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An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley awoke, and quickly fought through the pain. She tried to look up, to see where her friends and allies were, and felt her bonds. That almost certainly meant that they had lost. Or at least allowed her to be taken captive. The best plan - the only plan that occurred to her - was to pretend she was still asleep, while she tried to silently see more details of her circumstance. But before sight, touch. She could feel her gun still in its holster at her hip. That was a positive, though it required freeing her hands before it was much use. And while there was pain all over her body, as best she could tell she hadn't been raped. All positive so far.

But before she could crack her eyes and take a look around the room, though, her captor spoke, breaking her illusion that she could feign continued unconsciousness. "She's waking up! And it looks like the other one is too. They're the last of their group left, lets let them join the party!"

Fuck. Ashley snapped her eyes open, giving up the deception. The room was small and apparently organic, as were her bonds. Or at least her bonds were organic - it took no great imagination to see what those tendrils might be used for, and some of them were more then large enough that Ashley suddenly wished she could shut off her imagination. At least they didn't seem to be leaking the foul slime over her skin. So despite her active imagination (somehow she doubted the 'party' the creature spoke of involved dancing or music or alcohol) she was only minimally aroused.

Her captor was... strange. That was the only word. Not terrifying, except in the power she held over the nude and bound women. Too alien to be properly sexy. And covered in the aphrodisiac slime of the invaders, but thankfully not yet in contact with the captured women, leaving their minds free for the moment. She spoke again, questioning. "Welcome back to the land of the living, natives. Are you prepared to be shown the error of your ways?"

There were two possible answers, to Ashley's mind: play along or fight back. Both almost certainly ended with her being raped inside a minute, so there would be no playing along. She turned her head to Chole. "What do you think she means? My bet is on 'better armor and attack the flying one first'." Meanwhile she fought against her bonds with all her strength, hoping it wasn't entirely futile.

I'll go ahead and spend my EXP on... maximize spell! No more freaking 1's for damage!
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe winced from the pain of tender muscles as she slowly opened her eyes. Taking in the full view of their situation her heart skipped a beat and she had to force down the urge to panic. There were tendrils every where and the creature in front of her had them growing out of its err her head it was almost to much for Chloe. Hearing Ashley's voice helped steady her nerves and turned her head to meet the other mages gaze. She smiled at Ashley "Yeah maybe that or burn the whole forest down before looking for trouble. As for the greeting back to the land of the living I would have rather passed into the spirit world then have a wake up call from that." she motioned her head towards the female invader.

Chloe was also following Ashly's lead and trying to break her bonds. If I can get free she thought maybe I can distract it long enough for Ash to use her gun. If not then at lest I will go down fighting.
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60)
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Sealed (DC = 60)

Neither Chloe nor Ashley made any headway in breaking out of their bonds, unsurprisingly. Their greeter seemed more confused by their response than anything else, and glanced between the two with an expression suggesting that she didn't understand. Seeing them struggling, however, she said; "Oh, trying to escape will get you nowhere, I assure you. Even if you broke from your bonds, you are in the heart of our power now. You have nowhere to go.... Until your conversion, of course." She turned around, and the tentacles seemed to slide along the walls of the room as they were carried along behind her. "Come! Your comrades are being converted as we speak! Some may have already been extracted for processing!" She said excitedly, showing far more emotion than they might have expected from a slave of the invaders.

The wall opened up before them, parting like a curtain to reveal a massive orgy, not only their friends but two dozen others from the Academy in the middle of it, being abused by the invaders and their minions.

Nina and Jenn were the first they saw, not far off. Both were surrounded by hunters, and had a cock in every hole and both hands as they seemed to be working to pleasure their captors exuberantly. Both of them were already leaking and covered in cum, but showed no signs of stopping. Tesnya and Angelica were seen next, both of them in the grasp of one of the alien women like the one that they had woken up to, tentacles stretching out from their flesh and violating the obviously eager women. They were covered in slime, and as magically attuned as Ashley and Chloe were, both could see the girl's souls being swiftly drawn out of their bodies, their essences already dangerously weak. Finally, they passed the three men in their group, Charles, Aren and Roland. They had their arms and legs held by tentacles, and each was surrounded by a trio of slime-covered but otherwise human women. Each of them had their eyes rolled up into the backs of their head in ecstasy, and were covered in the alien's slime that their attackers were emitting, while two of the women nibbled on the flesh of their necks, and the third knelt in front of them, their heads bobbing swiftly as they literally sucked their souls out.

Ashley and Chloe were quickly separated, the ones holding Chloe taking her aside and then simply leaving her for a moment, while Ashley was still following along behind the alien woman. A few moments later, Ashley found out why she had been taken so far, as she was released and left to fall to the fleshy floor beneath with a plop..... Right in front of one of the floating beings. "He demanded you personally! "Stormcaller" he called you. I'm not really sure what that means." The things tentacles were already reaching for Ashley, but they stopped just short of her as the alien woman turned and walked away. She had been left in an alcove with this thing, and her magic was still sealed... Though she still had her gun in its holster at her hip, if that was any comfort. It seemed to be momentarily hesitating for some reason, but Ashley doubted that she would have more then a few seconds to attempt something, however futile it might be.

Meanwhile, the woman that she had awoken to quickly returned to Chloe, slimy tendrils already snaking out of her flesh and slowly wrapping around her body. "Ahhhh, and you're all mine, my sweet. Are you excited to join the fold?" She said, and her tentacles wrapped around Chloe's thighs, the slime immediately causing her body to heat up rapidly with arousal.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe's stomach turned when she entered the hall with the on going orgy. It twisted into a knot when she passed Nina and Jen remembering her captors words. If she had just hit with her spells then they might have not ended up in this situation. Despair began to eat at her and she couldn't shake the thought that this was some how her fault.

