on the fight earlier.

Once back upstairs, she began focusing her energies to repair the damage she'd caused to the house, which she wasn't able to repair completely unfortunately, but surely it would suffice until she could regain more power after coming here. At least it fixed the walls and floor, as well as the window she'd broken enough so they were sealed now, where she figured she could fix the rest later after everything was over and done with. Following Ashley on out of the house, where the girl locked up behind them, Angie followed her along towards the lake. "Ashley... may I ask what that was you had last night when we first met? The thing you had in your bag that you wouldn't tell me about I mean," Angie asked as they went along the road towards the lake, curious if it was a weapon or not because if it was a weapon then Ashley would be armed at least in case things went south when they arrived at the lake.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Eh? how the heck they dont had legs? Ashley nearly get scared by the sudden info of her foes. Anyway, they are...dead or whatenever a monster is when you destroy it. The girl rubs her forehead and sit at her bed to calm herself. Yes, you can have that rusty sword for a while, but lets hope than nothing bad happen to it or my mom notice than it is not at its place, fortunately the room always is closed so all will be fine for a while. Said this she gets her path toward the kitchen.

There she wait for the angel to get recovered, but she could not stop to laught after what Angie said. Oh please...hah... i know than she could be a witch sometimes but that was just so... hahahaha The girl press her chest and laught a little more at the floor until calm herself after some minutes. uff...good one Angie...ah i feel better now after what happened at my room. Look, if she could know magic we would not be in these monetary problems and she would not pass all the day outside trying to buy me things to wear to get married. Gods she could even dont need to get out the house and we could be living a high class life. Also, if she caused all that problem at the morning, then she would put at risk my virginity and mostly my price would drop for her, as a virgin woman would be more wanted for a noble, so even if by miracle she know magic she would be mostly against both of us sleep together if she see your big secret.


Like yesterday, i have just useful normal things for a lady as myself at my bag, Angie. Why would need anything else with my Guardian Angel at my side? The girl say with a noble tone, mostly still hidden what she used to defend herself that night. This talk was inside the town as they walk with care at a nearly hidden path toward the gates of the city, just passing from the gates, Ashley blushed and increase the speed, having some problems to do it thanks to her heels. Cover yourself with your wings, Angie...your dress is a little translucid. the noble whisper to the angel as both could see some guards outside the gats making some talk between them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well they were monsters, or spirits of some sort, which could explain it I suppose, other than that I don't really know. I've never encountered anything like that before nor read about it, so that's all I can think they might have been, is spirits I mean," Angie said to Ashley when she looked scared about the things that'd attacked them, closing the door to the trophy room or whatever it was called so Elizabeth didn't notice quite so easily that the sword was gone.

When Ashley began laughing about what Angie had said about Elizabeth, Angie found herself giggling a bit too, finding the whole thing as absurd as Ashley seemed to. "Well I suppose you're right for the most part, but if she did see my thing here, then maybe she would have gotten the thought that having you with an angel like myself would be worth more than anything around here, even if I don't have any money or anything," Angie replied with a giggle, unable to not see how silly it sounded now.

She merely sighed when Ashley wouldn't tell her what she had in her purse, but she smiled and felt really good when Ashley asked her why she'd need anything when she had her guardian angel to protect her, her wings fluttering happily at Ashley's words. As they got to the gates of the town, Angie blushed when Ashley told her to cover herself with her wings a bit so the guards didn't see her, which she did quickly before they got within sight of them. After they were past, Angie followed Ashley to the lake, keeping herself ready to defend her new friend on a moment's notice as they traveled.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

What the... are you saying than this house is hunted? Can we just say than they weer just some buglars, its already enough to have this curse and strange dreams. Ashley say at her room, showing her intention of dont talk more of ghosts or spirits moving at her own house. About the room, Ashley lock it so her mother could not find out than someone has unlock it, for what it looks the purple haired girl have some thief skills than she has earned at her life.


Oh please, she was drunk and lets be sincere, you could leave any day and if i would had lost my virginity in the morning, i could had hurt you baddly in a blind rage, but dont be sad, i preffer you over the many dates than i had all these times. Ashley ended to say huging friendly the angel and then both prepare to leave to check the lake.

Once at the gate, Ashley suddenly notice how Ashley place her bag behind the angel, blocking the place of the sight of the many guards as they pace, act than make them a dissapointed sighfrom many of them, even some pleading for more or say to the noble to get out the way. Sigh,men.