Left alone by her captor for a moment Chloe couldn't help shed a few tears of frustration and despair. Having started crying she couldn't stop before her captor/rapist made her appearance again. "Ahhhh, and you're all mine, my sweet. Are you excited to join the fold?" Chloe looked at the alien creature with tear stained eyes and choked down a sob and gave a short bitter laugh. "Excited to join the fold PLEASE!. If I wanted to join your fold I would have surrendered the moment one of your filthy minions laid his tendrils on me." Chloe felt a fire grow in her and decided that if she was going to made into a soulless puppet she was going to at lest vent while she could. "Look around you all these people are only her because you made them. Do you honestly think any of them would be here if they had a choice to begin with. They seem to be enjoying themselves now but only do to that aphrodisiac that your covered in."

Chloe pauses a moment to catch her breath and rally her will against the slime. An idea was starting to form in mind. When she was younger her magic would often run rampant do to high emotional states and would often lash out uncontrolled. If she could work herself in to a fervor she might just unleash enough of the latent wild magic to help break the seal on her.

"I be you don't even know how to make love to a woman. Out of all the creatures in the world I'm going to get raped into oblivion by something that probably spawned from a sac of goo. Chloe was breathing heavly. I bet you don't even have a name. How pathetic some nameless slave no better than a wild animal thinks I would want to join its fold or even be excited about it." Chloe looked at the alien with disdane. "At lest a demon would know how to make love to a woman, make her want it so bad that she would willing to anything for it. All you have is your goo and tendrils. Your existence is meaningless and I'm ashamed to have been defeated by you lot."

Chloe doubted her words had any real effect on her alien rapist but then again it wasn't for its benefit. Chloe could feel her anger and frustration her sadness and fear. She hoped it would be enough to at lest give her an edge to her magic and baring that she at lest had her last moment of vocal defiance.

(Attempting to break the sealed status if you need a spell Ill be casting my level 4 emination Quake of Agony)
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley tried not to look at her friends as they passed. They weren't fighting back, seemed in fact to be enjoying pleasuring their captors and rapists. Having felt the effects of the slime herself Ashley knew it wasn't their fault, knew that it almost certainly wouldn't be long before she joined them, but that didn't change the horror of the image. It made it worse.

"He demanded you personally! "Stormcaller" he called you. I'm not really sure what that means." They knew. They knew she was the one that had made the storm. Somehow she didn't think that this would result in less care taken to ensure she didn't escape. Between that shock and her churning stomach after seeing her friends, she didn't bother to respond to the 'woman' who was escorting her.

Thinking fast, wondering how she could turn the invader's knowledge of her power to her advantage without access to that power, Ashley was surprised to find herself suddenly on the floor, a new set of tentacles hesitating inches from her skin. That left her arms free for the moment, and there was the gun at her hip, for what good it would do. She carried a revolver for times when her magic failed her, after a previous humiliating and painful lesson about what it was like to be without her magic in the presence of enemies. She might be able to draw it now, and fire once or twice before anyone could reach her, but to what end?

She could shoot the thing in front of her, but it wasn't one of the ones that had been on the 'tour', so she had no idea if a single bullet could put it down, even if she knew where to put it and was able to hit in her weakened state. And even if it died instantly, there were dozens more of the invaders in the room, and she didn't have enough bullets for all of them. A far more workable plan would be to free her allies and blast her way out with magic. But her access to magic was being blocked, and even if she managed to free her allies most of them would want nothing but sex for at least a few minutes. But if brute force wouldn't break the barrier between her and her magic - and all her efforts since she awoke suggested this to be the case - then there was one other possibility.

Ashley's eyes darted towards Chole, and the slimy woman who was about to rape her. The same one who had awoken the two of them, and the most likely target for the being holding back their magic. She knew that she would get at most a single shot, and that even if everything went perfectly it very likely wouldn't be enough, but she had to try. She moved with every bit of speed she could muster, trying to draw, aim, and fire at the strange 'woman' all in a single motion, attempting to hit the woman's head.

At best, her shot would strike home. It would kill the woman and release the invisible bonds in addition to the visible ones on both her and Chole. Then the two of them could quickly free the others, defeating the nearby aliens, and bring their allies back to their senses. That would leave them naked and half of them drained of energy in the middle of the invaders' power... but that would still be an improvement over their current situation.

At worst, the magical bonds would remain in place, or Ashley would fail to kill the woman, or the creature might even grab her arm before she could draw her revolver. But how much worse could things get?
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60)
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Sealed (DC = 60)

Resistance (Chloe) : Failure.

Casting (Elder Lord) : Success.
Ashley has gained +24 Body.

Attack (Ashley) : Hit.
Damage: Instagibbed due to boom headshot.

Chloe's words seemed to strike a chord for the slime-covered alien woman, as a dark scowl immediately crossed her face, and the tendrils retracted from Chloe's body. "You... You dare speak to me so!? I could.... Could tear your soul from your body on a whim! Don't know how to.... I could have you cumming your puny little brains out in seconds, even without the gifts given me by my masters!" She sputtered, her confidence only present on the surface of her words, though they rung hollow to Chloe's ears. Had she been any angrier, Chloe would have expected her steam to start billowing out of her ears, but she didn't touch her again, clearly not quite sure what to do with this clearly unresisting partner. Despite her own anger, however, she couldn't even feel the energy around her in order to manipulate it, much less cast any sort of spell.

Meanwhile, Ashley quickly discovered that her plan wasn't going to work. She fumbled for a precious second with getting her revolver out of its holster, during which the tentacles twitched and slid closer toward her, such that she could feel them brushing against the tiny hairs on the surface of her skin, and droplets of that insidious poison fell upon her body and began to take effect. It could have grabbed her well before she had the time to take aim, but it didn't.

She got the woman in her sights and raised her gun, her hand shaking slightly as she aimed for the woman's head. It was a coin flip at best whether she'd hit the alien woman or Chloe. Ashley started to squeeze the trigger anyway.

That was when a single tentacle suddenly wrapped around her wrist, and some sort of magic flooded her body. Reflexively, her fingers clenched, and the gun jumped in her hands.

"I know what I'll do with you!" The woman finally replied, an insidious smile on her face. Then, the sound of the shot sounded throughout the fleshy chamber, and the woman adopted a confused expression. For a moment. Then, she toppled to the ground, a hole the size of a denarii in the side of her head.

As quickly as it had grabbed her, the tentacle around Ashley's wrist retracted, and the magic that had suddenly shot through her went with it. The seal on her powers still held, as did the one on Chloe, so something else must have placed it on the two of them. Only a few seconds worth of the slime had gotten onto her body, so the arousal burning in her loins was still only minor and easily ignored. Not so easy to ignore, however, were the elder lord's strange actions. Nor was the thing's surprisingly human voice when it somehow began to speak, though no mouth appeared on its alien head; "Your resistance is admirable, but futile." It said, as its tentacles continued to coil around Ashley's naked body, though they still refrained from touching her.

"What will you accomplish? It is over. Your old lives, and your old world are over. Embrace the future, Stormcaller. One of your talents could be of great help to our cause, and given enough time with us, you could learn to harness far more than the mere terrestrial winds." It continued, and Chloe could hear it quite plainly. She was slightly distracted, however, when one of the men in the massive orgy, thankfully not of their own party, suddenly groaned in ecstasy. The alien woman who had been on her knees in front of him continued bobbing eagerly, and Chloe could only watch in horror as the last dregs of the man's soul lost their moorings in his body. Every part of his being was lost to the alien, sucked from his body until nothing remained save an empty shell. "Another convert!" She said excitedly once she had pulled her mouth off of his cock. The man's restraints released him, and his corpse was carried off, as it was a corpse in every sense save that his heart was still beating.

"Join our cause, and you may keep your current existence. You will even be granted our gifts without having to go through the conversion process, including immortality. You will be given an eternity to master your powers, until even the storms among the stars are yours to command. Does this prospect not tempt you?" The floating tentacled being continued, as though nothing had happened.

It was then that Ashley heard a voice in the back of her mind. A voice that she hadn't heard in two years, harsh and deep, like two mountains grinding against one another. 'Do not agree to it. Assistance is on the way. Your allies will last long enough for it to arrive.' The connection broke before Ashley could offer any response, but the daemon's words still rung in Ashley's mind as the abomination before her continued; "What say you, mortal? Will you join us, or must we take from you everything that you are?"

Meanwhile, in front of Chloe, the corpse of her would be attacker was suddenly absorbed into the floor of the room. She simply sunk in, no mouth opening to swallow her. It was as if she was simply absorbed by the floor, her flesh sinking into and joining it like water. A moment later, the tentacled woman who had just stolen the soul of one of the men from the Academy approached her, grinning. This one didn't waste time in gloating, instead wrapping tentacles around her legs and breasts, and lining up two more against her pussy and anus. "Lets see if I can't make two converts in one day!"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe resisted the urge to puke and for a brief moment had wished that Ashley had hit her instead of the alien woman but the sudden pressure and burning sensation from the aphrodisiac broke Chloe from her dark thoughts and brought her attention to the new attacker.

Despite her anger Chloe could seem to manage even a brief taste of her power and she strained and struggled against her bonds to do what ever she could to keep herself away from the woman. "Ya ya ya know th th that you shouldn'ttt exercise after a meal r r r right it could c c cause cramps. P p p plus I I I probably taste terrible. Look what happened to your friend." Chloe was stuttering wither from the aphrodisiac or from fear she couldn't tell. If only she had access to her magic. This whole place was one living organism and given time she could probably kill this thing from with in but time it would seem was not on her side.

(Attempting to break her bonds if that fails giving the alien a head butt if she gets close enough)
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley looked, stunned, at the results of her shot. The alien dead and the magical bonds still in place was the worst possible outcome, but... the thing had helped her, when it could have stopped her. That was the stunning part. It was willing to let her kill one of the more powerful aliens, just as part of a recruitment speech. Demonstrating its power. Maybe it really could give what it offered. Of course, the only worthwhile use she could think of for that much power would be to throw it against the invaders, and somehow she didn't think they'd let her try that. But it was tempting... 'Do not agree to it. Assistance is on the way. Your allies will last long enough for it to arrive.'

The voice of Mathias shocked her even more then being allowed to shoot the being that had been about to rape Chole, and only the fact that she was already wearing her shocked expression stopped her from giving it away with her face. Now she just needed time. Unfortunately, Jenn and the others were already being raped, and she could see what the results would be. And for that matter there was herself to worry about as well. So far the thing had barely touched her, but it had gathered enough tentacles inches from her body that she was sure the delay between it deciding to take her and the physical act would be less then a blink. The only way to delay, at this point, was to talk.