The path than they take was different of the one than the fishmen take to use the lake and the other than the merchants use to travel across the towns, they needed to take a shorcut across the forest what made them heard some strange noises far at the distance from time to time, fortunately mostly all the creatures than could be dangerous were resting so there was not any problem until suddenly something come out from a hole and went direct trhough the angel dress. It was a large yellow tentacle, its body has grapped the angel leg and right arm, as the point tried to get inside the girl mouth, as Angie struggle and Ashley get recovered by the surprise, a darth went flying and hit the noble girl hand bag who was placed at her rear in that moment. What the...? Angie, let me help you , we must to get out of here now!! The girl was startng to get scared as her hands tried in vain take away the slimy apendage than started to break the dress.

Angie 4/5 grapped 1/10 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well I wouldn't say your house is haunted exactly, though it could possibly be I don't know to be honest, at least not without checking it thoroughly. But spirits can come from outside as well, maybe a nearby graveyard or just anywhere really. And we shouldn't call them something they were not, it makes people unprepared for what may come... or that's what my papa always told me anyway," Angie said as Ashley locked the door back to the trophy room.


"Well I would be a little angry too I suppose, because I'm still pure as well. I... I confess I know next to nothing about making love other than a couple of my friends telling me that it involved getting naked and kissing a lot. As well as my parents telling me that me having such a large penis was good and stuff like that when I asked them about it, but like I said before I don't see why to be honest. They just told me that I'd learn it in time and that it was something I needed to learn for myself really," Angie confessed with a blush as they started through town towards the gates, accepting Ashley's hug when she'd said what she did about possibly hurting her badly if her mother had done that and they'd made love as a result.

Once at the gates and after she pulled her wings around herself after Ashley told her to do so, Angie saw the guards staring at her as she passed and shyly looked around and noticed them looking at her backside which Ashley stepped to block from view with her handbag. She noticed the guards looking a little let down by this action and even heard a couple telling Ashley to move out of the way. She was wondering what they were doing exactly as Ashley sighed, where she looked over at her. "Um... what is it? What were they looking at exactly Ashley?" Angie asked curiously after they were past the guards and out of town, as she didn't really understand why they were looking at her back. Maybe they liked her wings or something and wanted to see them, she idly thought to herself.

She followed Ashley onwards, apparently taking a shortcut through the woods instead of staying on the main road to the fishermen took to the lake or the one they'd come along the night before when she'd come down from the heavens, and Angie assumed it was the way that Ashley had taken to the lake when she found out about her curse. Along the way, the strange sounds she kept hearing were worrying her somewhat, but she tried to not let it show much so Ashley didn't go into a panic or anything herself. After a short while, while she was looking around her, Angie didn't notice the hole near her feet where a yellowish tentacle shot out before it was too late, where it had already coiled about her right leg and arm as it slipped into her dress somewhat as the tip of it aimed itself at her mouth, trying to force itself inside.

Angie struggled, not daring to open her mouth to say anything back to Ashley any at all for the moment, at least not until she had broken free of the thing. She also noticed in her own panicked struggles an arrow or something of the sort shooting out and hitting Ashley's handbag. With her left hand, Angie quickly grabbed the sword and swung it downwards at the tentacle holding her, trying to force it to let her go by hitting it further down towards the hole. If she was able to break free, then Angie would grab a hold of Ashley and flap her wings powerfully, flying them both up and into the air about ten feet or so before gently coming back down and softly touching down on the ground about five yards away or so, however far they needed to keep it from coming out at them again.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Yes, we should try to sleep in different beds from now on, just to avoid that of happen. Ashley asnwer at the dinner room, ending that talk.


Outside the town, Ashley take her time to answer maybe waiting to be far away of the guard sight. Your rear, the dress give a great view of it with the sunlight, after all my mom buy me this to sleep... maybe to use it after get married. The purple girl said it poking softly the angel well endowed back side. Or could be your back and wings, i dunno you have a good body for them i guess, dont worry. Ashley said in order than Angie could understand what was happening and could defend herself in the future if she gets alone.

Time later at the battle, Angie tried to take the sword and cut the creature, but the creature was making enough force to make her lost the balance so she could not hurt the creature with it, she tried to cut it to make it free her, but this move her the enough to miss her blow, the sudden move make her half open her mouth and the creature pass her teeth, thrusting many times leaving a sweet flavor on Angie's mouth before the girl could hurt the creature who manage to endure the pain and continue until it release a strange fluid deep inside her throat, the potent seed made her soon feel warm between her neithers and her limbs were more heavy to move, tasting the fluid it really was slighty addictive as her hormones get increased abrupty.