Mathias had said her allies would hold out long enough for help to arrive, but how long would that be? The alien had said "two converts in one day" as if that was unusual, which might mean weeks... but hours also fit the description. It didn't matter, she would delay as best she could. She tried to push thoughts of rescue from her mind, on the off chance that the thing in front of her could sense it.

Ashley frowned, and lowered her gun. "If I agree, you'll give me power and I don't have to be..." she flicked her eyes towards the orgy "converted? I don't believe that, not without a cost. What do you want from me?"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 24/56, EP = 49/65, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60,) Penetrated
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Grappled, Sealed (DC = 60)

Attack: Ashley is grappled.
Aphrodisiac: 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 14, Ashley is at 12/26 Resistance.

Aphrodisiac: 6, Chloe is at 15/21 Resistance.
Grapple: Chloe can't really win these. >.>
Pleasure (Enemy) : 4 + 3 + 8 + 2 = 17, enemy is at 33/50 PP.
Pleasure (Chloe) : 5 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 18 - 8 = 32, Chloe is at 24/56 PP.
Chloe is drained of 16 EP, putting her at 49/65 EP. She also gains 48 corruption.

"All I... We desire from you is that you see reason. We do not need to use such crude methods to achieve our goals, but your kind's refusal to join in our cause gives us no other option. You could save many lives by joining with us, those of both your own people, and of ours. In return, you would be given immortality, and power the likes of which you could never have imagined. Power enough to shake the heavens, and all you would have to do is assist us in the conversion of your world." The voice of the elder lord spoke once more, sounding appealing and reasonable.

"If you will not agree to assist us willingly, then you will simply be converted along with the rest of your kind." It said warningly, and then several of its tentacles coiled around her arms and legs. She was lifted from the ground, and her legs were spread apart, any struggles she could muster insufficient to prevent it. The slime began to seep into her bloodstream, causing her heart to race and her body to flush with arousal. A single tentacle with a rounded head and a slit down the middle rose up from the floating monstrosity to join those binding her, and aimed itself at her exposed flower, not quite touching it but close enough that Ashley could feel its presence just out of reach of her sensitive petals. Its demands had been delivered, and its threat was fairly clear. Now, it was up to Ashley to decide what she would say in response.

Chloe was not so lucky as to be given a choice, and her second attacker simply laughed at her frightened words. The tendril pressed against her pussy swiftly slipped inside of her, Chloe's arousal and the slime covering it giving it ample lubrication to slime into the captive mage's tight flower. Her essence immediately began to drain from her as the alien began to feed upon Chloe's soul through the pleasure it was causing to her, and the tentacle inside of her began to writhe around within her, searching out her most sensitive spots and pressing against them. The one at her anus simply teased her, pressing against her pucker but not quite sliding past yet, instead allowing the one in her pussy to start her off. Even with how vile she found the alien woman's presence, the slime combined with the tentacle that was sliding around in her had Chloe well on the way to an orgasm, and she could already feel her spirit weakening and being drawn away.

Another tentacle coiled out and wrapped around her throat, pointing itself at Chloe's lips as it began to cut off some of her air. The tentacles holding her continued to prevent her motion, and the seal on her forehead kept her from accessing her powers, leaving the mage as helpless as her friends, who were still being raped all around her. A scream from Tesnya drew Chloe's attention there, and she could see the girl's essence slipping away as she climaxed on her rapist's tentacles, the alien woman that had been raping the tiny eastern girl was grinning widely as she said; "Looks like one more orgasm should do for this one, there's barely anything left of her soul!"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe felt a pain in her heart for Tesnya and had to resist the urge to shout at the alien woman to leave her alone knowing well that if she opened her mouth it would take just a moment for the vile creature to slam its tentacle down her throat. Instead she stopped wasting energy trying to break her bonds and focused it on keeping her mouth shut. Breathing heavily through her nose she was readying herself for the sudden plunge from the tentacle at her anus.

Through clenched teeth she said Go to hell. Tears still streaming down her face Chloe knew should rather pass out from lack of air than see what was going to happen next.

(Yeah I know she can't win the grapple checks but Chloe is not one to give up easily)
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

There was, Ashley reflected, more then one way to lose one's soul. She struggled against the thing holder her, utterly helpless as it spread her legs and positioned itself to begin raping her. If she accepted its offer and helped take over, she had no doubts about the fate of her soul. On the other hand, she had also seen for herself what would happen if she refused - they would rape her until she was broken, at which point she would serve them anyway. Given the choice between the two fates, she knew that she would choose the former.

But if that voice had truly been Mathias, and if he was telling the truth, then those weren't her choices. And if he had been right that help would arrive before her companions were lost, then help might only be seconds away. She could feel her body betraying her, the wetness between her legs responding to the sensed but unfelt presence of the tentacle waiting to plunge into her. Agreeing to help might mean she was never raped, but that assumed that the invader would take her at her word, which seemed unlikely unless they had some way of binding her to that agreement. She couldn't risk that. She would have to keep stalling, and if that didn't work... well, it wouldn't be the first time she had been raped. She spoke again, her words punctuated by gasps as she fought futilely to push back the mounting arousal, "My friends... what will you do with them?"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 27/56, EP = 30/65, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 60,) Triple Penetrated
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 45/66, EP = 33/45, Status = Grappled, Sealed (DC = 60,) Aroused, Penetrated

Aphrodisiac: 2 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 14, Ashley is Aroused and at 25/26 Resistance.
Grapple: Enemy wins! Ashley is penetrated.
Pleasure (Ashley) : 6 + 4 + 20 + 4 - 13 = 21, Ashley is at 45/66 PP.
Pleasure (Enemy) : 2 + 3 + 6 = 11. Enemy is at 124/135 PP.
Ashley is drained of 12 EP, putting her at 33/45 EP.

Aphrodisiac: 5, Chloe is at 10/21 Resistance.
Grapple: Enemy wins. The dicking continues! This time in Chloe's mouth and ass too!
Pleasure (Enemy) : 4 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 8 + 2 = 29, enemy is at 4/50 PP.
Pleasure (Chloe) : 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 18 - 5 = 38, Chloe is at 5/56 PP.
Chloe is drained of 19 EP, putting her at 30/65 EP. She also gains 57 corruption, gaining a mutation and resetting to 0.

Despite her ever growing helpless rage at the plight of her friends, Chloe couldn't resist the sensations that the alien was causing within her body. Nothing except for a giggle came in response to her suggestion to her rapist, and as expected the tendril that had been prodding against her ass began to slide into her. The lubrication from the slime that coated her combined with the aphrodisiac venom within it made the penetration of her lower hole far more pleasurable than it was painful. Unable to keep her teeth gritted together against the sudden, mind numbing pleasure, Chloe was forced to at least moan, and that was enough for a third tentacle to force its way down her throat, leaving all three of her orifices stuffed to capacity.

Her soul continued to weaken as the alien drained her, and the knot of arousal forming in her belly was undeniably growing, and swiftly too. The woman's tentacles were slowly shifting and pulsating inside of Chloe, and she could feel every tiny motion inside of her, and every rough groove along their shafts as they pistoned into her hypersensitive holes. Chloe could feel an orgasm rising within her, and she knew that in a short time it would claim her, whether she liked it or not. She could feel it building, an unstoppable tide coming to claim not only her body, but her very soul from her, and the one who would claim it was throbbing and moaning as her tendrils bucked steadily into Chloe, ready to fill her with seed even as she robbed her of her spirit.

Ashley could hear Chloe's moans from where she was, but there was nothing that she could do to help the girl. To help any of her friends. The elder lord, perhaps sensing that she was trying to stall, halted its teasing, the tip of its ridged and bumpy appendage resting against her flower. The aphrodisiacs pumping through her system intensify every touch, and her body begins to ache with need. "They will be converted, as you will be if you do not agree soon. My patience is not unlimited." It said, and for a moment Ashley thought that she had bought herself a few more seconds of not being raped.

Then, her lower lips were slowly parted, and the tentacle that had been teasing her slid into her pussy. The aphrodisiacs had left her dripping even before it had slipped into her, and her sensitive inner walls could feel every one of the bumps and ridges adorning along its length. Pleasure shot up Ashley's spine, and her flower clamped down on the intrusion without her even telling it to as it continued to go deeper and deeper, until it pressed against the entrance to her womb. Tendrils of her soul were already slipping away, and the flow of her energy going out only increased as the tendril pulled back and began to thrust into her. Fighting with all of her will, Ashley mustered enough resistance to the thrusts into her body to keep from cumming instantly, but she knew that her will wouldn't last long. Slimy tentacles were now rubbing all over her body, coating every inch of her in the poison, and two of them were beginning to rub rather enthusiastically against her chest, and a third was coiling around her neck and pressing against her lips. She wouldn't be able to talk for much longer, for multiple reasons even, but there didn't seem to be much that she could do to stop this thing other than accepting its offer to join the invaders.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley managed to avoid gasping as the tentacle pushed between her lips, but it was impossible to stop her body from responding. Her nipples hardened and became more sensitive to the touch of the two tentacles that had made it their mission to cover her breasts in the aphrodisiac slime, and she felt herself flushing with the arousal that she was trying desperately to ignore. But that paled compared to what was happening between her legs; she could feel the tentacle liberally coating her pussy with the foul chemical from the inside, all the way from her outer lips to her womb. Even if the thing pulled out now she would continue fighting arousal. But it didn't pull out. It stopped, just shy of the edge of her body and started pushing back in again. She let out a whimper of arousal through clenched teeth.

At the same time she became worried about what the rest of the tentacles might do. The one pressing against her lips was obvious, and she knew enough to keep her mouth shut. But she was also painfully aware of her ass, sure it wouldn't remain unoccupied long. Clenching her butt warred against trying to relax her flower, and the former won. Neither effort would likely accomplish much, especially considering the rate at which the aphrodisiac slime was building up, but at least a token effort was unavoidable. Obviously it was too late to stall, but Ashley nevertheless tried one last desperate attempt to earn herself a few seconds of respite. She spoke through clenched teeth, her voice going higher with each thrust while she struggled futilely against her bonds, "Won't talk... while you rape... me!"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe was losing this fight she knew it and her body wouldn't let her deny it either. Bound and gagged as she was there was little she could do but unwilling accept that this woman could do what ever she wanted to her body. Every part of her felt as if it was on fire and there was nothing she could do to stop it and then she felt it her pussy and ass seemed to contract squeezing down on the offending tendrils and holding them in a tight embrace. Chloe's eyes bulged in shock it was as if her body had adapted itself to pleasure her captor's even more. She was appalled at her bodies betrayal but saw the effect it had on her rapist almost immediately her grunts and groans grew deeper and a faint idea came to mind.