Meanwhile Ashley tried to hurt the creature, even bitting it andattempting to pull it away of the angel, kicking the base of the monster, yet still giving space to Angie to continue slashing the creature. The many moves made her avoid another attack than pass for inches from her petite body, but a third one manage to rear her rear making her squeak and check what hurt her. From where this thorn come from? ouch... it hurts baddly. Ashley mutter as she start to pull away the spine.

Angie 2/5 4AP [grapped]
Ashley 4/5 2AP

Tentacle hole 2/4

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"They were... looking at my butt? W-Why? Is there something on it?" Angie asked as Ashley gently poked her butt, looking over her shoulder back at her own butt as best she could, sounding a little amazed that those men were staring at her butt, or probably were anyway.


As she swung the sword out and at the tentacle holding her, she found it jerking her to the side a bit and causing her to miss her swing on it. She grunted a little as she was jerked to the side, which caused her mouth to open just enough apparently for the tentacle to force its way inside where it began thrusting in and out of there, a strange yet sweet flavor coming from the thing. She managed to eventually strike the yellow tentacle, but as she did something spurted out of the tip of it directly into her mouth, which it forced her to swallow or choke on it, the stuff almost instantly causing her body to heat up a little, especially between her legs. At first she thought she'd been poisoned by whatever this thing was, struggling as much as possible in the process to try and get free so she could make herself vomit whatever it was back up, but she found the taste strangely addictive and her body wanting more of it for some reason, and whatever this stuff was, it was making her limbs weak and harder to move around for some reason, so she knew she needed to break free, and fast, else who knew what it would do to her.

Angie saw Ashley doing everything in her power to free her from the tentacle, even going so far as biting the thing in an attempt to free her, another little dart barely missing her butt in the process. Angie knew that the sword wasn't going to do her much good there, so she struggled around and nudged Ashley with her foot and handed the sword to her as she tried to simply pull free now, aiming her hand at the hole and sending forth a magical blast of energy directly into it at whatever this thing was exactly. She couldn't talk at the moment, so she could tell Ashley to just back away and protect herself like she was wanting to do, though she did feel a bit better that Ashley was trying to help her as much as she was. If Ashley looked up at Angie, she would see tears forming in the angels eyes as she struggled to get free and prepared to blast her energy down into the hole.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The struggles and attempts to give the sword to Ashley made her lost her chances to get free her mouth from the crature invasion, son more of the warm fruid get inside her body, making her starting to droll and softly moan instintively, the sudden pleasure source made her miss a little the attempt to lend the sword making it fall a little away of her. Ashley notice the little touch coming from the angel and this made her try to get the sword but Angie's body squirm and throw the sword a little away of them so soon Ashley move to get it, dodging another thorn from miracle.

The creatures started to tease even more the angel with soft rubs and wraping her manlike erect member, gropping her breasts bellow her translucid dress and caresing even her already soaked pussy. She shoot her magic but this was so weak than only light the place close the tentacle, dont harming it at all, more fuid was coming inside and her tongue betray her as she start to lick and suck the creature head until suddenly this stop of move and let the angel fall at the floor. Nearly in a strange bliss, Angie notice the creature body remain inert at the floor once ashley had slay it in a single blow. So strange, it was as if i used a knife to cut some butter, her words were stoped when another proyectil pass close her. Who the heck is shooting these thorns?

With the tentacle dead they could just continue their path or check what was still attacking them, yet Angie was really tired after her sudden fight with the strange creature.

Angie 1/5 8ap extremely aroused and tired
Ashley 4/5 2ap

tentacle hole dead
??? still alive

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie's struggles proved fruitless as she tried to pass the sword to Ashley, the tentacle in her mouth not stopping in its thrusting and causing her body to heat up even more so as her body, causing her to twitch as she tried to hand off the sword to Ashley, which made the sword fall a few feet away. She could feel the thing coiling around her penis and squeezing it as it began stroking it, making her hips jerk uncontrollably while it simultaneously began groping her breasts and rubbing against her own pure virgin flower, which was soaked with fluids. Angie could feel her mind beginning to blank out on her as she shook her head, trying to throw the fog that was steadily growing within it away and failing to do so as she tossed her spell out, barely managing to even light the hole up that the creature was in, let alone hurt it.

She felt her mind starting to seize up on her as her body began moving of its own accord, her tongue willingly licking as her mouth suckled on the tentacle's head to coax out another spurt of that delicious fluid for her to drink. However before that could happen, the creature suddenly stopped and released her, where she fell to the ground, her body very weakened after all of that. She saw that Ashley had grabbed the sword she dropped and had stabbed the thing to death through the hole, freeing Angie from its grasp. Shaking her head a bit to clear the fog within, Angie looked around to where the last dart came from as Ashley asked who was shooting at them still, where Angie focused as best she could to try and either hit and knock out, or at least illuminate whoever or whatever was still attacking them so that Ashley could see them and deal with it.