Chloe tried to give a bitter laugh she had heard of soul shattering orgasms but she doubted this is what the other woman had meant. Still the other woman was not to far off herself if she could cause her to orgasm first she might just stave off her soul from being eaten just a little longer or if she was wrong maybe speed it up even more but it was a risk she was willing to take and really the only option left to her. She could feel the aliens tendrils bucking and prodding driving her closer and closer to the inevitable climax that may draw out soul. Chloe did her best to exercise what little control over her body she did have to cause the creature blow its load and hoped by the gods that resulting orgasm would stop or at lest inhibit the aliens soul draining ability.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

(Chloe and Ashley both gain 2 mutations. What was the last thing either of you got experience for?)

"The time for talk has passed." The Elder Lord replied, its tone still disturbingly friendly. Ashley had no further opportunity to speak, however, as the tendril buried in her flower began to vibrate. Within seconds the added stimulation drove her over the edge, her soul weakening rapidly as body was wracked with orgasm. The poison flooding her body rapidly broke down the last of her will, and as Ashley came down from her first climax she found herself unable to think of anything besides fulfilling the burning need that the slime had awoken in her body, a need that her rapist seemed all too happy to fulfill. The tentacle in her flower began to pound rapidly into her, the ridges along its length making every thrust feel orgasmic in and of itself, while the one coiling around her face slipped into her mouth and another slowly pushed its way into her ass and set up similar motions to the one buried in her sex, but in opposition. Whenever one pushed in, the other pulled out.

At the same time, Chloe and her attacker rapidly approached their mutual release, the draining of her spiritual energies showing no signs of slowing or stopping despite her attempts to resist. Her rapist came first, the tendrils inside of her suddenly bulging just before they began to pump her body full of hot, burning cum. Chloe's own climax came as her womb, bowels and mouth were all filled up at once, pleasure wracking her body as her soul continued to slip away from her. Soon afterwards, the poison eroded away the last of her resistance, leaving her as nothing but a slave to her body's desires.

The orgy around both women continued, and their own rapists showed no signs of stopping. Chloe and Ashley were both forced to cum again and again, the aliens draining their souls rapidly. The rest of their companions suffered similar abuse, and moans of pleasure filled the large organic chamber as time went on. Chloe was rapidly flooded and covered in cum, her partner making no attempt to hold back her own pleasure, and her body began to bloat as she was filled repeatedly. Ashley felt the tendrils inside of her tense, and opened her eyes to see bulges flowing down each of the ones buried inside of her directly toward her. Her already stretched holes spasmed as they were spread further, and a moment later the flood started. The mage's womb filled instantly as a volcano of sperm erupted inside of it, and her bowels and mouth received similar quantities, burning hot cum flooding her completely and causing her to bloat even more than Chloe had in only a single shot.

On and on it went, the lot of them weakening to the point that they couldn't even move, but still their attackers went on, the vile slime ensuring that their victims at least seemed to enjoy every second of it. "So little left..... It looks like I'll be able to get two in one day after all!" The alien woman said, grinning broadly as her tentacles continued to piston steadily into Chloe, and the tiny corner of her mind that was still awake knew that it was true, and that any moment now the last of her essence could slip away, leaving her any empty shell. Ashley found herself in the same predicament, another peak rising within her and threatening to break her completely.

Then, for the second time that day, Chloe's attacker was shot directly through the head. And this time, she wasn't the only one.

Arrows formed of light streaked out of nowhere, each slamming into an alien and practically disintegrating the creatures into showers of blood and gore, also tearing wide holes in the walls wherever they struck. Wolves howled, and spectral beasts that were easily the size of horses hurtled into the orgy, tearing the invaders apart. Ashley and Chloe were dropped to the floor, too weak to even move, and watched as their attackers were massacred. It couldn't be called a battle, as the few monsters that attempted to retaliate were torn apart, their attacks doing nothing to the ghostly wolves and their magics doing nothing to stop the deadly arrows.

Within moments, it was over, and the living room began to shift and groan painfully. Those held by it found themselves dropping to the floor, though none of them could move very much at all, not even those who had been in the grasp of beings who couldn't drain their energies. A figure appeared amongst them, and Ashley might have been surprised to find that it was not Matthias who had come to their rescue. Instead, a woman wearing rich hunter's garb and holding a golden bow, her long auburn hair tied into a ponytail, surveyed the victims of the invaders with her emerald green eyes. Her voice rung out through the chamber commandingly, and even as weakened as the two of them were they couldn't help by pay rapt attention; "I can grant you the strength to leave this place under your own power, but you must do so immediately. Rise, and when you return to your masters, tell them that this is not a thing to be studied. It must be burned, every part of it. So do the gods command."

Energy flooded through them, and even if they were still filthy with cum they could at least walk. A hole had been torn in the side of the room, and they could see the stars hanging in the sky through it, could feel a cool breath of clean air passing over their abused bodies. The archer was walking through a different hole that one of her arrows had opened up, proceeding deeper into the vessel with her ghostly hounds gathered around her, eleven of them in all.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

I last noticed gaining experience here, post 180 of this thread and the conclusion of the second ambush (where we lost).


Ashley tensed herself, squeezing her ass tight in anticipation of another attempted penetration there, trying to ignore the mounting pleasure from the tentacle pumping in her pussy even as she involuntarily squeezed that as well. And so was completely unprepared when the next stage of her rape came not at her ass but with the phallus already violating her suddenly vibrating. Caught off guard and completely helpless in the grip of the floating Thing, she felt herself pushed into a powerful orgasm. Her toes curled, her head went back, her mouth opened for an involuntary exclamation, and the ample aphrodisiac slime covering most of her body finally overcame the last of her resistance. When the tentacle poised in front of her face made its move it found her mouth open, panting with arousal and no longer caring enough to stop it, and if the one that pushed into the star of her ass met any resistance, it was only because her ass was unused to such violation.

Ashley found herself moaning and bucking her hips in an attempt to enhance the mind-numbing pleasure rather then in a futile effort to escape, and couldn't remember why she had thought resisting was going to do anything but turn pleasure to pain. Two tentacles pushed in and out of her lower holes in counterpoint, both vibrating as their ridged lengths plumbed her depths. The one in her pussy was particularly orgasmic, every one of its ridges rubbing against the sensitive nub of her clitoris as it passed, and her second orgasm wasn't far beyond her first. Other tentacles continued to slather the rest of her body in slime, the two attending her breasts keeping her aware of their presence even with the heaven between her legs. With other tentacles still binding her and limiting her range of motion, the only thing she really had control over was her mouth. And so she kept her lips firm on the shaft of the tentacle that was enthusiastically pleasuring itself in her mouth, and ran her tongue delicately along its bottom, doing her amateur best to blow the thing.

Ashley came again and again, the beast fucking her showing no signs of stopping as her soul leaked out more and more with each new climax. Her body was growing sore, but with the slime effecting her more and more strongly as time went on she only became more frantic to increase her pleasure faster then the pain. And the damn thing just didn't seem to climax, despite all the orgasms it had forced on the mage. Then, finally, she saw a bulge making its way down each tentacle that was inside her.

As the bulge reached her pussy and ass, it stretched each already-filled orifice even wider, pushing Ashley into another orgasm with a muffled cry that cut off as the tentacle in her mouth forced her jaws further apart and began pouring cum into her mouth and forcing her to swallow or choke. Ashley swallowed as fast as she could, but even so cum flowed from her mouth and down between her breasts, the difficulties up above almost enough to let her ignore what was happening down below. But when she could finally breathe again there was no missing the oddly full, bloated feel from a bowel and womb full of cum. Some part of her wondered idly what it would be like to be pregnant.

Then all three tentacles started up again with the same pace as before, and as Ashley's body automatically resumed its part in the rhythm, a panic arose nearly strong enough to break through the will-sapping slime. The thing wasn't done, even after all that? It didn't seem likely it would stop short of filling her lithe young body a second time, and if twice why not more? Ashley didn't feel it likely that her soul would survive the time it took to cum even a second time, and the hopelessness of the situation settled on her. She was going to be a fuck-toy until her soul was gone, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. So why not just play along and enhance her pleasure until then? She started bucking her hips against the thrusts into her pussy again, and felt her body shuddering on the edge of orgasm...

And then she was on the floor, coughing as she breathed through her mouth in the first time in what felt like hours. She felt her mouth coated with as much cum as saliva, and swallowed hard, enjoying the taste. But something was wrong. Cum was pouring from her vacated ass and pussy, and nothing was fucking her. She felt her hand moving to her pussy in violation of her mind's feeble order to make her body sit up. The aphrodisiac slime started fading, and Ashley made herself sit up without even pleasuring herself, which the reawakening part of her mind thought was about as much of an accomplishment as she could expect at the moment. She looked about to see what was happening, and realized that the reason she wasn't being raped anymore was that someone had saved her. It wasn't Matthias, but somehow that wasn't surprising. The daemon was incredibly powerful, but he had stood by and watched her raped once already.

The figure was... it was hard to judge, with a mind still addled by aphrodisiac and mind-blowing sex. Tall. Bright. Female. Not a face Ashley immediately recognized. Something strange, though. Ah, right, glowing. That wasn't normal. Also accompanied by hounds, holding a golden bow, and shooting arrows of light. That probably made her some kind of goddess, though Ashley couldn't have guessed which.

Suddenly energy filled Ashley, and with her exhaustion went the last of the aphrodisiac and the clouding of her mind. She replayed the woman's words over in her mind. Yes, definitely a god, or someone who wanted to be thought of as a god. Maybe worth looking into who it was, eventually, but for now she couldn't agree with the being more. Leave immediately, and later come back and burn this fucking place to ash.

And with that, she had to remember why. It wasn't hard, not with a mouth that still tasted of cum, and with a stream of the same still running down her legs in several places. She felt humiliated and violated. Then she felt angry, and without even thinking about it began to draw in her power... but no, she couldn't do this herself. She would have to leave and come back in force. Frustration filled her, and then was crushed as she forced herself to start thinking about other people. All her friends had been in the room with her, but she couldn't remember anything after her first orgasm except what had been done to her. She looked around, and when she spotted Jenn walked delicately over to her. The wanna-be-deity had removed the pain, but somehow she still had to work to walk normally. "Anyone disagree with the glowing lady's plan, or can we get the hell out of here?"
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe's futile attempts at resistance vanished upon the aliens climax which triggered her own. The last of her will blasted away by the burning desire of her body. Her muffled moans and grunts grew louder and more insistent as if some bound inner demon of desire broke free of its seal.

Her body did its best to match the thrusting motions of her rapist but was inhibited by her bonds. Tears of frustration soon replaced her tears of fear and sorrow. She wanted this.... no she NEEDED this. Her body began to buck wildly trying to impale her self on the alien woman's tendrils flinging the copious amounts of her lovers cum that had squirted out of her over full mouth splattering the alien woman and any others that were near.