"S-So weak... body burning up," Angie panted as she unleashed her next wave of energy.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Even at her weak state, the young angel sended a possible last spell toward the place where the darts come, the light remain on a well size and hit the target, making get free a girl groan as someone fall from a far tree. Both girls notice a small young girl with a long fluffy tail and a small green cloth, the girl have a short size sienna hair tone, and she loks to be using some kind of dart shooter of the size of her hand. The monster girl looks still drowzy by the fall and slowly get up crawling away.

Hey come here and face us, you little scum, its not so funny be the one who receive the hits, isnt? Ashley scream ready to make the little monster girl pay for what she was trying to do to them.

little monster girl: crawling away

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Despite being so weakened from the yellow tentacle monster just moments before, Angie managed to throw her spell out at the trees where the darts were coming from, knocking a little monster girl out of the tree the darts were coming from. Ashley she saw was heading towards the little monster girl, obviously intent on hurting her more so than Angie had, where Angie jumped up, ignoring the pain and arousal as she flapped her wings powerfully and flew straight at past Ashley to the little girl, scooping her up in her arms and smushing her in between her breasts to subdue her for questioning later... mainly why she was attacking them like she was.

"No Ashley, don't hurt her, capture her," Angie called as she flew past Ashley. "Come here you little devil, I'm going to give you a spanking if you don't stop," Angie cried at the little monster girl, whom she thought was adorable to say the least, but now was not the time to get distracted.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Well, i was just close to give her some spankings myself, with this sword of course. The noble girl answer back with a menacing tone as she walk toward the little girl.

The small kid was really affected by the fall, maybe even hurt, but this looks to dont affect her to try to get free and move faster when she notice the winged girl fly to get her, it takes a little more of effort for Angie to catch this critter but at the end the little girl ended trapped between her ample blossom. Let me go! Let me go! I was just playing and i even just hit that human a time. The girl said nearly crying scared of receive some spankings.

What about the damage at my bag and that creature on the floor? Ashley said as she get closer, not having a good patience with this little girl who looks like a five years old kid.

I dunno, i was using it to train my shoot skills and then both appear, please let me go!!!! My leg hurts and also my hand, please call my mom...wahhh Mommy!! The girl suddenly start to cry aloud and make signs of be heavily damaged in her limbs.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Little one, please don't cry, I'm not really going to spank you since you're hurt, and Ashley here won't either. But you shouldn't just shoot your blowgun at people like that okay, because it isn't nice and you could have really hurt us, or worse caused us to not be able to defeat that creature. Now please be still and I'll heal your hand and your leg okay," Angie said softly, but sternly as she scolded her a little, though the expression on her face changed to a much softer one, but even though the blush was still on her face from her arousal, she wouldn't let that stand in the way of her healing a hurt child, her pure and angelic instincts to help those in need overriding any sense that this little rascal may be tricking her. "And Ashley it was only a couple of little darts that hit your bag, nothing that can't easily be mended or noticed really, but I can heal your butt if it hurts that much," Angie said to Ashley as she pulled the little girl out from between her breasts where she had her smushed into to keep her from squirming free.

Angie set the girl down in her lap as she sat down herself, asking which hand and leg were hurt, where she then checked them, being gentle so as not to hurt her any more than she said she was. Pushing forth her healing magics, Angie healed the little girl's hand and leg up and leaned down to kiss them both. "There you go little one. Does it feel better now?" Angie said to the girl as she looked at her with a kind smile on her face. "Can you answer a few questions for me please? Firstly, what's your name little one? And what are you exactly? I can tell you aren't human, but I'm not entirely sure what. And why were you out here all alone in such a dangerous place without your mother? I'm sure she's worried sick about you. Also where is your mother? We'll take you to her on our way to the lake, but you must promise to be a good girl okay, else I'll tell your mother you were bad and shot darts at us and even hit poor Ashley in the butt with one when we get there," Angie went on to ask the girl, getting a little stern, but not sounding angry with her so as not to scare her or anything.

Once that was done, Angie looked to Ashley and told her to come there and she'd heal her butt where the one dart hit her, telling her to pull her panties down so she could see the spot that was hit and heal the correct area, kissing the affected area after healing it up. "There you go Angie, all better now," Angie would tell Ashley after healing her butt, where she stood back up with the little monster girl in her arms, carrying her along to wherever she said her mommy was and hoping it was near to the lake so they could both head closer to the lake and take the girl home before she got herself into trouble with someone that wasn't as kind as her.