Perhaps it was the sudden willingness of her lover that sent the alien woman over the edge or maybe the taint of Chloe's body which caused it to clamp like a vice on the tendrils violating her lower holes didn't matter much to Chloe as she felt her breasts swell with the aliens climax all she cared about was the sudden growth spurt sent her over the edge again. What had once been perky A cups ballooned to at lest double Ds and proved to be to much of a temptation to her alien lover. As she removed her still leaking tendril from Chloe's mouth the excessive amounts of cum that had been sealed in spilled out onto her newly enhanced and perfectly round and full breasts. Chloe her mouth free simple said "Please more don't stop" and the alien woman was more than happy to oblige giving Chloe's new breasts their first titfuck while placing a new tendril at her mouth which she accepted eagerly.

She could feel the moorings on her soul start to slip and new that this last time would be the end of her. The rational part of her sobbed in despair while the rest of her partied on. This was the end she would never see Grace or her parents again. It was over...... but it wasn't a blinding light blew past her blowing a hole clear through her lovers face. Chloe watched in a distracted fashion as everything seemed to slow. Spectral beats and more golden arrows laid waste to all the alien creatures in the room. She didn't even know when she had fallen to the ground but hearing the words of the goddess had filled her with strength and new that no matter what she had to get out of here. Trying to stand on her feet proved to difficult as the floor was slippery with gore and cum. Her over swelling belly proved another hindrance and it wasn't until she felt two sets of arms pull her to her feet that Chloe was able to make out what was going on. Looking about it seemed their party had made it through this fresh horror and she felt tears of joy seeing that Nina and Tesyna where the ones to help her to her feet and helped her walk out of the gaping hole to the sunlit world outside.

(Well I hope Nina and Tesyna made it anyway and yes the last xp I got was at post 180)
Mutations gained Big breasts and odd hair.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Jenn was, like many others in the room, still curled up in the fetal position on the floor. Her eyes were closed, but she was rocking back and forth and sobbing, so Ashley was sure that she was at least still alive. Some others were beginning to stir around them, and Ashley could see groups forming from the former captives, likely forming along the members of their former patrols. Chloe moved off to find Nina and Tesnya, and she found both of them alright. Nina wasn't far from Jenn, and was in a similar state, though her sobbing was a bit more intense. Tesnya was already on her feet, though the eastern girl moved with a limp and a haunted look in her eyes, joining Chloe in going over to Jenn. They all noticed Angelica silently joining them, though she kept back a ways and kept her gaze diverted to the ground.

Charles walked over to join them a moment later, also limping, and Roland and Aren were following him, pointedly staring at the ground. All of them were naked, but all of them had suffered enough sexual abuse within the last hour or so that it likely didn't bother any of them too much. It certainly didn't seem to bother Charles, who stared right at Ashley as she knelt beside Jenn and said; "Do you think those two are going to be able to walk soon, or should we carry them?" He gestured toward Jenn and Nina, neither of whom had yet stirred from their sobbing.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley felt Charles's gaze on her, and felt herself trying to shrink away from it. Logically, she knew that after what had happened a little nudity was nothing to fear. For that matter, she'd been naked for a good while before the second ambush and hadn't reacted so strongly as she felt the need to now. Maybe it was the thought that he might have seen her before, writhing and begging and wanting more. She ignored it, turning her fear and resentment into anger, and turning it towards the ones who actually done this to her. She knelt down next to the sobbing water mage and tried to rouse her. "Jenn? You've got every reason to curl up and cry for a while, but we really need to get out of here. Can you do that?"

After waiting for an answer or lack thereof, she turned to Angelica and the other two from her group. "You three, find someone in each of the other groups to lead, and get people moving immediately. I'm not waiting here to get caught again."

She turned back to Jenn. If her friend could't walk, then Ashley would have to carry her. Perhaps someone else could help, but it might be better to have as many people as possible ready to fight in an instant on the way back. In which case she would have to resort to enhancement magic. She had grown more comfortable with it in her time at the Academy, but it still wasn't her favorite type of spell, and after what had just happened the feeling of something else inside her entire body it would feel worse. But to help Jenn she'd do it, enhancing her body's strength to let her lift more weight and walk with it. Of course, Jenn walking herself would be better still.

And with everyone in her group standing or carried, it would be time to leave. Who knew how long it would be before more of the invaders started pouring into the swath of destruction left by the attacking Goddess, looking to recapture those foolish enough to dawdle?

If Jenn isn't getting up, Lesser Strength (Body 2) on herself (increasing strength). That should double her strength. If that's enough to let her carry Jenn alone, do it, otherwise let Charles help.
Assuming Chole/Tesyna take care of Nina or she gets up, start walking towards the hole left when the goddess showed up.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe felt like a stone had just dropped into her stomach as knelt next to Nina. She felt horrible at what had happen to the poor girl. After all she did tell her it was going to be alright and well things weren't. She gently stroked Nina's hair and spoke softly to Nina trying to comfort her as she had done with Grace during the worst of her nightmares. "Its okay to cry we got you lets get out of here" She moved to support Nina if she would rise or follow Ashley's lead and scoop her up if need the need arose.

Sensing the spell Ashly was mustering Chloe spoke. "Ashly let me cast the strength spells you should conserve your power if more of those things show up."

(casting Strength/Magic might LV2 treating it as level 3 Favored school and Healer bonus (+21 to body if I did the math right) for up to 2 other people if Ashly doesn't want it)
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